

  • AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 208
  • About This Mac dialog, 354
  • accent color, customizing, 99
  • access controls, 175–177
  • accounts. See also user accounts
  • actions, Notification Center and, 128
  • activation hot corner, 96
  • active window, 59
  • Add Image button (Reminders), 124
  • Add List button (Reminders), 122, 123
  • Add Marker button (GarageBand), 282
  • Add Reminder button (Reminders), 122, 123
  • Add to Favorites button (Photos), 232, 233–234
  • Add to Favorites icon (Photos), 233–234
  • add-ons, 363
  • Adjust button (Photos), 247
  • administrator, 167–178
  • AIFF, as audio format, 208
  • AirDrop, 195
  • AirPlay Display feature, 94
  • AirPlay icon, 86
  • AirPort Express, 191–192, 223
  • AirPort Extreme, 13, 16, 191–192
  • AirPort Time Capsule, 105, 191–192, 360, 372
  • album, 216, 218, 236–238
  • alerts, 128
  • alias, 60
  • alignment lines (Pages), 297
  • allowed websites, user accounts and, 177
  • AMD Radeon Pro 560X (video card), 14
  • animation, application opening and, 103
  • antivirus application, 345–346
  • appearance, customizing, 99
  • Apple
    • Authorized Service Provider, 348
    • icon, 46
    • innovation of, 157
    • MacBook Support (website), 348
    • menu, 43, 46, 51–52
    • product line changes of, 9
    • Support (website), 348
    • support center, 80
    • website, 31, 80
  • Apple ID, 34, 85, 106–107, 229
  • Apple Lossless (ALAC), 208
  • Apple TV, 212
  • AppleCare, 31, 36, 356, 395
  • AppleEvents, 374–376
  • AppleScript, 374–376
  • Application menu, 46, 66
  • Application Windows corner, 98
  • applications
    • Alert Style for, 108
    • animation of, 103
    • App Limits for, 176
    • defined, 43
    • deleting, 53
    • desktop publishing, 292
    • Dock, adding to, 73–74
    • Help menu for, 79
    • icons for, 59
    • launching, 51–53
    • locked, force closing, 337, 338
    • login items for, 174–175
    • migration of, 37–38
    • notifications for, 108–109
    • porting, 84
    • printing from, 78–79
    • quitting, 53–54
    • recent, 103
    • Spaces feature and, 70–71
    • switching, 57–58, 70–71
    • synchronizing, 107
    • third-party, 92
    • troubleshooting, 343–344
    • uninstalling, 367
  • Apply button (System Preferences), 92
  • Arrangement track (GarageBand), 282–283
  • artist (Music), 216
  • Artist lessons (GarageBand), 286
  • aspect ratio, 244, 322
  • audio files, 219, 259–260
  • Audio Mute, 66
  • audiobooks, 209
  • Authorized Service Provider, 348
  • Auto button (Photos), 244
  • Auto Enhance button (Photos), 245
  • Auto Login, 180
  • AutoFill button (Safari), 142
  • Automator, 365, 374–376


  • Back button (Safari), 141
  • back up, 370–373, 387
  • background
    • customizing, 95
    • personalizing, 72, 73
    • shape (Keynote), 330
    • shape (Pages), 301–302
    • static (iMovie), 267
  • Badge App icon, 109
  • bag, laptop, 382
  • banners, notifications as, 128
  • Base Station
    • Apple, installation of, 192
    • Music and, 223
    • non-Apple, installation of, 193
    • security of, 193
    • use of, 188, 190–191, 360
  • basic search (Spotlight), 112–114
  • basic surge suppressor, 27
  • battery
    • calibrating, 33
    • external, 34
    • icon, 32
    • overview of, 11
    • power-saving features, 386
    • replacement, 34
    • saving, 32
    • Show Percentage option, 32
    • tab, 101
    • use of, 31–34
    • wireless network disabling and, 385
  • Bluetooth, 14, 160, 385
  • BookBook case, 26, 382
  • Bookmarks (Safari), 142, 145–147
  • Boot Camp, 25, 39, 349–351, 352
  • borders (Numbers), 314
  • BPM (beats per minute), 216
  • branding, laptop, 384
  • brightness, 32, 94
  • broadband connection, 196
  • Burn feature, 223–224, 287, 371
  • bus-powered, 361
  • buttons
    • Add Image (Reminders), 124
    • Add List (Reminders), 122
    • Add Marker (GarageBand), 282
    • Add Reminder (Reminders), 122
    • Add to Favorites (Photos), 232, 233–234
    • Adjust (Photos), 247
    • Apply (System Preferences), 92
    • Auto (Photos), 244
    • Auto Enhance (Photos), 245
    • AutoFill (Safari), 142
    • Back (Safari), 141
    • Bookmarks (Safari), 142
    • Calibrate (System Preferences), 94
    • Chart (Numbers), 317
    • Close, 54, 56, 58
    • Crop (iMovie), 264
    • Display radio (System Preferences), 94
    • Drive (Maps), 133
    • Edit (Photos), 234
    • Extras (TV), 228
    • First Aid, 374
    • Flag (Reminders), 124
    • Format (Keynote), 325
    • Forward (GarageBand), 272
    • Forward (Safari), 141
    • Full Screen/Maximize (Photos), 233
    • Go to Beginning (GarageBand), 273
    • History (Safari), 143
    • Home (Safari), 141–142
    • Hot Corners (Mission Control), 98
    • Hot Corners (System Preferences), 96
    • Icon view, 117
    • Import (iMovie), 253, 254
    • Info (Photos), 232, 234
    • Info (Reminders), 123
    • Library (TV), 227
    • Log Out, 181
    • Loop browser (GarageBand), 272, 273
    • Mail (Safari), 143
    • Manage Website Data (Safari), 153
    • Map Settings (iMovie), 267
    • Media Browser (GarageBand), 273
    • Media Library (iMovie), 254
    • Minimize, 56
    • New Note (Notes), 125, 126
    • New track (GarageBand), 272, 273
    • Next (Music), 209–210
    • Pause (Music), 209
    • Ping, 200
    • Play (GarageBand), 272
    • Play (Music), 209
    • Play Full Screen (iMovie), 262
    • power, 11, 30
    • Previous (Music), 209–210
    • Print (Safari), 143
    • Record (GarageBand), 272
    • Record (iMovie), 257
    • Repair Disk Permissions, 342
    • Reset (GarageBand), 280
    • Reset Adjustments (Photos), 244
    • Rewind (GarageBand), 272
    • Rotate (iMovie), 264
    • Rotate (Photos), 234, 243
    • Scaled radio (Display), 94
    • Schedule, 101
    • Share (Maps), 133
    • Share (Notes), 125, 126
    • Share (Photos), 232, 234
    • Share (Safari), 143
    • Show All (System Preferences), 91
    • Show Tab Overview (Safari), 150
    • Show/Exit Tab Overview (Safari), 142
    • Sidebar (Safari), 143
    • Smart Controls (GarageBand), 272
    • Stop (GarageBand), 272
    • Stop/Reload (Safari), 142
    • Table (Notes), 126–127
    • 3D (Maps), 131
    • Today (Notes), 127
    • Top Sites (Safari), 142, 149
    • Touch ID, 11, 15, 30
    • trackpad, 48
    • Transit (Maps), 133
    • Walk (Maps), 133
    • Website Preferences (Safari), 143
    • Zoom (Photos), 232, 233
    • Zoom (Safari), 142
    • Zoom/Full Screen, 56


  • cables
  • Calibrate button (System Preferences), 94
  • calibrating, battery, 33
  • camcorder, importing from, 256–257
  • camera, 9, 11, 27, 235
  • Camera Import window (iMovie), 257
  • CAP (Cookie Acceptance Plan), 153
  • carrying, laptop, 23
  • case, laptop, 26
  • Catalina
    • applications, porting to, 84
    • Automator application, 365
    • Desktop, 43–47
    • firewall, 203–204
    • login options for, 179–180
    • as operating system, 42–43
    • Screen Time, 86–87
    • setting up, 35–36
    • Sidecar, 86
    • software, antiquated, 392
    • system volume within, 84
    • updating automatically, 377
  • CCleaner for Mac (Piriform), 369
  • CD
    • audio format, 209
    • backing up to, 370–371
    • burning (GarageBand), 287
    • burning (Music), 223–224
    • drive, 18–19
    • playing, 209–210
    • repair of, 342
    • Sharing feature, 19
  • CDW (website), 355
  • cells, 306, 310–311
  • Chart button (Numbers), 317
  • charts (Numbers), 317–318
  • Chess, 25
  • ClamXAV (website), 345
  • cleaning
    • applications, uninstalling, 367
    • CCleaner for Mac (Piriform), 369
    • commercial cleanup tool, 369
    • files, 366–368
    • folders, 366–368
    • hard drive, manually, 366–369
    • laptop, 395
    • Tidy Up 5 (Hyperbolic Software), 369
  • Clipboard, 297–298
  • clips, use of (iMovie), 262–263, 264–265
  • close, force, 338
  • Close button, 54, 56, 58
  • closed networks, 194
  • color, customizing, 94, 99
  • ColorSync profile, 94
  • columns (Numbers), 315
  • Command key, 66
  • commands, menu, 3, 45
  • comments, as song detail (Music), 216
  • commercial cleanup tool, 369
  • composer (Music), 216
  • Contacts, 25
  • Content library (iMovie), 253, 254
  • Content pane (Safari), 139
  • Content & Privacy pane, 177
  • Contour Design (website), 363
  • controllers (MIDI), 284
  • cookies, 153–154
  • cooling, laptop, 19–20, 33
  • cooling pad, 19–20, 33
  • copying, 62–63
  • cost, comparisons of, 16
  • cover art (Music), 218
  • CPU, 13
  • Creator NXT 7 (Roxio), 255, 371
  • Crop button (iMovie), 264, 265
  • cropping, 244
  • Ctrl key, 66
  • customizing
    • accent color, 99
    • appearance, 99
    • background, 95
    • brightness, 94
    • color, 94, 99
    • Dock, 73–76
    • highlight, 99
    • Launchpad, 53
    • layout, 95
    • library (Music), 212
    • magnification (Dock), 102
    • position (Dock), 102
    • recent items, 100
    • screen saver, 95–97
    • Sidebar, 99
    • Sidebar (Music), 211
    • size (Dock), 102
    • slideshow, 246
    • Spotlight, 118–119
    • Time Machine, 105–106
    • trackpad, 48, 55


  • damage, laptop, 21, 31, 47, 391–392
  • data (Numbers), 311
  • data CD, burning, 224
  • dead pixels, 31
  • default locations, 69
  • Delete key, 66
  • Desktop
    • applications, launching from, 52
    • background, 95
    • corner, 98
    • Dock, 43
    • layout, 95
    • overview of, 43–47
    • personalizing, 71–73
    • Spaces feature and, 71
    • Stacks feature on, 74–76
  • desktop publishing application, 292
  • Desktop & Screen Saver pane, 95–97
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, 190, 197–198, 199
  • digital audio files, playing, 210–214
  • digital media, purchasing, 228–229
  • directions (Maps), 132–133
  • disc number, as song detail (Music), 216
  • discs, oddly shaped, 391–392
  • disk permission, 342
  • Disk Utility, 339–343, 374
  • display brightness, reducing, 32
  • Display radio button (System Preferences), 94
  • Displays pane, 93–95
  • DNS (Domain Name System) address, 197
  • Do Not Disturb mode, 108
  • Dock, 43, 44, 54, 73–76, 102–103
  • docking station, 27
  • documents
    • creating new (Pages), 292–293
    • exporting (Pages), 304
    • iCloud, 159–160
    • icons for, 59–60
    • migration of, 37, 39
    • opening (Pages), 293–294
    • printing (Pages), 303
    • saving (Pages), 294–295
    • shared, 182
    • sharing (Pages), 303–304
  • Documents folder, 68
  • double-clicking, icons, 45, 52
  • downloading, files (Safari), 148–149
  • Downloads folder, 76
  • Downloads status list keyboard shortcut, 148
  • downtime schedule, 176
  • dragging, 61–62
  • Drive button (Maps), 133
  • Drive Genius 5 (Prosoft Engineering), 336
  • drives. See also internal drive
  • drum track, 276
  • DSL (digital subscriber line), 186
  • (website), 4
  • Duplicate command, 63–64
  • DVD
    • backing up to, 370–371
    • drive, external USB, 18–19
    • Player, 25
    • repair of, 342
    • Sharing feature, 19
    • thick, 391–392


  • Easy Transfer utility, 39
  • Edit button (Photos), 234
  • Edit menu, 66–67
  • edit mode (Photos), 242–247
  • 80mm minidisc, 391
  • Eject icon, 77
  • encryption, 182–183, 193, 384
  • Energy Saver pane, 100–102, 386
  • equalizer, 220, 283
  • Ethernet, wireless, 13, 16
  • Ethernet cable, 195, 196
  • Ethernet port, 12, 22, 194
  • Event/Project Library pane (iMovie), 253, 254, 262
  • external battery, 34
  • external camera, 27
  • external drives, 256, 350, 359–362, 370
  • external keyboard, 33
  • external optical drive, 10
  • Extras button (TV), 228


  • FaceTime, 11, 24, 108
  • FaceTime HD camera, 9, 11
  • Fast User Switching, 179–180
  • Favorites bar (Safari), 138
  • File menu, 66
  • files. See also folders
    • AirDrop and, 195
    • associated, deleting, 367–369
    • audio, 219, 259–260
    • backing up, 370–371
    • digital audio, playing, 210–214
    • Dock, adding to, 74
    • downloading (Safari), 148–149
    • icons for, 60
    • movie, migration of, 39
    • music, migration of, 39
    • network sharing, 201–202
    • orphan, deleting, 367–369
    • saving, 370–371
    • unnecessary, deleting, 366–367
    • video, migration of, 39
  • FileVault, 182–183, 384
  • filters (Photos), 247
  • Find My Mac, 107, 162, 383
  • Finder
    • applications, launching from, 52
    • battery-monitoring system in, 32
    • elements of, 42
    • Home folder and, 69
    • keyboard shortcut for, 67
    • menu bar, 43, 46–47
    • search window, 116–118
    • tabs, 56, 64–65
    • window, 43, 55–59
  • firewall, 203–204
  • First Aid, 341–343, 374
  • Flag button (Reminders), 124
  • floating object (Pages), 300
  • folders. See also files
    • Dock, adding to, 74
    • Downloads, 76
    • duplicating, 64
    • Home, 67–69, 170, 182–183
    • network sharing, 201–202
    • Public, 182, 201–202
    • Shared, 182
    • sharing through iCloud, 159
    • tabs and, 65
    • unnecessary, deleting, 366–367
    • Users, 182
  • Folders list (Notes), 126
  • Force Click, 49–50
  • force close, 338
  • Force Quit, 54
  • Force Touch trackpad, 10, 15, 49–50
  • Format button (Keynote), 325
  • Format menu (Keynote), 328
  • Format menu (Pages), 298
  • formulas (Numbers), 306, 315–317
  • Forward button (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • Forward button (Safari), 141
  • Full Screen/Maximize button (Photos), 233
  • full-screen operation, 57
  • function keys, 65–66
  • functions (Numbers), 306, 315–317


  • game controllers, as add-on, 363
  • GarageBand
    • Add Marker button, 282
    • Arrangement track, 282–283
    • Artist lessons, 286
    • CD, burning, 287
    • controllers, 284
    • drum track, 276
    • equalizer, 283
    • exporting, 287
    • Forward button, 272, 273
    • Go to Beginning button, 273
    • How Did I Play feature, 286
    • iMovie, exporting to, 259–260, 279
    • Learn to Play, 286
    • Loop browser, 272, 277–278
    • Loop browser button, 272, 273
    • loops, working with, 277–281
    • Media Browser button, 273
    • microphones and, 284
    • MIDI controllers and, 284
    • movie tracks, 276
    • Music, exporting to, 285–286
    • Musical Typing keyboard, 275–277
    • New track button, 272, 273
    • overview of, 272–274
    • Play button, 272, 273
    • Playhead, 272, 273
    • Record button, 272
    • Reset button, 280
    • Rewind button, 272, 273
    • saving, 285
    • sharing, 285–287
    • Smart Controls button, 272
    • software instrument track, 275, 276
    • song files, creating, 285–286
    • songs, creating, 274–275
    • songs, sharing, 285–287
    • Songwriter project, 277
    • stompboxes, 275
    • Stop button, 272
    • Timeline, 272
    • Time/Tempo, 272, 273
    • Touch Bar use within, 285
    • Track, location of, 272
    • Track list, 272
    • tracks, working with, 275–277, 281, 283–285
    • Visual Equalizer window, 284–285
    • Volume slider, 272, 273, 281
    • window, 272–274
  • General pane (System Preferences), 98–100
  • Genius (Music), 212, 214–215
  • genre (Music), 216
  • Go menu, 68
  • Go to Beginning button (GarageBand), 273
  • Google (website), 140
  • graphics boxes (Keynote), 326–327
  • graphics boxes (Pages), 296–297
  • grayscale, 247
  • grid, as layout option (Keynote), 332
  • grounding, 358
  • grouping (Music), 216
  • Guest account, 173


  • Handoff function, 100, 160–161
  • handout, as layout option (Keynote), 333
  • hard drive. See internal drive
  • hardware. See also specific hardware
    • icons, 59
    • music, 363
    • refurbished, 394–395
    • System Information utility for, 347
    • warranty support for, 36
    • wired network, 196–197
  • headphone jack, 10
  • headphone/optical output port, 13
  • Help Center, 348
  • Help menu, 67, 79–80
  • highlight, 61, 99
  • History (Safari), 154–155
  • History button (Safari), 143
  • History list (Safari), 149
  • Home button (Safari), 141–142
  • Home folder, 67–69, 170, 182–183
  • Home page, 144–145
  • Hot Corners button (Mission Control), 98
  • Hot Corners button (System Preferences), 96
  • How Did I Play feature (GarageBand), 286
  • Hyperbolic Software (website), 369


  • iCloud
    • Bookmarks (Safari) and, 147
    • configuring, 161–162
    • documents, manipulation of, 159–160
    • Drive, sharing folders within, 159
    • Find My Mac and, 162, 383
    • folders within, 160
    • Handoff function within, 160–161
    • Keychain, 154
    • Keynote and, 308, 324
    • location of, 85
    • Music and, 229
    • Notes and, 127
    • Numbers and, 308
    • overview of, 158–159
    • Pages and, 308
    • Photos and, 162, 247–248
    • preferences for, 107
    • Reminders and, 125
    • setting up, 34–35, 36
    • Shared Albums, 249
    • storage, managing, 162–163
    • subscription to, 163, 248
    • website, 159, 383
  • Icon view button, 117
  • icons
    • Add to Favorites (Photos), 233–234
    • AirDrop, 195
    • AirPlay, 86
    • aliases, 60
    • Apple Corporation, 46
    • application, 59
    • arrangement of, 72
    • Automator application, 376
    • Badge App, 109
    • battery, 32
    • Bluetooth, 385
    • Disk Utility, 374
    • documents, 59–60
    • double-clicking, 45
    • Eject, 77
    • examples of, 43
    • files, 60
    • hardware, 59
    • Home folder, 67
    • iMovie, 252
    • Info (Maps), 129
    • Internal drive, 43, 44
    • Launchpad, 374
    • More (Safari), 145
    • Notification Center, 127
    • overview of, 44–45, 59–60
    • padlock (Music), 226
    • padlock (Safari), 152
    • Pages, 292
    • Show Reader View, 147
    • single-clicking, 45
    • Spotlight search, 37
    • System Preferences, 91
    • Time Machine, 372
    • Trash, 77
    • use of, 3–4, 44
    • Wi-Fi status, 385
    • X, 93
  • images
    • adjustments, 247
    • aspect ratio, 244
    • copying (Pages), 297
    • cropping, 244–245
    • editing, 242–247
    • enhancing, 245
    • filters, 247
    • as floating object (Pages), 300
    • iMovie and, 258–259
    • importing, 234–236
    • information from, 237
    • as inline object (Pages), 300
    • internal drive, exporting from, 259
    • Keynote and, 326–327
    • keywords, assigning to, 240–242
    • location tracking of, 242
    • migration of, 39
    • organizing, 236–242
    • Pages, adding to, 300–301
    • Photos, exporting from, 259
    • red-eye removal, 245, 247
    • removing from album, 238
    • Retouch feature (Photos), 247
    • rotating, 243
    • sharing, 248–249
    • straightening, 245
    • tagging, 238–240
    • for user accounts, 170–171
  • iMovie
    • audio, importing, 259–260
    • clips, use of, 262–265
    • Content library, 253, 254
    • creating, 252–255
    • Crop button, 264, 265
    • Event/Project Library pane, 253, 254, 262
    • external drives for, 256
    • GarageBand, importing from, 259–260, 279
    • icon, 252
    • images, using, 258–259
    • Import button, 253, 254
    • Internal drive, exporting from, 259
    • Libraries list, 253, 254
    • Map Settings button, 267
    • maps, 267
    • Media Library button, 254
    • microphone, recording from, 260
    • movie file, importing, 258
    • moviemaking, process of, 255–256
    • Music, importing from, 259–260
    • narration within, 261
    • Outline tab, 269
    • Photos, importing from, 258, 259
    • Play Full Screen button, 262
    • playhead, 253, 255
    • Project Library pane, 254
    • Project pane, 253, 262
    • Record button, 257
    • Rotate button, 264, 265
    • saving, 256
    • searching within, 260
    • sharing, 269–270
    • Short List tab, 269
    • sound effects, adding to, 260
    • static backgrounds, adding, 267
    • Storyboard tab, 269
    • theme, applying to, 252, 253
    • titles, 266–267
    • toolbar, 253, 255
    • Trailer pane, 268–269
    • trailers, creating, 252, 268–269
    • transitions, 265–266
    • Trim, 264, 265
    • video clips, pulling in, 256–258
    • video formats supported by, 258
    • Viewer, 253, 254
    • window, 253–255
  • Import button (iMovie), 253, 254
  • Info button (Photos), 232, 234
  • Info button (Reminders), 123
  • Info icon (Maps), 129
  • inline object (Pages), 301
  • innovation, Apple and, 157
  • Inspector (Keynote), 325, 328
  • Inspector (Numbers), 309, 310, 312
  • Inspector (Pages), 295, 296, 298
  • Intelligent Tracking Prevention feature, 153
  • internal drive
    • backing up, 370–373
    • cleaning, 359
    • cleaning, manually, 366–369
    • encryption of, 182–183, 193, 384
    • health, maintaining, 373–374
    • icon, 43, 44
    • images, importing from, 236, 259
    • optical, 10
    • upgrading, 359–363
  • internal storage devices, 13
  • Internet, navigating, 141–143
  • Internet connection. See network connections
  • Internet radio stations, 220–222
  • Internet resources
    • Apple, 31, 80
    • Apple Support, 348
    • CDW, 355
    • ClamXAV, 345
    • Contour Design, 363
    • Dock, adding to, 74
    •, 4
    • Google, 140
    • Hyperbolic Software, 369
    • iCloud, 159, 383
    • Laplink, 39
    • MacBook Support, 348
    • MacMail, 355
    • Macworld, 80
    • M-Audio, 363
    • MCL Radio, 221
    • Micromat, 392
    • Migration Assistant, 38
    • Newegg, 355
    • Parallels Desktop, 39
    • Piriform, 369
    • Prosoft Engineering, 336
    • Roxio Creator NXT 7, 255, 371
    • Twelve South, 26
    • visiting, 139–141
    • VMware Fusion, 39
    • Wiley for Dummies, 80
  • Internet router, 189–190, 196, 199
  • iPad, 222, 331
  • iPhone, 222, 331
  • iPod touch, 222, 331
  • items, manipulating, 61–64
  • iTunes, 85
  • iTunes Store, 211, 228–229


  • keyboard
    • care of, 23
    • damage to, 392
    • external, 33, 387
    • illumination, 66
    • inspection of, 31
    • overview of, 10, 15
    • photo of, 9
  • keyboard shortcuts
    • Command, 66
    • Ctrl, 66
    • Delete, 66
    • Downloads status list, 148
    • function keys, 65–66
    • Keynote, 331
    • keywords and, 241
    • launch, 51
    • list of, 66–67
    • loops, 281
    • Mission Control, 69–70
    • Music, 210
    • Numbers, 311
    • Option, 66
    • quit, 53
    • Safari, 141
    • start-up keys, 339–340
    • use of, 65–67
  • Keyboard tab (Boot Camp), 352
  • Keychain, 154
  • Keynote
    • aspect ratios, 322
    • background shape, adding, 330
    • creating new, 322–323
    • Format button, 325
    • Format menu, 328
    • graphics boxes, working with, 326–327
    • grid, as layout option, 332
    • handout, as layout option, 333
    • iCloud and, 308, 324
    • images, working with, 326–327
    • Inspector, 325, 328
    • keyboard shortcuts, 331
    • layout options, 332–333
    • Layout pane, 325
    • media, use of, 329
    • Media Browser, use of, 329
    • opening existing, 323
    • outline, as layout option, 333
    • overview of, 24
    • Presenter Notes pane, 325
    • presenter's notes, use of, 328
    • printing, 331–333
    • Rehearsal feature, 328
    • remote devices, use of, 331
    • saving, 324
    • shapes, 326–327, 330
    • sharing, 333
    • slides, adding, 326
    • slides, as layout option, 332
    • Slides list, 324–325
    • slideshow, creating, 330–331
    • slideshow, shortcut keys, 331
    • text, manipulating, 326–328
    • Theme Chooser window, 322, 323
    • toolbar, 325
    • window, 324–325
  • Keystation 49 MK3 (USB piano keyboard), 363
  • Keyword Manager window, 240–241
  • keywords, 112, 114, 240–242


  • Laplink (website), 39
  • laptop
  • Launchpad, 52, 53, 98, 367, 374
  • layout, customizing, 95
  • Layout pane (Keynote), 325
  • Layout pane (Pages), 295, 296
  • Learn to Play (GarageBand), 286
  • LED screen, 8–9, 31
  • LED/LCD cleaning wipes, 395
  • Libraries list (iMovie), 253, 254
  • library
  • Library button (TV), 227
  • lighting, 20
  • limit adult websites, user accounts and, 177
  • links, 139
  • list login, 179
  • Location Services (Maps), 130
  • locked application, force closing, 337, 338
  • log out, 181
  • Log Out button, 181
  • login, 174–175, 179–181, 347
  • Look Up & Data Detectors check box, 48
  • Loop browser (GarageBand), 272, 273, 277–278
  • loops (GarageBand), 273, 277–281


  • Mac user groups, 80
  • MacBook, comparison of, 14, 15–17
  • MacMail (website), 355
  • macOS. See Catalina
  • Macworld (website), 80
  • magazines, as support resource, 80
  • magnification, 102
  • Mail, 24, 35–36, 87
  • Mail button (Safari), 143
  • Manage Website Data button (Safari), 153
  • managed accounts, 167, 168, 175
  • manual, user, 21
  • Map Settings button (iMovie), 267
  • Maps, 129–133
  • maps, adding (iMovie), 267
  • M-Audio (website), 363
  • MCL Radio (website), 221
  • media, use of (Keynote), 329
  • Media Browser (Keynote), 329
  • Media Browser (Pages), 301
  • Media Browser button (GarageBand), 273
  • Media Library button (iMovie), 254
  • memory, 354–359, 382–383
  • menus
    • Apple, 43, 46, 51–52
    • Application, 46, 66
    • commands, 3, 45
    • Edit, 66–67
    • File, 66
    • Finder, 43, 46–47
    • Format (Keynote), 328
    • Format (Pages), 298
    • Go, 68
    • Help, 67, 79–80
    • overview of, 45–46
    • photo of, 43
    • right-click, 46, 50
    • shortcut, 50
    • Window, 66
  • Messages, 11, 24
  • metadata, 114
  • Micromat (website), 392
  • microphones, 10, 260, 284
  • MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) controllers, 284
  • Migration Assistant, 36, 37–38
  • Minimize button, 56
  • Mission Control, 57, 69–71, 97–98
  • mitigating, 36
  • modules, 355–359
  • monitors, 12
  • More icon (Safari), 145
  • mouse, 387
  • movie file (iMovie), 258, 269–270
  • movie tracks, use of (GarageBand), 276
  • movie trailers (iMovie), 252, 268–269
  • moviemaking, process of (iMovie), 255–256
  • movies. See iMovie
  • MP2, 209
  • MP3, 208
  • MP3 CD, burning, 224
  • multiplayer games, network connection needed for, 186
  • multi-touch, 49–50
  • multi-user laptop. See user accounts
  • Music
    • AirPort Express and, 223
    • album artwork within, 218
    • Apple TV and, 212
    • audio CD, burning, 223
    • audio files, ripping, 219
    • Base Station and, 223
    • CD, burning, 223–224
    • CD, playing, 209–210
    • changes to, 85
    • data CD, burning, 224
    • data DVD, burning, 224
    • deleting songs from, 213
    • device capabilities of, 222–223
    • digital audio files, playing, 210–214
    • digital media, purchasing, 228–229
    • equalizer, 220
    • formats supported by, 208–209
    • Genius playlist, 212, 214–215
    • iMovie, exporting to, 259–260
    • Internet radio stations, 220–222
    • keyboard shortcuts, 210
    • library, 212, 213–214
    • locked settings, 226
    • MP3 CD, burning, 224
    • parental authority, 225–226
    • playback controls, 209
    • playlist, 210–211, 214–216, 221, 224
    • radio stations, playlist, 221
    • Search function, 213
    • Sidebar, 210–211
    • slideshow, 246
    • Smart Playlist, 215
    • song files, creating (GarageBand), 285–286
    • song information, 217–218
    • songs, details of, 216–217
    • Songs view, 212
    • sort order within, 212
    • sources for, 211–212
    • spacebar use within, 209
    • synchronizing within, 222–223
    • Trash and, 213
    • visuals, 224–225
  • music, streaming, 186
  • music hardware, as add-on, 363
  • Music Radio feature, 220, 221–222
  • Musical Typing keyboard (GarageBand), 275
  • My Photo Stream feature, 248–249
  • myths, troubleshooting, 336


  • narration (iMovie), 261
  • network connections
    • activities used with, 186
    • base station, 188, 190–191
    • broadband, 196
    • closed networks, 194
    • comparison of, 187
    • connecting to, 22, 24–25, 198–202
    • dedicated Internet-sharing device, 189–190
    • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, 199
    • disabling, 385
    • displaying, 72–73
    • file sharing through, 202
    • pinging, 198–199, 200
    • printer sharing through, 202
    • sharing, 189, 200–202
    • troubleshooting, 345
    • unsecured, 394
    • wired, 187–188, 194–198
    • wireless, 187, 188, 190–194
  • network file sharing, 201–202
  • network settings, 37
  • New Note button (Notes), 125, 126
  • New track button (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • Newegg (website), 355
  • Next button (Music), 209–210
  • Night Shift feature, 95
  • Notes, 125–127
  • Notes pane (Keynote), 328
  • Notification Center, 98, 107–109, 127–129, 155, 377
  • number formatting (Numbers), 312
  • Numbers
    • borders, 314
    • cell text, aligning, 313
    • cells, navigating, 310–311
    • Chart button, 317
    • charts, adding, 317–318
    • columns, 315
    • creating new, 306–307
    • data, 311
    • formulas, 315–317
    • functions, 315–317
    • iCloud and, 308
    • Inspector, 309, 310, 312
    • keyboard shortcuts, 311
    • number formatting, 312
    • Open dialog, 308
    • opening existing, 307–308
    • overview of, 24
    • printing, 318–319
    • rows, 315
    • Save As dialog, 309
    • saving, 308–309
    • shading, 314
    • Sheet canvas, 309, 310
    • Sheets tabs, 309, 310
    • templates, 307
    • toolbar, 309, 310
    • window, 309–310


  • OneDrive, 158
  • Open dialog
    • Home folder and, 68
    • Numbers, 308
    • Pages, 293
  • opening, laptop, 23
  • operating system, 42
  • optical discs, challenges with, 391–392
  • optical drive, 17, 18–19
  • optical trackball, 48
  • Option key, 66
  • orphan files, deleting, 367–369
  • outlets, 20
  • outline, as layout option (Keynote), 333
  • Outline tab (iMovie), 269


  • padlock icon (Music), 226
  • padlock icon (Safari), 152
  • page, 52
  • Pages
    • alignment lines, 297
    • background shape, adding, 301–302
    • Clipboard, 297–298
    • copying, 297
    • creating new, 292–293
    • cutting, 297
    • exporting, 304
    • floating object, 300
    • Format menu, 298
    • graphic boxes, using, 296–297
    • iCloud and, 308
    • icon, 292
    • images, adding, 300–301
    • inline object, 301
    • Inspector, 295, 296, 298
    • Layout pane, 295, 296
    • list, 295, 296
    • Media Browser, 301
    • Open dialog, 293
    • opening existing, 293–294
    • overview of, 24
    • Pages list, 295, 296
    • pasting, 297–298
    • printing, 303
    • saving, 294–295
    • shapes, using, 296–297
    • sharing, 303–304
    • spell-checking, 302
    • tables, 298–300
    • templates, 293
    • text, using, 296–298
    • toolbar, 295, 296
    • window, 295–296
  • panes
    • Apple ID, 85
    • Content (Safari), 139
    • Content & Privacy, 177
    • Desktop & Screen Saver, 95–97
    • Displays, 93–95
    • Dock, 102–103
    • Energy Saver, 100–102
    • Event/Project Library (iMovie), 253, 254, 262
    • General (System Preferences), 98–100
    • Layout (Keynote), 325
    • Layout (Pages), 295, 296
    • Notes (Keynote), 328
    • Notifications, 107–108
    • opening, 90
    • Presenter Notes (Keynote), 325
    • Privacy (Safari), 153
    • Project (iMovie), 253, 254, 262
    • Project Library (iMovie), 254
    • Security & Privacy, 97, 384
    • Sharing, 104–105
    • Software Update, 377
    • Sound, 91
    • third-party applications and, 92
    • Thumbnails (Photos), 233
    • Time Machine, 105–106, 372
    • Trackpad, 48
    • Trailer (iMovie), 268–269
    • Users & Groups, 384
  • Parallels Desktop (website), 39
  • parental authority (Music), 225–226
  • partition, 25
  • Password Assistant, 169
  • Passwords tab (Safari), 154
  • Pause button (Music), 209
  • PC, 38–39, 67. See also Windows
  • PCmover Home, 39
  • People tool (Photos), 238–240
  • peripherals, 12, 72–73, 390
  • permissions errors, 373
  • phishing, 390–391
  • Photo Booth, 11
  • Photos
    • Add to Favorites icon, 233–234
    • adjustments, 247
    • album, 236–238
    • aspect ratio, 244
    • Auto button, 244
    • Auto Enhance button, 245
    • cropping, 244–245
    • Edit button, 234
    • edit mode, 242–247
    • filters, 247
    • Full Screen, 233
    • iCloud and, 162, 247–248
    • images, organizing, 234–242
    • iMovie, exporting to, 258, 259
    • Info button, 234
    • keywords, 240–242
    • location tracking within, 242
    • My Photo Stream feature, 248–249
    • overview of, 231–234
    • People tool, 238–240
    • red-eye removal, 245, 247
    • Reset Adjustments button, 244
    • Retouch feature, 247
    • Rotate button, 234, 244
    • Search box, 232, 234
    • Share button, 234
    • Sidebar, 232
    • slideshow, creating, 246
    • Smart Album, 237
    • Thumbnails, 233
    • toolbar, 232–233
    • Undo feature, 238, 244
    • Viewer, 233
    • window, 232
    • Zoom, 233
  • pictures. See images
  • Ping button, 200
  • pinging, network computer, 198–199, 200
  • pinned tabs, 151
  • piracy, software, 393
  • Piriform (website), 369
  • pixels, 31
  • Play button (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • Play button (Music), 209
  • play count (Music), 216
  • Play Full Screen button (iMovie), 262
  • playhead (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • playhead (iMovie), 253, 255
  • playlist (Music), 210–211, 214–216, 221, 224
  • Podcasts, 85
  • pop-up ads, 155
  • ports
    • Ethernet, 12, 22, 194
    • headphone/optical output, 13
    • MacBook Air, 16
    • MacBook Pro, 16
    • overview of, 11–13
    • Thunderbolt, 10, 12, 361
    • USB (universal serial bus), 12, 360
    • USB-C port, 10, 12, 16
    • use of, 360–361
  • position, Dock, 102
  • Power Adapter tab, 101
  • power button, 11, 30
  • power cable, 10–11, 22
  • Power Nap feature, 101
  • power-saving features, 386
  • presentation
    • creating new, 322–323
    • graphics boxes, working with, 326–327
    • images, working with, 326–327
    • layout options, 332–333
    • media, use of, 329
    • opening existing, 323
    • printing, 331–333
    • saving, 324
    • shapes, working with, 326–327, 330
    • sharing, 333
    • slides, adding, 326
    • slideshow, creating, 330–331
    • text, working with, 326–327, 328
  • Presenter Notes pane (Keynote), 325
  • presenter's notes, use of (Keynote), 328
  • preview, printing and, 78
  • Previous button (Music), 209–210
  • Print button (Safari), 143
  • printer, network sharing of, 202
  • printing
    • Keynote and, 331–333
    • Numbers and, 318–319
    • overview of, 77–79
    • Pages, 303
    • web pages, 151–152
  • Priority (Reminders), 124
  • privacy, 119, 142, 152–155, 177–178
  • Privacy pane (Safari), 153
  • Privacy tab, 119
  • processor, 13, 15
  • progress-bar indicator, 30
  • Project Library pane (iMovie), 254
  • Project pane (iMovie), 253, 254, 262
  • Prosoft Engineering (website), 336
  • public access wireless network, 394
  • Public folder, 182, 201–202
  • public-access user account, 178


  • quarantining, 346
  • QuickTime Player, 149
  • Quit command, 53
  • quit shortcut, 53


  • radio stations, Internet, 220–222
  • RAM, 355, 382–383
  • ratings limits, 177
  • Reader view, 147–148
  • Reading List, 147–148
  • read-only, 84
  • reboot, 337–338
  • recent items, customizing, 100
  • Record button (GarageBand), 272
  • Record button (iMovie), 257
  • recovery key, 183
  • red-eye removal, 245, 247
  • refresh, 142
  • refurbished hardware, 394–395
  • registration, MacBook, 36–37
  • Rehearsal feature (Keynote), 328
  • Reload button (Safari), 142
  • Reminders, 122–125
  • Remote Disc feature, 17, 19
  • Remote Erase, 383
  • Remote Lock, 383
  • renders, 275
  • Repair Disk Permissions button, 342
  • replacement battery, 34
  • Reset Adjustments button (Photos), 244
  • Reset button (GarageBand), 280
  • resources, support, 80
  • Resume feature, 100
  • Retouch feature (Photos), 247
  • Rewind button (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • right-click menu, 46, 50
  • ripping, audio files, 219
  • root, 68
  • root account, 393
  • Rotate button (iMovie), 264, 265
  • Rotate button (Photos), 234, 243
  • router, 189–190, 196, 199
  • rows (Numbers), 315
  • Roxio Creator NXT 7 (website), 255, 371


  • Safari
    • Bookmarks, using, 145–147
    • Content pane, 139
    • cookies within, 153–154
    • Favorites bar, 138
    • files, downloading, 148–149
    • Google and, 140
    • History list, 149, 154–155
    • Home page, setting up, 144–145
    • Intelligent Tracking Prevention feature, 153
    • keyboard shortcuts for, 141
    • navigational controls within, 141–143
    • notifications, 155
    • overview of, 138–139
    • Passwords tab, 154
    • pinned tabs, 151
    • pop-up ads, 155
    • privacy within, 152–155
    • Reading List, 147–148
    • Sidebar, 139
    • Status bar, 139
    • Tab bar, 138–139
    • tabbed browsing within, 149–151
    • toolbar, 138, 141–143
    • Top Sites, 149
    • use of, 24
    • web pages, printing, 151–152
    • websites, visiting, 139–141
    • window, 138–139
  • Safe Mode, 339
  • satellite mode (Maps), 131
  • Save As dialog (Numbers), 309
  • Scaled radio button, 94
  • Schedule button, 101
  • screen, 8–9, 15, 27, 31
  • screen saver, 95–97, 347
  • Screen Time, 86–87
  • screen wipes, 27
  • scroll bars, 55, 56
  • SD/SDXC card slot, 12–13, 361
  • Search
  • Secondary Click check box, 48
  • secure site, 152
  • security
    • encryption, 384
    • FileVault, 182–183, 384
    • firewall, 203–204
    • network connections and, 193
    • parental authority (Music), 225–226
    • Safari and, 152–155
    • Spotlight and, 116
    • wired network and, 188
  • Security & Privacy pane, 97, 384
  • selecting, 61–62
  • shading (Numbers), 314
  • shapes
    • Keynote and, 326–327, 330
    • Pages and, 296–297, 301–302
  • Share button
  • Shared Albums, 249
  • Shared folder, 182
  • Sharing pane, 104–105
  • Sheet canvas (Numbers), 309, 310
  • Sheets tabs (Numbers), 309, 310
  • Short List tab (iMovie), 269
  • shortcut, 60
  • shortcut menu, 50
  • Show All button (System Preferences), 91
  • Show Reader View icon (Reading List), 147
  • Show Tab Overview button (Safari), 150
  • Show/Exit Tab Overview button (Safari), 142
  • shut down, force, 338
  • Shuttle Xpress (video controller), 363
  • Sidebar
    • Bookmarks (Safari), 146
    • customizing, 99
    • location of, 56
    • Music, 210–211
    • Music, customizing, 211
    • Photos, 232
    • Reading List (Safari), 147–148
    • Reminders, 122
    • Safari, 139
    • use of, 64
  • Sidebar button (Safari), 143
  • Sidecar, 86
  • single-clicking, icons, 45
  • size, Dock, customizing, 102
  • sleep mode, 31
  • sleeve, laptop, 26
  • slide, as layout option (Keynote), 332
  • slides (Keynote), 324–325, 326, 331–333
  • Slides list (Keynote), 324–325
  • slideshow, 246
  • smart address field, 139–140
  • Smart Album, 237
  • Smart Controls button (GarageBand), 272
  • Smart Playlist, 215
  • software, overview of, 23–25
  • software instrument track (GarageBand), 275, 276
  • Software Update pane, 377
  • solid-state drives, 13, 17–18, 359
  • song name (Music), 216
  • songs
    • cover art for, 218
    • creating (GarageBand), 274–275
    • deleting, 213
    • details of, 216–217
    • exporting to iMovie, 259–260
    • finding, 213
    • playlists and, 214–216
    • setting information for, 217–218
    • sharing (GarageBand), 285–287
    • viewing, 212
  • Songwriter project (GarageBand), 277
  • sound, notifications and, 109
  • sound effects, adding to iMovie, 260
  • Sound pane, 91
  • Spaces feature, 70–71, 97–98
  • speakers, 10
  • speed, wired network and, 188
  • spell-checking (Pages), 302
  • Spotlight, 37, 92–93, 112–119
  • spreadsheet
    • cell text, aligning, 313
    • cells, 310–311
    • charts, adding, 317–318
    • columns, 315
    • creating, 306–307
    • data, 311
    • defined, 306
    • formulas, 315–317
    • functions, 315–317
    • number formatting, 312
    • opening existing, 307–308
    • printing, 318–319
    • rows, 315
    • saving, 308–309
    • shading, 314
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection, 394
  • Stacks, 74–76
  • standard mode (Maps), 131, 132
  • standard user account, 167–168, 171, 175–177
  • Startup Disk tab (Boot Camp), 352
  • start-up keys, 339–340
  • static backgrounds (iMovie), 267
  • Status bar (Safari), 139
  • Stealth mode, 203
  • stompboxes, 275
  • Stop button (GarageBand), 272
  • Stop/Reload button (Safari), 142
  • storage
    • capacity of, 382–383
    • iCloud and, 162–163
    • memory, 354–359, 382–383
    • overview of, 13
    • upgrading, 359
  • Storyboard tab (iMovie), 269
  • streaming Internet radio, 209
  • subfolders, 68
  • SuperDrive, 391
  • support center (website), 80
  • support resources, 80
  • surge protector, 385–386
  • surge suppressor, 27
  • switcher, 2, 39, 196
  • synchronizing, applications, 107
  • System Administrator, 393
  • System Information utility, 347
  • System Preferences
    • Apple ID pane within, 85
    • Apply button, 92
    • Calibrate button, 94
    • Display radio button, 94
    • General pane, 98–100
    • Hot Corners button, 96
    • iCloud panel within, 161–162
    • icon, 91
    • opening, 90–92
    • Security & Privacy pane, 97
    • settings, migration of, 37
    • Show All button, 91
    • Spotlight feature and, 113, 118–119
    • Spotlight Search box, 92–93
  • system volume, 84


  • Tab bar (Safari), 138–139
  • tabbed browsing, 149–151
  • Table button (Notes), 126–127
  • tables, adding (Pages), 298–300
  • tabs
    • Battery, 101
    • folders and, 65
    • Keyboard (Boot Camp), 352
    • location of, 56
    • Outline (iMovie), 269
    • Passwords (Safari), 154
    • pinned, 151
    • Power Adapter, 101
    • Privacy, 119
    • Screen Saver, 96–97
    • Search Results, 119
    • Sheets (Numbers), 309, 310
    • Short List (iMovie), 269
    • Startup Disk (Boot Camp), 352
    • Storyboard (iMovie), 269
    • Trackpad (Boot Camp), 352
    • use of, 64–65
  • Tap to Click check box, 48
  • TechTool Pro (Micromat), 392
  • templates (Numbers), 307
  • templates (Pages), 293
  • text
    • iMovie and, 266–267
    • Keynote and, 326–328
    • Pages and, 296–298
  • theme (iMovie), 252, 253
  • Theme Chooser window (Keynote), 322, 323
  • third-party applications, panes from, 92
  • 3D button (Maps), 131
  • 3D Flyover Tour option (Maps), 131
  • three-finger full-screen switching, 49
  • thumbnail, 139
  • Thumbnails pane (Photos), 233
  • Thunderbolt 1 port, 361
  • Thunderbolt 2 port, 12, 361
  • Thunderbolt 3 port, 10, 12, 361
  • Thunderbolt video device, importing from, 256–257
  • Tidy Up 5 (Hyperbolic Software), 369
  • Time Capsule, 105, 191–192, 360, 372
  • Time Machine, 105–106, 350, 370–373, 387
  • Timeline (GarageBand), 272
  • Time/Tempo (GarageBand), 272, 273
  • title bar, 56
  • titles, adding (iMovie), 266–267
  • Today button (Notes), 127
  • toolbar
  • Top Sites button (Safari), 142, 149
  • Touch Bar, 15, 54, 285
  • Touch ID button, 11, 15, 30
  • track (GarageBand), 272
  • track (Music), 216, 272
  • Track list (GarageBand), 272
  • trackball, 48
  • tracker application, 383
  • trackpad
    • customizing, 48, 55
    • damage to, 47
    • Force Click, 49–50
    • Force Touch, 10, 15, 49–50
    • inspection of, 31
    • multi-touch, 49–50
    • overview of, 10, 15
    • photo of, 9
    • Safari use of, 141, 150
    • use of, 47–50
  • Trackpad pane, 48
  • Trackpad tab (Boot Camp), 352
  • tracks, 275–277, 281, 283–285
  • Trailer pane (iMovie), 268–269
  • trailers (iMovie), 252, 268–269
  • Transit button (Maps), 133
  • transit mode (Maps), 131
  • transitions (iMovie), 265–266
  • Trash
    • emptying, 367
    • icon, 77
    • location of, 43
    • Music, 213
    • overview of, 76–77
    • troubleshooting, 345
  • Trim (iMovie), 264
  • troubleshooting
    • applications, 343–344
    • cables, checking, 344
    • Disk Utility, 339–343, 344
    • First Aid, 341–343
    • force close, 338
    • grounding yourself, 358
    • Help Center, 348
    • keyboard shortcuts, 339–340
    • local service provider, locating, 348
    • locked application, force closing, 337, 338
    • login items, checking, 347
    • myths of, 336
    • network connections, checking, 345
    • quarantining, 346
    • reboot, 337–338
    • recent changes, investigating, 343–344
    • Safe Mode, 339
    • screen saver, turning off, 347
    • start-up keys, 339–340
    • steps for, 337–343
    • System Information utility, 347
    • Trash, checking, 345
  • TV application, 85, 94, 226–228
  • Twelve South (website), 26
  • 2 Factor Authentication, 35
  • two-finger maneuvers, 49


  • Undo feature (Photos), 238
  • UNIX, 47
  • unpacking, laptop, 21
  • unrestricted access, user accounts and, 177
  • Unsubscribe feature, 87
  • updating, Catalina, 377
  • upgrading, 9, 359–363
  • UPS (uninterruptible power supply), 27
  • USB (universal serial bus)
  • USB-C cable, 10
  • USB-C port, 10, 12, 16
  • USB-to-MIDI converter, 284
  • user accounts
    • access controls for, 175–177
    • access settings for, 175–178
    • adding, 168–170
    • Admin, 167
    • App Limits for, 176
    • Auto Login for, 180
    • benefits of, 166
    • Content & Privacy pane, 177
    • deleting, 172–173
    • downtime schedule for, 176
    • Fast User Switching, 179–180
    • FileVault and, 182–183
    • Guest, 173
    • levels of, 167
    • list login for, 179
    • logging out, 181
    • login, 174–175, 179–181
    • managed account, 167, 168, 175
    • migration of, 37
    • modifying, 170–172
    • photos for, 170–171
    • public-access, 178
    • ratings limits within, 177
    • standard account, 167–168, 171, 175–177
    • username and password login for, 179
  • user groups, as support resource, 80
  • user manual, 21
  • username and password login, 179
  • Users folder, 182
  • Users & Groups pane, 384
  • utility software, antiquated, 392


  • video
    • card, 14
    • clips (iMovie), 256–258
    • controllers, 363
    • streaming, 186
    • TV application and, 226–228
  • Viewer (iMovie), 253, 254
  • Viewer (Photos), 232, 233
  • virus, 345–346
  • visual bookends, 265
  • Visual Equalizer window (GarageBand), 284–285
  • visuals (Music), 224–225
  • VMware Fusion (website), 39
  • volume, 66, 84
  • Volume slider (GarageBand), 272, 273, 281
  • volumes, Dock, adding to, 74
  • VPN (virtual private network), 394


  • Walk button (Maps), 133
  • warranty, 36, 362
  • WAV, as audio format, 208
  • web browser, 100
  • Website Preferences button (Safari), 143
  • websites
    • Apple, 31, 80
    • Apple Support, 348
    • CDW, 355
    • ClamXAV, 345
    • Contour Design, 363
    • Dock, adding to, 74
    •, 4
    • Google, 140
    • Hyperbolic Software, 369
    • iCloud, 159, 383
    • Laplink, 39
    • MacBook Support, 348
    • MacMail, 355
    • Macworld, 80
    • M-Audio, 363
    • MCL Radio, 221
    • Micromat, 392
    • Migration Assistant, 38
    • Newegg, 355
    • Parallels Desktop, 39
    • Piriform, 369
    • Prosoft Engineering, 336
    • Roxio Creator NXT 7, 255, 371
    • Twelve South, 26
    • visiting, 139–141
    • VMware Fusion, 39
    • Wiley for Dummies, 80
  • widescreen aspect ratio, 8–9, 15
  • Wi-Fi status icon, 385
  • Wiley for Dummies (website), 80
  • Window menu, 66
  • windows
    • active, 59
    • Automator, 375
    • Camera Import (iMovie), 257
    • closing, 58
    • controls of, 56
    • Disk Utility, 340–341
    • GarageBand, 272–274
    • iMovie, 253–255
    • Keynote, 324–325
    • Keyword Manager, 240–241
    • minimizing, 56
    • moving, 57
    • Notes, 125–126
    • Notification, 377
    • Numbers, 309–310
    • Pages, 295–296
    • Photos, 232
    • Reminders, 122–123
    • resizing, 55–56
    • restoring, 56
    • Safari, 138–139
    • scrolling in, 55–56
    • Theme Chooser (Keynote), 322, 323
    • Visual Equalizer (GarageBand), 284–285
    • zooming, 57
  • Windows
    • Boot Camp and, 349–352
    • Easy Transfer utility, 39
    • migration from, 38–39
    • OneDrive, 158
    • switching to, 351–352
  • wipes, screen, 27
  • wired network, 187–188, 194–195, 196–198
  • wireless base station, 188
  • Wireless Ethernet, 13, 16
  • wireless network
    • advantages of, 188
    • base station, using, 190–191
    • defined, 187
    • disabling, 385
    • disadvantages of, 188
    • items needed for, 190–194
    • joining, 193–194
    • public access, 394
    • sharing, 201
    • unsecured, 394
  • workflows, 374
  • WPA2 encryption, 194
  • WPA3 encryption, 194
  • wrist rest, 28


  • X icon, 93


  • year, as song detail (Music), 216


  • Zoom button (Photos), 232, 233
  • Zoom button (Safari), 142
  • Zoom feature, 57
  • Zoom/Full screen button, 56
  • zooming, 57
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