Change detection

You now have a good grasp of working with remote sensing data using GDAL, NumPy, and PIL. It's time to move on to our most complex example: change detection. Change detection is the process of taking two geo-registered images of the exact same area from two different dates and automatically identifying the differences. It is really just another form of image classification. It can range from trivial techniques like those used here to highly sophisticated algorithms that provide amazingly precise and accurate results.

For this example, we'll use two images from a coastal area. These images show a populated area before and after a major hurricane, so there are significant differences, many of which are easy to spot, making these samples good to learn change detection. Our technique is to simply subtract the first image from the second to get a simple image difference using NumPy. This is a valid and often used technique. The advantages are that it is comprehensive and very reliable. The disadvantages of this overly simple algorithm are that it doesn't isolate the type of change. Many changes are insignificant for analysis such as the waves in the ocean. In this example, we'll mask the water fairly effectively to avoid this distraction and only focus on the higher reflectance values toward the right side of the difference image histogram.

You can download the before image from

You can download the after image from

Note that these images are quite large—24 MB and 64 MB, respectively!

These images are displayed on the following pages. The before image is panchromatic, while the after image is false color. Panchromatic images are created by sensors that capture all the visible light and are typically higher resolution than multispectral sensors that capture bands containing restricted wavelengths. Normally, you would use two identical band combinations, but these samples will work for our purpose. The visual markers that we can use to evaluate the change detection include a bridge in the southeast quadrant of the image that spans from the peninsula to the edge of the image. This bridge is clearly visible in the before image and is reduced to pilings by the hurricane. Another marker is a boat in the northwest quadrant that appears in the after image as a white trail but is not in the before image. A neutral marker is the water and the state highway, which runs through town and connects to the bridge. This feature is highly reflective concrete that is easily visible in imagery and does not change significantly between the two images. The following is a screenshot of the before image:

Change detection

To view these images up close yourself, you should use QGIS or OpenEV (FWTools), described in the Quantum GIS and OpenEV sections in Chapter 3, The Geospatial Technology Landscape. The following image is the after image:

Change detection

So, to perform a change detection, our example script will execute the following steps:

  1. Read both the images to NumPy arrays with gdal_array.
  2. Subtract the before image from the after image (difference = after–before).
  3. Divide the image into five classes.
  4. Set our color table to use black to mask the lower classes to filter water and roads because they are darker in the image.
  5. Assign colors to the classes.
  6. Save the image.

The script is relatively short, as follows:

from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array
import numpy as np

# "Before" image
im1 = "before.tif"
# "After" image
im2 = "after.tif"
# Load before and after into arrays
ar1 = gdal_array.LoadFile(im1).astype(np.int8)
ar2 = gdal_array.LoadFile(im2)[1].astype(np.int8)
# Perform a simple array difference on the images
diff = ar2 - ar1
# Set up our classification scheme to try
# and isolate significant changes
classes = np.histogram(diff, bins=5)[1]
# The color black is repeated to mask insignificant changes
lut = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [255, 0, 0]]
# Starting value for classification
start = 1
# Set up the output image
rgb = np.zeros((3, diff.shape[0], diff.shape[1], ), np.int8)
# Process all classes and assign colors
for i in range(len(classes)):
    mask = np.logical_and(start <= diff, diff <= classes[i])
    for j in range(len(lut[i])):
        rgb[j] = np.choose(mask, (rgb[j], lut[i][j]))
    start = classes[i]+1
# Save the output image
output = gdal_array.SaveArray(rgb, "change.tif", format="GTiff", prototype=im2)
output = None

Here's what our initial difference image looks like:

Change detection

For the most part, the green classes represent areas where something was added. The red would be a darker value where something was probably removed. We can see that the boat trail is green in the northwest quadrant. In the image, we can also see a lot of changes in vegetation as would be expected probably from seasonal differences. The bridge is an anomaly because the exposed pilings are brighter than the darker surface of the original bridge, which make them green instead of red. Concrete is a major indicator in change detection because it is very bright in sunlight and is usually a sign of new development. Conversely, if a building is torn down and the concrete removed, the difference is also easy to identify. So, our simple difference algorithm used here isn't perfect, but it could be greatly improved using thresholding, masking, better class definitions, and other techniques.

To really appreciate our change detection product, you can overlay it on the before or after image in QGIS and set the color black to be transparent, as shown in the following image:

Change detection
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