Using JavaScript in AngularJS Expressions

In this final example we take a look at some additional JavaScript interactions within the scope. As described previously, much of the JavaScript functionality is supported in AngularJS expression. To illustrate this better, the example shows some array manipulation as well as utilizing the JavaScript Math object within expressions.

Listing 5.5 creates a simple AngularJS controller that contains two arrays in the scope. Notice that on line 3, the following statement adds a Math variable to the scope by assigning it to windows.Math. This is necessary to use the JavaScript Math functionality because only the scope variables are available when AngularJS expressions are evaluated:

$scope.Math = window.Math;

Listing 5.6 implements an AngularJS template that uses AngularJS expressions to display the arrays, show the array length, as well as manipulate the array elements using push() and shift() directly in the expressions. Note that because we have added Math to the scope, we are able to use JavaScript Math operations directly in the expressions in lines 16 and 23.

Figure 5.3 shows the AngularJS web page rendered. Notice that as the links are clicked, the arrays get adjusted and the expressions are reevaluated.

Listing 5.5 expressions_javascript.js: Building a Scope with Arrays and the Math Object That AngularJS Expressions Can Use

01 angular.module('myApp', [])
02   .controller('myController', function($scope) {
03     $scope.Math = window.Math;
04     $scope.myArr = [1];
05     $scope.removedArr = [];
06   });

Listing 5.6 expressions_javascript.html: An AngularJS Template That Uses Expressions That Contain Arrays and Math Logic in Various Ways to Interact with Data from the Scope Model

01 <!doctype html>
02 <html ng-app="myApp">
03   <head>
04     <title>AngularJS Expressions</title>
05     <style>
06       a{color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer}
07     </style>
08   </head>
09   <body>
10     <div ng-controller="myController">
11       <h1>Expressions</h1>
12       Array:<br>
13         {{myArr}}<hr>
14       Elements removed from array:<br>
15         {{removedArr}}<hr>
16       <a ng-click="myArr.push(Math.floor(Math.random()*100 + 1))">
17         Click to append a value to the array</a><hr>
18       <a ng-click="removedArr.push(myArr.shift())">
19         Click to remove the first value from the array</a><hr>
20       Size of Array:<br>
21         {{myArr.length}}<hr>
22       Max number removed from the array:<br>
23         {{Math.max.apply(Math, removedArr)}}<hr>
24     <script src=""></script>
25     <script src="js/expressions_javascript.js"></script>
26   </body>
27 </html>


Figure 5.3 Using AngularJS expressions that apply JavaScript array and Math operations to interact with scope data.

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