ABC. See Awareness-based collective action

Absencing, 31–33

space of, 32

strengthening the sources of presencing to avoid the destructive dynamics of, 23–25

Absencing journey, 32

Abyss, 152–153, 162, 167–168

Ackerson, Carol, 180

Action learning, 244

Action research, awareness-based, 247

Action science, 253


inability to understand the origin of our, 143–144

See also Awareness-based collective action

Acupuncture points of economic and social transformation, 46, 77–78, 138, 176, 240–241, 252. See also specific points

Afflictive emotions, 165

Africa, 59

Age of Disruption, 1


community-owned, 82, 135

See also Sustainable agriculture

April 6 Youth Movement. See Egyptian Revolution of 2011; Mahfouz, Asmaa

Arab Spring, 28, 59

Aristotle, 69, 83

Arizona Cactus Pine Council (ACPC), 179–180

Arthur, Brian, 21, 170

“Attending to the crack,” 23


attending to one’s, 149

bending the beam of, 154–160

energy follows, 21, 186

Attentional violence, 264n6

Awareness, 15–16, 120–121, 236, 253

levels of, 15–16, 20, 28

See also Consciousness

Awareness-based action research, 247

Awareness-based collective action (ABC), 121–123, 127–128, 196t, 215t

closes the feedback loop between parts and whole, 127

Awareness-based leadership technologies, 243

Banking, 27, 98, 101

transformative eco-system, 232–233

Banking 4.0: banking as a vehicle for positive change, 230–235

Barnes, Peter, 133–134

Basic income grant (BIG), 88

Beijing. See Chinese government

Benyus, Janine, 81

Berlin Wall, 27, 28, 36, 227

Beuys, Joseph, 192

Biodiversity, 81

Biodynamic farming, 82

Biomimicry, 81

Blind spot(s), 15, 80, 127, 138, 143–144

of cognition science, 145–146

consciousness, 67–69

in global discourse, 3

how to lead from the emerging future, 3–5

of leadership, 18, 19f

source, 141–142

taking mainstream economic thought for granted, 15

of the 20th century, 143–144

See also Structural disconnects and system limits

Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia shifting the field of democracy to 4.0, 198–201

Bosch, 136

Botsman, Rachel, 134, 135

Bouazizi, Mohamed, 28

Boycotts, 118

BRAC Bank, 98, 101, 232

Braungart, Michael, 81–82

Brazil, 62–63, 251

transforming the secretariat of the National Heritage (SPU), 201–203

See also Natura

Brezhnev, Leonid, 63

Brill, Steven, 271n1

Britain, 135

Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative (BCDI), 248–249, 251


compensation, 94

financial, 6, 7, 7f, 8, 47, 48, 54, 58, 93, 95–99

outmoded mental models giving rise to systemic, 3–4, 11

profit, 93–94

speculation, 99, 234–235, 234f

technology, 7

Buber, Martin, 163

Buddhism, 141, 165, 166

Burnout, 39

Bush, George W., 20

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE), 89–90, 218–219

Capital, 75, 77, 241

collectively creating, 100–102

myths about, 102

natural, human, industrial, and financial, 91–92

origin, history, and meanings of the term, 91

reclaiming our ownership of, 102–103

relinking financial with real, 90–103

Capitalism, 90

current crisis of, 137

evolution of, as evolution of consciousness, 51, 52f, 53–57

Joseph Schumpeter on, 96

Max Weber on, 79

shared ownership and, 135

stakeholder, 54 (see also Society 3.0)

Capitalism 2.0, 92, 187

Capitalism 3.0, 92, 187

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 63

Cardoso, Marcelo, 222–223

Catholic Church, 32

Challenge-response model of economic evolution, 51, 52f, 55–56

Cheney, Dick, 20

Chernobyl disaster, 34–36

China, 60–61, 141

Chinese government, leading learning communities in the, 215–217

Cicero, 130

Citigroup, 10

Civil society movements, problems with the first wave of, 41

Civil society organizations (CSOs), 227

Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), 181

Action Lab Event, 181–182

Climate change, 37, 174

shifting the conversation on, 180–182

Clinton, Bill, 58

Closed heart, 32, 33

Closed-loop designs, 81–82

Closed mind, 32, 33

Closed will, 32, 33

“Closing-in” points, 240. See also Acupuncture points of economic and social transformation

Co-creating, 205–206. See also Collective creativity

Co-creative eco-system economy, 56, 100, 122

Co-creative eco-system innovation, 178

Co-creative eco-system model, 14

Co-creative economy, growing the, 187–188

Co-creative flow, 189

Co-creative relationships, 192, 194, 195, 234, 237

Co-evolving, 115, 206–207

Co-initiation, 115, 205

Co-inspiring, 115, 205

Co-sensing, 22f, 113–115, 205

infrastructures for, 188

Cold War, end of, 27

Collective action. See Awareness-based collective action

Collective creation and destruction, social spaces of, 24f, 25

Collective creativity

collectively creating capital, 100–102

intentional, 97

relinking technology with, 103–110

shifting from debate to, 23

See also Co-creating; Presencing; Social spaces of collective creation and destruction

Collective habits of thought, 2. See also Habits of thought and judgment

Collective leadership capacity building, 247–248

Collective ownership. See Shared ownership

Collective sensing and prototyping, 113–114

Collectivism, rigid, 32, 33

Commodity fiction, 80–81

Common pool resources, 130

Commons, 236

reclaiming the ownership and stewardship of our, 136–137

Commons-based property rights, need for, 133–134

Communication. See Conversation(s)

Companies 4.0, 217–225

Compensation bubble, 94


vs. cooperation, 187

See also Society 2.0

Confucianism, 142–144, 203

Confucius, 142–143, 150

Consciousness, 15, 67–69

evolution of capitalism as an evolution of, 51, 52f, 53–57

evolution of economic structures follows the evolution of, 239–240

form follows, 18

See also Awareness; Consumption

Consumer movement, 118–119

Consumerism, 40, 116

Consumerism disconnect, 47

Consumers are not separate from one another, 118–119

Consumption, 76, 241

from consumerism to conscious, 116

material consumption does not create well-being, 119

the power of collaborative conscious, 120–121

production and, 117–118

relinking the economy with well-being, 115–121

Conversation(s), 176f, 236

conversing about our, 149

create the world, 175–176

level 1: unilateral, one-way downloading, and manipulating, 177

level 2: bilateral, two-way discussions, and exchange of viewpoints, 177

level 3: multilateral stakeholder dialogue, 177–178

level 4: co-creative eco-system innovation, 178

leverage points, 179–188

See also Economic and conversational action

Cooperative initiative in the Bronx, 248–249

Coordinating our coordinating, 149

Coordination, 76, 241

relinking the parts with the whole, 121–128

Coordination mechanisms See Economic coordination mechanisms

Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, 180–181

Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), 229–230

Cosmetics. See Natura

Creativity-appreciating vs. creativity-depreciating technologies, 108

Cross-sector cooperation, 55

Cruyff, Johan, 124–125

Crystallizing, 29

Cunningham, Dayna, 154–156, 160, 161, 183, 248–249

Currencies, complementary, 101–102

Cynicism, 172, 174–175

Dalai Lama, 164–165

Democracy 4.0

directed, distributed, digital, and dialogic, 197–203

shifting to, 198–201

Deng Xiaoping, 60


the discourse of, 84–85

as obstacle, 174–175

Denmark, regional health transformation in, 207–209

Depression, 39, 174–175


economic, 119–120

multilateral stakeholder, 177–178

shifting from debate to, 23

See also Government 4.0

Diener, Ed, 263n29

Digital Revolution. See Third Industrial Revolution


between actual ownership forms and best societal use of property, 7

consumerism, 47

ecological, 46, 50

between ego-system awareness and eco-system reality, 11–13

financial, 46

between the financial and the real economy, 5–6

governance, 48

between governance and the voiceless in our system, 6–7

income and wealth, 46

between infinite growth imperative and finite natural resources, 6

leadership, 46

outmoded mental models giving rise to systemic bubbles and, 3–4, 11

ownership, 48

between people and institutional leadership, 6

between real societal needs and technology, 7

between self (of the present) and Self (emerging future), 4–5, 33, 144–145

structural, and system limits, 13, 44, 45t, 46–48, 65, 72

systemic, that give rise to symptoms, 5–8, 14f, 65, 72

technology, 46

between well-being and GDP, 6

Disruption and breakdown, increasing intensity of, 121

Diversity in nature, 81, 236

Division of labor, 57, 83

Downloading (first level of listening), 20, 147

Eastern philosophy, 141–142. See also Buddhism

Eco-system awareness, 148t

Eco-system economies

a cross-sector platform for, 235–237

principles of emerging, 235

Eco-systems, 37–38

defined, 67

Ecological disconnect, 46, 50

Ecological divide, 4, 37–42

current and short-term symptoms, 37–38

Ecological footprint, human development and, 50, 50f

Ecological limits, 85

Economic activity arises from and returns to nature, 80

Economic and conversational action, shifting the center of gravity of the, 233–235

Economic condition of society, 48, 49f, 50, 50f

Economic coordination mechanisms, 55–56, 122f, 123. See also Coordination

Economic dialogues, closing the feedback loop through, 119–120

Economic evolution. See Matrix of Economic Evolution

Economic field, shifting the center of gravity of the, 233–235

Economic framework, 3, 15, 80–81, 239

Economic growth

and life expectancy, 49, 49f

the myth of, 85

Economic logic and corporate development, stages of, 225, 226t, 227

Economic monotheism, death of, 70–72

Economic operating system, 11, 15, 68, 73, 76, 84, 109, 138, 149, 240

what it would take to upgrade it to 4.0, 11, 15, 68, 73, 125–127

See also specific topics

Economic thought, 11, 15

natural law and, 15

origins, 69–70

structure of societal reality vs., 11, 14–15

taking mainstream economic thought for granted, 15

Economic value creation, 115–116

Economy 4.0, 76, 235

closing the feedback loop of matter and mind, 240–241

See also specific topics


disconnect between the financial and the real, 5–6, 92–95

from ego-system to eco-system, 2, 68 (see also under Ego-system awareness)

growing gap between the financial and the real, 92–95

is not a business, 126

of presencing vs. transactional benefits, 88

of scale, 9

Education 4.0, 209–217. See also University 4.0

Ego-system awareness, 148t

and the shift to eco-system awareness, 2, 13–16, 68

vs. eco-system reality, 11–13

Egyptian Revolution of 2011, 28, 30–31

Einstein, Albert, 11, 14

Eisler, Riane T., 100

ELIAS (Emerging Leaders Innovate across Sectors), 183–184, 229

ELIAS prototypes: a global innovation ecology, 184–185

five learning experiences, 185–187

growing the co-creative economy, 187–188

Embodying the new, 29

Emerging Leaders Innovate across Sectors. See ELIAS

Empathic listening, 147, 154

Empathy, 177–178


igniting global fields of social, 89–90

relinking work and, 86–89

Environmental disasters, 8

Environmental initiatives, 41. See also Climate change; Sustainable agriculture; World Wide Fund for Nature

Eosta, 178

Essential self, 2. See also Self

Europe, 57–58

European sovereign-debt crisis (euro crisis), 12

European Union (EU), 12

Evolutionary economic framework. See Economic framework

Evolutionary stages, 14, 79, 131, 225.

See also Capitalism: evolution of;

Matrix of Economic Evolution;

Matrix of Social Evolution

Existential crisis, 152–153

Externalities, 8–9

defined, 8

Eye of the needle, passing through the, 22

Factual listening, 147, 154

Fair Trade Movement, 118

Fault lines, 36–42

Fear, 172

voice of, 23

vs. love, 221–222

Feedback loops, 201

delayed and broken, 7–8

Financial bubbles. See Bubbles

Financial capital. See Capital

Financial crisis, deeper structural problem of our current, 100

Financial crisis of 2007–2008, 8, 9, 50, 93, 97

Financial disconnect, 46

Financial mechanisms, function of, 97

Financial sector, 98–99

Financial system

collapse of, 27

as too efficient, 95

Fisher, Eileen, 227

Flowers, Betty Sue, 18

Food, shifting the field of, 223–225

Food industry, 10

Football, total, 124–125

Forster, Norbert, 206–207

France, Chernobyl disaster and, 35

Free-market model, 13, 14f, 52t, 54, 74t, 226t

Friedman, Thomas, 53

Froman, Michael, 10

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 28

Fundamentalism, 32–33


examples of sensing what wants to emerge, 248–252

exploring the future by doing, 188

how to lead from the emerging, 3–4

noticing the crack to the field of the, 171

relinking leadership with the emerging, 110–115

seeing our, 115

turning yourself into a vehicle for the, 167–168

“Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” 105

See also specific topics

Future possibilities

opening up to, 29 (see also Presencing)

tension between current reality and, 152–153

Gaddafi, Muammar, 28

Galtung, Johan, 27

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma), 62, 118, 253

Generative listening, 147, 154

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 133

Germany, 12–13, 82, 132, 133, 135, 155, 156, 192. See also Holocaust; Nazis

Gifts, making, 99

Gillespie, Glennifer, 179, 180

Girl Scouts, 179–180

Global Alliance for Banking on Values, 103, 232–233

Global civil society, 253

Global Presencing Forums, 248

Global Well-Being and GNH Lab, 250

Globalization, 64–65

GLS Bank, 101

God, 145

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 110, 240

Goodman, Marian, 251

Gorbachev, Mikhail S., 34–36, 63, 261n12

Governance and the voiceless in our system, disconnect between, 6–7

Governance disconnect, 48

Government 4.0: directed, distributed, digital, and dialogic, 197–203

Grassroots movements, 118

decentralized, 27–29

Great Depression, 58

“Great Learning” (Confucius), 142–144

Gross domestic product (GDP)

disconnect between well-being and, 6

innovating beyond, 250–251

Gross National Happiness (GNH), 250–252

Ha Vinh Tho, 250

Habermas, Jürgen, 104, 105

Habits of thought and judgment, 2, 20, 146

suspending old, 16, 22

Habitual awareness, 148t, 151t

Habitual listening, 154

Haeckel, Ernst, 67

Hamilton, Hal, 224–225, 227

Hanauer, Nick, 168–169

Happiness, 250–251

Hawken, Paul, 31, 227

Hayashi, Arawana, 208

Health, 162

GDP and, 48, 49f

Health 4.0, 203–209

Health and education systems transformation, parallels in, 214–215, 214f

Health and social problems, 48, 49f


following your, 170

shutting down the open, 23

See also Love

Heidegger, Martin, 108

Henrich, Robert, 135


supposed antagonism of markets vs., 125–126

See also Society 1.0

Holding space, 23, 236

Holocaust, 32, 155–158, 160, 162

Honecker, Erich, 32

Huai-Chin Nan, 150, 240, 253

Human-centric technology, 104–106, 110. See also Life-centric technology

Human development and ecological footprint, 50, 50f

Hungary, Nazi-occupied, 158

Hunger, 38

Husserl, Edmund, 240

Iceberg model of the current system, 3–5, 7f, 11, 14f, 25, 27, 31, 39, 44, 48, 67, 141

IDEAS Indonesia program, 198–201

Ideology. See One Truth

Income, economic human right to a basic, 87

Income and wealth disconnect, 46

Income inequality, 39

and health and social problems, 48, 49f

India, 62

Indonesia, 61, 198–201

Industrial capitalism and shared ownership, 135–136

Industrial Revolution, 53, 60, 78, 83, 91–92, 104, 116, 130–132. See also Second Industrial Revolution; Third Industrial Revolution

Inequality. See Income inequality


for co-evolving, 188

to co-initiate, 187–188

to co-inspire, 188

for co-sensing, 188

for prototyping, 188

Ingerslev, Karen, 207

Innovation hubs, 244, 246

Institutional innovations, 76

Institutional inversion, 192–195

Institutional transformation, sectors of current, 196t, 197

Intention, 236

connecting to it as an instrument, 170

Interest groups, organizing around, 54–55

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 27

Internet, 120, 136

Inversion (Umstülpung), 192

institutional, 192–195

See also Conversation(s)

Inversion journey, 240

Invisible hand of the market, 70, 122

Jacob, Gail, 156, 161–163, 168

Jandernoa, Beth, 179, 180, 190

Japan, 59–60

Jaworski, Joseph, 17–18

Jews. See Holocaust

Jobless growth, 85

Jobs, Steve, 86, 114, 115, 170, 227

Johnson, Simon, 32, 71, 94, 100

Joy, Bill, 105, 106

Judgment, 172

suspension of old habits of, 146

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 163–169

Kahane, Adam, 224

Kalungu-Banda, Martin, 180–182

Katjivena, Bertha, 206

Kegan, Robert, 214

Kelly, Dave, 114

Kimmitt, Robert, 93

Klatzky, Antoinette, 158, 161–163

Krugman, Paul, 71, 100

Kuhn, Thomas, 73

Kwak, James, 94

Labor, 75, 77, 241

division of, 57, 83

relinking jobs with purpose, 82–89

Labor theory of property, 130–131

Landshare project, 135

Lau, Lawrence, 5

Leaders in an organization, multiple, 112

Leadership, 75, 77, 241

is about creating and communicating a vision, 113

as a distributed or collective capacity in a system, 112

essence of, 110, 114–115

myths about, 112–113

the only real leadership issue, 111–112

origin of the term, 110

shifting the locus from the center to the periphery, 191–192

the tao of, 143–145

See also specific topics

Leadership disconnect, 46

Leading from the emerging future, 19–20

Leal, Guilherme, 222, 227

Learning journeys, 224–225

individualized lifelong, 244–245

Legitimacy, 128

Lehman Brothers, bankruptcy of, 12, 27

Letting come, 29

Letting go, 29, 146, 148t

going to the edge of, 162–163

Levine, Mark, 134

Lewin, Kurt, 253

Liberation myth, debunking the, 106–107

Lietaer, Bernard, 95

Life-centric technology, 104–106, 110. See also Human-centric technology

Linux, 109

Listening, 113, 169–171

levels of, 20, 147, 149, 154, 169, 201

Loan decisions, 9

Loans, making, 99

Locke, John, 130–132

Long, Michelle, 89–90

Love, 157, 161, 180, 220

doing what you love and loving what you do, 86, 114, 170

vs. fear, 221–222

See also Heart

Loving attention, 220–221

Lowe, Juliette Gordon, 180

Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 63

Luria, Salvador, 166

Machines, 104

Mahfouz, Asmaa, 28, 30–31

Majfud, Jorge, 116

Malik, Khalid, 53

Mao Zedong, 51, 60

Marsh, Marcia, 228, 229

Marx, Karl, 91–92

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See MIT

Matrix, The (film), 105

Matrix of Economic Evolution, 72–73, 74t, 75, 126, 138, 239–241

reading the, 75–76

Matrix of Social Evolution, 146–147, 148t, 149, 239–241, 247

reintegrating the, 149–151

McDonough, William, 81–82

Mead, Margaret, 168

Mental models, outmoded

giving rise to systemic bubbles and disconnects, 3–4, 11

producing intellectual bankruptcy, 11

sources that give rise to, 16–17

terminology, 11

Meridians. See Acupuncture points of economic and social transformation

Michels, Rinus, 124


and matter, 142–143

shutting down the open, 23

Mindfulness, 253

moments of madness and, 33–36

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), 163–167

research publications on, 164f

MIT Center for Organizational Learning, 17

MIT IDEAS Indonesia program, 198–201

Mondragon Corporation, 136


“aging,” 235

does not equal money, 99–100

flows the wrong way, 9

function of all, 97

intentional, for the realization of community, 97

is not a commodity, 96–99

is not capital, 95–96

myths about, 86, 102

options for using, 233

transfer of, 99

types of, 233

Mubarak, Hosni, 28, 31, 32, 51

Multitasking, 106

Namibia, 88, 203–207

Nan Huai-Chin, 141–146

Natura, as shifting the field of business, 219–223

Natural resources, disconnect between infinite growth imperative and finite, 6

Nature, 75, 77, 241

diversity in, 81

relinking economy with, 78–82

as zero-waste system, 81

Nazis, 32, 153, 155, 158. See also Holocaust

Neoliberal Reagan-Thatcher revolution, 58, 64

New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), 41

Newman, Kate, 229

Nhat Hanh, Thich, 159–160

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 213, 214, 221

“Man is a rope,” 152–153

Nike, 112

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 112

NGOs 4.0, 227–228

Now, connecting and staying with the, 170. See also Presencing

Nuclear disarmament, 261n12

Obama, Barack, 10, 59

O’Brien, Bill, 18

Observation, 169

bending the beam of, 161, 240 (see also Self-reflection)

Occupation theory of ownership, 130–131

Occupy Wall Street movement, 28

Oikos, 2, 67, 69–70, 83

Olson, Mancur, 10

One Truth (ideology/closed mind), 32, 33

One Us (closed heart/rigid collectivism), 32, 33

One Will (closed will/fanaticism), 32, 33

Open-door policy, 200

Open heart, shutting down the, 23

Open mind, shutting down the, 23

Open will, shutting down the, 23

Opening up, 29. See also U process

Openness, 236

to changing yourself and changing stakeholders, 171

Organizing our organizing, 149

Ownership, 76, 241

historical perspective on, 130

of our commons, reclaiming the, 136–137

relinking ownership with the best societal use, 128–140

Ownership disconnect, 48

Ownership forms, 133

as socially constructed, 132

Ownership rights, legitimacy of, 128

Paradigms of economic thought. See Mental models

Parnes, Marc, 127–128

Participatory budget model, 202–203

Pellerin, Pierre, 35

Perry, Matthew C., 60

Perseverance, 172

Pickett, Kate, 49f

Playfulness, 236

“Please Call Me by My True Names” (Nhat Hanh), 159–160

Plotinus, 221–222

Polanyi, Karl, 80, 83

Police structure of Society 1.0, 52–53

Possibility, conditions of, 154–163

Poverty, 38

positive externalities flow to the top, negative externalities to the poor, 8–9

Practice fields, 245

Practicing, 171

rather than preaching, 169

Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future (Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski, & Flowers), 18, 247

Presencing, 1, 19, 20, 22f, 29–31

defined, 19

economies of, 88

as the essence of leadership, 114–115

principles of, 21–25

strengthening the sources of, 23–25

See also Social Presencing Theater

Presencing coaching circles, 243–244

Presencing Institute (PI), 154, 179, 208, 229, 238, 245–250, 276

Presencing Institute Africa, 180

Presencing journey, 32

Private ownership

shift to the primacy of, 130–131

See also Ownership

Production, forces vs. relations of, 91–92

Profit bubble, 93–94


disconnect between actual ownership forms and best societal use of, 7

See also Ownership

Property rights

commons-based, 47

efficiency, 132–133

evolution of, by economic stage, 128, 129t, 130

myths regarding, 132–133

See also Ownership rights

Prototype initiatives, 184–185, 188, 198, 209, 216, 247–251

Prototypes, 198, 244, 247t

mini-prototypes, 184

Prototyping, 198, 245

collective sensing and, 113–114

infrastructures for, 188

key mantra of, 113–114

Public goods, 130

Purchases, making, 99

Putin, Vladimir, 64

Rajan, Raghuram G., 100

Reagan, Ronald, 261n12

Real economy. See under Economy(ies)

Rebound effect, 37

Recycling, 41

Redirection/redirecting, 146, 148t

Reflective disruption, moment of, 13

Regional Delivery Units (RDUs), 205–206

Relational inversion. See Conversation(s)

Relationships, transformed from ego (I-in-me) to ecological (we-in-me), 194–195, 195f

Reschke, Alexandra, 201–202

Research and development (R&D) investments, relinked with pressing societal needs, 107

Rifkin, Jeremy, 105

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 58

Rosch, Eleanor, 16

Rousseff, Dilma, 63

Russia, 63–64

Scharmer, C. Otto, 17–18, 82, 156, 157, 162, 183, 265n6

Schmied, Claudia, 210–212, 214, 216

Schor, Juliet, 79, 100

Schumpeter, Joseph, 95–96

Seabra, Luiz, 220–222, 227

Second Industrial Revolution, 104, 116, 131, 132


disconnect between self (of the present) and Self (emerging future), 4–5, 33, 144–145

essential/emerging, 2

exploring the edges of the, 16

shifting the inner place from which we operate, 18–19

sources of, 144, 145, 154, 161, 240

Self-reflection, 149. See also Observation: bending the beam of

Selflessness, 222

Seligman, Martin E. P., 263n29

Sen, Amartya K., 100

Senesh, Hannah, 158

Senge, Peter, 17–18, 141, 183, 216, 217, 224, 253

Sensing, 29. See also Presencing

Seville, Don, 224

Shadow, holding the space for embracing the, 161–162

Shared ownership, 134–136

Sharing, 236

Silo-type approach (dealing with one symptom cluster at a time), 5

Skin care products. See Natura

Slowing down, 29

Smith, Adam, 56, 91

Soccer, 125

Social divide, 4, 40–42

Social evolution. See Matrix of Social Evolution

Social fields, 69

Social limits, 85

Social-market economy, 14, 14t, 52t, 63, 74t, 92, 121, 122, 226t

Social Presencing Theater, 208, 216, 244

Social reality, inability to see the coming-into-being of, 143–144

Social spaces of collective creation and destruction, 24f, 25

Socially responsible investing, 118, 232

Society 1.0: organizing around hierarchy, 51, 52t, 53, 55–57, 60

Society 2.0: organizing around competition, 52t, 53–54, 56–58, 60

Society 3.0: organizing around interest groups, 52t, 54–58, 60

Society 4.0: organizing around the emerging whole, 52t, 55–57, 87, 231, 235, 245, 247f. See also specific topics

Socioeconomic divide, 38–39

Soil erosion, 37

Solar energy, 81

Sources that give rise to mental models, structures, and symptoms, 14f, 16–17, 142

Special interest groups, 193–194, 234–235

governance is driven by, 10–11

Speculation bubbles, 99, 234–235, 234f. See also Bubbles

Speculative transactions, making, 99

Spiritual-cultural divide, 4–5, 39–42

Stakeholder awareness, 148t

Stakeholder communication in economic systems, four levels of, 176, 176f. See also Conversation(s)

Stakeholder interviews, 189–190


openness to changing yourself and changing, 171

relationships among (see Co-creative relationships)

using different language with different, 171

Stalin, Joseph, 51, 63

State-centric model, 13, 14f, 52t, 56, 63, 74t, 138, 226t. See also Society 1.0

Steiner, Rudolf, 240

Sterman, John, 174

Stiglitz, Joseph, 50, 71, 92–93, 100

Stock market crashes, 97

Stress reduction. See Mindfulness-based stress reduction

Structural disconnects and system limits, 44, 45t, 46–48, 65, 72


of eco-system reality vs. ego-system awareness, 11

of social reality vs. economic thought, 11

sources that give rise to, 16–17

systemic disconnects that give rise to symptoms, 5–8, 14f, 65, 72

Suicide, 39

Sukarno, 51, 61

Suspension/suspending, 146, 148t

Sustainable agriculture, 184–185. See also White Dog Café

Sustainable Business Network (SBN), 219

Sustainable Food Lab, 82, 223–225

Suyoto, Bupati, 198–200

Symbiosis in nature, 81, 236

Symptoms, sources that give rise to, 16–17

Symptoms level, as a landscape of issues and pathologies, 4–5

System, exploring the edges of the, 16

System dynamics, 17

Systemic imperatives, 105

Systems thinking, 82, 121, 198

Tahir Square. See Egyptian Revolution of 2011

Technological Revolution. See Second Industrial Revolution

Technologies, reclaiming our access to, 109–110

Technology, 75, 77, 120, 241

creativity and, 108

disconnect between real societal needs and, 7

evolution of, 103–105

as force of liberation vs. force of dependency, 106–107

origin of the term, 108

Technology bubble, 7

Technology disconnect, 46

Technology fix, 107

Technology-fix myth, debunking the, 107

Text messaging, 199–200

Theory U

debates over agricultural sustainability and, 224

Francisco Varela and, 145

innovation infrastructures and, 187–188

Matrix of Social Evolution and, 146

overview and core ideas of, 18–20, 145, 146

presencing and, 19, 119

See also U process;

Theory U (Scharmer), 18, 247

Thinking, 1–2, 11

systems, 82, 121, 198

See also Economic thought; Mental models Thinley, Jigme Yoser, 250–251

Third Industrial Revolution, 75, 77, 104, 105, 132

leading the, 108

Tho Ha Vinh, 159–160, 162

Thompson, Phil, 41

Thomsen, Ole, 207, 209

Thought, suspension of old habits of, 146

Tiki-taka soccer, 125

Todmorden, West Yorkshire, 135

Tools, 103

Torvalds, Linus, 109, 110

Total football, 124–125

Town hall community meetings, 200

Toynbee, Arnold, 51, 73

Tragedy of the commons, 12, 47, 131

Transparency, 236

lack of, 10

Triodos Bank, 101

Tyrants, the toppling of, 27–29. See also Hierarchies

U-based leadership program, 185

U process (of opening the mind, heart, and will), 113, 154, 169, 171, 189

applications, 183–184

definition and overview, 21, 22f, 105, 119

following the three movements of the, 21, 239

the journey to, 17–18, 76

See also Theory U;

U process journey, 22–23, 189, 216

Umstülpung. See Inversion

United Kingdom, 135

United Nations Climate Change Conference (2009), 180–181

United States, history of, 58–59

University 4.0, elements merging in, 243–245

Unterguggenberger, Michael, 102, 248–250, 252–253

core activities, 246, 247f

defined, 246

need for, 249

putting students into the driver’s seat of profound societal innovation, 242–247

Value creation. See Economic value creation

Varela, Francisco, 119, 145–146, 154, 240

Vienna, reinventing the educational system in, 210–215

Voice of cynicism (VoC), 23

Voice of doubt and judgment (VoJ), 23

Voice of fear (VoF), 23. See also Fear

von Bismarck, Otto, 92

von Weizsäcker, Ernst Ulrich, 81

Wall Street, 8–9, 27, 71, 97, 98. See also Occupy Wall Street movement

“War on drugs,” 116

Waste. See under Nature

Water, supply and demand of fresh, 37

Webber, Alan, 114–115, 170

Weber, Max, 79

Well-being, 250

disconnect between GDP and, 6

relinking the economy with, 115–121

White Dog Café, creating a nationwide movement out of the, 218–219

Wicks, Judy, 218–219, 227

Wikipedia, 108

Wilkinson, Richard, 49f


closed, 32, 33

shutting down the open, 23

Wisdom, economic science performed with the mind of, 15

Woodbury, Tamara, 179

World Bank, 59

World War II, 32

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 228–230

Yuval, Yishai, 156–158, 161–163

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