Project permissions

As you have seen, global permissions are rather coarse in what they control and are applied globally. Since they can only be applied to groups, they are rather inflexible when it comes to deciding whom to grant the permissions to.

To provide a more flexible way of managing and designing permissions, JIRA allows you to manage permissions at the project level, which allows each project to have its own distinctive permission settings. Furthermore, permissions can be assigned to one of the following:

  • Reporter: This is the user who submitted the issue
  • Group: These are all users that belong to the specified group
  • Single user: This is any user in JIRA
  • Project lead: This is the lead of the project
  • Current assignee: This is the user currently assigned to the issue
  • User custom field value: This user is specified in a custom field of the type User Custom Field
  • Project role: These are all users that belong to the specified role
  • Group custom field value: These are users within the specified group in a Group Custom Field

The list of permissions is also more fine-grained and designed more around controlling permissions on a project level. The only catch to this is that the list is final, and you cannot add new permission types:

Project permissions


Administer Project

This is the permission to administer a project. Users with this permission are referred to as project administrators. Users with this permission are able to edit the project role membership, components, versions, and general project details such as name and description.

Browse Project

This is the permission for users to browse and view the project and its issues. If a user does not have the browse project permission for a given project, the project will be hidden from them, and notifications will not be sent.

Manage Sprints

This is the permission to control who can perform sprint-related operations, such as creating and starting a sprint, on an agile board. This is only applicable to JIRA Software.

View Development Tools

This is the permission for users to have access to information from JIRA's development tools integration, such as code commits and build results.

View Read-Only Workflow

This is the permission for users to view a read-only diagram of the workflow. When the user has this permission, there will be a View Workflow link next to the issue's status.

Issue permissions


Assignable User

This is the user that can be assigned to issues.

Assign Issues

This is the permission for users to assign issues to different users.

Close Issues

This is the permission for users to close issues.

Create Issues

This is the permission for users to create issues.

Delete Issues

This is the permission for users to delete issues.

Edit Issues

This is the permission for users to edit issues.

Link Issues

This is the permission for users to link issues together (if issue linking is enabled).

Modify Reporter

This is the permission for users to change the value of the Reporter field.

Move Issues

This is the permission for users to move issues.

Resolve Issues

This is the permission for users to resolve issues and set values for the Fix For Version field.

Schedule Issues

This is the permission for users to set and update due dates for issues.

Set Issue Security

This is the permission for users to set issue security levels to enable issue-level security. Refer to the following sections to learn more about issue security.

Transition Issues

This is the permission to transition issues through the workflow.

Voters and Watchers permissions


Manage Watchers

This is the permission to manage the watchers' list of issues (add/remove watchers).

View Voters and Watchers

This is the permission to view the voters and watchers' list of issues.

Comments permissions


Add Comments

This is the permission for users to add comments to issues.

Delete All Comments

This is the permission to delete all comments.

Delete Own Comments

This is the permission to delete your own comments.

Edit All Comments

This is the permission for users to edit comments made by all users.

Edit Own Comments

This is the permission to edit your own comments.

Attachments permissions


Create Attachments

This is the permission to add attachments to issues (if an attachment is enabled).

Delete All Attachments

This is the permission to delete all attachments to issues.

Delete Own Attachments

This is the permission to delete attachments to issues added by you.

Time tracking permissions


Delete Own Worklogs

This is the permission to delete worklogs made by you.

Delete All Worklogs

This is the permission to delete all worklogs.

Edit Own Worklogs

This is the permission to edit worklogs made by you.

Edit All Worklogs

This is the permission to edit all worklogs.

Work On Issues

This is the permission to log work done on issues (if time tracking is enabled).

As you can see, even though the list cannot be modified, JIRA provides you with a very comprehensive list of permissions that will cover almost all your permission needs.

With this many permissions, it will be highly inefficient if you have to create them individually for each project you have. With permission schemes, JIRA lets you define your permissions once and apply them to multiple projects.

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