
Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures; those followed by “t” denote tables


A roll

B roll and, combining of, 357

editing of, 333

AAC, 207

ABC, 12, 67

Aberrations, 270271

Above-the-line costs, 8788, 252

AC–3, 207

A. C. Nielsen ratings, 3


box-office appeal of, 91

casting of. See Casting

Actuality effects, 352

Adaptation, 112114

Additive color system, 306

Advertisers, 13

Advertising, 3, 17

Aerial image photography, 396


of animation, 364365

of audio, 180

definition of, 136

of editing, 328331

elements of, 136

of graphics, 364365

of production, 5963

realism, 136

of sound, 176, 180

symmetry, 147148, 149f

Affiliates, 15

Agent, 422423

AIFF, 207

Alligator clip, 229

Ambient noise, 176, 198

American Standards Association, 316

AM-FM terrestrial radio, 7

An American Family, 85

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, 110

Analog recording, 297299

Analog signal, 5f, 6, 300, 301f, 325

Analog tape recorders, 298

Analog technologies

description of, 3638

digital technologies vs., 37

Analog video

color video, 306

composite video signal, 304307

helical scan recording, 307, 308f309f

monochrome video, 306

scanning systems, 306307

videotape formats, 308311

Ancillary rights, 2021

Angle of acceptance, 272, 272f


cel, 385386, 387f, 388

computer, 389390, 400

exposure sheet used in, 385, 386f

film, 392393

flat, 385386

interpolation, 390

overview of, 363364, 385

pixillation, 386, 389

plastic, 386, 389

preproduction of, 385

stop-action, 386

storyboards for, 385

summary of, 400

types of, 385386

on web, 391

Animation rostrum, 386

Animation stand, 386

Animator, 57, 385

Answer print, 357

Apollo 13, 43, 394

Arbitron, 13

Arc, 265

Archival research, 78

Argument, 117

Arranger, 55

Art director, 54, 57

Artificial intelligence, 116

Artist representation, 422423

Artistic expression, 59

Artistic proof, 117

Aspect ratio

definition of, 145, 146f

essential area, 146, 146f, 377

for HDTV, 145, 376

rule of thirds, 147, 147f

for standard television images, 249, 375

Assistant/associate director, 52

Asymmetrical balance, 249, 369, 369f

Asymmetrical frame, 147148, 149f

Asynchronous sound, 160161


analysis, 25

anticipated, 81

commercial testing, 127

demographics of, 23

for instructional programs, 128

size estimations, 23

target demographic groups, 13

Audience pretesting, 2, 45

Audio. See also Sound

aesthetics of, 180

compression of, 340

digital. See Digital audio

mixing of, 202206, 208, 211

Audio console

description of, 202, 204f205f

operation of, 207208

Audio control boards, 201f

Audio engineer, 5455

Audio head, 308

Audio mixing log, 350f

Audio on-demand streaming, 12

Audio operator, 55

Audio postproduction, 36

Audio producer, 3536, 55

Audio production, 22, 3536

Audio recordist, 55

Audio video interleaved files, 335


definition of, 47

digital, 47

formats of, 298

summary of, 324

Audiotape speeds, 298

Authoring, 129

Authority interviews, 124

Automatic dialogue replacement, 350351, 358

Automatic gain controls, 201, 349

Automatic level controls, 201

Automatic slate, 324

AVI files. See Audio video interleaved files


B roll

editing of, 333

A roll and, combining of, 357

Background, 372, 372f

Background light, 243244

Background music, 162

Background sound, 176

Backlight, 243

Backtime, 208

Backtiming, 169

Balance, 248249, 369

Barn doors, 229, 232f233f

Basic DV camcorder, 281282

Batman Forever, 3940, 217

Battery-powered lights, 228229

BBC, 17, 29

Bed sound, 208

Below-the-line costs, 88, 252

Bergman, 137

Betacam, 309310

Bezier curves, 380

Bias signal, 297

Bidirectional microphone, 182, 183f

Binary code, 300

Binary system, 33

Bit, 337, 337f

Bitmap images, 379380

Black-and-white film, 316f

Blinkity Blank, 365

Blocking, 35, 167, 168f

Blood packs, 399400

Bloop, 324

Blue screen, 155

Blu-ray discs, 2223

BMP, 380

Body mount, 265266, 267f

Bonnie and Clyde, 378


fishpole, 187, 189f

giraffe, 187, 189f

operation of, 189190

perambulator, 187, 189

placement of, 190, 191f

shadows caused by, 190

Boom operators, 190

Boom shot, 145

Branching, 116

Breakdown of script, 8586, 86f

Brief History of Time, 217

Bright Leaves, 85

Brightness, 306, 367

British Broadcasting Corporation. See BBC

Broadcast camera, 282284, 284f

Broadcast carrier frequencies, 45f

Broadcast news, 123

Broadcast television

cable systems, 1516

commercials on, 13

daytime programming, 13

Internet distribution of, 27

local news programs on, 15

overview of, 1213

producers in, 13

public television, 1617

scheduling considerations, 1314

syndicated programming, 1415

Broadcasting, 29

Broadcasting Cablecasting Yearbook, 411

Browsers, 381


above-the-line costs, 8788

below-the-line costs, 88

contingency fund, 88, 90

definition of, 35

format of, 89f

for staff producer, 91

Bullet hits, 399

Bunuel, Luis, 61, 137

Buses, 170f, 170171

Buzzwords, 127

Byte, 337, 337f


Cable, 201202, 202f

Cable release, 290

Cable sync, 323

Cable television

commercial broadcasting vs., 16

definition of, 46

description of, 9, 9f, 29

history of, 6667

programming on, 1516


accessories, 290, 291f

care of, 290292

charged couple device, 65, 67

digital. See Digital camera

digital recording devices with, 39

film. See Film camera

HDTV, 44

history of, 64

microphones mounted on, 194f

miniaturization of, 66, 68

movement of, 264265

moving, 143

overview of, 261262

promoter devices on, 291f

video. See Video camera

Camera angle

changing of, 156

description of, 141

point of view shot, 140f, 141

reverse-angle shot, 141

Camera blocking, 35, 167, 168f

Camera body, 318

Camera cards, 251, 383

Camera control unit, 277

Camera lens

aberrations, 270271

angle of acceptance, 272, 272f

aperture of, 274f, 274275

depth of field, 275f, 275276

description of, 269

digital, 280

elements of, 270f

field of view, 272273, 273f

focal length, 272, 272f

focus distance, 273274

image depth, 273

optics, 269270

perspective of, 271276

variable focal length, 272

zoom, 272

Camera mounting devices

body mount, 265266, 267f

description of, 265

dolly, 267269, 269f

tripods, 265267, 268f

Camera operator, 54, 167, 292293

Camera placement

framing, 262263

movements, 264265

positioning, 262

Camera shots. See Shot

Cameramen, 53

Cap filter, 277

Capture, 334335

Carbon arc light, 219

Cardioid microphone, 182, 183f, 190, 194, 196


application process, 412422

cover letter, 416, 417f

interviewing, 420422

portfolio, 417418, 419f

résumé, 412416, 413f, 415f

in artist representation, 422423

freelancing, 422

internships, 408410

job search, 410411

networking, 411412

skills necessary for, 406407, 407f

Carrier wave, 45

Cassettes, 298


computerized networks for, 39

director’s role in, 165166

producer’s role in, 9091

Casting sessions, 165

CBS, 12, 67

CCD. See Charge coupled device

C-clamps, 229

CD, 47, 207

CD-R, 22

Cel animation, 385386, 387f, 388

Celebrity interviews, 124

Cell phones, 68

Central characters, 112


actions of, 111

central, 112

description of, 96

development of, 110113

fictional, 110113

incidental, 112

principal, 112

secondary, 112

Character generator, 384

Charge coupled device, 65, 67, 261, 276, 279

Chiaroscuro, 245

Chinatown, 365

Chroma key, 154155

Chromatic aberration, 271

Chrominance, 276, 306

Cinema vérité approach, 120, 330

Citizen Kane, 112, 113f

Clapstick/clapboard, 323

Climax, 108

Clip, 41, 341

Clock time, 169

Close shot, 139141


castaways, 173

close mic for, 333

definition of, 139, 264

description of, 22, 139141, 158

example of, 332f

extreme, 140

headroom for, 263

medium, 138

recording of, 166


definition of, 149, 373

depth, 149151

example of, 374f

frame movement, 151

image qualities, 151

perspective, 149151

scale, 151

Codec, 206207


cultural response to, 367

description of, 248

emotional response to, 367

symbolism of, 367

Color contrast, 366367

Color correction, 346

Color correction filters, 277

Color film, 317318, 319f

Color harmony, 366

Color hues, 306

Color purity, 306

Color test pattern, 368f

Color timer, 357

Color video, 306

Color wheel, 366

Colorizing, 43

Commands by director, 171172

Commentary, 122123

Commentative sound, 160

Commercial tie-ins, 2021


audience testing of, 127

on broadcast television, 13

budget for, 1718

definition of, 125

description of, 17

goal of, 126

local, 18, 125

production of, 125126

scriptwriting for, 126128

shooting ratio for, 175

storyboard for, 127128

treatments for, 127

Communication production systems, 6

Compact discs, 47, 207

Compact iodine daylight lamps, 219

Compact source iodine lamps, 219

Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor chips, 261262, 276, 279

Composite print, 357

Composite video signal, 304307

Compositing, 43, 394


aspect ratio. See Aspect ratio

balance, 248249, 369

closure. See Closure definition of, 145

description of, 248249

emphasis, 372373

equilibrium, 373, 373f

figure/ground, 372, 372f

graphic artist’s use of, 368377

image area, 375376, 377f

perspective. See Perspective

proximity, 370, 371f

readability, 374375, 375f376f

similarity, 370, 371f

symmetry, 147148, 148f

X-axis, 374

Y-axis, 374

Z-axis, 374

Compound lenses, 270


of audio, 340

definition of, 338

in editing, 337340

in motion video, 338339

sound signal, 206207

space saved using, 339

of time, 157

Compression ratio, 339

Computer animation, 389390, 400

Computer games, 4344

Computer graphics

description of, 378379

multimedia use of, 382

software for, 38

Computer graphics systems, 382

Concave lens, 269

Condenser microphone, 182, 193194

Conformer, 356

Conforming, 356357

Construction window, 342

Consultants, 78

Consumer marketing, 24

Contact printer, 315

Content, 136

Contingency fund, 88, 90

Continuity editing, 157, 331

Contrapuntal sound, 161

Contrast adjustments, 241

Contrast of color, 366367

Contrast ratio, 239241, 318f

Control-track numbers, 335336

Control-track signal, 305

Convergence, 12, 406

Convex lens, 269270

Conveying of information, 5859

Cookies, 229, 231

Copyrights, 82

Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 16

Corporations, 2526, 30

Cosmetic makeup, 254255

Cost per thousand, 4f

Costume design, 254, 255f

Counterpoint, 161

Cover letter, 416, 417f

Coverage, 4f

Crab dolly, 268

Crane, 265, 269

Crane shot, 145, 265

Creative staff

assistant/associate director, 52

biographies of, in proposal, 81

director, 5152

meetings of, 90

producer. See Producer

scriptwriter, 53

Credit sequence, 384

Crime dramas, 106107

Crises, 108

Critical area, 146, 146f

Cross key lighting, 244

Cross-fade, 208, 349

Crystal sync, 323324

Cue cards, 125

Cukaloris, 229, 231


camera-to-subject distance changes, 156

definition of, 327

jump, 152, 164, 331

match, 331

soft, 153

Cut sound, 208

Cutaways, 173175, 350

Cut-ins, 173175

Cutoff signal, 169

CW, 67

Cyclorama, 252, 252f


D–1, 313

D–2, 313

D–3, 310, 313

D–5, 310, 313314

D–9, 308

Dailies, 354355

Dali, Salvador, 137

Data acquisition, 334

Deficit financing, 14

Defocus, 153

Demonstrative proof, 117

Depth, 149151

Depth of field, 273, 275f, 275276


costume, 254, 255f

elements of, 248, 250251

functions of, 247248

modernist, 216217

postmodernist, 217

realist, 216

scenic, 251252, 257

Designer, 56

Desk microphone, 185, 186f

Developer, 56

Diagonal lines of movement, 151

Dialogue, 96, 116, 160, 349

Diffusers, 229

Digital audio

description of, 300304, 338, 345

editing of, 347352

Digital audio workstation, 43, 195, 203, 205f, 211

Digital audiotape, 40, 47, 67, 338

Digital audiotape recorders, 301, 302f

Digital board, 203

Digital camera

basic DV, 281282

body of, 279280

broadcast, 282284, 284f

HD, 282284

HDV, 282

lens of, 280

lighting for, 246

optics of, 280

recording by, 280

specialized, 285, 286f

summary of, 293

viewfinder, 278279, 279f

Digital channels, 8

Digital cinema camera, 284, 285f

Digital computers, 38

Digital effect, 156f

Digital effects generator, 346f

Digital equipment, 3334, 34f, 42f

Digital film editing, 355

Digital filters, 394

Digital microphones, 196197

Digital motion pictures, 47

Digital noise, 344

Digital nonlinear editing, 341, 343, 359

Digital recorders, 301304, 302f

Digital signal, 300

Digital signal processing circuits, 279

Digital sound recordings, 40

Digital special effects, 393394

Digital technologies

analog technologies vs., 37

description of, 3638

disadvantages of, 37

editing systems, 4142

evolution of, 3334

in postproduction, 4045

in preproduction, 3839

in production, 3940

storyboards, 38

Digital television, 68

Digital time-base corrector, 311

Digital transitions, 155156, 393

Digital video

recording formats, 312, 312f

single compression, 312313

Digital video effect, 345

Digital video manipulator, 345

Digital video signal, 308, 325

Digital videotape, 313314

Digitizer, 397f

Dimensionality, 249

Dimmer board, 233235, 237f

Direct broadcast satellites, 67

Directing. See also Director

aesthetics, 136138

combining shots, 152158

composition, 145152

multiple-camera. See Multiple-camera directing

production coordination, 164167

single-camera, 173175

visualization, 138145

Directional emphasis, 373

Directional glances, 158

Director. See also Directing

art, 57

assistant/associate, 52

commands from, 171172

of live productions, 168

live-on-tape, 172

production coordination by, 164

responsibilities of, 5152, 135136, 176177

technical, 54, 170

terminology used by, 175

timing by, 169

video, 57

visualization methods by, 138145

Director of photography, 5253

Directors Guild, 423

Direct-read-after-write discs, 315

Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The, 137

Discs, 9

Disequilibrium, 373, 373f

Disks, 910

Dissolve, 153, 154f, 328, 383


keystone, 383, 383f

sound signal, 198f, 198199, 271


DVD. See DVD(s)

economics of, 1126

future of, 28

Internet, 9, 2628

methods of, 710

overview of, 56

production considerations, 67

storage considerations, 1011


description of, 11

major types of, 18, 29

nontheatrical, 21

producer negotiations with, 20

revenues for, 18


dramatic structure of, 119

expository structure of, 118

permissions and releases, 84

proposal writing for, 81

research for, 98

Dolby Digital 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1, 210

Dolly, 267269, 269f

Dolly shot, 145, 151, 265

Dope sheet, 385, 386f

Dots per inch, 380

Double-system recording, 286, 322323, 325


climax in, 108

crises in, 108

definition of, 106

realistic, 137

resolution in, 108

Dramatic structure

in fiction scriptwriting, 106109

in nonfiction scriptwriting, 119

Dramatizations, 126

Dress rehearsal, 166


definition of, 46

distribution of, 23

duplicating costs for, 23

instructional, 25

marketing of, 2224

mastering uses of, 23

production costs for, 24

product-specific, 25

recording on, 68

DVD-R, 23

Dyna lens, 268

Dynamic microphones, 180


Economic convergence, 405

Edison, Thomas, 63

Edit decision list, 341f, 343, 356, 359


aesthetic approaches to, 328331

A-roll, 333

B-roll, 333

continuity, 157, 331

digital audio, 347352

digital nonlinear, 341, 343, 359

digital systems for, 4142, 44

of fiction productions, 331333

of film. See Film editing

finishing, 346347

ingest, 334336

linear, 358

modernist approach to, 329, 358

of music, 353

of nonfiction productions, 333

offline, 44

online, 44

output, 347

overview of, 327328

planning of, 334

postmodernist approach to, 329330, 358

process of, 340345

production, 170

realist, 329, 358

stages of, 357

summary of, 357359

videotape, 359

virtual, 41

workflow, 333347, 335f

Editing log, 336340

Editing tempo, 152

Editor, 54

Effaced narrator, 109

Effects. See Sound effects; Special effects

8mm camera, 286

El, 316

Electret condensor microphone, 182

Electromagnetic energy, 46

Electronic clapboard, 324

Ellipsoidal, 224225

Emotional proof, 117

Emphasis, 372373

Employment. See also Career

convergence effects on, 406

job search, 410411


audio, 5455

description of, 53

video, 55

Entertainment programming

cable television, 1516

commercial television, 1415

description of, 13

public television, 17

Enumeration, 118119

EPS, 380

Equilibrium, 372, 373f

Essential area, 146, 146f, 377

Establishing shot, 138, 264

Ethical proof, 117

Executive producer, 75

Expansion of time, 157158

Explora 1: Peter Gabriel’s Secret World, 137, 331

Explosions, 399

Expository structure, 117119

Exposure Index, 237

Exposure sheet, 385, 386f

Extreme close-up, 140

Extreme long shot, 264

Eyeline matches, 331, 333


Fade, 152, 153f, 349

Fade-in, 327328, 343344

Fade-in audio, 208

Fade-out, 327328, 343344

Fade-out audio, 208

Fader, 353

Federal Communications Commission, 65, 6768, 84

Festivals, 21

Fiction scripts, 9596

Fiction scriptwriting

adaptation, 112114

characterization, 110113. See also Character(s)

climax, 108

crises, 108

dramas, 106

dramatic structure, 106109

narrative structure, 109110

narratives, 106

resolution, 108

short fiction, 114115

subtext, 108109

theme, 112

Fiction treatment, 100

Field curvature, 270271

Field of view, 272273, 273f

Figure/ground, 372, 372f

Fill light, 238, 243

Film. See also Films (movie)

color, 317318, 319f

definition of, 46

exposure of, 318319

magnetically striped, 298, 299f

motion-picture, 318320

summary of, 325

video vs., 47, 355

Film animation, 392393

Film camera. See also Cameraa; Digital camera

animation, 392

care of, 290292

8mm, 286

mounting devices for. See Camera mounting devices

reflex, 287

16mm, 287, 288f

sound-recording capabilities, 286

special effects created using, 394395

summary of, 293

Super–8mm, 286

35mm, 289f, 287288

viewing system of, 287

Film editing

conforming, 356357

dailies, 354355

digital, 355

stages of, 353354

summary of, 359

Film editor, 54

Film feed and take-up mechanism, 318

Film recording

double-system, 322323, 325

formats, 308311, 324

photochemistry, 315317

single-system, 321322, 325

slating, 323f, 323325

sound synchronization, 321

Films (movie)

ancillary rights for, 2021

commercial tie-ins for, 2021

definition of, 4647

distributors of, 1819

DVD market for, 2224

exhibitors, 18

foreign distribution of, 18, 20f

highest-grossing, 19f

history of, 6369

instructional, 128129

low-budget, 19

nontheatrical, 21

postmodernist, 62

production costs for, 19, 29

public showings of, 21

Film-style video production, 47


digital, 394

video camera, 277

Filter switch, 277

Filter wheel, 277

Financial support

description of, 51

production goals and objectives necessary for obtaining, 7677

project presentation for, 8182

Finishing, 346347

Fire effects, 398399

First-person narration, 120

Fishpole boom, 187, 189f

FLAC, 207

Flags, 229

Flash, 391392

Flash cards, 10

Flash drives, 11, 40, 315

Flat animation, 385386

Flats, 253

Floodlights, 225226, 227f, 256

Floor manager, 52

Floor plan, 253

Floor stands, 229, 231f

Flowcharts, 116, 130, 130f

Fluid head, 266267

Fluorescent light, 220f221f, 220222

Focal center, 249, 369370

Focal length, 270, 272, 272f

Focal point, 270

Focal-length lens, 152

Focus distance, 273274

Fog, 398

Footage, shooting ratio of, 88

Foot-candle, 237, 240

Foreground, 372

Foreign distribution, 18

Foreshadowing, 115

Forrest Gump, 43, 330, 394

Four-point lighting, 241242, 242f, 257

Four-walling, 19

Fox, 12


asymmetrical, 147148, 149f

keyframes, 390, 392

Frame movement, 151

Frame-grabbers, 379


asymmetrical, 149f

camera placement, 262263

letterbox, 249, 376

symmetrical, 148f, 151

Frank Film, 388, 388f

Freelancing, 422

Freeze frame, 155, 307

Fresnel lighting instrument, 224225, 226f

f-stops, 239, 274, 274f, 287

Full shot, 138

Full-aperture area, 376377

Full-page master scene script, 100, 102f, 103

Function, 136

FX. See Sound effects; Special effects


Gabriel, Peter, 137138, 331

Gaffers, 53

Games, 10, 115116

Gels, 229

GIF, 380

Gigabyte, 337, 337f

Giraffe boom, 187, 189f

Goals, production, 7678, 77f

Gone with the Wind, 76

Graininess, 316

Graphic artist

composition use by, 368377

description of, 57

design elements used by, 365366

Graphic design, 378381, 400

Graphic images, 383384, 389

Graphic set pieces, 251, 382


aesthetics of, 364365

applications of, 379380

bitmap, 379380

computer, 378379

design elements, 365366

modernist, 364

off-set, 378

on-set, 382383

overview of, 363364

postmodernist, 364

principles of, 365377

realist, 364

summary of, 400401

types of, 378

typography of, 380381

vector, 380

Graphics generator, 384

Graphics stand, 251f

Gray scale, 367

Gross average audience, 4f

Gross ratings points, 4f

Gross receipts, 20

Ground wire, 201

GRPs, 4f

Guilds, 8385


Halo effect, 241

Halogen-metal-iodide lamps, 219

Hand microphone, 185, 185f, 187, 194

Hand props, 254f

Handheld cards, 250

Hanging microphone, 190, 192f

Hard light, 218

Harvest of Shame, 118, 120

HD camera, 282284


aspect ratio of, 145, 376

audio production for, 36

description of, 29

scan rates, 278

HDTV cameras, 44

HDV camcorder, 282

Headroom, 148, 262263

Hearts and Minds, 118119

Helical scan recording, 307, 308f309f

Helical videotape tracks, 305f

Hen Hop, 365

Hidden microphones, 190191, 192f193f

Hierarchical model

of media production businesses, 11f

of motion picture company, 52f

of production, 90

of television stations, 53f

High hat, 267

High-angle shot, 142f

High-definition radio, 78

High-definition television. See HDTV

High-impedance microphones, 183

High-impedance signals, 203

High-key lighting, 245, 257

Hitchcock, Alfred, 76, 161, 366

Hitchhiker, 267

Hits, 3

Home video markets, 2223

Hook, 115, 118

Horizontal sync signal, 305

Households using television, 4f, 13

Humorous treatment, 127

Hypertext markup language (HTML), 381


I signal, 306

Ideas, 75

“Illusion of reality,” 84


composing of, for prerecorded music, 161162

computer-generated, 378

framing of, 262263

negative, 155

perspective of, 150

readability of, 374375, 375f376f

sound interaction with, 159162

sound synchronization with, 311312

speed of motion, 152

superimposed, 154

tonality of, 151

Image area, 249, 250f, 375376, 377f

Image depth, 273

IMAX, 36

Impedance, 182183

Impressions, 4f In-camera matte effects, 395

Incident light, 238

Incident reading, 238

Incidental characters, 112

Independent producers, 1415, 7475


conveying of, 5859

for topic research, 78

Ingest, 334336

In-house production, 2526, 30

Inserts, 173

Instructional DVDs, 25

Instructional films and videos, 128129

Interactive computer games, 43

Interactive multimedia

definition of, 47

description of, 2930

design stage of, 129130

educational benefits of, 131

production team involved in, 5657, 58f

scriptwriting for, 129131, 130f

Interactive script, 115116

Interactivity, 381382

Interlace, 278, 306307


animation on, 391

audience estimation methods, 3

distribution through, 9, 2628

“hits,” 3

hypertext markup language, 381

marketing uses of, 39

network television programs on, 27

news programs on, 27

searches using, 381382

streaming on, 11

Internet Protocol Television, 2627

Internships, 408410

Interpolation, 390

Intervalometer, 395


authority, 124

celebrity, 124

description of, 78

job, 420422

in nonfiction scriptwriting, 120121

talk show, 124125

“talking head,” 333

Inverse square law, 236f

IPTV. See Internet Protocol Television


JFK, 330

Jingle, 127

Job interview, 420422

Job search, 410411

Journalistic research, 98

JPEG, 312, 339, 380

Jump cuts, 152, 164, 331


Kelvin, 217, 218f

Key light, 237, 242f, 242243

Keyframes, 390, 392

Keyframing, 391392

Keying, 154155, 393

Keystone distortion, 383, 383f

Key-to-back ratio, 240241

Key-to-fill ratio, 240

Kicker, 243244

Kill sound, 208

Kilobyte, 337, 337f


Laboratory color timer, 55

Lance Loud! A Death in an American Family, 85

Last Samurai, 63

Lavaliere microphone, 186187, 188f, 191, 194

LED meters. See Light emitting diode meters

Legal rights, 8283

Lens. See also Camera lens

aperture of, 274f, 274275

definition of, 269

Lens perspective, 271276

Letterbox framing, 249, 376

Leveling of tripod, 267

Library effects, 351352

Light(s). See also Lighting instruments

background, 243244

backlight, 243

battery-powered, 228229

carbon arc, 219

fill, 238, 243

fluorescent, 220f221f, 220222

key, 237, 242f, 242243

light-emitting diodes, 222, 223f

measurement of, 237241

metal halide, 219220

mounting devices for, 229, 231f

portable, 227229, 228f, 231f

separation, 238, 243

shaping devices for, 229, 231

sunlight, 217219, 231

tungsten, 219

white balance, 222224, 224f

Light emitting diode meters, 199201, 200f

Light meter, 238239, 239f, 256

Light-emitting diode lights, 222, 223f


cross key, 244

for digital cameras, 246

four-point, 241242, 242f, 257

high-key, 245, 257

low-key, 245, 257

modernist, 216217

of moving subjects, 244245

in multiple-camera situations, 245246

postmodernist, 217

realist, 216

shadow control in, 244

in single-camera situations, 245246

summary of, 256257

three-point, 241242, 242f, 256

Lighting board programs, 39

Lighting control

on location, 236237

in studio, 232236

Lighting director, 54

Lighting effects, 39

Lighting instruments. See also Light(s)

floodlights, 225226, 227f, 256

setting, 241247

spotlights, 224225, 226f, 256

Lighting plots, 246247, 247f

Lighting ratios, 240241

Line, 365, 373

Linear editing, 358

Lip-sync, 160

Little Big Man, 109

Live-on-tape recording, 172

Local commercials, 18, 126

Local news programs, 15


lighting control on, 236237

production on, 4748

Locking window, 343

Long shot, 138, 139f, 173, 264

Lookspace, 148149, 262

Looping, 350, 358

Lord of the Rings, The, 63

Lossless systems, 207

Lossy systems, 207

Loud, Lance, 85

Loudness distortion, 198199

Low-angle shot, 142f

Low-budget films, 19

Lower-power TV stations, 67

Low-impedance signals, 203

Low-key lighting, 245, 257

Luminaire. See Lighting instrument

Luminance, 276, 306

Luxo Jr., 365


Magnetically striped film, 298, 299f

Makeup, 254256

Market research, 7576


consumer, 24

Internet for, 39

research used in creation of, 3

Markets, 12

Master program bus, 171

Master shot, 173, 331

Match cut, 331

Matrix, 380

Matte boxes, 395

Mattes, 155, 396

McElwee, Ross, 85

Media production business, 11f

Media production career

application process, 412422

cover letter, 416, 417f

interviewing, 420422

portfolio, 417418, 419f

résumé, 412416, 413f, 415f

in artist representation, 422423

freelancing, 422

internships, 408410

job search, 410411

networking, 411412

skills necessary for, 406407, 407f

Medium close-up, 138

Medium long shot, 138

Medium shot, 138, 139f, 156, 264


production, 90, 165

staff, 90

Megabyte, 337, 337f

Megapixels, 282

Memory, 340

Memory cards, 40, 314

Metal halide light, 219220

Miamic Vice, 365

Mic boom. See Boom

Micro cameras, 285

Microphone cables, 201202, 202f


bidirectional, 182, 183f

with built-in dual pickup heads, 196

camera-mounted, 194f

cardioid, 182, 183f, 190, 194, 196

condenser, 182, 193194

description of, 180

desk, 185, 186f

digital, 196197

dynamic, 180

hand, 185, 185f, 187, 194

hanging, 190, 192f

hidden, 190191, 192f193f

high-impedance, 183

impedance of, 182183

lavaliere, 186187, 188f, 191, 194

multidirectional, 182, 184f

multiple, 195, 196f

off-camera, 183, 187193

omnidirectional, 182, 183f, 189, 194

on-camera, 183, 185187

pickup patterns, 182

placement of, 183197

prop, 190191, 193f

ribbon, 180181, 194

selection of, 193194

shotgun, 183f, 191, 193f

stand, 186, 187f

stereo, 196

summary of, 210211

supercardioid, 183f, 191

transducers, 180182, 181f

unidirectional, 182, 183f, 189

wireless, 187, 188f, 192193, 194f

Mics. See Microphones

Miniature cameras, 285, 286f

Miniatures, 397398

“Mitt out,” 287

Mix log, 349

Mixer, 5455, 195, 202, 205f

Mixing, 202206, 208, 211, 348350, 358

Mixing log, 350f

Mobile shots, 142145

Mobile systems, 8

Modeling, 237238

Models, 397398


description of, 6061, 137

in editing, 329, 358

in lighting, 216217

Modernist design, 216217

Modernist graphics, 364

Modulometer, 200. See also Peak program meter

Moiré effect, 254

Monochrome video, 306

Morphing, 393394

Motion capture, 388, 390391

Motion picture

description of, 10

sound systems, 6465

Motion picture company

hierarchical structure of, 52f

production teams, 51f

Motion-picture film, 318320

Motor, 318

Mouris, Frank, 388, 388f

Movement, 248, 365

Moving subjects, lighting of, 244245

MP3, 207

MPEG, 312313, 339

Mrs. Doubtfire, 165, 166f

Multichannel recording, 195

Multichannel sound, 210

Multidirectional microphone, 182, 184f


definition of, 47, 382

description of, 24

history of, 68


definition of, 47

description of, 2930

design stage of, 129130

educational benefits of, 131

production team involved in, 5657, 58f

scriptwriting for, 129131, 130f

Multimedia cards, 40

Multiple-camera directing

director commands, 171172

live-on-tape recording, 172

overview of, 167168

production switching, 170171

timing, 169

Multiple-camera production

description of, 4748

lighting in, 245246

Multitrack audiotape recorders, 347

Murphy’s law, 49


downloading of, 68

editing of, 353

function of, 176

images composed for, 161162

prerecorded, 161162

Music libraries, 83

Music share programs, 22



in fiction scriptwriting, 109110

in nonfiction scriptwriting, 120

nonsynchronous, 351

voice-over, 351

Narrative, 106

Narrative duration, 109

Narrative order, 109

Narrative structure, 109110

Narrator, 109

Narrowcast, 16

National Television Standards Committee, 66, 68

Natural Born Killers, 143

Natural wipe, 153, 154f

NBC, 12, 67

Negative image, 155, 315, 316f

Negative/positive process, 315

Neighbors, 389

Net receipts, 20


affiliates, 15

description of, 1213

history of, 67

syndicated programming on, 1415

Networking, 411412

Neutral density filters, 277

News producer, 123

News programs

Internet-based, 27

local, 15

News reporters, 122123

News stories

overview of, 121122

pacing of, 123

Newswriting, 122123

Nielsen ratings, 3, 13

No Lies, 330


ambient, 176, 198

definition of, 198

system, 198

Noncompetitive internships, 408

Nonfiction scripts, 9596

Nonfiction scriptwriting

commercials. See Commercials

dramatic structure in, 119

expository structure, 117119

instructional films and videos, 128129

interactive approach, 120

interactive learning and training, 129131

interviews, 120121

narration, 120

news stories. See News stories

overview of, 117

point of view, 119120

rhetorical structure, 117119

self-reflexive approach, 120

talk show, 124125

voice, 119120

Nonfiction treatments, 100

Nonsynchronous narration, 351

Nontheatrical films, 21

Notan, 245

Novel, adaptation of, 114


Occult balance, 369

Offline editing, 44

Off-screen sound, 160

Off-screen space, 149

Off-set graphics, 378

Ohms law, 235f

Omnidirectional microphones, 182, 183f, 189, 194

Omniscient narrator, 109

On-camera microphones, 183, 185187

On-demand streaming, 12

180-degree axis of action rule, 158, 159f

Online editing, 44

On-screen sound, 160

On-screen space, 149

On-set graphics, 382383

On-the-air timing, 169

Open mic, 208

Optical flips, 396

Optical printer, 395

Optical special effects, 393, 395397

Optics, 269270, 280

Oral interviews, 78

Original music, 162

Overmodulation, 199

Over-the shoulder, 141f



of music, 162

of scene, 157

Pacing, 119

Pan action, 265

Pan shot, 143

Panic in Needle Park, The, 98

Parabolic aluminized reflector bulbs, 225226

Paradine Case, The, 76

Parallel lines, 373

Parallel sound, 161

Peak program meter, 198200

Pedestal dolly, 267268

Pedestal mount, 283

Pedestal movement, 265

Pedestal shot, 144, 144f

Perambulator boom, 187, 189

Perceived movement, 366

Performer blocking, 35, 167

Permissions, 8384

Persistence of vision, 65

Persona, 137

Personal releases, 8384

Persons using TV, 4f


definition of, 369

description of, 149151, 249

focal center, 249, 369370

lens, 271276

Phantom supply, 182

Phi phenomenon, 64

Photochemistry, 315317

Photofloods, 228

Physical effects, 398401

Pickup patterns for microphones, 182

PICT, 380

Pilotone, 323

“Ping-ponging,” 351f

Pistol grip, 265, 266f

Pixels, 43, 282, 380

Pixillation, 386, 389

Plant, 115

Plastic animation, 386, 389

Plot, 110

Point of view, 109, 119120

Point of view shot, 140f, 141, 333

Point size, 375

Portable lights, 227229, 228f, 231f

Portfolio, 417418, 419f

Posterized, 394


description of, 6163, 137138

in editing, 329330

in lighting, 217

Postmodernist graphics, 364


audio, 36

description of, 36

digital technologies in, 4045

elements of, 50f

Potentiometer, 200, 349

Preamplifiers, 197, 206

Premise, 35, 9899


animation, 385

definition of, 35

description of, 167

digital technologies used in, 3839

elements of, 50f

Prerecorded music, 161162

Prerolled, 169

Pressure plate, 318

Pretesting of audience, 2, 45

Preview bus, 171

Previsualization, 38

Principal characters, 112

Print journalists, 123

Prism block, 280


audio, 3536, 55

casting by, 9091

decision making by, 74

evaluations by, 90

executive, 75

independent, 1415, 7475

interactive multimedia, 56

news, 123

proposal writing by, 7980

responsibilities of, 5051

role of, 7375

specialization of, 74, 90

staff, 74, 91

Producer hyphenates, 75

Producers Guild, 423

Production. See also specific production

aesthetics, 5963

audience analysis, 25

audio, 22, 3536

collective approach to, 50

commercials, 1718

coordination of, 164167

camera blocking, 167, 168f

casting, 165166

meetings, 165

overview of, 164165

performer blocking, 167

rehearsals, 166167

digital technologies used in, 3940

elements of, 3536, 50f

evaluation of, 90

goals of, 7678, 77f

hierarchical structure of, 90

history of, 6369

in-house, 2526, 30

location, 4748

modernist approach to, 6061

multiple-camera, 4748

Murphy’s law during, 49

nonunionized, 84

objectives of, 7678, 77f

planning for, 4849

postmodernist approach to, 6163

realistic approach to, 5960

remote, 48

research used in, 34

single-camera, 4748

stages of, 3436. See also Postproduction; Preproduction

strategies for, 7582

structuring of, 90

studio, 4748

switching, 170171

terminology associated with, 4f, 4547

timing in, 169

unionized, 8385

Production budget

above-the-line costs, 8788

below-the-line costs, 88

contingency fund, 88, 90

format of, 89f

for staff producer, 91

Production editing, 170

Production management

definition of, 85

script breakdown, 8586, 86f

shooting schedule, 87, 87f

Production meetings, 90, 165

Production team

animator, 57

arranger, 55

art director, 54, 57

audio engineer, 5455

camera operator, 54

comparisons among, 51f

creative staff. See Creative staff

description of, 4950

designer, 56

developer, 56

director of photography, 5253

editor, 54

graphic artist, 57

in interactive multimedia productions, 5657

laboratory color timer, 55

lighting director, 54

mixer, 5455

programmer, 57

publisher, 56

in recording industry, 55, 56f

scenic designer, 54

schematic diagram of, 50f

technical director, 54

video director, 57

video engineer, 55

writer, 57

Professional organizations, 410, 423

Program bus, 171


entertainment. See Entertainment programming

for home video markets, 2223

Progressive, 278, 306307

Project presentation, 8182

Project window, 341

Prop microphone, 190191, 193f


background information in, 79

creative staff biographies in, 81

definition of, 35, 79

elements of, 79

opening statement of, 79

sample, 80f

treatment and, 82f, 99

writing of, 7981, 80f

Props, 253, 254f

Prosthetic makeup, 254255

Prosumer cameras, 278

Proximity, 370, 371f

PSAs. See Public service announcements

Psycho, 76

Public Broadcasting Service, 17

Public service announcements, 18, 128

Public showings, 21

Public television

description of, 1617, 29

programs on, 88

Publisher, 56

Pulldown claw, 318

Pulling focus, 276

Pulse-code modulation, 308

Pyrotechnics, 399


Q signal, 306

Quartz lights, 219


Radial balance, 369


high-definition, 78

Internet-based, 26

terrestrial, 7

Radio frequency wireless microphone, 192

Rain, 398

Random access memory, 340

Ratings, 3, 4f, 13

Reach, 4f

Readability, 374375, 375f376f

RealAudio, 207

Realism, 5960, 136137, 164

Realist editing, 329, 358

Realist graphics, 364

Realist lighting, 216

Rebecca, 76


digital, 301304, 302f

helical scan recording by, 307, 308f


analog, 297299

digital, 301

digital camera, 280

digital video. See Digital video

film. See Film recording

tapeless video, 314315

Recording industry, 55, 56f

Recording Industry Association of America, 68

Reel-to-reel tape recorders, 321

Reflected reading, 238239

Reflectors, 231

Reflex film camera, 287

Registration pin, 319

Rehearsals, 166167

Releases, 8384, 91

Remote production, 48

Rendering, 390


archival, 78

audience size estimated using, 3

for documentaries, 98

journalistic, 98

market, 7576

in scriptwriting, 9798

topic, 78, 98

Residuals, 88

Resolution, 108, 316317

Résumé, 412416, 413f, 415f

Reversal process, 315

Reverse-angle shot, 141

Revolving head digital audiotape recorders, 301303, 302f

Rhetorical persuasion, 59

Rhetorical structure, 117119


music, 162

shot, 157

Ribbon microphones, 180181, 194

Right-to-work laws, 83

Risers, 253

Ritter fan, 398

River, The, 118, 120

“Roll tape,” 175

Rostrum, 392

Rotating opaque shutter, 318

Rotoscoping, 388

Rule of thirds, 147, 147f

Running time, 88, 169

Run/stop button, 318


Sampling, 37

Satellite systems

definition of, 46

description of, 8

Saving Private Ryan, 60f

Scale, 151

Scanning area, 376377

Scanning systems, 306307


construction of, 156157, 176

definition of, 156

for interactive stories, 116

pace of, 157

Scenic design, 251252, 257

Scenic designer, 54

Screen directionality, 158


creation of, 114

length of, 100

Screens, 229

Scrims, 229


continuity marks on, 174f

definition of, 35

fiction, 9596

formats of, 100106

full-page master scene, 100, 102f, 103

function of, 96

interactive, 115116

interactive multimedia, 130131

nonfiction, 9596

premise, 9899

semiscript, 105f, 105106

shooting, 97, 136, 163f, 163164

shots listed on, 174

split-page, 103104, 104f

synopsis, 99

treatment. See Treatment

visual thinking in, 9697

Script breakdown, 35, 8586, 86f

Script supervisor, 35


fiction, 96

playwright vs., 96

responsibilities of, 53

visual thinking by, 9697

visualization by, 5758


categories of, 95

computer programs for, 100

digital technologies used in, 38

economy of expression principles, 97

fiction. See Fiction scriptwriting

interactive multimedia, 129131

nonfiction. See Nonfiction scriptwriting

overview of, 9596

preparation for, 97100

research before, 9798

stages of, 97100

Secondary characters, 112

Segue, 208, 349

Self-reflexive approach, 120

Selznick, David O., 76

Semiscripted, 105f, 105106

Separation light, 238, 243

Serifs, 375

Servo capstan, 305


construction of, 252253, 257

virtual, 39, 253

Settings, 96

70mm film, 320, 320f

Sexual harassment, 409

Shadows, 216, 244

Shapes, 248, 365

Share, 3, 4f, 13, 14f

Shared screen, 154

Sharpness, 316317

Sherman’s March, 85

Shooting ratio, 88, 175

Shooting schedule, 87, 87f

Shooting script, 97, 136, 163f, 163164

Short fiction, 114115

Shorten, 207


boom, 145

close, 139141

crane, 145, 265

definition of, 327

dolly, 145, 151, 265

establishing, 138, 264

full, 138

high-angle, 142f

insert, 173

long, 138, 139f, 173, 264

low-angle, 142f

master, 173, 331

medium, 138, 139f, 156, 264

mobile, 142145

over-the shoulder, 141f

pan, 143

pedestal, 144, 144f

point of view, 140f, 141, 333

reverse-angle, 141

script listing of, 174f

in single-camera directing, 173174

stationary, 142145

tilt, 144

trimming of, 327

trucking, 145, 265

two-shot, 264

zoom, 144, 265

Shot list, 167

Shotgun microphones, 183f, 191, 193f

Signal-to-noise ratio, 198199, 199f

Silver halide crystals, 315, 325

Similarity, 370, 371f

Sine wave, 297

Singin’ in the Rain, 161

Single compression, 312313

Single-camera directing, 173175

Single-camera production

description of, 4748

lighting in, 245246

Single-system recording, 286287, 321322, 325

Sitcoms, 114115

16mm camera, 287, 288f

16mm film, 320, 320f

60 Minutes, 119

Skip printing, 396

Skylight, 219

Slant-track recorder, 307

Slate, 175

Slating, 323f, 323325

Slo-mo recorder, 392

Slow-paced editing, 157

Smoke, 398

SMPTE timecode numbers, 42

Snow, 398399

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 313314, 336

Soft cut, 153

Soft light, 219

Solarization, 345

Solarized, 394

Solid-state storage, 1011, 40

Sound. See also Audio; Microphones

aesthetics of, 176, 180

asynchronous, 160161

background, 176

commentative, 160

contrapuntal, 161

creation of, 180

dialogue as, 160

director’s focus on, 131

Dolby Digital 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1, 210

image interaction with, 159162

mixing music with, 353

multichannel, 210

off-screen, 160

on-screen, 160

parallel, 161

stereo, 208210

stereophonic, 160

synchronous, 160161, 321

Sound editor, 54

Sound effects, 176, 330, 351352, 358

Sound intensity, 199201

Sound mix, 36

Sound mixing, 202206, 208, 211, 348350, 358

Sound signal, 197210

compression, 206207

distortion, 198f, 198199

intensity measurement, 199201

Sound synchronization

digital audio, 347348

in film, 321

with images, 311312

Sound up and under, 208

Sound-on-film, 321322, 325

Special effects

digital, 43

models and miniatures for, 397398

optical, 393, 395397

overview of, 363364, 393

physical, 398401

summary of, 401

types of, 154155, 393

using camera, 394395

using video camera, 395

Special effects generator, 345

Speed control, 318

Speed of motion, 152

Spider, 267

Split screen, 154

Split-page script, 103104, 104f

Sporting events, 168

Spot effects, 352

Spot meter, 238

Spot meter reading, 239

Spotlights, 224225, 226f, 256

Spreader, 267

Squibs, 399400

Staff meetings, 90. See also Creative staff

Staff producers, 74, 91

Stage manager, 52

Stand microphone, 186, 187f

Stationary head digital audiotape recorders, 301303, 302f

Stationary shot, 142145

Steadicam, 265

Step printing, 396

Stereo sound, 208210

Stereophonic sound, 160

Stereotyping, 112

Still photographs, 250251, 382, 388

Stop-action animation, 386

Storage memory, 340

Story leads, 121

Story line, 99


for animation, 385

for commercials, 127128

definition of, 35, 127

digital, 38

Straight cut, 152

Streaming, 11

Stretch printing, 396

Strip lights, 225226

Studio, 232236

Studio cue sheet, 349, 350f

Studio production, 4748

Subjective shot, 141

Subminiature cameras, 285

Subtext, 108109

Sunlight, 217219, 231

Supercardioid microphone, 183f, 191

Superimposition, 154, 155f

Superimpositions, 393

Super–8mm film, 286, 320

Swish pan, 154

Switcher, 35, 52, 170f, 170171

Switching, 170171

Symmetrical balance, 249, 369, 369f

Symmetry, 147148, 148f

Sync generator, 276


dailies, 355

of sound. See Sound synchronization

Synchronization signal, 305

Synchronous sound, 160161, 321

Synchronous sound effects, 352

Syndicated programming, 1415

Synopsis, 35, 99

System noise, 198


Take, 152, 173

Talent, 123

Talk show, 124125

“Talking head” interviews, 333

Tally light, 276, 279

Tapeless audio recording, 304

Tapeless video recording, 314315

Technical director, 35, 54, 170171

Technicolor, 65

Technological convergence, 406

Telephone companies, 9

Telephoto lens, 272

Television. See also Broadcast television; Cable television

definition of, 45

history of, 6465

public, 1617, 29

story leads, 121

terrestrial, 89

video vs., 46

Television networks

affiliates, 15

description of, 1213

history of, 67

syndicated programming on, 1415

Television programs

postmodernist, 62

running time for, 88

scheduling of, 1314

Television signals, 4546

Television stations, 53f

Terabyte, 334

Terrestrial radio, 7

Terrestrial television, 89

Testimonials, 126

Texture, 248, 365366

Theatrical films. See Films

Theme, 112

Thin Blue Line, The, 217, 330

Third-person narration, 120

35mm camera, 289f

35mm film, 320, 320f

Thirty-Nine Steps, The, 161

3-D computer animation, 390

3-D digitizer, 397f

Three-point lighting, 241242, 242f, 256

Through-the-lens reading, 238239

TIFF, 380

Tilt action, 265

Tilt shot, 144

Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, 365


compression of, 157

expansion of, 157158

Time-base corrector, 311

Timecode, 335336

Time-lapse recordings, 395

Timeline, 342343

Timing, 169

Tin Toy, 365

Title, 383384, 384f

Tonality of image, 151

Topic research, 78, 98

Total Audience Measurement Index, 3

Transducers, 180182, 181f

Transistor, 66


audio, 209f

definition of, 328

digital, 155156, 393

Transition window, 343

Transparent style, 136

Traveling mattes, 396


for commercials, 127

definition of, 35, 53, 97

elements of, 99100

fiction, 100

humorous, 127

length of, 100

nonfiction, 100

premise for, 9899

purpose of, 99

requirements of, 82f, 99

sample, 101f

Triangle, 267

Trimming window, 342

Triplets of Belleville, The, 63

Tripods, 265267, 268f

Tristana, 137

Tron, 390

Trucking shot, 145, 265

T-stops, 274

Tungsten light, 219

Tuning fork, 180

Tweening, 391392

Two-shot, 264

Tylor mount, 268

Typography, 380381


UHF, 192

Ultrahigh definition TV, 28

Un Chien Andalou, 61, 137

Unidirectional microphone, 182, 183f, 189

Unions, 8385

Unit production managers, 74

Universe estimate, 4f

UPN, 67


Variable focal length lens, 272

VCR, 46, 308

Vector graphics, 380

Vertical blanking period, 307

Vertical sync signal, 305

VHF, 192

VHS videocassettes, 68


analog. See Analog video

definition of, 46

digital, 312f, 312313

film vs., 47, 355

instructional, 128129

television vs., 46

Video animator, 392

Video camera. See also Camera

basic, 276

care of, 290

filters, 277

image quality of, 278

mounting devices for. See Camera mounting devices

special effects controls in, 395

summary of, 293

types of, 277278

Video camera chain, 276277, 277f

Video director, 57

Video engineer, 55

Video head, 308

Video on-demand streaming, 12

Video server, 311f

Video signal, 304307

Videogames, 10, 24


definition of, 46

digital, 313314

format of, 308311

sound synchronization, 311312

width of, 309

Videotape linear editing, 359

Videotape recorders, 308, 324

Viewers per viewing HH, 4f

Viewfinder, 278279, 279f, 318

Viewfinder diopter, 274

Viewing window, 342

Viridiana, 137

Virtual editing, 41

Virtual files, 336

Virtual sets, 39, 253

Visual images. See Image(s)

Visual records, 78

Visual thinking, 9697


artistic expression, 58

conveying of information, 5859

definition of, 57

by director, 138145

rhetorical persuasion, 59

by scriptwriter, 5758

Voice, 119120

Voice-over narration, 351

Volume unit meters, 199200, 200f


Walkspace, 148, 262

Walters, Barbara, 125

War Game, The, 330

Wattage, 233, 235f

WaveForm, 207

WB, 67

Weather, 91, 382

Web. See Internet

WEB-TV, 12

West Side Story, 9899

White balance, 222224, 224f

Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 364365, 390, 391f

Wide-angle lenses, 270, 272

Wind, 398

Wipe, 153, 394

Wireless microphone, 187, 188f, 192193, 194f

Workflow, editing, 333347, 335f

Write-once-read many discs, 315


X-axis, 249, 374


Y signal, 306

Y-axis, 249, 374


Z-axis, 249, 366, 370f, 374

Zero start, 336

Zoom lens, 272

Zoom shot, 144, 265

Zoom-in, 144, 272

Zoom-out, 272

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