Production IODF and setting up the CPC
This chapter includes the following topics:
5.1 Building the 3907 production IODF
To use the definitions that were updated in HCD, create a 3907 production IODF from your work IODF. Then, remotely or locally write the IODF to the 3907 IOCDS by using Write IOCDS in preparation for the upgrade.
Complete the following steps:
1. From the HCD main panel, select option 2. Activate or process configuration data (see Figure 5-1).
                       z/OS V2.3 HCD
Command ===> _____________________________________________________
Hardware Configuration
Select one of the following.
2 0. Edit profile options and policies
1. Define, modify, or view configuration data
2. Activate or process configuration data
3. Print or compare configuration data
4. Create or view graphical configuration report
5. Migrate configuration data
6. Maintain I/O definition files
7. Query supported hardware and installed UIMs
8. Getting started with this dialog
9. What's new in this release
For options 1 to 5, specify the name of the IODF to be used.
I/O definition file . . . 'ITSO1.IODF78.WORK' +h
Figure 5-1 Hardware Configuration: Activate or process configuration data
2. The Activate or Process Configuration Data panel is displayed (see Figure 5-2). Select option 1. Build production I/O definition file and press Enter.
+------ Activate or Process Configuration Data ------+
| |
| |
| Select one of the following tasks. |
| |
| 1_ 1. Build production I/O definition file |
| 2. Build IOCDS |
| 3. Build IOCP input data set |
| 4. Create JES3 initialization stream data |
| 5. View active configuration |
| 6. Activate or verify configuration |
| dynamically |
| 7. Activate configuration sysplex-wide |
| 8. *Activate switch configuration |
| 9. *Save switch configuration |
| 10. Build I/O configuration data |
| 11. Build and manage System z cluster IOCDSs, |
| IPL attributes and dynamic I/O changes |
| 12. Build validated work I/O definition file |
| |
| * = requires TSA I/O Operations |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-2 Activate or Process Configuration Data: Build production IODF
3. HCD displays the Message List panel (see Figure 5-3). Verify that only severity “W” (warning) messages are present and that they are normal for the configuration. Correct any other messages that should not occur and attempt to build the production IODF again. Continue this process until no messages occur that indicate problems.
+------------------------------- Message List --------------------------------
| Save Query Help
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Row 1 of 99
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
| Messages are sorted by severity. Select one or more, then press Enter.
| / Sev Msg. ID Message Text
| _ W CBDG098I For operating system DBSV4SU4 and device type OSA the
| # default of LOCANY=YES is not used for following device
| # group(s): 1910,16 1930,16
| _ W CBDG098I For operating system DBSV5SU4 and device type OSA the
| # default of LOCANY=YES is not used for following device
| # group(s): 1910,16 1930,16
| _ W CBDG098I For operating system DBSV6SU4 and device type OSA the
| # default of LOCANY=YES is not used for following device
| # group(s): 1910,16 1930,16
| _ W CBDG098I For operating system PERF4SU4 and device type OSA the
| # default of LOCANY=YES is not used for following device
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset
| F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
| F13=Instruct F22=Command
Figure 5-3 Message List: Building production IODF
4. Press PF3 to continue.
5. The Build Production I/O Definition File panel opens (see Figure 5-4). Enter the Production IODF name and Volume serial number fields, and then, press Enter.
+-------------- Build Production I/O Definition File ---------------+
| |
| |
| Specify the following values, and choose how to continue. |
| |
| Work IODF name . . . : 'ITSO1.IODF78.WORK' |
| |
| Production IODF name . 'SYS6.IODF79'______________________ |
| Volume serial number . IODFPK + |
| |
| Continue using as current IODF: |
| 2 1. The work IODF in use at present |
| 2. The new production IODF specified above |
| |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-4 Build Production I/O Definition File: Data fields to be updated
6. The Define Descriptor Fields panel opens (see Figure 5-5). Press Enter to accept the descriptor fields that are selected by HCD, or enter different values and then, press Enter.
+-------------------- Define Descriptor Fields --------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Production IODF name . : 'SYS6.IODF79' |
| |
| Descriptor field 1 . . . SYS6 |
| Descriptor field 2 . . . IODF79 |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-5 Define Descriptor Fields: data fields to be updated
HCD displays the following message, which indicates that the production IODF was successfully created:
Production IODF SYS6.IODF79 created.
Proceed to the next section to implement the configuration on the 2965 in preparation for its upgrade to a 3907.
5.2 Writing the IOCP to the 2965 processor using HCD
Now that a production IODF that is named SYS6.IODF79 is set up, you can write the IOCP data from the IODF to the IOCDS on the server that you want to upgrade (for example, LEPUS).
The IOCDS is available for power-on reset (POR) after the processor is upgraded.
To update the IOCDS by using HCD option 2.11, complete the following steps:
1. From the HCD main panel, select option 2. Activate or process configuration data (see Figure 5-6). Ensure that the IODF is the production IODF that was created as described in 5.1, “Building the 3907 production IODF” on page 86. Then, press Enter.
                       z/OS V2.3 HCD
Command ===> _____________________________________________________
Hardware Configuration
Select one of the following.
2 0. Edit profile options and policies
1. Define, modify, or view configuration data
2. Activate or process configuration data
3. Print or compare configuration data
4. Create or view graphical configuration report
5. Migrate configuration data
6. Maintain I/O definition files
7. Query supported hardware and installed UIMs
8. Getting started with this dialog
9. What's new in this release
For options 1 to 5, specify the name of the IODF to be used.
I/O definition file . . . 'SYS6.IODF79' +
Figure 5-6 Hardware Configuration: Activate or process configuration data
2. The Activate or Process Configuration Data panel opens (see Figure 5-7). Select option 11. Build and manage System z cluster IOCDSs, IPL attributes and dynamic I/O changes. Press Enter.
+------ Activate or Process Configuration Data ------+
| |
| |
| Select one of the following tasks. |
| |
| 11 1. Build production I/O definition file |
| 2. Build IOCDS |
| 3. Build IOCP input data set |
| 4. Create JES3 initialization stream data |
| 5. View active configuration |
| 6. Activate or verify configuration |
| dynamically |
| 7. Activate configuration sysplex-wide |
| 8. *Activate switch configuration |
| 9. *Save switch configuration |
| 10. Build I/O configuration data |
| 11. Build and manage System z cluster IOCDSs, |
| IPL attributes and dynamic I/O changes |
| 12. Build validated work I/O definition file |
| |
| * = requires TSA I/O Operations |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-7 Build and manage System z cluster IOCDSs, IPL attributes, and dynamic I/O changes
In this example, it is assumed that connectivity exists to the 2965 that is being upgraded over the HMC local area network to write an IOCDS.
If the server that is being upgraded is not accessible from the HMC LAN, create a IOCP file from HCD. Then, use the stand-alone IOCP process to update the IOCDS.
You can create an IOCP file by using the same process that you used to create an IOCP file for the CMT.
Tip: The Support Element can now read an IOCP file that was written to a USB flash memory drive.
3. The System z Cluster List panel opens (see Figure 5-8). In the list, select the 2965 that is being upgraded by entering a forward slash (/) to update one of its IOCDSs. Then, press Enter.
                            System z Cluster List Row 1 of 3
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more CPCs, then press Enter.
--------------CPC-------------- IODF
/ SNA Address Type Model Processor ID
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
Figure 5-8 System z Cluster List: Selecting processor for IOCDS replace
4. The Actions on selected CPCs panel opens (see Figure 5-9). Select option 1. Work with IOCDSs and press Enter.
+----------------- Actions on selected CPCs ------------------+
| |
| |
| Select by number or action code and press Enter. |
| |
| 1_ 1. Work with IOCDSs . . . . . . . . . . (s) |
| 2. Work with IPL attributes . . . . . . (i) |
| 3. Select other processor configuration (p) |
| 4. Work with CPC images . . . . . . . .(v) |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-9 Actions on selected CPCs: Work with IOCDSs
5. The IOCDS List panel opens (see Figure 5-10). Select the IOCDS that you want to update for the 2965 replacement by entering a forward slash (/) next to it. Then, press Enter.
                                  IOCDS List Row 1 of 4 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or a group of IOCDSs, then press Enter.
-----Token Match----- Write
/ IOCDS Name Type Status IOCDS/HSA IOCDS/Proc. Protect
_ A0.MUSCB IODF78 LPAR Alternate No No No
_ A2.MUSCB IODF72 LPAR Alternate No No No
/ A3.MUSCB IODF74 LPAR Alternate No No No
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
Figure 5-10 IOCDS List: Selecting IOCDS for replace
6. The Actions on selected IOCDSs panel opens (see Figure 5-11). Select option 1. Update IOCDS and then, press Enter.
+---------------- Actions on selected IOCDSs -----------------+
| |
| |
| Select by number or action code and press Enter. |
| |
| 1_ 1. Update IOCDS . . . . . . . . . . . . (u) |
| 2. Switch IOCDS . . . . . . . . . . . . (s) |
| 3. Enable write protection . . . . . . (e) |
| 4. Disable write protection . . . . . . (w) |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-11 Actions on selected IOCDSs: Update IOCDS
7. The Build IOCDSs panel opens (see Figure 5-12). Verify that all the information is correct. Complete the Title1 field, set Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade to Yes, and press Enter.
+------------------------------- Build IOCDSs --------------------------------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| IODF name . . . . . . . . . : 'SYS6.IODF79' |
| |
| Title1 . IODF79__________________________________________________________ |
| Title2 : SYS6.IODF79 - 2018-03-15 10:36 |
| |
| Write IOCDS in |
| IOCDS Switch IOCDS preparation of upgrade |
| A3.MUSCB No Yes |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F7=Backward |
| F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel F22=Command |
Figure 5-12 Build IOCDSs: Verifying IODF
Tip: Specifying Yes in the Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade field is required only when you replace or upgrade the existing hardware and want to write the IOCDS for a 3907 from the existing hardware. The Yes value enables writing an IOCDS that contains information that the current hardware does not recognize.
8. Because Yes was specified for the field (Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade), HCD now displays a confirmation panel (see Figure 5-13). Press Enter to continue.
+------------------------------- Build IOCDSs --------------------------------+
| |
+---------- Confirm Write IOCDS in preparation of processor upgrade ----------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Scroll forward to view the complete list of IOCDSs which will be written |
| regardless of processor type in preparation of a processor upgrade. Press |
| F3 or F12 to cancel, press ENTER to confirm the write request. |
| |
| The processor receiving the IOCDS(s) must be a CMOS processor. |
| |
| You will not be able to perform a POR using the new IOCDS until your |
| processor has been upgraded. Do not make the new IOCDS the active one on |
| your processor. Do not activate any I/O configuration changes in the IODF |
| until your processor has been upgraded. Keep the old processor definition |
| in an IODF until after the upgrade. |
| |
| A3.MUSCB |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward |
| F9=Swap F12=Cancel F22=Command |
Figure 5-13 Build IOCDSs: Confirm write IOCDS)
9. The Job Statement Information panel is displayed (see Figure 5-14). Enter the job statements as required by the installation and press Enter. HCD submits the job to update the IOCDS.
Tip: Route the job to run on the image to which you are logged on. In that way, you know that the image can “see” the new 3907 to update its IOCDS.
+------------------------- Job Statement Information -------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the job statement information. |
| |
| |
| Job statement information |
| //* |
| //* |
| //* |
| //* |
| //* |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F6=Previous |
| F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 5-14 Job Statement Information: Option to override job statement cards
10. Verify the job output to ensure that the IOCDS was written without error and to the correct IOCDS. You receive the following messages:
-Sev Msgid Message Text
-CBDA674I IOCP successfully completed for A3.MUSCB.
If you return to HCD option 2.11 and view the IOCDS, notice that the SNA Address remains at IBM390PS.LEPUS (see Figure 5-15).
                           System z Cluster List Row 1 of 3
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more CPCs, then press Enter.
--------------CPC-------------- IODF
/ SNA Address Type Model Processor ID
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
Figure 5-15 System z Cluster List: Selecting processor for IOCDS verify
When you select IBM390PS.LEPUS, notice that IOCDS A3 (to which you wrote the upgrade IODF) has a status of Invalid (see Figure 5-16). This error occurs because you specified Yes for the Write IOCDS in preparation for upgrade field and the IOCDS contains IOCP statements and code that are relevant only for a 3907 processor.
The status switches when this processor is upgraded to a 3907. The 2965 IOCDS status changes to Alternate and the 3907 IOCDSs changes to Invalid.
Tip: Generally, rewrite the IOCDS that is written in preparation for the upgrade at your earliest convenience. Subsequent MESs might cause an IOCDS that is written in preparation for an upgrade to become invalid.
                                 IOCDS List Row 1 of 4 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or a group of IOCDSs, then press Enter.
-----Token Match----- Write
/ IOCDS Name Type Status IOCDS/HSA IOCDS/Proc. Protect
_ A0.MUSCB IODF78 LPAR Alternate No No No
_ A2.MUSCB IODF72 LPAR Alternate No No No
_ A3.MUSCB IODF79 LPAR Invalid No Yes No
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
Figure 5-16 IOCDS List: IOCDS verified with status of Invalid
5.3 Creating a Reset Profile on the 3907 Support Element
To build and activate your Reset Profile by using the HMC, complete the steps in this section.
5.3.1 Background activities that occurred
The following activities must occur before you create a Reset Profile:
The 2965 processor was upgraded to a 3907-ZR1.
A new HMC was installed with the correct driver level to support the 3907, and it is connected to the customer HMC network.
The upgraded 3907 (in this example, MUSCA) was defined to the new HMC.
The 2965, now upgraded to a 3907, was Power on Reset with the Diagnostic (DEFAULT) IOCDS.
A new IOCP was written to the 3907’s IOCDS from the IODF (IODF79) by using HCD Option 2.11.
The 3907 is now ready to be customized with specific customer definitions.
5.3.2 Building the Reset Profile and pointing to required IOCDS
Now that the IOCP file is written to an IOCDS, build a Reset (power-on reset) Profile to point to that IOCDS. This Reset Profile is used to power on reset the new 3907 after it is upgraded and handed over from the IBM System Service Representative.
To build the profile, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using SYSPROG authority to the HMC workstation that is supplied with the 3907, or use a remote web browser and select the new 3907.
2. Under Systems Management, click Systems Management to expand the list.
3. Under Systems Management, click the radio button that is next to the system to select it (in this example, MUSCA).
4. On the Tasks window, click Operational Customization to expand it, and select Customize/Delete Activation Profiles (see Figure 5-17 on page 97).
Figure 5-17 Customize Activation Profiles
5. Select the DEFAULT Reset Profile and click Customize profile.
6. Save this DEFAULT profile with a new profile name to be used when the power-on reset is required (for example, TESTRESET).
7. Select the new TESTRESET Profile and click Customize profile.
8. Click the IOCDS that you updated in the previous step. The ACTB0PDL message is displayed (see Figure 5-18).
Figure 5-18 Activation Profiles: ACTB0PDL message
9. Depending on the circumstances, you can click Yes or No. You might want to review the Partition Activation List now. For this example, click Yes.
10. The HMC retrieves any Image profiles that match the LPAR names that are defined in the IOCDS that was selected. It also allows you to create Image profiles for those image profiles that cannot be retrieved.
11. In our example, we select Automatically create all new images using the choices specified on this panel and Use the selected profile as a template when automatically creating new image profiles: DEFAULT. Click OK (see Figure 5-19 on page 98).
Figure 5-19 Image Profile automatic build options
12. Note the list of LPARs that were retrieved and built based on the LPARs that were defined in the selected IOCDS. Click Save (see Figure 5-20).
Figure 5-20 Reset and Image profile list: Selecting IOCDS
5.3.3 Setting up and verifying the Reset Profile
To set up and verify the Reset Profile, complete the following steps:
1. Click Partitions to display the list of partitions (LPARs) in the partition activation list.
This display lists all of the partitions that were retrieved by the automatic build for Reset Profile TESTRESET. The partition list also determines all the Image profiles that are activated if the CPC was Power on Reset (POR).
Here, you can tailor which Image profiles are displayed and activated, and also the order of activation and the order in which they are displayed in the Reset profile.
Typing over or removing the number in the Order field determines how you want the Partitions in the Reset Profile to behave. That is, they are removed or the order changed.
2. After you make your determinations, click Save (see Figure 5-21).
Figure 5-21 Reset and Image profile list: Updating the partition list
3. If any Coupling Facility partitions are defined, HMC asks if you want to change the partition activation order because it is preferential but not essential that CF LPARs are activated before z/OS LPARs. Click Yes or No (see Figure 5-22).
Figure 5-22 Reset and Image profile list: Coupling Facility LPAR verification
5.4 Creating an Image Profile on the 3907 Support Element
Image profiles contain all of the specific parameters that relate to the partition, which include the following parameters:
Time Offset
Click one of the Image profiles to set up the partitions parameters. In our example, we select MUSCA01.
5.4.1 Image Profile: General page
The General page is displayed first (see Figure 5-23). Review the following settings:
Partition identifier
Clock Type Assignment:
 – Standard time of day
 – Logical partition time offset
Figure 5-23 Image Profile: General
5.4.2 Image Profile: Processor page
Click the Processor link to set up the partitions CPU and weight information (see Figure 5-24). Review the following settings:
Dedicated processors tick box: Click this setting first if you want to set dedicated CPs, zIIPs, IFLs, or ICFs.
Central processors (CPs) for Initial and Reserved.
IBM Z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) for Initial and Reserved.
Not dedicated Processor Details for CPs and zIIPs, IFLs, or ICFs.
Initial processing weight.
Initial capping.
Enable workload manager.
Absolute capping.
Figure 5-24 Image profile: Processor
5.4.3 Image Profile: Security page
Next, click the Security link to set up the partitions Security parameters (see Figure 5-25). Review the following settings:
Partition Security Options
BCPii Permissions
Counter Facility Security Options
Sampling Facility Security Options
CFACF Key Management Options
Figure 5-25 Image profile: Security
5.4.4 Image Profile: Storage page
Click the Storage link to set up the partitions Initial and Reserved storage and Virtual Flash Memory Initial and Maximum values (see Figure 5-26). Review the following settings:
Central Storage Amount, Initial and Reserved
Virtual Flash memory Initial and Maximum
Figure 5-26 Image profile: Storage
5.4.5 Image Profile: Options page
Click the Options link to set up the partitions Defined capacity (see Figure 5-27). Review the following settings:
Minimum input/output (I/O) priority
Maximum input/output (I/O) priority
Defined capacity
CP management cluster name
Figure 5-27 Image profile: Options
5.4.6 Image Profile: Load page
Click the Load link if you want to set up any automatic load (IPL) parameters when the partition is activated by using a Power-on Reset or Image profile activation (see Figure 5-28). If you prefer not to IPL a z/OS system into a partition during a Power-on Reset or Image profile activation, Load Profiles can be set up and activated and used when required. This concern is described in the following section. Review the following settings:
Load during activation check box, which determines whether the options in this window are used
Load type
Load address
Time-out value
Figure 5-28 Image profile: Load
5.4.7 Image Profile: Crypto page
Click the Crypto link where you define the Crypto Domain Index IDs and the number of Crypto engines that are assigned to that Domain ID and whether they are only candidate or also candidate and online (see Figure 5-29). Review the following settings:
Assigned Domains, which is where you first assign a Domain Index ID.
Assigned Cryptos, which is where you assign which of and how many of the installed Crypto engines are assigned to the Domain ID, and this partition.
Figure 5-29 Image profile: Crypto
5.4.8 Image Profile: Time Offset
If you selected Logical partition time offset in the General window, an extra window is displayed in the Image profile that is named Time Offset. Here, you can select the partitions Time offset against the CPCs time as set by STP (see Figure 5-30). Review the following settings:
Offset: Days, hours, minutes
Decrease or Increase time value
Figure 5-30 Image profile: Time offset
5.4.9 Image Profile: Saving
After you customized all of the required Image profiles for this Reset profile, click Save to save the Reset (and Image) profiles for Power-on Reset. If only a few LPARs require activation, it might be easier to deactivate and activate those Image profiles individually. It depends on your situation. HMC prompts you for a confirmation to continue to save. Click OK (see Figure 5-31).
Figure 5-31 Reset and Image profile: Confirmation to save
5.5 Performing a Power-On Reset of the 3907
When the 2965 processor is upgraded to a 3907, the IBM System Service Representative performs a POR with a Diagnostic IOCDS.
After this process is complete and the IBM System Service Representative is satisfied with the status of the processor, the IBM System Service Representative hands over the processor to you. You then run another POR by using the Reset Profile that was created as described in 5.3.2, “Building the Reset Profile and pointing to required IOCDS” on page 96.
The 3907 is now ready to be activated (power-on reset) by using the Production Reset Profile. This process is optional but preferred depending on how many partitions that were defined on the processor.
5.5.1 Coupling Facility Links
After the Power-on Reset completes with your specific customer configuration and the coupling links are online to the CF and z/OS LPARs on this CPC and any links to other CPCs, verify that they are online and established a link.
This verification is done by displaying the CHPID by using Channel Problem Determination on the HMC.
To access the Channel Problem Determination windows, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using SYSPROG authority to the HMC for the new 3907.
2. Click Systems Management to expand the list.
3. Under Systems Management, click the radio button next to the system to select it (in this example, MUSCA).
4. On the Tasks window, click Recovery to expand it, and select Single Object Operations (see Figure 5-32).
Figure 5-32 Systems Management: Main display
5. Click OK on the confirmation window.
6. Click System Management to expand the list.
7. Under Systems Management, click the CPC name to expand the options (in this example, MUSCA).
8. Click Partitions to expand the list of partitions.
9. Scroll through the list of partitions until you find one of the coupling facility partitions or z/OS partitions to which the coupling links are connected (in our example, we select MUSCA11).
10. Click the partition name to expand the options under the partition name.
11. Click CHPIDs to display the CHPID list specific to this LPAR (see Figure 5-33).
Figure 5-33 System Management: Single Object Operation
12. Select the CHPID that you want to verify to highlight it. We view CHPID 1.EC (CSS=1, CHPID=EC).
13. The options for this CHPID can be shown by using one of the following methods:
 – Click the >> symbol that is next to the CHPID to expand out the options.
 – Click CHPID Operations to expand the options and click Channel Problem Determination (see Figure 5-34).
Figure 5-34 System Management: CHPID Operations
14. HMC now shows the Channel Problem Determination options. Select Analyze channel information. Then, click OK (see Figure 5-35).
Figure 5-35 Channel Problem Determination: Analyze channel information
15. Observe the following information (see Figure 5-36 on page 112):
 – State: Online
 – Status: Operating
 – Node type: Attached
 – Node status: Valid
 – Type/model: 3906-M03 (device to which the CHPID is connected)
 – Seq. number: EE0F7 (serial number of the device to which the CHPID is connected)
 – Tag: ED (in this case, the destination CHPID of CHPID EC)
Observe also the PCHID of 0506. This PCHID number is allocated by the CPC when this specific CHPID (Coupling Express LR) is defined to the HSA configuration.
Figure 5-36 Channel Problem Determination: display
This window verifies that the CHPID is online and operating, and to what the CHPID (cable) is connected.
Continue to verify all other CF links that were defined and are online.
5.5.2 Server Time Protocol configuration
Now that the Coupling Facility links are verified as connected and online, you can set up the Server Time Protocol (STP) configuration.
With z14 ZR1, the STP or Manage System Time option on the HMC under Configuration changed to a graphic user interface (GUI) format.
For more information about the new GUI and how to set up the STP Coordinated Time Network (CTN), see Chapter 8, “Preparing for Sysplex and configuring Server Time Protocol” on page 159.
This section accesses the System (Sysplex) Time option under Single Object Operations for CPC MUSCA to display and verify some information.
To access the System (Sysplex) Time windows under Single Object Operations, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using SYSPROG authority to the HMC for the new 3907.
2. Click Systems Management to expand the list.
3. Under Systems Management, click the radio button that is next to the system to select it (in this example, MUSCA).
4. On the Tasks window, click Recovery to expand it, and select Single Object Operations (see Figure 5-37).
Figure 5-37 Systems Management: Main display
5. Click System Management to expand the list.
6. Under Systems Management, click the CPC name to expand the options (in this example, MUSCA).
7. Click Configuration to expand the items under the configuration category.
8. Click System (Sysplex) Time (see Figure 5-38).
Figure 5-38 Single Object Operations: System (Sysplex) Time
9. Click Yes for the Attention window that warns you that any action in the following windows might affect the current LPARs that are Operating.
10. Click the ETS Configuration tab to check whether any External Time Source (ETS) definitions exist (see Figure 5-39).
Figure 5-39 System (Sysplex) Time: ETS Configuration
Figure 5-39 shows that None were selected for any ETS.
11. If you click Use NTP, you are presented with the window to define an NTP Time server and also Query the status of that NTP Time server.
12. Click Select. Then, select Configured and enter a valid IP address.
13. Click Query to test the defined NTP server definition, as shown in Figure 5-40.
Figure 5-40 System (Sysplex) Time: ETS configuration
If the Query is successful, the value of the Stratum level, Source and Status table fields, and the Status column are automatically completed. The status displays Success if the related NTP server is accessible.
14. Click the STP Status tab to observe and verify any CF links that connect to this or other CPCs.
Observe Local STP Link Identifier 0506 that we displayed earlier in the Channel Problem Determination window for CHPID 1.EC (see Figure 5-41).
Figure 5-41 System (Sysplex) Time: STP status
In this example, a Configuration error is displayed in the Reason Code Sent field because this server detected a different CTN ID on one of the links to the attached server. However, this situation might not always be the case, depending on your environment.
For more information about how to set up the STP configuration, see Chapter 8, “Preparing for Sysplex and configuring Server Time Protocol” on page 159.
15. Click the STP Configuration tab to display or set the CTN ID (STP ID) (see Figure 5-42).
Figure 5-42 System (Sysplex) Time: STP Configuration
16. Click the Network Configuration tab to display or set the role for this CPC. In this example, MUSCA is set as the Preferred Time Server (PTS) for the current CTN (see Figure 5-43).
Figure 5-43 System (Sysplex) Time: Network Configuration
17. Click the Timing Network tab to check or set the Time for this CPC. Adjustments can also be made here if the CPC lost its ETS and drifted too far from the time zones time (see Figure 5-44).
Figure 5-44 System (Sysplex) Time: Timing Network
5.6 Building and verifying Load (IPL) profiles
Now that the CPC is Power on Reset, the Images profiles are defined and activated, the CF links are verified, and the STP and its roles set up, it is time to define a Load (IPL) profile to use to activate (IPL) a partition (LPAR).
To build a Load profile, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using SYSPROG authority to the HMC for the new 3907.
2. Under Systems Management, click Systems Management to expand the list.
3. Under Systems Management, click the radio button that is next to the system to select it (in this example, MUSCA).
4. In the Tasks window, click Operational Customization to expand it, and select Customize/Delete Activation Profiles (see Figure 5-45).
Figure 5-45 Systems Management: Main display
5. Select the DEFAULTLOAD Load Profile and click Customize profile.
6. Enter the following required parameters that are specific to your installation to perform an IPL:
 – Profile name: Your preferred profile name over DEFAULTLOAD
 – Description: Your preferred description
 – Load type: Normal
 – Load address: The device address of the IPL volume (97D1)
 – Load parameter: 944301M1:
 • 9443: The device address of the IODF volume
 • 01: The suffix of the LOADxx member in SYS#.IPLPARM on device 9443
 • M: Automatic IPL
Figure 5-46 shows an example.
Figure 5-46 Customize Load Profiles: Load
7. Click Save. Then, click OK to continue to the save window (see Figure 5-47).
Figure 5-47 Customize Load Profiles: New Load profile
5.7 Building and verifying LOADxx Members in SYS#.IPLPARM
As described in 5.6, “Building and verifying Load (IPL) profiles” on page 118, a LOADxx suffix is also required to perform an IPL. This data set member is stored in SYS#.IPLPARM on the volume to which the IODF is written. In our example, this volume is 9443 (IODFPK). The number is the value that you use in your installation for SYS# data sets. This number can be 0 - 9; for example, SYS5.IPLPARM.
If you prefer to use the HWNAME keyword to point to the Processor ID, update this parameter to point to the new Processor ID (in this example, from MUSCA). Sometimes, the LPARNAME keyword is also used in the LOADxx members and might need to be reviewed or updated, such as MUSCA11.
Note: If you share a LOADxx member with many partitions, the HWNAME and LPARNAME keywords are required.
To build and verify LOADxx Members in SYS#.IPLPARM, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to a system by using TSO that can access the SYS#.IPLPARM data set that is on the IODF volume that you use to perform the IPL.
2. Edit data set SYS#.IPLPARM and member LOADxx. Figure 5-48 on page 122 shows the settings that are used in our example:
 – HWNAME keyword set to MUSCA.
 – LPARNAME keyword set to MUSCA11.
 – IODF keyword set to ** (where ** directs the IPL to look at what IODF/IOCP was PORed into the CPCs HSA, then looks on the IODF volume for that corresponding IODF). A specific IODF suffix number can also be defined in the LOADxx member if you need to override the HSA match.
 – IODF keyword also points to the High-Level Qualifier of the IODF data set (SYS6) and also the OSCONFIG that this system uses (ITSO). The OSCONFIG is the other part of an IODF that the IPL uses to determine which devices it can access, along with NIP consoles and Esoterics.
 – The remaining parameters are use for z/OS and not for the IODF.
  File Edit Edit_Settings Menu Utilities Compilers Test Help
EDIT SYS0.IPLPARM(LOAD01) - 01.99 Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
000128 *-----------DEFINITION FOR SC03-------------*
000132 IODF ** SYS6 ITSO 01 Y
000137 *
000141 IODF ** SYS6 ITSO 01 Y
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Expand F5=Rfind F6=Rchange
F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Left F11=Right F12=Cancel
Figure 5-48 z/OS: SYS#.IPLPARM: LOADxx member
5.8 Communicating information about the new z14 ZR1
Now that you created a CPC with a new name in the configuration, you might want to communicate the new configuration specifics to the operations and support community in your organization.
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