Adding PCIe devices
This chapter describes the steps to define ISM, RoCE-2, zEDC, and zHyperLink Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) functions, features, and devices.
It includes a list of these potential configuration items and a short description on how to complete each of them by using Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) and an overview of PCIe functions.
Note: Not all of the configuration items that are described in this chapter are necessarily required for your installation. Also, the examples that are presented are not intended to be exhaustive.
This chapter includes the following topics:
15.1 Defining more I/O by using HCD
When defining new I/O components in an IODF, specific definitions, such OSCONFIGs, partitions, FICON Switches, Control Units, and Devices, must be made up front. After these items are defined, the following connections can be made:
These I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples continue by using the example that was created in Chapter 5, “Production IODF and setting up the CPC” on page 85 (for example, ITSO.IODF78.WORK).
15.2 PCIe feature definitions
This section provides a brief overview of the Function statement and describes defining ISM, RoCE-2, zEDC, and zHyperLink PCIe features.
15.2.1 Overview
Starting with processor type 2827, PCIe adapters that are attached to a system can provide the operating system with various so-called PCIe functions to be used by entitled logical partitions (LPARs).
HCD supports the following components:
Internal Shared Memory PCIe Adapter (ISM). A virtual PCIe adapter for which a virtual channel identifier (VCHID) must be defined.
Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE). PCIe functions of type RoCE and RoCE-2 can be assigned to external physical networks by specifying corresponding PNET IDs.
zEDC-Express. For PCIe functions of type zEDC-Express, a virtual function number 1 - 15 must be specified.
Regional Crypto Enablement (RCE). This PCIe function type is used for vendor crypto adapters that are approved by IBM. This type not in the scope of this book.
Note: The support of virtual functions, the allowed range of virtual functions, and support of PNETIDs depends on the processor type and support level. For more information, see Input/Output Configuration Program User’s Guide, SB10-7172. HCD offers prompts for virtual functions and ensures that the validation rules are fulfilled.
HCD provides dialogs to define, change, delete, and view PCIe functions, and to control which LPARs can access which PCIe functions.
PCIe adapters offer new functionality to systems running on processor 2827 and newer. HCD introduces a new dialog where users can define PCIe functions, assign them to LPARs, and activate them by using IOCP or dynamically.
HCD also provides the following new reports:
The PCIe Function Summary Report displays the partitions in the access and candidate lists, which are entitled to access the available PCIe functions.
The PCIe Function Compare Report shows the changes of PCIe functions between processors of two IODFs.
HCD supports the new I/O configuration statement FUNCTION for defining and configuring PCIe functions.
In the CPC, the input/output (I/O) subsystem, which controls channel operations, requires specific data about the hardware I/O configuration.
To define PCIe functions for the I/O subsystem, you must specify the following components:
Logical partitions
PCIe adapter functions on the CPC and their assignment to logical partitions.
A PCIe function is defined by a unique identifier, which is the function ID (FID). Each function specifies a function type and a channel identifier CHID. Multiple functions can be specified to the same CHID value that is provided that each of these functions defines a unique virtual function VF number when defining a PCIe function. Example 15-1 shows definitions for a zHyperlink card for Port 1 and multiple virtual functions, each assigned to a specific LPAR.
Example 15-1 zHyperlink definitions
RESOURCE PART=((CSS(0),(Z01,1),(Z02,2),(Z03,3),(Z04,4),(CF01,8), *
(CF02,9)), *
(CSS(1),(Z11,1),(Z12,2),(CF11,8),(CF12,9)), *
(CSS(2),(Z21,1),(Z22,2),(CF21,8)), *
(CSS(3),(Z31,1),(Z32,2),(CF31,8)), *
(CSS(4),(Z41,1),(Z42,2),(LX41,3),(LX42,4),(CF41,8)), *
The applicable functions to the various function types are listed Table 15-1.
Table 15-1 Keyword applicability for functions
Function type
For more information about the maximum values for each machine type, see IBM Z Input/Output Configuration Program User's Guide for ICP IOCP, SB10-7172.
15.2.2 Defining an ISM PCIe function
The z14 ZR1 supports Internal Shared Memory (ISM) virtual PCIe (vPCIe) device to enable optimized cross-LPAR TCP communications by using a socket-based direct memory access (DMA), the Shared Memory Communications - Direct Memory Access (SMC-D).
SMC-D uses a virtual PCIe adapter and is configured as is a physical PCIe device. Up to 32 ISM adapters are available, each with a unique Physical Network ID per CPC.
In this example, we define the following items:
CHID=7F1 to Function IDs 0040 (VF=1) and 0041 (VF=2) on CPC = MUSCA
CHID=7F2 to Function IDs 0050 (VF=1) and 0051 (VF=2) on CPC = MUSCA
Complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processor List.
2. Enter f (work with PCIe functions) next to the processor (CETUS) to which you want to define the ISM functions and press Enter (see Figure 15-1).
                                Processor List Row 1 of 3 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
/ Proc. ID Type + Model + Mode+ Serial-# + Description
_ CETUS 3906 M03 LPAR 0EE0F73906 Cetus
_ LEPUS 2965 N20 LPAR 0BB4B72965 Lepus
f MUSCA 3907 ZR1 LPAR 007A883907 Musca
Figure 15-1 Processor List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, ISM
3. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel (see Figure 15-2).
                             PCIe Function List
Command ===> add____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
Figure 15-2 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, ISM
4. Complete the following updates (see Figure 15-3) and press Enter:
 – Function ID to 0040.
 – Type to ISM.
 – Channel ID to 7F1.
 – Virtual Function ID to 1.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*---------------------------- Add PCIe Function ----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| |
| Function ID . . . . . . 0040 |
| Type . . . . . . . . . ISM + |
| |
| Channel ID . . . . . . . . . . . 7F1 + |
| Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ + |
| Virtual Function ID . . . . . . 1__ + |
| Number of virtual functions . . 1 |
| UID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ |
| |
| Description . . . . . . . . . . ISM FID=0040 VFID=1 CHID=7F1____ |
| |
| |
Figure 15-3 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, ISM
5. Update the Physical network ID to PERFNET value in the Add/Modify Physical Network IDs panel (see Figure 15-4) and press Enter.
*--------------------- Add/Modify Physical Network IDs ---------------------*
| |
| |
| If the Channel ID (CHID) is associated to one or more physical networks, |
| specify each physical network ID corresponding to each applicable |
| physical port. |
| |
| Physical network ID 1 . . PERFNET_________ |
| Physical network ID 2 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 3 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 4 . . ________________ |
| |
| |
Figure 15-4 Add/Modify Physical Network IDs: Adding network ID, ISM
6. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR MUSCA11 (OS). Press Enter (see Figure 15-5).
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 22 of 31 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one partition for the access list. |
| |
| Function ID . . . . : 0040 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA17 7 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA18 8 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA19 9 OS |
| _ 2 MUSCA2A A CF MUSCA2A test CF partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 15-5 Define Access List: Selecting partition for Function access, ISM
7. Select any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. (In our example, we do not select any candidate LPARs.) Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel where you can see the Function now defined (see Figure 15-6).
                              PCIe Function List Row 1 of 21 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 0040 7F1 _ 1 ISM ____ ISM FID=0040 VFID=1 CHID=7F1
Figure 15-6 PCIe Function List: Function now created, ISM
8. Define the other Function IDs according to the example thus far (see Figure 15-7).
                             PCIe Function List Row 1 of 24 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 0040 7F1 _ 1 ISM ____ ISM FID=0040 VFID=1 CHID=7F1
_ 0041 7F1 _ 2 ISM ____ ISM FID=0041 VFID=2 CHID=7F1
_ 0050 7F2 _ 1 ISM ____ ISM FID=0050 VFID=1 CHID=7F2
_ 0051 7F2 _ 2 ISM ____ ISM FID=0051 VFID=2 CHID=7F2
Figure 15-7 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created, ISM
15.2.3 Defining a RoCE-2 PCIe function
RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) uses a new PCIe hardware card for the z14 and is named 10GbE RoCE Express (FC 0412).
To use RoCE hardware functions, the Function IDs, Virtual Function IDs, and Physical Network IDs must be defined in HCD to the PCHID that is assigned to the RoCE hardware cards that are installed in the processor.
Similar to defining a channel-path identifier (CHPID) to a physical channel ID (PCHID) for FICON and OSA type channels, Function IDs and Virtual Function IDs are assigned RoCE PCHIDs.
For more information about the PCHID and Resource Group (RG), see the PCHID report for the processor (see Example 15-2).
Example 15-2 PCHID Report: RoCE information from PCHID report
 Machine: 3907-ZR1 NEW1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source Drwr Slot F/C PCHID/Ports or AID Comment
  A09/LG02/J01 A14B 02 0412 100/D1D2 RG1
  A09/LG10/J01 A01B 12 0412 160/D1D2 RG2
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source Book Slot/Fanout Slot/Jack
RG1 Resource Group 1
0412 10GbE RoCE Express
RG2 Resource Group 2
In this example, we define the following items:
PCHID=100 to Function IDs 00A2 (VF=3) Port=1and 00A3 (VF=4) Port=2 on CPC = MUSCA to Physical Network ID 1 = PERFNET
PCHID=1BC to Function IDs 0010 (VF=1) Port=1and 0011 (VF=2) Port=2 on CPC = MUSCA to Physical Network ID 1 = PERFNET
Complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processor List.
2. Enter f (work with PCIe functions) next to the processor (CETUS) to which you want to define the RoCE-2 functions and press Enter (see Figure 15-8).
                                Processor List Row 1 of 3 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
/ Proc. ID Type + Model + Mode+ Serial-# + Description
_ CETUS 3906 M03 LPAR 0EE0F73906 Cetus
_ LEPUS 2965 N20 LPAR 0BB4B72965 Lepus
f MUSCA 3907 ZR1 LPAR 007A883907 Musca
Figure 15-8 Processor List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, RoCE-2
3. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel (see Figure 15-9).
                             PCIe Function List
Command ===> add____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
Figure 15-9 PCIe Function List: adding PCIe functions to a processor, RoCE-2
4. Complete the following updates (see Figure 15-10) and press Enter:
 – Function ID to 00A2.
 – Type to ROCE-2.
 – Channel ID to 100.
 – Port to 1.
 – Virtual Function ID to 3.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*---------------------------- Add PCIe Function ----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| |
| Function ID . . . . . . 00A2 |
| Type . . . . . . . . . ROCE-2 + |
| |
| Channel ID . . . . . . . . . . . 100 + |
| Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 + |
| Virtual Function ID . . . . . . 3__ + |
| Number of virtual functions . . 1 |
| UID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ |
| |
| Description . . . . . . . . . . RoCE-2 FID=00A2 VFID=3 CHID=100_ |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 15-10 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, RoCE-2
5. Update the Physical network ID to PERFNET value in the Add/Modify Physical Network IDs panel (see Figure 15-11) and press Enter.
*--------------------- Add/Modify Physical Network IDs ---------------------*
| |
| |
| If the Channel ID (CHID) is associated to one or more physical networks, |
| specify each physical network ID corresponding to each applicable |
| physical port. |
| |
| Physical network ID 1 . . PERFNET |
| Physical network ID 2 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 3 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 4 . . ________________ |
| |
| |
Figure 15-11 Add/Modify Physical Network IDs: Adding network ID, RoCE-2
6. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list (see Figure 15-12). In our example, we use LPAR CETUS21 (OS). Press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 22 of 31 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one partition for the access list. |
| |
| Function ID . . . . : 00A2 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA17 7 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA18 8 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA19 9 OS |
| _ 2 MUSCA2A A CF MUSCA2A test CF partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 15-12 Define Access List: Selecting partition for Function access, RoCE-2
7. Select any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select any candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel in which you can see the Function now defined (see Figure 15-13).
                              PCIe Function List Row 7 of 24 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 00A2 100 1 3 ROCE-2 ____ RoCE-2 FID=00A2 VFID=3 CHID=100
Figure 15-13 PCIe Function List: Function now created, RoCE-2
8. Define the other Function IDs according to the example thus far (see Figure 15-14).
                             PCIe Function List Row 7 of 24 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 00A2 100 1 3 ROCE-2 ____ RoCE-2 FID=00A2 VFID=3 CHID=100
_ 00A3 100 2 4 ROCE-2 ____ RoCE-2 FID=00A3 VFID=4 CHID=100
_ 00B2 160 1 3 ROCE-2 ____ RoCE-2 FID=00B2 VFID=3 CHID=160
_ 00B3 160 2 4 ROCE-2 ____ RoCE-2 FID=00B3 VFID=4 CHID=160
Figure 15-14 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created, RoCE-2
15.2.4 Defining a zEDC EXPRESS PCIe function
The zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) uses a PCIe hardware card for the z14 ZR1called zEDC Express FC#0420.
To use zEDC hardware functions, Function IDs and Virtual Function IDs must be defined in HCD to the PCHID that was assigned to the zEDC hardware cards that are installed in the processor. Similar to defining a CHPID to a PCHID for FICON and OSA type channels, Function IDs and Virtual Function IDs are assigned zEDC PCHIDs.
This example shows only the definition process. For more information about how zEDC works, see Reduce Storage Occupancy and Increase Operations Efficiency with IBM zEnterprise Data Compression, SG24-8259.
For more information about the PCHID and RG, see the PCHID report for the processor (see Example 15-3).
Example 15-3 PCHID Report: zEDC information from PCHID report
Machine: 3907-ZR1 NEW1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source Drwr Slot F/C PCHID/Ports or AID Comment
  A09/LG08/J01 A14B 12 0420 120 RG2
  A09/LG04/J01 A01B 02 0420 140 RG1
Source Book Slot/Fanout Slot/Jack
RG1 Resource Group 1
RG2 Resource Group 2
0420 zEDC Express
In this example, we define the following items:
CHID=120 to Function IDs 00C1 (VF=2) on CPC = MUSCA
CHID=140 to Function IDs 00D1 (VF=2) on CPC = MUSCA
Complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processor List.
2. Enter f (work with PCIe functions) next to the processor (CETUS) to which you want to define the zEDC functions and press Enter (see Figure 15-15).
                               Processor List Row 1 of 3 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
/ Proc. ID Type + Model + Mode+ Serial-# + Description
_ CETUS 3906 M03 LPAR 0EE0F73906 Cetus
_ LEPUS 2965 N20 LPAR 0BB4B72965 Lepus
f MUSCA 3907 ZR1 LPAR 007A883907 Musca
Figure 15-15 Processor List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zEDC
3. Enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel (see Figure 15-16) to add a PCIe function.
                             PCIe Function List
Command ===> add____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
Figure 15-16 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zEDC
4. Complete the following updates (see Figure 15-17) and press Enter:
 – Function ID to 00C1.
 – Type to ZEDC-EXPRESS.
 – Channel ID to 120.
 – Virtual Function ID to 1.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*---------------------------- Add PCIe Function ----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| |
| Function ID . . . . . . 00C1 |
| Type . . . . . . . . . ZEDC-EXPRESS + |
| |
| Channel ID . . . . . . . . . . . 120 + |
| Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ + |
| Virtual Function ID . . . . . . 2 + |
| Number of virtual functions . . 1 |
| UID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ |
| |
| Description . . . . . . . . . . zEDC FID=00C1 VFID=2 CHID=120 |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 15-17 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zEDC
5. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR MUSCA11 (OS). Then, press Enter (see Figure 15-18).
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 22 of 31 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one partition for the access list. |
| |
| Function ID . . . . : 00C1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA17 7 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA18 8 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA19 9 OS |
| _ 2 MUSCA2A A CF MUSCA2A test CF partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 15-18 Define Access List: selecting partition for Function access, zEDC
6. Select any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select any candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel (see Figure 15-19) where you can see that the Function is now defined.
                             PCIe Function List Row 14 of 23 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 00C1 120 _ 2 ZEDC-EXPRESS ____ zEDC FID=00C1 VFID=2 CHID=120
Figure 15-19 PCIe Function List: Function now created, zEDC
7. Define the other Function IDs according to this example (see Figure 15-20).
                             PCIe Function List Row 14 of 24 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 00C1 120 _ 2 ZEDC-EXPRESS ____ zEDC FID=00C1 VFID=2 CHID=120
_ 00D1 140 _ 2 ZEDC-EXPRESS ____ zEDC FID=00D1 VFID=2 CHID=140
Figure 15-20 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created, zEDC
15.2.5 Defining a zHyperLink PCIe function
The zHyperLink Express is a direct connect short distance IBM Z I/O feature that is designed to work with a High-Performance FICON SAN infrastructure.
IBM zHyperLink dramatically reduces latency by interconnecting the z14 ZR1 CPC directly to the I/O bay of the DS8880.
zHyperLink uses a PCIe hardware card for the z14 and the z14 ZR1 called zHyperLink Express (FC 0431).
Two ports are available per feature and a maximum of 16 features can be installed on a z14 ZR1. Up to 127 Virtual Functions can be defined per CHID.
In this example, we define the following items:
CHID=108 to FID = 0102, VFIDs = 3, Port = 1, on CPC = MUSCA
CHID=108 to FID = 0103, VFIDs = 4, Port = 2, on CPC = MUSCA
CHID=168 to FID = 0202, VFIDs = 3, Port = 1, on CPC = MUSCA
CHID=168 to FID = 0203, VFIDs = 4, Port = 2, on CPC = MUSCA
Complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processor List. Enter f (work with PCIe functions) next to the processor (CETUS) to which you want to define the zHyperLink functions and press Enter (see Figure 15-21).
                                Processor List Row 1 of 3 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
/ Proc. ID Type + Model + Mode+ Serial-# + Description
_ CETUS 3906 M03 LPAR 0EE0F73906 Cetus
_ LEPUS 2965 N20 LPAR 0BB4B72965 Lepus
f MUSCA 3907 ZR1 LPAR 007A883907 Musca
Figure 15-21 Processor List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zHyperLink
2. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel (see Figure 15-22).
                             PCIe Function List
Command ===> add____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
Figure 15-22 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zHyperLink
3. Complete the following updates (see Figure 15-23) and press Enter:
 – Function ID to 102.
 – Type to ZHYPERLINK.
 – Channel ID to 108.
 – Port ID to 1.
 – Virtual Function ID to 3.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*---------------------------- Add PCIe Function ----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| |
| Function ID . . . . . . 0102 |
| Type . . . . . . . . . ZHYPERLINK + |
| |
| Channel ID . . . . . . . . . . . 108 + |
| Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 + |
| Virtual Function ID . . . . . . 3__ + |
| Number of virtual functions . . 1 |
| UID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ |
| |
| Description . . . . . . . . . . zHYP FID=0102 VFID=3 CHID=108___ |
| |
| |
Figure 15-23 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor, zHyperLink
4. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR CETUS21 (OS). Press Enter (see Figure 15-24).
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 22 of 31 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one partition for the access list. |
| |
| Function ID . . . . : 0102 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA17 7 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA18 8 OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA19 9 OS |
| _ 2 MUSCA2A A CF MUSCA2A test CF partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 15-24 Define Access List: Selecting partition for Function access, zHyperLink
5. Select any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select any candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel in which you can see the Function now defined (see Figure 15-25).
                             PCIe Function List Row 19 of 21 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 0102 108 1 3 ZHYPERLINK ____ zHYP FID=0102 VFID=3 CHID=108
Figure 15-25 PCIe Function List: Function now created, zHyperLink
6. Define the other Function IDs according to the example thus far (see Figure 15-26).
                             PCIe Function List Row 13 of 24 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
/ FID CHID+ P+ VF+ Type+ UID Description
_ 0102 108 1 3 ZHYPERLINK ____ zHYP FID=0102 VFID=3 CHID=108
_ 0103 108 2 4 ZHYPERLINK ____ zHYP FID=0103 VFID=4 CHID=108
_ 0202 168 1 3 ZHYPERLINK ____ zHYP FID=0202 VFID=3 CHID=168
_ 0203 168 2 4 ZHYPERLINK ____ zHYP FID=0203 VFID=4 CHID=168
Figure 15-26 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created, zHyperLink
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