Adding network devices
This chapter describes how to define OSC, OSD, OSE, OSM, and IQD CHPIDs; Control Units; and devices.
It includes a list of these potential configuration items and a short description of how to complete each item by using the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) tool.
Note: Not all of the configuration items that are described in this chapter are necessarily required for your installation. Also, the examples that are presented are not intended to be exhaustive.
This chapter includes the following topics:
13.1 Defining more I/O using HCD
When defining new I/O components in an IODF, specific definitions, such as OSCONFIGs, partitions, FICON Switches, Control Units, and Devices, must be made up front. After the following items are defined, the connections can be made:
OSC CHPID connections to an OSC Control Unit
3270-X devices to an OSCONFIG
3270-X devices to NIP within an OSCONFIG
OSD CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit
OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG
OSE CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit
OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG
OSM CHPID connections to an OSM Control Unit
OSA-M devices to an OSCONFIG
IQD CHPID connections to an IQD Control Unit
IQD devices to an OSCONFIG
The I/O definitions that are described next use the HCD tool to demonstrate the examples. The examples continue by using the example that was created in Chapter 5, “Production IODF and setting up the CPC” on page 85 (for example, ITSO.IODF78.WORK).
13.2 OSA CHPID definitions
This section describes defining OSC, OSD, OSE, and OSM CHPIDs and their control units and devices.
13.2.1 Defining OSC CHPIDs
When defining an OSD or OSE connection, you first must determine which type of OSA card you need for your configuration. OSC connections use the copper-based OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T card:
Optical connection cards:
 – OSA Express6S GbE SX or LX
 – OSA Express6S 10 Gb SR or LR
Copper-based connection cards: OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T
A new OSC CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID)
Channel ID (CHID)
Channel path type
Operational mode
Partition access list
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer that the I/O cards connect to (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)
To define a new OSC CHPID, and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-1) to add a CHPID.
*---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . B0 + Channel ID 110 + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . OSC + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| |
| |
Figure 13-1 Processors: Add Channel Path, OSC
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to B0
 – Channel ID to 110
 – Channel path type to OSC
 – Operational mode to SHR
 – Description to the description that you want
6. HCD prompts you to select to which partition the CHPID should have access. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-2), and press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 1 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : B0 Channel path type . : OSC |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA1A A OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1B B OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1C C OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1D D OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1E E OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1F F OS |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
Figure 13-2 Processors: Define Access List, OSC
Because multiple partitions were defined in this CSS, we see the Define Candidate List panel, although we defined the CHPID as SHR. We do not connect any partitions to this CHPID from the candidate list. Instead, press Enter on this panel.
HCD now returns back to the Channel Path List, which shows you the CHPID that was just defined (see Figure 13-3).
                             Channel Path List Row 10 of 35 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 1
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ 48 15C FC SPAN 01 01 1A No Disk *** was 01.24
_ 49 15D FC SPAN 02 02 1C No Disk *** was 02.24
_ 54 17D FC SPAN 01 01 0C No FCTC
_ 55 179 FC SPAN 02 02 0C No FCTC
_ 58 13C FC SPAN 01 01 1B No Disk *** was 01.25
_ 59 13D FC SPAN 02 02 1D No Disk *** was 02.25
_ B0 110 OSC SHR __ __ __ No FC 0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T
Figure 13-3 Processors: Channel Path List, OSC
13.2.2 Defining OSC CHPID connections to an OSC Control Unit
The only way to define an OSA connection to its Control Unit is direct connected.
You might want to connect the OSC Control Unit definition to multiple CPCs even though the physical OSC is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSC over multiple CSSs within a CPC.
Consider the following points for connecting an OSC CHPID to an OSC Control Unit and its 3270-X devices:
How many OSCs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup network connection.
In our example, we connect to a predefined OSC Control Unit (1B10) and 3270-X devices 1B10-1B1F.
To define OSC CHPID connections to an OSC Control Unit, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit that you want to connect to or in the command line enter L 1B00. In our example, we use 1B00.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the Control Unit definition that you want (see Figure 13-4), and press Enter.
+---------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . 1B00  + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . OSC + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 13-4 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition, OSC
HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is now made between the OSC CHPID (B0) and the Control Unit (1B00).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition we want to have access to the control unit and also has access to the CHPID we want to connect to the control unit. Then, press Enter.
6. Update Channel path IDs to B0 (channel path ID B0 is the CHPID we defined in the previous example) to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-5), and press Enter.
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1B00 Type . . . . . . : OSC |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 1 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . B0 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 254 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-5 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail, OSC
HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the Unit Address (UA) numbers. For most OSA definitions, the Unit address starts at 00.
7. Update UA New to 00 to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-6), and press Enter.
*------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| 0800,016 3270-X _ 00 00 No No __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-6 Control units: Modify Device Parameters, OSC
HCD now returns back to the Select Processor / CU panel that shows the CHPID (B0) connection definition (see Figure 13-7).
Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 12 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : 1B00 Control unit type . . . : OSC
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 B0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Figure 13-7 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection, OSC
8. By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
13.2.3 Defining 3270-X devices to an OSCONFIG
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines what devices a z/OS system can access when it IPLs. The partition that the z/OS system is restarted in also must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in EDTs within an OSCONFIG. OSA definitions often do not use Esoterics.
Consider the following points for adding devices to an OSCONFIG:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access that device.
In our example, we add the predefined OSC devices 0800-080F (3270-X).
To define 3270-X devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to the OSCONFIG or in the command line, enter L 0800. In our example, we use 1B10.
3. Enter c next to one or more Device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit that the devices are attached to (see Figure 13-8). Press Enter.
+------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : 0800 (0000 - FFFF)                           |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 16 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : 3270-X |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . 1B00 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 13-8 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition, OSC
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set, Unit Address, and Explicit Device Candidate List (see Figure 13-9).
*---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : 0800 Number of devices . : 16 |
| Device type . . . : 3270-X |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| _ MUSCA.1 _ 00 No No __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
Figure 13-9 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSC
6. Next is the HCD panel where we Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG you want to add to the Devices to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features applicable to that particular device type. In our example, we are adding 3270-X devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-10 on page 302), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
 – DOCHAR to Yes (if you want to use the US Character set).
*-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------*
| Row 1 of 22 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : 0800 Number of devices : 16 |
| Device type . . . : 3270-X |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device has been defined to be dynamic |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| ASCACHAR No ASCII A Character Generator |
| ASCBCHAR No ASCII B Character Generator |
| DOCHAR Yes United States English Character Generator |
| FRCHAR No French Character Generator |
| GRCHAR No German Character Generator |
| KACHAR No Katakana Character Generator |
| UKCHAR No United Kingdom English Character Generator |
| AUDALRM No Audible Alarm |
Figure 13-10 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features, OSC
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed in which you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added. Press Enter (see Figure 13-11 on page 303).
We add only the OSC/3270-X devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any esoterics in our example.
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 0800 Number of devices : 16 |
| Device type . . : 3270-X |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test Yes |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 Yes |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 Yes |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 Yes |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices Yes |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 Yes |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 Yes |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 Yes |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh Yes |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system Yes |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system Yes |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image Yes |
Figure 13-11 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric, OSC
10. The final panel is now displayed in which the devices that are defined to the OSCONFIG are shown. Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
13.2.4 Defining 3270-X devices to NIP within an OSCONFIG
The NIP Console list determines the device addresses that are eligible to receive nucleus initialization program (NIP) or IPL messages in the early startup stages of when z/OS is started.
The devices first must be defined to an OSCONFIG so that they can be added to a NIP Console list within an OSCONFIG.
The NIP console list also determines which console receives the NIP/IPL messages first. If that console is unavailable, NIP tries the next device in the list until all devices in the list are tried.
If NIP cannot write IPL messages to any 3270-X device in the list, the messages are written to the HMC Operating System Messages panel.
To view these messages, complete the following steps:
1. Select the LPAR for IPL on the HMC.
2. Click the >> breakout symbol that is next to the LPAR name.
3. Select Daily  Operating System Messages, as shown in Figure 13-12.
Figure 13-12 Operating System Messages
Commands and displays can be entered in the Command box (see Figure 13-13).
Figure 13-13 Operating System Messages command interface
Consider the following points for adding devices to a NIP console list within an OSCONFIG:
Adding a device to a NIP console list within an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that NIP can write IPL messages to that device.
The devices that are defined in the NIP console list also need Control unit and CHPID access to the partition into where z/OS is being started.
On the HMC, under OSA Advanced Facilities, the OSC (OSA-ICC) console Server and Session definitions also must be defined and activated.
A valid 3270-X session (that uses IBM PCOM or an equivalent 3270 emulator) also must be connected to the OSA-ICC Session. This configuration allows a valid session to be established to the OSA-ICC for NIP messages to be delivered to that device.
Our example adds the predefined OSC devices 1B10-1B11 (3270-X).
To define 3270-X devices to NIP within an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.1. Operating system configurations to display the Operating System Configuration List.
2. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add to the 3270-X devices to the NIP console list, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
3. Enter n next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the currently defined devices in the NIP Console List (see Figure 13-14).
*--------------------------- NIP Console List ----------------------------*
| Goto Backup Query Help |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Command ===> _______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more consoles, then press Enter. To add, use F11. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| |
| Order Device |
| / Number Number Device Type |
| *************************** Bottom of data **************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-14 OCSONFIGs: NIP Console List
In our example, no devices are defined in the NIP Console List.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-15) to add a 3270-X device to the NIP Console List.
5. Update Device number of console to 0800 and press Enter.
*--------------------------- NIP Console List ----------------------------*
| Goto Backup Query Help |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Command ===> _______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more consoles, then press Enter. To add, use F11. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| *-------------- Add NIP Console ---------------* |
| Order Device | | |
| / Number Number | | |
| **************** | Specify the following values. | ***** |
| | | |
| | Device number of console . . . . . . 0800 | |
| | | |
| | Order number . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| *----------------------------------------------* |
| |
Figure 13-15 OSCONFIGs: Add NIP Console
Because this is the first device entry in the list, the order is 1 (see Figure 13-16).
*--------------------------- NIP Console List ----------------------------*
| Goto Backup Query Help |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> _______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more consoles, then press Enter. To add, use F11. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| |
| Order Device |
| / Number Number Device Type |
| _ 1 0800 3270-X |
| *************************** Bottom of data **************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-16 OCSONFIGs: NIP Console added
6. Add device 0801 to the NIP Console List (see Figure 13-17).
*--------------------------- NIP Console List ----------------------------*
| Goto Backup Query Help |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Row 1 of 2 |
| Command ===> _______________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more consoles, then press Enter. To add, use F11. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| |
| Order Device |
| / Number Number Device Type |
| _ 1 0800 3270-X |
| _ 2 0801 3270-X |
| *************************** Bottom of data **************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-17 OCSONFIGs: extra NIP Console added
13.2.5 Defining OSD CHPIDs
When defining an OSD or OSE connection, first you must determine which type of OSA card you need for your configuration. OSD and OSE connections can use optical or copper-based cards. The type of card that is used depends on the type and speed of network to which you want to connect your OSAs. The following types of cards are available:
 – OSA Express6S GbE SX or LX
 – OSA Express6S 10 Gb SR or LR
Copper-based: OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T
A new OSD CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID)
Channel ID (CHID)
Channel path type
Operational mode
Partition access list
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer do the I/O cards connect to (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)
To define a new OSD CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor to which you want to add a CHPID. Press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID to which you want to add a CHPID. Press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-18) to add a CHPID.
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to B8.
 – Channel ID to 148.
 – Channel path type to OSD.
 – Operational mode to SHR.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . B8 + Channel ID 148 + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . OSD + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0425 OSA Express6s 10GbE SR |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| |
| |
Figure 13-18 Processors: Add Channel Path, OSD
6. HCD now prompts you to specify whether the allow more than 160 TCP/IP stacks. The default is No, which we use for our example.
7. Leave the default option for 160 TCP/IP stacks to No for our example (see Figure 13-19), and press Enter.
+----------- Allow for more than 160 TCP/IP stacks -----------+
| |
| |
| Specify Yes to allow more than 160 TCP/IP stacks, |
| otherwise specify No. Specifying Yes will cause priority |
| queuing to be disabled. |
| |
| Will greater than 160 TCP/IP stacks |
| be required for this channel? . . . No |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 13-19 Processors: Allow for more than 160 TCP/IP stacks, OSD
8. HCD now prompts you to Add or Modify any Physical Network IDs. We do not use any Physical Network ID definitions for the OSD definition in this example.
9. Leave the default option for Physical Network IDs to blank fields (see Figure 13-20), and press Enter.
+--------------------- Add/Modify Physical Network IDs ---------------------+
| |
| |
| If the Channel ID (CHID) is associated to one or more physical networks, |
| specify each physical network ID corresponding to each applicable |
| physical port. |
| |
| Physical network ID 1 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 2 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 3 . . ________________ |
| Physical network ID 4 . . ________________ |
| |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 13-20 Processors: Add/Modify Physical Network IDs, OSD
10. HCD prompts you to select to which partition the CHPID can access. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want to use (see Figure 13-21), and press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 4 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : B8 Channel path type . : OSD |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA1D D OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1E E OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1F F OS |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
Figure 13-21 Processors: Define Access List, OSD
Because we only one partition is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
The HCD now returns to the Channel Path List panel, which shows you the CHPID that was just defined (see Figure 13-22).
Channel Path List Row 13 of 35 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 1
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ 55 179 FC SPAN 02 02 0C No FCTC
_ 58 13C FC SPAN 01 01 1B No Disk *** was 01.25
_ 59 13D FC SPAN 02 02 1D No Disk *** was 02.25
_ B0 110 OSC SHR __ __ __ No FC 0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T
_ B1 130 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B2 14C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B3 12C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B4 170 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B5 150 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B8 148 OSD SHR __ __ __ No FC#0425 OSA Express6s 10GbE SR
Figure 13-22 Processors: Channel Path List, OSD
13.2.6 Defining OSD CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit
The only way to define an OSA connection to its Control Unit is direct connected.
You might want to connect the OSA Control Unit definition to multiple CPCs, even though the physical OSA is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSA over multiple CSSs within a CPC.
Consider the following points when connecting an OSD CHPID to an OSA Control Unit and its OSA/OSAD devices:
How many OSAs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup network connection.
Our example connects to a predefined OSA Control Unit (1B80) and OSA devices 1B80-1B8E and OSAD device 1B8F.
To define OSD CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit you want to connect to, or in the command line enter L 1B80. In our example, we use 1B80.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the Control Unit definition that you want (see Figure 13-23), and press Enter.
*----------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . 1B80 + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . OSA + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . 10G Copper - MUSCA |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-23 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition, OSD
HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. It is in this panel that the connection is now made between the OSD CHPID (B0) and the Control Unit (1B80).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition we want to have access to the control unit, and also has access to the CHPID we want to connect to the control unit. Then, press Enter.
6. Update Channel path IDs to B8 (channel path ID B8 is the CHPID that we defined in the previous example) to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-24). Press Enter.
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1B80 Type . . . . . . : OSA |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 1 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . B8 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 255 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-24 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail, OSD
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the Unit Address (UA) numbers. For most OSA definitions, the Unit address starts at 00.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-25), and press Enter:
 – UA New to 00 for the OSA device type
 – UA New to FE for the OSAD device type
*------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------*
| Row 1 of 2 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| 1B80,015 OSA _ 00 00 No No __ |
| 1B8F,001 OSAD _ FE FE No No __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-25 Control units: Modify Device Parameters, OSD
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (B2) connection definition (see Figure 13-26).
Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 12 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : 1B80 Control unit type . . . : OSA
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 B8 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Figure 13-26 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection, OSD
9. Press F20 (Right) to see the other parts of the definition summary.
13.2.7 Defining OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines which devices a z/OS system can access when it IPLs. The partition that the z/OS system is started in also must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in EDTs within an OSCONFIG. OSA definitions often do not use Esoterics.
Adding devices to an OSCONFIG includes the following considerations:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access to that device.
Our example adds the predefined OSA devices 1B80-1B8F (OSA/OSAD).
To define OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L 1B80. In our example, we use 1B80.
Because OSA and OSAD are two different device types, they must be added separately to the OSCONFIG.
3. Enter c next to one or more Device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit to which the devices are attached (see Figure 13-27). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : 1B80 (0000 - FFFF) |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 15 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : OSA |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . 1B80 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
Figure 13-27 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition, OSD
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set, Unit Address, and Explicit Device Candidate List. Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see Figure 13-28), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
*---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : 1B80 Number of devices . : 15 |
| Device type . . . : OSA |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| _ MUSCA.1 _ 00 No No __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
Figure 13-28 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSD
6. Next is the HCD panel where we Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG you want to add to the Devices to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features that are applicable to that specific device type. In our example, we are adding OSA devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-29), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
*-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------*
| Row 1 of 3 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : 1B80 Number of devices : 15 |
| Device type . . . : OSA |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device has been defined to be dynamic |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-29 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features, OSD
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed where you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added. We add only the OSA/OSAD devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any esoterics in this example (see Figure 13-30). Press Enter.
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 1B80 Number of devices : 15 |
| Device type . . : OSA |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test Yes |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices Yes |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh Yes |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image Yes |
Figure 13-30 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric, OSD
10. The final panel is now displayed that shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
11. Perform the same action of adding OSAD device 1B8F to OSCONFIG ITSOTEST. Press Enter (see Figure 13-31).
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 1B8F Number of devices : 1 |
| Device type . . : OSAD |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test Yes |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices Yes |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh Yes |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image Yes |
Figure 13-31 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSD
13.2.8 Defining OSE CHPIDs
When defining an OSD or OSE connection, you must determine which type of OSA card you need for your configuration. OSD and ODE connections can use optical or copper-based cards, depending on the type and speed of network to which you want to connect your OSAs. The following cards are available:
Optical based cards:
 – OSA Express6S GbE SX or LX
 – OSA Express6S 10 Gb SR or LR
Copper-based card: OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T
A new OSE CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID)
Channel ID (CHID)
Channel path type
Operational mode
Partition access list
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer do the I/O cards connect to (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)
To define a new OSE CHPID, and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-32) to add a CHPID.
*---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . B9 + Channel ID 16C + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . OSE + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0425 OSA Express6S 10GbE SR__ |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| |
| |
Figure 13-32 Processors: Add Channel Path, OSE
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to B9.
 – Channel ID to 16C.
 – Channel path type to OSE.
 – Operational mode to SHR.
 – Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD prompts you to select to which partition the CHPID should access. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-33). Press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 1 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : B9 Channel path type . : OSE |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA1A A OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1B B OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1C C OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1D D OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1E E OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1F F OS |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
Figure 13-33 Processors: Define Access List, OSE
7. Because more that one partition is defined in this CSS, HCD prompts us to define any Candidate list access. In our example, we so not Define any Candidate list access (see Figure 13-34 on page 321). Press Enter.
*-------------------------- Define Candidate List --------------------------*
| Row 1 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the candidate list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : B9 Channel path type . : OSE |
| Operation mode . . . : SPAN Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| _ 0 MUSCA0A A OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA0B B OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA0C C OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA0D D OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA0E E OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA0F F OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA01 1 OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA02 2 OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA03 3 OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA04 4 OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA05 5 OS |
| _ 0 MUSCA06 6 OS |
Figure 13-34 Processors: Define Access List, OSE
The HCD returns to the Channel Path List panel, which shows the CHPID that was just defined (see Figure 13-35).
Goto Filter Backup Query Help
Channel Path List Row 19 of 35 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 1
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ B3 12C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B4 170 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B5 150 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B8 148 OSD SHR __ __ __ No FC#0425 OSA Express6s 10GbE SR
_ B9 16C OSE SHR __ __ __ No FC#0425 OSA Express6S 10GbE SR
_ BA 10C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 10GbE
_ BB 128 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 10GbE
_ E0 12/1 CS5 SHR __ __ __ Y No A09B-LG03/J.01
_ E1 12/2 CS5 SHR __ __ __ Y No A09B-LG03/J.02
_ E4 16/1 CS5 SHR __ __ __ Y No A09B-LG09/J.01
_ E5 16/2 CS5 SHR __ __ __ Y No A09B-LG09/J.02
Figure 13-35 Processors: Channel Path List, OSE
13.2.9 Defining OSE CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit
The only way to define an OSA connection to its Control Unit is direct connected.
You might want to connect the OSA Control Unit definition to multiple CPCs, even though the physical OSA is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSA over multiple CSSs within a CPC.
Consider the following points for connecting an OSE CHPID to an OSA Control Unit and its OSA/OSAD devices:
How many OSAs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup network connection
Our example connects to a predefined OSA Control Unit (1B90) and OSA devices 1B90-1B9E and OSAD device 1B9F
To define OSE CHPID connections to an OSA Control Unit, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit you want to connect to, or in the command line enter L 1B90. In our example, we use 1B90.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the Control Unit definition that you want (see Figure 13-36), and press Enter.
*----------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . 1B90 + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . OSA + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . 10G Copper - MUSCA |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-36 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition, OSE
5. HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel, which is where the connection is now made between the OSE CHPID (B9) and the Control Unit (1B90). Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition we want to have access to the control unit and also has access to the CHPID we want to connect to the control unit. Then, press Enter.
6. Update Channel path IDs to B9 (channel path ID B9 is the CHPID that we defined in the previous example) to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-37). Press Enter.
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1B90 Type . . . . . . : OSA |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 0 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . B9 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 255 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-37 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail, OSE
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the Unit Address (UA) numbers. For OSA definitions, the Unit address often starts at 00.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-38), and press Enter:
 – UA New to 00 for the OSA device type.
 – UA New to FE for the OSAD device type.
*------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------*
| Row 1 of 2 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| 1B90,015 OSA _ 00 00 No No __ |
| 1B9F,001 OSAD _ FE FE No No __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-38 Control units: Modify Device Parameters, OSE
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (B9) connection definition (see Figure 13-39).
Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 12 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : 1B90 Control unit type . . . : OSA
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 B9 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Figure 13-39 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection, OSE
9. By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
13.2.10 Defining OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines which devices a z/OS system can access when it IPLs. The partition that the z/OS system is started in also must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in EDTs within an OSCONFIG. OSA definitions often do not use Esoterics.
Adding devices to an OSCONFIG includes the following considerations:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access that device.
Our example adds the predefined OSA devices 1B90-1B9F (OSA/OSAD).
To define OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number you want to add to the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L 1B90. In our example, we use 1B90.
Because OSA and OSAD are two different device types, they must be added separately to the OSCONFIG.
3. Enter c next to the Device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit to which the devices are attached (see Figure 13-40). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : 1B90 (0000 - FFFF) |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 15 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : OSA |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . 1B90 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
Figure 13-40 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition, OSE
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set, Unit Address, and Explicit Device Candidate List. Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see Figure 13-41 on page 325) or press Enter to accept the default settings.
*---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : 1B90 Number of devices . : 15 |
| Device type . . . : OSA |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| _ MUSCA.1 _ 00 No No __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-41 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSE
6. Next is the HCD panel where we Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG you want to add to the Devices to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features that are applicable to that specific device type. In our example, we are adding OSA devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-42), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
*-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------*
| Row 1 of 3 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : 1B90 Number of devices : 15 |
| Device type . . . : OSA |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device has been defined to be dynamic |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-42 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features, OSE
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed where you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added. We add only the OSA/OSAD devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any esoterics in this example (see Figure 13-43). Press Enter.
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 1B90 Number of devices : 15 |
| Device type . . : OSA |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test Yes |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices Yes |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh Yes |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image Yes |
Figure 13-43 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric, OSE
10. The final panel is now displayed, which shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
11. Perform the same action of adding OSAD device 1B4F to OSCONFIG ITSOTEST.
12. Press Enter (see Figure 13-44).
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 1B9F Number of devices : 1 |
| Device type . . : OSAD |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test Yes |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices Yes |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh Yes |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image Yes |
Figure 13-44 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSE
13.2.11 Defining OSM CHPIDs
When defining an OSM connection, you must determine which type of OSA card that you need for your configuration. OSM connections use the copper-based OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T card. The following cards are available:
Optical based cards:
 – OSA Express6S GbE SX or LX
 – OSA Express6S 10 Gb SR or LR
Copper-based card: OSA Express6S 1000BASE-T
The following are considerations for a new OSM CHPID:
Channel path ID (CHPID)
Channel ID (CHID)
Channel path type
Operational mode
Partition access list
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer do the I/O cards connect to (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)
To define a new OSM CHPID, and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-45) to add a CHPID.
*---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . B1 + Channel ID 130 + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . OSM + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| |
| |
Figure 13-45 Processors: Add Channel Path, OSM
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to B1.
 – Channel ID to 130.
 – Channel path type to OSM.
 – Operational mode to SHR.
 – Description to description that you want.
6. HCD now prompts you to specify whether the Allow more than 160 TCP/IP stacks. The default is Yes, which we use for our example (see Figure 13-46). Press Enter.
*----------- Allow for more than 160 TCP/IP stacks -----------*
| |
| |
| Specify Yes to allow more than 160 TCP/IP stacks, |
| otherwise specify No. Specifying Yes will cause priority |
| queuing to be disabled. |
| |
| Will greater than 160 TCP/IP stacks |
| be required for this channel? . . . Yes |
| |
| |
Figure 13-46 Processors: Allow for more than 160 TCP/IP stacks, OSM
7. HCD prompts you to select to which partition the CHPID should have access. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-47). Press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 1 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : B1 Channel path type . : OSM |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA1A A OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1B B OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1C C OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1D D OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1E E OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1F F OS |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
Figure 13-47 Processors: Define Access List, OSM
Because only one partition is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
8. HCD returns to the Channel Path List, which shows you the CHPID that was just defined (see Figure 13-48).
                             Channel Path List Row 11 of 35 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 1
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ 49 15D FC SPAN 02 02 1C No Disk *** was 02.24
_ 54 17D FC SPAN 01 01 0C No FCTC
_ 55 179 FC SPAN 02 02 0C No FCTC
_ 58 13C FC SPAN 01 01 1B No Disk *** was 01.25
_ 59 13D FC SPAN 02 02 1D No Disk *** was 02.25
_ B0 110 OSC SHR __ __ __ No FC#0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T
_ B1 130 OSM SHR __ __ __ No FC#0426 OSA Express6S 1000Base-T
_ B2 14C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B3 12C OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B4 170 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
_ B5 150 OSD SPAN __ __ __ No 1000BaseT
Figure 13-48 Processors: Channel Path List, OSM
13.2.12 Defining OSM CHPID connections to an OSM Control Unit
The only way to define an OSA connection to its Control Unit is direct connected.
You might want to connect the OSM Control Unit definition to multiple CPCs, even though the physical OSA is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSM over multiple CSSs within a CPC.
Connecting an OSM CHPID to an OSM Control Unit and its OSA-M devices includes the following considerations:
How many OSAs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup network connection.
Our example connects to a predefined OSM Control Unit (1B10) and OSA-M devices 1B10-1B1F.
To define OSM CHPID connections to an OSM Control Unit, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit that you want to connect to, or in the command line enter L 1B10. In our example, we use 1B10.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the Control Unit definition that you want (see Figure 13-49 on page 332), and press Enter.
*----------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . 1B10 + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . OSM + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
| |
Figure 13-49 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition, OSM
5. HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is now made between the OSD CHPID (B1) and the Control Unit (1B10). Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition we want to have access to the control unit and also has access to the CHPID we want to connect to the control unit. Then, press Enter.
6. Update Channel path IDs to B1 (channel path ID B1 is the CHPID we defined in the previous example) to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-50). Press Enter.
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1B10 Type . . . . . . : OSM |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 1 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . B1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 255 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
Figure 13-50 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail, OSM
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the UA numbers. For OSA definitions, the Unit address often starts at 00. Update UA New to 00 for the OSA-M device type to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-51). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| 1B10,016 OSA-M _ 10 00 No No __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-51 Control units: Modify Device Parameters, OSM
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel that shows the CHPID (B3) connection definition (see Figure 13-52).
                           Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 12 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : 1B10 Control unit type . . . : OSM
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 B1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Figure 13-52 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection, OSM
8. Press F20 (Right) to see the other parts of the definition summary.
13.2.13 Defining OSA-M devices to an OSCONFIG
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines which devices a z/OS system can access when it IPLs. The partition that the z/OS system is started in also must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups that are defined in EDTs within an OSCONFIG. OSA definitions often do not use Esoterics.
Adding devices to an OSCONFIG includes the following considerations:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access that device.
Our example adds the predefined OSA devices 1B10-1B1F (OSA-M).
Complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number you want to add to the OSCONFIG or in the Command Line enter L 1B10. In our example, we use 1B10.
3. Enter c next to the Device numbers, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit to which the devices are attached (see Figure 13-53). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : 1B10 (0000 - FFFF) |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 16 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : OSA-M |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . 1B10 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
Figure 13-53 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition, OSM
HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set, Unit Address, and Explicit Device Candidate List.
Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see Figure 13-54) or press Enter to accept the defaults.
*---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : 1B10 Number of devices . : 16 |
| Device type . . . : OSA-M |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| _ MUSCA.1 _ 00 No No __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-54 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, OSM
Next is the HCD panel where we Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration.
4. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG you want to add to the Devices to or in the Command Line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
5. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG. Press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features that are applicable to that specific device type. In our example, we are adding OSA-M devices to ITSOTEST.
6. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-55 on page 336), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
*-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------*
| Row 1 of 3 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : 1B10 Number of devices : 16 |
| Device type . . . : OSA-M |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device has been defined to be dynamic |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-55 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features, OSM
The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed where you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added.
We add only the OSA-M devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any esoterics in this example.
7. Press Enter (see Figure 13-56).
The final panel is now displayed showing that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 1B10 Number of devices : 16 |
| Device type . . : OSA-M |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image |
Figure 13-56 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric, OSM
13.3 IQD CHPIDs for Hypersockets
This section describes the process to define IQD CHPIDs and their control units and devices.
13.3.1 Defining IQD CHPIDs
When Hypersockets must be defined, the CHPID type of IQD (Internal Queued Direct Communication) is used. Since z13, the IQD CHPID also requires the VCHID statement. The valid range for the VCHIDs are 7E0 - 7FF.
As with ICP CHPIDs, IQD CHPIDs are defined logically and internally to the processor and require no installed hardware (PCHIDs). However, from z13, a maximum of up to 32 high-speed virtual LAN attachments can be defined.
Each of the logical IQD VCHIDs can support only 1 CHPID; however, the CHPIDs can be spanned across multiple CSSs.
A new IQD CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID)
Channel ID (vCHID)
Channel path type
Operational mode
Partition access list
To define a new IQD CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the Command line, enter add (see Figure 13-57 on page 338) to add a new CHPID.
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to F1.
 – Channel ID to 7C1.
 – Channel path type to IQD.
 – Operational mode to SHR.
 – Description to the description that you want.
*--------------------- Change Channel Path Definition ----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . F1 + Channel ID 7C1 + |
| Channel path type . . . IQD + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . IQD Internal Queued Direct Comms |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| |
| |
Figure 13-57 Processors: Add Channel Path, IQD
HCD now prompts you to specify the IQD Channel Parameters, where you set the maximum frame size in KB and what IQD function is used.
6. Leave the default option of 16 for the Maximum frame size and select Option 1. Basic Hypersockets for the IQD function (see Figure 13-58). Press Enter.
*------------------- Specify IQD Channel Parameters --------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Maximum frame size in KB . . . . . . 64 + |
| |
| IQD function . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Basic HiperSockets |
| 2. IEDN Access (IQDX) |
| 3. External Bridge |
| |
| Physical network ID . . . . . . . . ________________ |
| |
| |
Figure 13-58 Processors: Specify IQD Channel Parameters, IQD
HCD prompts you to select to which partitions the CHPID can access.
7. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the wanted partitions (see Figure 13-59), and press Enter.
*--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------*
| Row 1 of 15 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 1 |
| Channel path ID . . : F1 Channel path type . : IQD |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 1 MUSCA1A A OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1B B OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1C C OS |
| / 1 MUSCA1D D OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA1E E OS |
| _ 1 MUSCA1F F OS |
| / 1 MUSCA11 1 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA12 2 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA13 3 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA14 4 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA15 5 OS |
| / 1 MUSCA16 6 OS |
Figure 13-59 Processors: Define Access List, IQD
HCD now displays the Define Candidate List panel. In our example, we do not select any Candidate LPARs for this IQD CHPID. Press Enter.
HCD now returns to the Channel Path List that shows you the CHPID that was just defined (see Figure 13-60).
                             Channel Path List Row 35 of 35 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 1
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ F1 7C1 IQD SHR __ __ __ No IQD Internal Queued Direct Comms
Figure 13-60 Processors: Channel Path List, IQD
13.3.2 Defining IQD CHPID connections to an IQD Control Unit
The only way to define an IQD connection to its Control Unit is direct connected.
You might want to span the IQD CHPID over multiple CSSs within a CPC.
Connecting an IQD CHPID to an IQD Control Unit and its IQD devices includes the following considerations:
How many IQDs are required to provide the required Hypersocket bandwidth.
Our example connects to a predefined IQD Control Unit (F100) and IQD devices 0FC0-0FCF.
To define IQD CHPID connections to an IQD Control Unit, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit you want to connect to, or in the command line enter L F100. In our example, we use F100.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the Control Unit definition that you want (see Figure 13-61), and press Enter.
*----------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . F100 + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . IQD + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
Figure 13-61 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition, IQD
5. HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is now made between the IQD CHPID (F1) and the Control Unit (F100). Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition you want to have access to the control unit and also has access to the CHPID you want to connect to the control unit. Then, press Enter.
6. Update Channel path IDs to E6 (channel path ID E6 is the CHPID we defined in the previous example) to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-62). Press Enter.
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : F100 Type . . . . . . : IQD |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 1 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . F1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
Figure 13-62 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail, IQD
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the UA numbers. For IQD definitions, the Unit address often starts at 00.
Update UA New to 00 for the IQD device type to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-63). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 1 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| 0FC0,032 IQD _ C0 00 No No __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-63 Control units: Modify Device Parameters, IQD
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel that shows the CHPID (E6) connection definition (see Figure 13-64).
Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 12 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : F100 Control unit type . . . : IQD
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 F1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Figure 13-64 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection, IQD
8. Press F20 (Right) to see the other parts of the definition summary.
13.3.3 Defining IQD devices to an OSCONFIG
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines which devices a z/OS system can access when it IPLs. The partition that the z/OS system is started in also must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups that are defined in EDTs within an OSCONFIG. IQD definitions often do not use Esoterics.
Adding devices to an OSCONFIG includes the following considerations:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access that device.
Our example adds the predefined IQD devices 0FC0-0FDF (IQD).
To define IQD devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L F100. In our example, we use F100.
3. Enter c next to one or more Device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit to which the devices are attached (see Figure 13-65 on page 343). Press Enter.
*------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : 0FC0 (0000 - FFFF) |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 32 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : IQD |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . F100 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
| |
Figure 13-65 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition, IQD
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set, Unit Address, and Explicit Device Candidate List. Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see Figure 13-66), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
*---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------*
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : 0FC0 Number of devices . : 32 |
| Device type . . . : IQD |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| _ MUSCA.1 _ 00 No No __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-66 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued, IQD
6. The HCD panel where we Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration is displayed. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG to which you want to add to the Devices, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features that are applicable to that specific device type. In our example, we are adding IQD devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-67), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
*-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------*
| Row 1 of 3 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : 0FC0 Number of devices : 32 |
| Device type . . . : IQD |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device has been defined to be dynamic |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| |
Figure 13-67 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features, IQD
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed where you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added. We add only the IQD devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any esoterics in this example. Press Enter (see Figure 13-68).
*----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------*
| Row 1 of 42 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : 0FC0 Number of devices : 32 |
| Device type . . : IQD |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ COD230 MVS z/OS image for COD test |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Serv 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 Server Pak refresh |
| _ ZOSADLTD MVS z/OS 1.13 ADLT system |
| _ ZOSALDTE MVS z/OS 2.1 ADLT-E system |
| _ ZOSDBSV1 MVS z/OS 2.1 dbsv1 Image |
Figure 13-68 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric, IQD
10. The final panel is now displayed, which shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
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