IBM Virtualization Engine TS7700 implementation steps
This appendix documents the typical implementation scenario for the TS7700 Virtualization Engine. These steps are intended as guidance only and must be reviewed in addition to Chapter 4, “Preinstallation planning and sizing” on page 123 and Chapter 5, “Hardware implementation” on page 189. Tailor them specifically for your site. Most of the steps are the same for IBM Virtualization Engine TS7740 and IBM Virtualization Engine TS7720 implementations, although steps related to physical tape do not apply to TS7720 Virtualization Engine configurations. The steps assume that the host system is DFSMS and covers a first-time TS7700 Virtualization Engine library installation.
For more details, see the following Data Facility System Management Subsystem (DFSMS) documentation:
z/OS DFSMS Object Access Method Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Tape Libraries, SC35-0427
z/OS DFSMS Object Access Method Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Object Support, SC35-0426
IBM TS3500 Tape Library with System z Attachment A Practical Guide to Enterprise Tape Drives and TS3500 Tape Automation, SG24-6789
DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide, SC26-7405
z/OS DFSMS AMS for Catalogs, SC26-7394
z/OS DFSMS Managing Catalogs, SC26-7409
The following procedures are for a first-time TS7700 Virtualization Engine tape library installation:
1. Analyze the TS7700 Virtualization Engine targeted workloads to determine the appropriate TS7700 Virtualization Engine configuration for your environment. The BatchMagic tool can be helpful in making this determination. Have your IBM System Storage Specialist help you through this step.
Important: This is the crucial step for configuring your TS7700 Virtualization Engine correctly, and it must be done in conjunction with your IBM System Storage Specialist.
2. Check the latest TS7700 Virtualization Engine and IBM System Storage TS3500 Tape Library Systems Assurance Product Review (SAPR) Guides. Again, your IBM System Storage Specialist can be instrumental in this task.
3. Order stacked volume media or labels.
4. Set up the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) (see 6.2.1, “Defining devices through HCD for Cluster 0” on page 292 for more information).
5. Vary CHPIDs, paths, and TS7700 Virtualization Engine virtual drives online.
6. Review JES3 system considerations (see Appendix D, “JES3 examples and information” on page 887 for more information).
7. Perform these tasks for DFSMSrmm:
 – Create VLPOOLS for logical volumes.
 – ADD logical volumes/location to DFRMM.
 – Refresh DFRMM.
8. Perform these tasks for CA1:
 – If your planned logical volume range has not been defined to your tape management system (TMS), you must extend the Tape Management Catalog (TMC). Also, check the amount of free Data Set Name Blocks (DSNBs) available and add any, if required, that are concurrent with this extension.
 – Check that the SCRTCH PARM is set to YES in PPOPTION. When a tape becomes scratch or a DSNB record gets deleted, control is given to the security exit TMSUX2S. This is the scratch notification interface between CA1 and the TS7700 Virtualization Engine.
 – Depending on the parameters specified in PPOPTION, you might need to initialize the logical volumes after they have been inserted.
Important: Verify with the vendor of your tape management product to ensure that the level of software installed on your system will support the TS35000 and TS7700 Virtualization Engine.
9. Verify and, if necessary, modify the current SYS1.PARMLIB members:
Add or update the OAM1 entry with the name of the initialization module (CBRINIT) executed at IPL.
 – SCHEDxx
The default program properties table, IEFSDPPT, included with z/OS has entries for all z/OS elements (including CBROAM). Therefore, the SCHEDxx entry no longer needs to be updated to include CBROAM.
If you want object access method (OAM) to start automatically as part of storage management subsystem (SMS) initialization, add the OAMPROC and OAMTASK optional parameters.
Remember: If you use an independent storage vendor tape management system, it might require that the OAM address space be started after the tape management initialization. In this case, do not start OAM automatically. Check with the vendor of the tape management product.
If you want to receive library messages at a specific console, update the CONSOLxx member referenced by IEASYSxx. This console name must also be defined to SMS and is set when you define the library through Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF).
This member is used for the logical partitioning of the TS7700 Virtualization Engine by specifying category codes to provide a unique range of tapes for each system. If no category codes are specified, the defaults are assigned. A practical approach regarding logical partitioning is established in Appendix E, “Case study for logical partitioning of a two-cluster grid” on page 905. If hard partitioning is required, the Selective Device Access Control (SDAC) feature can be ordered.
Important: Do not use the DEVSUPxx default categories. Avoiding the use of the defaults will make future partitioning of the library with other systems easier and more secure.
If you want your library automatically brought online after each IPL, add the VARY SMS,LIBRARY command. Another area where you can bring your library automatically online is through ISMF when you define your library. Set the Initial Online Status to YES.
If the tape library will be shared among two or more systems in a DFSMS complex, a global resource serialization ring can be created to include all sharing systems. This step enables OAM to serialize the cartridge entry process.
 – LOADxx (optional)
The default data set name for the tape configuration database (TCDB) is SYS1.VOLCAT.VGENERAL. If you want to use this name, no change is required to the LOADxx member. If you want to use a separate high-level qualifier (HLQ) than the defined default, update columns 64 - 71 of the SYSCAT statement with the preferred HLQ.
Add the volume catalogs to the IGGCAS class definitions where you have other integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalogs.
 – ALLOCxx
Add tape automation policies.
Set Missing Interrupt Handler (MIH) values. This value needs to be 45 minutes for the TS7700 Virtualization Engine logical drives.
Resources: For coding examples and more information about SYS1.PARMLIB updates, see IBM TS3500 Tape Library with System z Attachment A Practical Guide to Enterprise Tape Drives and TS3500 Tape Automation, SG24-6789.
10. If your IBM System Service Representative (SSR) has installed your TS7700 Virtualization Engine, perform the following definitions at the MI:
 – Define stacked volume ranges for TS7740 only (see 5.3.3, “Defining VOLSER ranges for physical volumes” on page 215 for more information).
 – Decide which categories in the TS7700 will be scratch candidates and mark them appropriately in the MI (see “Scratch allocation assistance” on page 63).
 – Define the expired logical volume data policy (see 5.3.6, “Defining the logical volume expiration time” on page 233 for more information).
 – Define TS7700 Virtualization Engine management policies (some of these only apply to the TS7740). Set the following values:
 • Inhibit reclaim schedule
 • Reclaim threshold percentage
 • Free storage threshold
 • Constructs (Data Class, Storage Class, Management Class, and Storage Group)
 • Access groups for SDAC
11. If stacked volume media is available, insert the physical TS7700 Virtualization Engine stacked volumes (see “Inserting physical volumes into the TS3500 Tape Library” on page 207 for more information).
12. Create the tape configuration database (TCDB).
When sizing the TCDB, calculate 275 bytes for each volume entry and 320 bytes for each tape library entry. For 10,000 logical volumes, 2.75 MB or about three cylinders of 3390 disk space is required. Allow sufficient room for growth.

Remember: If you are sharing the tape library (non-hard-partitioned), use IDCAMS to IMPORT CONNECT the VOLCAT to the other sharing systems.
13. Define the following security profiles:
 – DFSMS constructs
 – DFSMSrmm
 – z/OS operator commands
Resources: The following manuals are helpful in setting up your security environment:
z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administrator Reference, SC35-0422
z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide, SC26-7405
z/OS MVS Planning: Operation, SC22-7601
14. Create the cataloged OAM procedure.
15. Start OAM. Upon startup, you might receive the following messages:
CBR1115I - No libraries defined to OAM.
CBR0094E - OAM has initialized without tape or object support.
These messages are informational and expected. They will be resolved when the library has been defined and the DFSMS Source Control Data Set (SCDS) activated.
16. Code RESTART=NO PARM into your OAM procedure. This PARM controls whether OAM will automatically restart upon a change to the active SMS configuration. Allowing the OAM address space to automatically restart can be disruptive, and it is normally suggested to choose RESTART=NO. With NO coded, upon activation of a new SMS SCDS, OAM will produce a message indicating that it must be restarted and this can be done at a time when OAM Storage Management Component (OSMC) cycles and other OAM functions are not running. However, if the changes to the SCDS involve tape library-related constructs, you must restart OAM manually after the SCDS activation by issuing the following console command:
17. Define the following DFSMS constructs using ISMF:
 – Tape library
 – Data Class
 – Storage Class
 – Management Class
 – Storage Group
18. Create the following ACS routines for DFSMS-managed tape:
 – Data Class
 – Storage Class
 – Management Class
 – Storage Group
19. Define the composite and distributed libraries using ISMF.
20. Translate the DFSMS ACS routines through ISMF.
21. Validate the DFSMS SCDS through ISMF.
22. Test the ACS routines through ISMF.
23. Activate the DFSMS SCDS.
Remember: By previously varying the TS7700 Virtualization Engine drives online, upon activation of the SCDS, the library will come online automatically. You must have a TS7700 Virtualization Engine drive online before the library can come up. To bring a library online manually, issue the following command:
VARY SMS,LIB(library-name),ONLINE
After OAM is started, and the library is online, and the host has even a single path initialized for communication with the library, that host is capable of processing cartridge entry. The library drives do not have to currently be online for the path to be usable. If this library is being partitioned with other host systems, it is important that each system’s tape management CBRUXENT first be coded and linked to prevent the host from entering volumes that do not belong to it.
24. Insert logical volumes (see 5.3.15, “Inserting logical virtual volumes” on page 259 for more information).
25. The TS7700 Virtualization Engine is now ready for use.
Tip: For help in navigating the ISMF panels, and detailed information about the definition of the DFSMS constructs, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administrator Reference, SC35-0422.
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