Live Partition Mobility support log collection
This appendix describes the information to gather for problems that involve Live Partition Mobility (LPM) errors. This process ensures that the log files do not wrap or get overwritten. Having these logs beforehand when calling IBM Support helps you to get a faster response in problem determination.
Background information
You must provide background information of the current Live Partition Mobility (LPM) configuration or any changes that were made before the problem occurs:
Indicate whether this worked in the past:
If it did, what changed, if known? Was the change related to the HMC, server firmware, Virtual I/O Server (VIOS), Virtual I/O Server adapter microcode, IBM i, IBM AIX, or SAN updates since the last failure?
The name of the server and partition that failed.
The approximate date and time (both the HMC and partition times) of the failure.
Virtual I/O Server LPAR level, partition name, and ID, both source and target.
HMC level and fixes that run the LPM.
How the LPM was initiated, graphical user Interface (GUI) or command-line Interface (CLI).
HMC log collection
For a configuration with more than one HMC, you must repeat the following steps on both the source and the target HMC:
1. Use PE debug to collect data (HMC log). See details in Appendix C, “IBM product engineering debug data collection” on page 575.
2. Rename the logs with the problem management record (PMR) number if the LPM moves across the HMC (and see Example D-1):
This name has the following components: The pedbg file name
nnnnn IBM problem number
bbb IBM branch number
ccc IBM country code
Example D-1 HMC pedbg logs for LPM for more than one HMC
Operating system log collection
The following list describes the level requirements for LPM activity:
IBM i:
Verify that a minimum IBM i 7.1 technology refresh is installed. Issue these commands:
Get the spooled file to your local workstation.
 – AIX LPAR level, partition name, and ID.
 – Collect snap information for AIX LPAR and copy it to your workstation (Example D-2).
Example D-2 Provide AIX client snap report
snap -r
snap -ac
mv /tmp/ibmsupt/snap.pax.Z /tmp/ibmsupt/nnnn.bbb.ccc.client.src_msp.target_msp.snap.pax.Z
Note: You should have one client LPAR snap. For more clients failing, you need an operating system log for every client LPAR.
Virtual I/O Server Mover Server Partition snaps
Collect snap data from each Virtual I/O (VIOS) Server Mover Server Partition (MSP). This process includes one or two (if redundant VIOS is configured) source partitions and one or two (if redundant VIOS is configured) target partitions.
1. Run snap. To collect the snap data on the Virtual I/O Server partition, use these steps:
a. Log on to the Virtual I/O Server.
b. Run the snap command and press Enter. Wait until the command completes the process.
c. The snap.pax.Z file is in the /home/padmin directory. Rename the file to include the PMR number provided by IBM Support and indicate if it is the source or target:
mv /home/padmin/snap.pax.Z nnnn.bbb.ccc.vio1.source.snap.pax.Z
If you have redundant HMC, your files will be as follows:
2. Run ctsnap. This log is needed if an RMC-related issue exists. Use these steps:
a. Run the following commands that are shown in Example :
$ oem_setup_env
# ctsnap -x runrpttr
This command produces a report log in the /tmp/ctsupt/ctsnap*.tar.gz file.
b. Rename the file to include the PMR number provided by IBM Support and indicate if it is the source or target:
mv /tmp/ctsupt/ctsnap*.tar.gz /tmp/nnnn.bbb.ccc.source.ctsnap.pax.Z
If you have redundant HMC, your file will be as follows:
Hypervisor HMC resource dump
The hypervisor HMC resource dump is to be collected only if requested by an IBM service representative. If you have dual HMCs to manage the system, you need only one resource dump. Do not run it again from the redundant HMC. For collecting hypervisor dumps on the command line, use the following steps:
1. Find your managed system:
# lssyscfg - r sys - F name
2. Initiate the system dump:
# startdump -t resource -m {managed system} - r “system”
The file will be created in the /dump directory.
3. View the file:
# ls -l /dump
Do not offload the dump unless there is a file name .IN_PROGRESS extension removed by the HMC. This file indicates that the system dump is still in progress offloading from managed system service processor to HMC.
4. After the process completes, you can offload the dump through file transfer from the command line or by using the manage dump GUI in HMC.
Sending logs to IBM
You can send the logs to IBM in several ways. See also “Sending the data to IBM” on page 579. There is also an option to send the log individual by using HMC outbound connectivity. However, use either of these way to transfer a single created file:
IBM Enhanced Custom Data Repository (ECuRep) website
A single file is preferred. If the file is too large, a couple of files can be transferred. Move all previous pax.Z compressed and log files in to a single directory, then archive this directory. See Example D-3.
Example D-3 Archiving log files in AIX
$ mkdir -p /tmp/pmrnumber/pmdata
move,ftp, or scp data to sample directory above.
$ cd /tmp/pmrnumber
$ pax -xpax -vw pmdata | gzip -c > data_collected.pax.gz
Complete the following steps:
1. After a single file is created, rename the file to include the PMR number.
For example, if 12345,999,000 is your PMR, it has these meanings:
 – 12345 is the PMR number
 – 999 is the branch number
 – 000 is the country code
Run the following command:
$ mv data_collected.pax.gz 12345.999.000_data_collected.pax.gz
2. Transfer the files to IBM through FTP. See Example D-4.
Example D-4 Transferring PMR files through FTP to IBM
$ ftp
login: anonymous
passwd: (your email address in format your_email_id@your_email_domain)
ftp> cd /toibm/aix (for IBM AIX) or ftp> cd /toibm/os400 (for IBM i)
ftp> bin
ftp> put <filename> (in the example 12345.999.000_data_collected.pax.gz)
ftp> quit
IBM Enhanced Customer Repository (IBM ECuRep) is another way to transfer logs to IBM. IBM ECuRep is a secure and fully supported data repository with problem determination tools and functions. It updates PMRs and maintains full data lifecycle management. IBM ECuRep needs an IBM ID and qualified PMR/Incident Number to send data.
For more information, see the IBM ECuRep website:
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