
Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It, Updated Edition

Introduction to Updated Edition


Chapter 1 Driving Success: How You Innovate Determines What You Innovate

Innovation Is the Power to Redefine the Industry

The Innovation Imperative: Driving Long-Term Growth in Top and Bottom Lines

How to Make Innovation Work: How You Innovate Determines What You Innovate

The Rules of Innovation

1. Exert Strong Leadership on Innovation Direction and Decisions

2. Integrate Innovation into the Business Mentality

3. Match Innovation to Company Strategy

4. Manage the Natural Tension Between Creativity and Value Capture

5. Neutralize Organizational Antibodies

6. Cultivate an Innovation Network Beyond the Organization

7. Create the Right Metrics and Rewards for Innovation

Summary: The Innovation Company

Chapter 2 Mapping Innovation: What Is Innovation and How Do You Leverage It?

A New Model of Strategic Innovation

Business Model Change

Value Proposition

Supply Chain

Target Customer

Technology Change

Product and Service Offerings

Process Technologies

Enabling Technologies

Three Types of Innovation

Incremental Innovation

Semiradical Innovation

Radical Innovation

Ersatz Radical Innovation

Disruptive Technologies

Innovation Model and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 3 Choosing Your Destiny: How to Design a Winning Innovation Strategy

Choosing the Right Strategy

Play to Win and Play Not to Lose Strategies

Play to Win Strategy

Play Not to Lose Strategy

Too Much of a Good Thing

Clearly Defined Innovation Strategy Drives Change

Do You Select an Innovation Strategy?

Internal Factors

External Factors

Risk Management and Innovation Strategy

Innovation Strategy: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Attempts to Solve the Innovation Problem

Changing the Innovation Approach

Strategy and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 4 Organizing for Innovation: How to Structure a Company for Innovation

Organizing for Innovation

Developing an Internal Marketplace for Innovation

Balancing Creativity and Value Creation

The Balance Changes as the Organization Matures

Five Steps to Balancing Creative and Commercial Markets

Outsourcing Innovation

Making Good Use of Your Partners

Integrating Innovation within the Organization

The Value of Networks and Innovation Platforms

The Corporate Venture Capital Model

The Ambidextrous Organization

The Leadership Role

Organization and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 5 Management Systems: Designing the Process of Innovation

Systems and Processes Make Things Happen

The Objectives of Well-Designed Innovation Systems

Choosing and Designing Innovation Systems

Systems for Ideation: Seeing the Gaps

Structured Idea Management



Making Deals

Innovation That Fits

Management Systems Comparison

Electronic Collaboration

Management Systems and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 6 Illuminating the Pathway: How to Measure Innovation

To Measure or Not to Measure?

What Gets Measured Gets Done

The Three Roles of a Measurement System

A Balanced Scorecard for Measuring Innovation

The Business Model for Innovation

Inputs, Processes, Outputs, and Outcomes

From the Business Model to the Measurement System

Designing and Implementing Innovation Measurement Systems

Measures for Ideation

Measuring Your Innovation Portfolio

Measuring Execution and Outcomes of Innovation

Measuring Sustainable Value Creation

The Barriers to Effective Performance Measurement

Measurement and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 7 Rewarding Innovation: How to Design Incentives to Support Innovation

The Importance of Incentives and Rewards


Different Strokes for Different Folks

A Framework for Incentive Systems’ Design

Setting Goals for Measuring Performance

Specific vs. Broad Goals

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Goals

Stretch vs. Expected Goals

Success-Driven vs. Loss-Avoidance Goals

Performance Evaluation and Incentive Contracts

Team vs. Individual Rewards

Subjective vs. Objective Evaluation

Relative Performance vs. Absolute Performance Evaluation

Incentive Contracts

Expected Level of Pay

The Shape of the Pay–Performance Relationship

Timing Incentives

Delivery of Compensation

Key Considerations in Designing Incentives Systems for Innovation

The Danger of Overuse

The Negative Effect on Intrinsic Motivation

Fear, Failure, and Fairness

Incentives and Rewards, and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 8 Learning Innovation: How Do Organizations Become Better at Innovating?

The Importance of Learning

A Model of Learning

Learning to Act

Learning to Learn

Learning Systems for Innovation

Systems for Delivering Value

Systems for Refining the Current Model

Systems for Building Competencies

Systems for Crafting Strategy

How to Make Learning Work in Your Organization

Knowledge and Ignorance Management

The Project Roadmap

Failures As Part of the Process

Learning Histories

The Dynamic Nature of Innovation Strategy

The Technology Stage

The Performance Stage

The Market Segmentation Stage

The Efficiency Stage

The Complementarities Stage

Learning and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 9 Cultivating Innovation: How to Design a Winning Culture

How Culture Affects Innovation

Is Innovation the New Religion?

The Danger of Success

Organizational Levers of an Innovative Culture

The Levers of an Innovative Culture

Legends and Heroes

The Physical Environment

Different Country Cultures Breed Different Innovation Cultures

People and Innovation

Recruiting to Build an Innovative Organization

Turn Your Recruitment Strategy Upside-Down!

The Role of Senior Management

Leading Innovation

The Role of the CEO

Culture and the Innovation Rules

Chapter 10 Conclusion: Applying the Innovation Rules to Your Organization

Combining Creativity with Commercial Savvy

Smart Execution

The Role of Leadership

Leadership Must Define the Innovation Strategy and Link It to the Business Strategy

Innovation Must Be Aligned with the Company Business Strategy, Including Selection of the Innovation Strategy

Leadership Must Define Who Will Benefit from Improved Innovations

Diagnostics and Action

Stage Gate Systems

The Venture Capital Model

The Technology Innovation Model

Time-Driven Systems

Organizing Initiatives

Fine Tuning


Generating Innovation Value



Additions to Bibliography for Updated Edition


Creating Breakthrough Products: Revealing the Secrets that Drive Global Innovation

Foreword by Dee Kapur


About the Authors


Glossary of Acronyms and Terms

Part One The Argument

Chapter 1 What Drives New Product Development

Redefining the Bottom Line

Positioning Breakthrough Products

Products, Services, and Product-Service Ecosystems

Identifying Product Opportunities: The SET Factors

POG and SET Factor Case Studies

The Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker

The BodyMedia FIT System


The GE Healthcare Adventure MRI Series

Summary Points


Chapter 2 Moving to the Upper Right

Integrating Style and Technology

Style Versus Technology: A Brief History of the Evolution of Style and Technology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

In the Beginning

The Growth of Consumer Culture

The Introduction of Style to Mass Production

Post–World War II Growth of the Middle Class and the Height of Mass Marketing

The Rise of Consumer Awareness and the End of Mass Marketing

The Era of Customer Value, Mass Customization, and the Global Economy

Positioning Map: Style Versus Technology

Lower Left: Low Use of Style and Technology

Lower Right: Low Use of Style, High Use of Technology

Upper Left: High Use of Style, Low Use of Technology

Upper Right: High Use of Style and Technology

Positioning Map of Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker

Positioning Map of BodyMedia FIT System

Positioning Map of Starbucks

Positioning Map of GE Adventure Series

Knockoffs and Rip-offs

The Upper Right and Intellectual Property

Revolutionary Versus Evolutionary Product Development

Summary Points


Chapter 3 The Upper Right: The Value Quadrant

The Sheer Cliff of Value: The Third Dimension

The Shift in the Concept of Value in Products and Services

Qualities and a Customer’s Value System: Cost Versus Value

Value Opportunities



Product Identity



Core Technology


Value Opportunity Charts and Analysis

VOA of Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker

VOA of BodyMedia FIT System

VOA of Starbucks

VOA of GE Adventure Series MRI

The Time and Place for Value Opportunities

VOs and Product Goals

The Upper Right for Industrial Products

The Upper Right of Commodity Products: Trading off Value among the Aluminum Can, the Plastic Bottle, and the Glass Bottle

Summary Points


Chapter 4 The Core of a Successful Brand Strategy: Breakthrough Products and Services

Brand Strategy and Product Strategy

Corporate Commitment to Product and Brand

Corporate Values and Customer Values

Managing Product Brand

Building an Identity

Company Identity Versus Product Identity

Building Brand Versus Maintaining Brand

Starting from Scratch: Cirque du Soleil

Redefining a Brand: Herbal Essences

Maintaining an Established Identity: Harley

Brand and the Value Opportunities

Summary Points


Part Two The Process

Chapter 5 A Comprehensive Approach to User-Centered, Integrated New Product Development

Clarifying the Fuzzy Front End of New Product Development

A New Way of Thinking

iNPD Is Only Part of the Process

User-Centered iNPD Process

Resource Allocation

Allocating the Time Resource: Scheduling

Allocating the Cost Resource: Financing

Allocating the Human Resource: Team Selection

Summary Points


Chapter 6 Integrating Disciplines and Managing Diverse Teams

User-Centered iNPD Facilitates Customer Value

Understanding Perceptual Gaps

Team Functionality

Team Collaboration

Negotiation in the Design Process

Team Performance

Part Differentiation Matrix

Team Conflict and the PDM

PDM and the Role of Core Disciplines

Issues in Team Management: Team Empowerment

Understand the Corporate Mission

Serve As a Catalyst and a Filter

Be Unbiased

Empower and Support the Team

Let the Team Become the Experts

Recognize the Personality and Needs of the Team

Use of an Interests-Based Management Approach

Visionaries and Champions

Summary: The Empowered Team

iNPD Team Integration Effectiveness

Summary Points


Chapter 7 Understanding the User’s Needs, Wants, and Desires

Overview: Usability and Desirability

An Integrated Approach to a User-Driven Process

Scenario Development (Part I)

New Product Ethnography

Using Ethnography to Understand Parrotheads

Lifestyle Reference and Trend Analysis

Ergonomics: Interaction, Task Analysis, and Anthropometrics


Task Analysis


Scenarios and Stories

Scenario Development (Part II)


Broadening the Focus

Other Stakeholders

Identifying Users in Nonconsumer Products: Designing Parts within Products

Product Definition

Visualizing Ideas and Concepts Early and Often

Summary Points


Research Acknowledgments

Part Three Further Evidence

Chapter 8 Service Innovation: Breakthrough Innovation on the Product–Service Ecosystem Continuum

The Era of Interconnected Ecosystems: Product, Interface, and Service

Empathy Versus Logic

Traditional Service Design

Umpqua: Designing a Bank Like a Product

UPS Moves Beyond the Package Delivery Industry

The Disney Renaissance: The Ultimate Entertainment Service

Interaction Design

Interaction Through a Multisensory Interactive Teaching Tool

Summary Points


Chapter 9 Case Studies: The Power of the Upper Right

Reinventing the Classroom with Upper Right Seating Systems: The IDEO and Steelcase Node

Ball Parks Play in the Upper Right: The Dallas Stadium and PNC Park

Innovation in Machining: Kennametal Beyond Blast Titanium Manufacturing

Electric Vehicle Innovation: Bringing Upper Right Transportation to the Twenty-First Century

Upper Right Open Innovation Partnerships between Companies and Universities

Innovation along the Highway: Navistar International LoneStar

The 50+ and Environmental Responsibilities: Designing a New Refillable Sustainable Packaging System

Making University–Industry Innovation Partnerships Work

Summary Points


Chapter 10 Case Studies: The Global Power of the Upper Right

The BRIC Countries

Brazil: Innovation and Growth in South America

China: Haier, The First Major Chinese Global Brand

India: Design Impact and Social Responsibility in India

Be Green Packaging: The World Is Flat Meets Cradle to Cradle in Connect+Develop

DesignSingapore Council: The Third Component from the Little Country That Can

Summary Points


Chapter 11 Where Are They Now?

Changing SET Factors

The OXO GoodGrips Peeler

The Crown Wave

Retired Case Studies

Summary Points


Future Innovators

Have Faith in the Leap



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