Glossary of Acronyms and Terms

iNPD: Integrated new product development, an approach to product development that supports team integration based on fulfilling the needs, wants, and desires of customers and interests of other significant stakeholders.

iNPD phases: Four phases in the iNPD process, from product planning to program approval:

Phase I: Identifying the opportunity

Phase II: Understanding the opportunity

Phase III: Conceptualizing the opportunity

Phase IV: Realizing the opportunity

Perceptual Gaps: The differences in perspectives team members have that stem from discipline-specific thinking and prevent teams from developing an integrated, interests-based conflict-resolution process.

POG: Product Opportunity Gap, the gap between what is currently on the market and the possibility for new or significantly improved products that result from emerging trends.

Positioning Map: Style versus Technology; the Upper Right quadrant has the third dimension of Value and is where you want to be.

SET Factors: The changes in Social, Economic, and Technological Factors that produce new trends and create Product Opportunity Gaps (POGs).

Style: The psychological and sensory aspects that represent the aesthetic and human factors of a product or service.

Technology: The core function that drives the product, the resulting interaction components that are required to use the product, and the methods and materials used to produce the product.

Value: The level of effect that people personally expect from products and services represented through lifestyle effect, enabling features, and meaningful ergonomics, which together result in a useful, useable, and desirable product.

VO: Value Opportunity, the attributes of value (emotion, aesthetics, identity, ergonomics, impact, core technology, and quality) that make up the elements people assess in products.

VOA: Value Opportunity Analysis, the qualitative assessment of a single or comparison of two product concepts or opportunities, based on the VO attributes.

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