
3M, 15, 116, 130, 135, 238, 281


absolute performance evaluation, 198-199

Accenture, 217

acquisitions, xv, 6, 88, 96

action plans

and diagnostics, 269-284

for improvements, 117

adaptation, 166, 211

A Day at the Races, 91

adoption, 126. See also processes

agents, change, xxxii

agility, 214

Airbus, 2

airlines, xxiii

efficiency, 234

a la carte services, xxi


innovation, xxvii

objectives, 124

allocation of resources, 267

ALZA Corp., 132

Amazon, xiv

core competencies, focus on, 135

creativity, 93

education, 222

growth, creation of, xxix

high-technology startup strategies, 63

Kindle, xxiv

value propositions, 32

ambidextrous organizations, 112-114

antibodies, xxxiv

creativity, blocked by, 96

neutralization of, 23-24, 114

organizations, 87. See also organizations

anticipation of challenges, 214, 222

AOL (America Online), 6

Apple, Inc., 2, 12, 29

business models, 1

core competencies, focus on, 135

creativity, managing, 18, 236

cultures, 261

danger of success, 243

ideas, generating, 127

innovation strategies, 7, 86

management systems, 143

operating systems, 19

Play to Win (PTW), 63

risk management, 79

semiradical innovation, 49

value of networks, 107

applications, 125

Applied Materials, 186, 191

education, 220


initiatives, 285-286

innovation rules, 263

APTEC, 141

Arthur D. Little (ADL), 94, 244

artists, 19


bottled water, 4-5

international organizations, cultures, 253

management support, 13

assessments, Innovation Climate, 274

assets, utilization, xxi, 93

ATH Technologies, 182, 202

AT&T, outsourcing, 103

Audi, 123

automobile industry, India, xxiv


Ballmer, Steve, 54-55

banking, xix

Bank of America (BoA), 88

Barbie (Mattel), 65

Barnes & Noble, 114, 222

barriers to effective performance measurement, 176-177

Basic Fun and Gamewright, 105

batteries, 268

Becton Dickinson, 215

behaviors, xiv

benchmarking, 93

Benioff, Marc, 48, 261

innovation actions, 270

role of leadership, 266

Betamax, 223

beverage industry, 4. See also Coca-Cola; PepsiCo


avoiding, 94

creative process, 92

cultures, 279

Big Idea Group, 105

biotech, 82

BJ Services, 68

blockers of radical innovation, 53


corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix

Silicon Valley, 113

Boeing, 2, 139

BO Exploration and Production, 17

bonuses, 182. See also incentives; rewards

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 94

bottled water, Dasani, 4-5

boundaries, expansion of, xx

brainstorming, xxxix, 137, 161

brands, xxviii

Coca-Cola, 3-5

loyalty, xxii

Starbucks, 72

values, 15

Branson, Richard, 238, 264

Bratz (Mattel), 65

breakthrough innovations, 8, 42

growth, effect on, xxxvii

Bridgestone, xx

British Airways (BA) case study, 240

British Petroleum (BP), 161

cultures, 246

knowledge management, 225

Brown, Lord, 246

budgets, projects, 42

bundles, products/services, xx

business managers, 19-21

business models. See also models

Apple, Inc., 1

change, effect of, 31-35

costs, 29

defining, 16

Ford, 31

GM (General Motors), 31

innovation, xviii-xix, 15-16

Internet, xiv

investments, selection of, 12

measurement systems, 151

model changes, xvi-xxvi

Nucor Steel, 30

success, 76

technology innovation, portfolios, 14-15

business objectives, xxvi-xxx

Business Objects, 223

business strategies, 59. See also strategies

business to business (B2B), xxi

business to consumer (B2C), 93

Business Unit (BU), xxviii


California Energy Commission (CEC), 170

cameras, 267

Canon, 49

cultivation of networks outside of, 25

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128


external networks, 77

organizational, 76

technical, 76

capacity, utilization, 168


Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), 110-112

corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix

management, 93

capture, value, 18-21, 92-93

Carrerfour, role of leadership, 268

case studies

balance of creativity/value, 91

British Airways (BA), 240

creativity displacing commercialization, 21

design of structures, 105

incremental innovation, 43-44

incubators, 112

outsourcing, 99

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 71

Play to Win (PTW), 69

Proctor and Gamble (P&G), 72

radical innovation, 55

semiradical innovation, 49

cash-based incentive systems, 209

cash flow projections, 171

CATIA design system (Boeing), 139


design of structures, 105

innovation rules, executing, 265

redirection/revitalization initiatives, 286

test-driven systems, 284

Centrica, 67

CEOs (chief executive officers), xvi. See also leadership

action plans for improvements, 117

approach to innovation, 85

considerations, 38

cultures, 261

danger of success, 241

deal-making processes, 133

education, implementing, 214

electronic collaboration, 142

high-technology startup strategies, 61

Innovation Framework, 57

learning histories, 229

limitation of innovation, 136


effectiveness of, 173

removing barriers to effective, 177

rules, 146

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 66, 70

recruiting, 256

roles, 115-116, 260-261


agents, xxxii

approach to innovation, 82-85

business models, 31-35

cultures, 260, 274

innovation strategies, 72

periods of, 246

rate of technological, 78

technologies, 35-38

channels, distribution, xiv

chaos management, 128

Charles Schwab, 114, 222

prototypes, 132

Chennai, India, xxii

Cherry Coke, 4. See also Coca-Cola

Chevron, 105

Chevron Oronite, 46

ChevronTexaco, 111, 284

chief technology officers (CTOs), 8

Chrysler Group LLC, 123

Dodge Caravan, 172

Cisco, outsourcing, 103

Citibank, levels of pay, 200

Clorox, xxxviii

Coca-Cola, 3-5, 150

Coke Japan, 4

cultivation of networks outside of, 25

test-driven systems, 283

co-creation, xxxviii

coffee, xix

Starbucks, 72

collaboration, 8, 16, 24

education, 214

effect on performance, 195

electronic, 139-142

semiradical innovation, 50

Columbus, Christopher, 258

command, clear sense of, 260

commercialization, 89, 91, 123, 137

creativity, case studies, 21

managing, xxxiv

processes, 126

commercial savvy, combining with creativity, 263-264

commitments to resources, 259

commodities, 37. See also products

communication, 29

cultures, 24

measurement system strategies, 148-149, 163

companies, renewing, 239


management systems, 122

outsourcing, 99

comparing management systems, 137-139

compensation, xxxii

incentive contracts, 199-204

competencies, building, 218, 221-223

competition, 77

complacency, 239

complementarities stage, 234

components of compensation, 182

CompuServe, 6

computers, xix, 231

Connect + Develop operating model, xxxvii

Conner Peripherals, 94

Connors, John, 55

consistency, 120

of leadership, 2

Constellation Energy Group, 67

Continental Tire, 123

continuous learning, 153

contracts, incentives, 193-204

core competencies, focus on, 134-136

Cornerstone, xxii

corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix, 110-112

costs, xviii

business models, 29

development, 169

modifying, xxiii

Nikon, 186

products, 191

creativity, 120

commercialization, case studies, 21

commercial savvy, combining with, 263-264

harnessing, 239

management, xxxiv, 236

organizational antibodies, blocked by, 96


capture, management, 18-21

creation, 89-91

Crest, 73


investments, selection of, 12

measurements, 146

criticism, 96

Crossfire Executive Survey, xv

cross-functional teams, 122

cross-licensing, 125

C-suite, xxvii

cultivation of networks beyond organizations, 24


effect on innovation, 237-238

biases, 279

case studies, 240

change, 260

communication, 24

designing, 237-239

danger of success, 239-244

global organizations, 252-253

organizational levers of, 244-252

people and innovation, 253-258

role of senior management, 258-261

go-for-the-breakthrough, 8

Google, 99

innovation rules, 261-262

measurements, 160

in need of change, 274

customer relationship management (CRM), 157, 231

customer relationship markets (CRMs), 48


asset utilization, xxi

business model changes, 32, 34-35

targets, xviii, xxiii-xxv


Learning to Act, 215

Learning to Learn, 216-217


Daft, Doug, 4

DaimlerChrysler, 123. See also Chrysler Group LLC; Fiat S.p.A.

electronic collaboration, 141

Silicon Valley, 113

danger of success, 239-244

Dasani bottled water, 5

day-to-day leadership, 13. See also leadership

deal-making processes, 133

decision-making skills, Seven Innovation Rules, 12-15

defibrillators, 232

defining measurement system strategies, 148-149


compensation, 203-204

products, 92

services, 92

values, 217-219

Dell, xix, 2, 29, 99, 263

business models

changes, 50

technology innovations, 14

core competencies, focus on, 136

cultures, 238, 262

innovation strategies, 7, 86, 235

management systems, 143

role of leadership, 268

Dell, Michael, 58

de Luca, Guerrino, 186

dependency on technology innovation, xviii

derivatives, 42

Deromedi, Roger, 268


cultures, 237-239

danger of success, 239-244

global organizations, 252-253

organizational levers of, 244-252

people and innovation, 253-258

role of senior management, 258-261

incentives, 204-207

management systems, 124-136

measurement systems, 150-157, 159-173

processes, 119

reward systems, 182, 185-187

strategies, 59

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 63-71

Play to Win (PTW), 60-63

structures, 105

Design School (Stanford University), xxxix

Design Solution Center (GE Plastics), 141

design thinking, xxxviii


costs, 169

Innovation & Development (I&D), 88

markets, 88-100

Product Development Network (McKinsey & Co.), 225


experiential learning, 220

limited learning in, 218

diagnostics and action, 269-284

Diamandis, Peter, 53

digital cameras, 267

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 242

discounted cash flow (DCF), 93-96

disposable baby diapers, 52, 68

disruptive technologies, 56


channels, xiv

effect of PCs on, xix

diversity, 248

divisional incentives, 196

Dockers, 34

Dodge Caravan, 172

dogma, 239

Dominion Resources, 67

Donnelly, Scott, 71

Donofrio, Nick, 29-30

Dow Chemical, 269

semiradical innovation, 47

Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, 102

Drucker, Peter, 3

drugs, cost containment, xviii


cultivation of networks outside of, 25

outsourcing, 103

semiradical innovation, 47

Duracell, 268

DVD movies (Netflix), 56

dynamic nature of innovation strategies, 229-235


earnings, Coca-Cola, 4

earnings per share (EPS), 26

easyCar, 134

easyGroup, 134

easyJet, 134, 234

eBay, 29

e-commerce, 114

economic incentive structures, xxxii, 206

Eddie Bauer, 32

Edison, Thomas, 258

education, 211

importance of, 211-214

innovation rules, 235-236

measurement systems, 148

models, 213-217

optimization, 224-229

effectiveness, 65

effective performance measurement, barriers to, 176-177

efficiency, 65, 93

stage, learning lifecycles, 234

electric utility industry (United States), 67

electronic collaboration, 139-142

Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 251


of innovation, 9

of motivation, 182

Eli Lilly, 140, 172

Employee Relationship Management Systems, 163


motivation, 6

retention, 203

enablers of radical innovation, 53

enabling technologies, xvii, 35, 37-38

Entergy Corporation, 67

entrepreneurial operating models, xl

environment, effect on culture, 252

EPFL, xxxviii

EPIC design system (Boeing), 139

equations, human capital, 160

Ericsson, xxxviii

ersatz radical innovation, 54-56

eToys, 92

E*TRADE, 222


Bridgestone, roadside service, xx

management support, 13

evaluation of performance, 192-199


leadership by, 259

of measurements, 174

execution, 153

ideas, 125

innovation, 9, 264-266

measurements, 168-169

processes, education, 220

expansion of boundaries, xx


goals, 190

levels of pay, 200. See also compensation

experimentation, 130-131, 137

experiential learning, product development, 220

exploration cycles, xxxix

external collaboration, 16

external networks, 153

capabilities, 77

external partnerships, xxxviii

Exxon Mobil, 68

measurements, 147

stage gate systems, 278


failures, xxxiv-xviii

Apple, Inc., 19

high-technology startups, 61

incentives, 207

as part of processes, 228

Webvan, 62, 246

fairness, 207

fast-follower strategy, 66

fast food, product and service offerings, 36

FDA (Federal Drug Administration), 80, 182, 202. See also pharmaceutical companies

fear, 207

Fiat S.p.A., xxiv, 123

financial downturns, xv, 4

Financial Times, 12

Fiorina, Carly, 249

role of leadership, 270

test-driven systems, 283

flexibility, 214

FMC Corporation, 235

focus, 247

Folgers, 72


business models, 31

innovation strategies, 7

iTek Center, 109

Ford, Henry, xix

standardization, 30


incentives, 187

model changes, xvi-xxvi

for success, xvi-xxxvi

antibodies, xxxiv

business objectives, xxvi-xxx

creativity/commercialization, managing, xxxiv

innovation processes, xxx-xxxi

leadership, xxxv-xxxvi

metrics/motivators, xxxi-xxxiii

foundations of culture, 253

Framework (Innovation), 39

CEOs (chief executive officers), 57


incentives, 185-187

measurements, 159

frugal innovation, xxxix

Fry, Art, 116, 184

incentives, 189

funding, 85, 96

decisions, 126

measurements, 162


gain-sharing mechanisms, 195

Galvin, Robert, 226

game consoles, 235

Gap, 32

gasoline engines, 231

Gates, Bill, 12. See also Microsoft

GCA, 49

GE (General Electric), xv, xl, 116

core competencies, focus on, 134

cultures, 260, 274

danger of success, 243

electronic collaboration, 141

experimentation, 130

innovation strategies, 86

management systems, 119

NBC, sale of, 135

outsourcing, 103

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 71

Play to Win (PTW), 63

R&D (research and development), 110

role of leadership, 266

supply chains, 34


danger of success, 243

technology innovation models, 281

genome-based therapies, xviii

geographical differences in innovation, 254

Gillette Company, 3, 15, 45, 268

ideas, generating, 127

incremental innovation, 43

global organizations, cultures, 252-253

GM (General Motors), xxiv

business models, 31

innovation strategies, 7


defining, 286

rewards, measurements, 188-193

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128

go-for-the-breakthrough cultures, 8

Goodall, Jane, 256

Google, xxxviii, 2

cultures, 99, 239

danger of success, 243

Play to Win (PTW), 63

self-directed exploration, 107

technology innovation models, 281

Gramerrn Bank, 2

growth, xv

Coca-Cola, 3-5

long-term, 3-6

managing, xxxiv

values, 7

via breakthrough innovations, xxxvii

Guidant Corporation, 172, 232


Halliburton, 68

harnessing creativity, 239

heroes, 251

Hewlett Packard (HP)

cultures, 248

risk management, 79

role of leadership, 270

stage gate system, 279

test-driven systems, 283

Hickey, William V., 43

high-technology startup strategies, 61

hiring, 257. See also recruiting

histories, learning, 228-229

Honda, 196

human capital equations, 160

hybrid automobile technologies, 8, 63

Hyderabad, India, xxii

Hyundai, Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 64


IBM, 21, 99, 102

cultures, 237

danger of success, 242-243

electronic collaboration, 140

innovation strategies, 7

management systems, 120

outsourcing, 103-104

prototypes, 132

standalone offerings, xx

value propositions, 32

Ibuka, Masaru, 250


experimentation, 130-131

generating, 126

investments in, 133

main source of, 231

measurements, 160-164

new, 96, 123

processes, 125

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128-129

systems for, 127-128

Idei, Nobuyuki, 58

identifying customers, xxiii-xxv

IDEO, 128, 252

cultures, 260

ignorance management, 225-226

iMac, 4

Immelt, Jeffrey, 110, 116, 260

cultures, 274

role of leadership, 266


education, 214. See also education

measurements, 159-173

stages, 166

incentives, 181

contracts, 193-204

designing, 204-207

economic incentive structures, 206

frameworks, 185-187

importance of, 181-182

innovation rules, 208-210

measurements, 188-193

motivation, 182-185

rewards, 9

timing, 202-203

income, residual, 170

incremental innovation, 41-47, 59

goals, 193

high-technology startups, 62

learning systems, 224

radical innovation, combining, 246

incubators, xxxviii, 111

case studies, 112

India, xxii

Tata Motors, xxiv

Inditex, xiv

individual rewards, 192-196


effect of innovation on, 1-5

lifecycles, 229

pharmaceutical, innovation strategies, 79-85

structures, 77

initiatives, management, 285-286

InnoCentive (Eli Lilly), 140


breakthrough, xxxvii, 42

business models, xviii-xix, 14-15

core competencies, focus on, 134-136

cultures, effect on, 237-238

elements of, 9

execution of, 9

frugal, xxxix

geographical differences in, 254

incremental, 59

combining radical innovation, 246

goals, 193

high-technology startups, 62

learning systems, 224

industries, effect on, 1-5

insight as role in, xxv-xxvi

integration, 15-16, 38

leadership, 258-260

levers of, 31

limitations, 136

management, 13

organization, 87

outsourcing, 99-104

overview of, xiii

people and, 253-258

processes, xxx-xxxi

radical, 59, 69

education, 217

goals, 191, 193

ignorance management, 225

learning systems, 224

performance stage, 232

prototypes, 132

rewards, 184

reverse, xxxix

rules, 9-28, 114

action and diagnostics, 269-284

applying, 263

combining commercial savvy with creativity, 263-264

cultures, 261-262

execution, 264-266

incentives, 208-210

innovation model and, 58

learning and, 235-236

measurements, 178-179

metrics, 284

organizations, 116-118

role of leadership, 266-269

semiradical, 59, 61

strategies, 7-9

change, effect of, 72

dynamic nature of, 229-235

levels of, 69

matching, 16-18

pharmaceutical industry, 79-85

risk management, 78-79

rules, 84-86

selection of, 75-78

technologies, 35, 281. See also technologies

technology, xvi-xviii

types of, 39-56

ersatz radical, 54-56

incremental, 41-47

radical, 51-55

semiradical, 47-51

value, generating, 286-287

Innovation Board, 99

Innovation Climate assessment, 274

Innovation & Development (I&D), 88

Innovation Framework, 39

CEOs (chief executive officers), 57

Innovation Leadership Team, 267

Innovation Matrix, 15, 60, 152

Innovation Platform teams, 105

inputs, measurement systems, 151-155

insight, role in innovation, xxv-xxvi

intangible resources, 152

integration, 58, 114

innovation, 15-16, 38

organization, 105-114

Wal-Mart, 29


corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix

cultures, 241

outsourcing, 103


cultures/management tools, 237

with learning, 223

learning systems, 217


organization cultures, 252-253

partnerships, 104

Internet, 51

business models, xiv

Nespresso, xix. See also Nespresso


in ideas, 133

Play to Win (PTW), 60-63

selection of, 12

types of, 42

IO Digital Pen, 189

IPO (initial public offering), 185

Iraq, oil fields, 68

iTek Center (Ford), 109

iTunes, 1, 4

ideas, generating, 127

Iue, Satoshi, 267


Jager, Durk, 17, 74, 263. See also Proctor and Gamble (P&G)

Japan, 196

Coke Japan, 4

role of leadership, 267

salary requirements, 243

Jobs, Steve, xxvi, 12, 236. See also Apple, Inc.

cultures, 261

innovation strategies, 86

tour of Xerox PARC, 21

Johnson & Johnson

cultivation of networks outside of, 25

disposable baby diapers, 52

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 64

vision, 259

Jones, Phil, 134


Kelley, David, 260

Kihara, Nobutoshi, 222

Kilts, James M., 3, 15, 45, 268


disposable baby diapers, 52

U.S. baby diaper wars, 68

Kindle (Amazon), xxiv. See also Amazon

knowledge. See also education

management, 225

measurements, 162

retention, 124

types of, 222

Knowledge Research Directory (McKinsey & Co.), 225

Kobit, 49

Kohlhepp, Robert J., 278

Kraft, 267

role of leadership, 268

Kuwano, Yukinori, 267


lack of innovation, 69

Lafley, A. G., 12, 74, 102, 264. See also Proctor & Gamble (P&G)

leadership, xxxv-xxxvi, 9. See also management

business managers, 19-21

companies in innovation, 2

consistency of, 2

innovation, 258-260

roles, 115-116

roles of, 266-269

senior management, role of, 258-261

Seven Innovation Rules, 12-15

Leakey, Louis, 256

learning. See also education

histories, 228-229

importance of, 211-214

innovation rules, 235-236

to learn, 216-217


complementarities stage, 234

efficiency stage, 234

market segmentation stage, 233-234

performance stage, 232-233

technology stage, 230-231

models, 213-217

optimization, 224-229

systems, 217-224

Learning to Act cycle, 215

Learning to Learn cycle, 216-217

legends, 251

levels of innovation, 69


strategies, 29-31

Webvan, failure of, 246

levers of innovation, xvi-xviii, 31

cultures, 244-252

Levi Strauss, 247

Libya, oil fields, 67-68

licenses, cross-licensing, 125


industries, 229


complementarities stage, 234

efficiency stage, 234

market segmentation stage, 233-234

performance stage, 232-233

technology stage, 230-231


of electronic collaboration, 142

of innovation, 136

of return on investment (ROI), 170

linkage, innovation, xxvii

Lipitor, 80

Lipton, xxii

Lockheed, 113

Logitech, 186, 189


growth, 3-6

viability, 114

Los Angeles Lakers, 250

loss-avoidance goals, 191

loyalty, brands, xxii

lubrication additives, case study, 112

Lubrizol, 46

Lucent, value of networks, 107

Luvs diapers, 74


MACH3 razors/blades (Gillette), 127

main source of ideas, 231

Making Innovation Work (MIV), xiii, 21

formulas for success, xvi-xxxvi

strategies, xxviii. See also strategies


balance of creativity/value, 89

business managers, 19-21

capital, 93

creativity, xxxiv, 18-21, 236

ignorance, 225-226

initiatives, 285-286

innovation, 13

knowledge, 225

motivation, 182-185

risk, 78-79

senior, role of, 258-261

Seven Innovation Rules, 12-15

stability, 246

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128-129

support, 13

systems, 119

comparisons, 137-139

core competencies, focus on, 134-136

designing, 124-136

electronic collaboration, 139-142

objectives of, 120-124

overview of, 119-120

rules, 141-143

tools, V2MOM, 270

values, 236

vision, 77

manuals, product-development, 218

manufacturing, 24

maps, processes, 131. See also prototypes

margins, models, xxiii

marketing, 24


balancing, 98-99

customer relationship markets (CRMs), 48

development, 88-100

partnerships, xxii

pharmaceutical, xviii

segmentation, 31

stages, learning lifecycles, 233-234

time-to-market, 191

video rental, 54

Marvel Entertainment, xx

Marx, Groucho, 91, 99

Marx Brothers, 90-91

matching innovation strategies, 16-18

Matsushita, Silicon Valley, 113

Mattel, 65

integration, 105

maturity, 126. See also processes

organization, 90-95

McDonald’s, product and service offerings, 36

McKinnon, Paul, 238

McKinsey & Co., 225

measurements, 9, 145. See also metrics; rewards

adequacy of, 94

designing, 150-157

examples of, 174

execution, 168-169

Exxon Mobil, 181

ideas, 160-164

implementation, 159-173

incentives, 188-193

innovation rules, 178-179

overview of, 145-150

performance, barriers to, 176-177

processes, 146-147

roles, 148-150

rules, 146

stimuli, 162

Medtronic, 232

meetings, types of, 223

mergers, xv, 6, 96

Merrill Lynch, 222

MessagePad (Apple), 19

metrics, xiv, xxxi-xxxiii, 146

creating, 25-28

earnings per share (EPS), 26

incentives, 188-193

performance, 9

rules, 284

MGA Entertainment, 65

microcredits, 2

Microsoft, xv, xxxviii, 12, 157

complementarities stage, 235

cultures, 245

diversification, 248

goals, 191

management systems, 122

.NET, 16, 55

outsourcing, 103

risk management, 79

Xbox, 34

mission statements, Sony, 250


avoiding, 212. See also education

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 129

Mobile Office (Nokia), 24

Mobisante, xl

Mobius, xl

MobME, xxii

models. See also strategies

changes, xvi-xxvi

current, refining, 218, 220-221

entrepreneurial, xl

learning, 213-217

margins, xxiii

monetizing, xxv

Open Innovation, xxxvii

operating, xxxvii

revenues, xxiii

rules of innovation and, 58

strategies, 29-31

technology innovation, 281

venture capital (VC), 280-281

Model T Fords, xix


models, xxv

social networks, xxii

value networks, xxi

monitoring measurement systems, 148

motivation, 182-185

employees, 6

negative effect on intrinsic, 205-207

motivators, xiv, xxxi-xxxiii

Motorola, 227


nanotechnology, xvii


electronic collaboration, 140

outsourcing, 104

NBA (National Basketball Association), 250

NBC, sale of, 135

NCR (National Cash Register), 247

negative effect on intrinsic motivation, 205-207

Nescafe, 69

Nespresso, xiv, xix

Nestlé, xiv

corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix

.NET (Microsoft), 16, 55

Netflix, 56

net present value (NPV), 158


capabilities, 77

cultivation of beyond organizations, 24-25

external, 153

Product Development Network (McKinsey & Co.), 225

social, monetizing, xxii

values, xviii, xxi-xxiii, 106-110

neutralization of antibodies, 23-24


ideas, 96

products, 42

Newton (Apple), 19

Nike, xxxviii

Nikon, 49

incentives, 185

Nintendo, complementarities stage, 235

Nokia, xxvii, 3, 12

Mobile Office, 24

outsourcing, 103

noncustomers, identifying, xxiv

Nordstrom, 32, 251

Not Invented Here (NIH), 24

Novartis, semiradical innovation, 47

Nucor Steel, 2

business models, 30


objective evaluation, 196-198


products, 32, 35

services, 35

Office of Technology Licensing (Stanford University), 104

oil, xxi, 68

Ollila, Jorma, 12. See also Nokia

Open Innovation, xxxvii, xxxviii

operating models, xxxvii

entrepreneurial, xl

operating systems, Apple, Inc., 19

opportunities, identifying, 149

optimization, 211

initiatives, 285

learning, 224-229

updating, 78

Oracle, 157, 223

organizational capabilities, 76

education, 211. See also education

organizations, 87. See also structures; systems

ambidextrous, 112-114

antibodies, 96


global, 252-253

levers of, 244-252

innovation rules and, 116-118

integration, 105-114

market development, 88-100

maturity, 90-95

objectives, aligning, 124

Orteig Prize, 52

OS X (Apple), 4

Otellini, Paul, 241

outcomes, measurements, 151-155, 168-169

outputs, measurements, 151-155

outsourcing innovation, 100-104


Palmisano, Samuel J., 21, 120. See also IBM

Pampers, 74

PARC, xxvii

partnerships, xxii, xxxviii, 6

electronic collaboration, 139

international, 104

optimization, 103-104

outsourcing, 101

PCs (personal computers), xix, 50

peer groups, 161

peer-to-peer lending, xix

people and innovation, 253-258

PepsiCo, xxii, 4

performance. See also incentives; rewards

evaluation, 192-199

goal setting, 188-193

measurement, barriers to, 176-177

measurements, 146. See also measurements

metrics, 9

products, 191

relationship to compensation, 200-202

stages, learning lifecycles, 232-233

periods of change, managing, 246

PerkinElmer, 49

personal computers (PCs), 231, 260

personal digital assistants (PDAs), 6, 19

perspectives, emerging from recent experiences, xxxvi-xl

pharmaceutical industry

cost containment, xviii

innovation strategies, 79-85

Philips, xl

corporate venture capital (CVC), xxxix

cultures, 248

incentives, 183

physical environment, effect on culture, 252

piezoelectric technology, xviii

planning, 148. See also strategies

platforms, 106-110

products, 168

Platt, Lou, 279

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), xxviii, xxxi, 63-71

complacency, 242

incentives, 185

Playstation (Sony), 223

Play to Win (PTW), xxviii, xxxi, 60-63

case studies, 69

complacency, 242

incentives, 185

Proctor and Gamble (P&G), 74

Sanyo Electric, 267

shifting to, 68

pods, 1, 4, 127


balancing, 97

business model/technology innovation, 14-15

management, 137

measurements, 163-167

Post-its, 184

incentives, 189

power, 67

Power by the Hour, xxv

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 32. See also IBM

Prius (Toyota), 63. See also Toyota

processes, 9, 125

CEMEX, 105

commercialization, 126

core competencies, focus on, 134-136

deal-making, 133

designing, 119

electronic collaboration, 139-142

execution, education, 220

failure as part of, 228

ideas, 162

innovation, xxx-xxxi

maps, 131. See also prototypes

measurements, 146-147, 151-155

objectives of, 120-124

overview of, 119-120

stage gate approach, 278-279

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128-129

to support strategies, 259

technologies, xvii, 35-37

Process Masters (Chevron), 105

Proctor and Gamble (P&G), xxxvii, xl, 3, 12, 17, 263

case studies, 72

core competencies, focus on, 134

disposable baby diapers, 52

innovation strategies, 86

management systems, 119

Play to Win (PTW), 74

U.S. baby diaper wars, 68

Product Development Network (McKinsey & Co.), 225


bundles, xx

costs, 191

delivery, 92

development, 88

experiential learning, 220

limited learning in, 218

new, 42

offerings, xvii, 32, 35

platforms, 168

profits, 195

rollouts, 137

unbundling, xx

profits, xv, 93

Coca-Cola, 4

incremental innovation, 46

Nikon, 185

profit-sharing, 195

Virgin, 264

projections, cash flow, 171


budgets, 42

management, 137

roadmaps, 226-227

selection processes, 137

propositions, values, xviii, xix-xxi

business model changes, 32

prototypes, xxxix, 131-133, 137

rapid, 226


Qoo juice, 5

qualitative goals, 190

quantitative goals, 190


radical innovation, 51-55, 59, 69

education, 217

goals, 191, 193

ignorance management, 225

learning systems, 224

performance stage, 232

prototypes, 132

rewards, 184

rampant incrementalism, 96

rapid prototyping, 226

Raymond, Lee, 68

R&D (research and development), xxxviii, 8, 16

GE (General Electric), 71, 110

incremental innovation, 46

main source of ideas, 231

metrics/rewards, 27

Microsoft, 55

networks, 24

pharmaceutical industry, 80-81

Real Madrid, 249

recognition rewards, 183

recruiting, 153, 255-256

strategies, 256-258

Red Herring, 161

redirection initiatives, 285-286

reengineering, 218

regions, xxviii

relative performance evaluation, 198-199

Renault-Nissan, xxiv

renewing companies, 239

research contracts, 202

residual income, 170

resources, 9

allocation of, 267

ideas, 162

leadership commitment to, 259

retention, employees, 203

return on investment (ROI), 94, 96, 112, 158

cultures, 249

limitations, 170

measurements, 146, 160. See also measurements

value creation, 170

revenues, xv

models, xxiii

reverse innovation, xxxix

revitalization initiatives, 285-286


creating, 25-28

frameworks, 185-187

importance of, 181-182

incentives, 9

individual, 192-196

innovation rules, 208-210

measurements, 188-193

motivation, 182-185

teams, 192-196

risk, xxxii

cultures, 24, 249

encouraging, 3

incentives, 207

management, 78-79

measurements, 165

microcredits, 2

Seven Innovation Rules, 12

strategies, 61. See also strategies

value creation sustainability, 172

roadmaps, projects, 226-227

ROCE (return on capital employed), 147


of CEOs (chief executive officers), 260-261

of innovation systems, 121

of insight, xxv-xxvi

of leadership, 115-116, 266-269

of measurements, 148-150

of senior management, 258-261

of subjectivity in performance evaluation, 198

Rollins, Kevin B., 238, 263

role of leadership, 268

rollouts, products and services, 137

Rolls-Royce, xxv

Rosen, Howard, 132

rules, 114

innovation, 9-28, 58

action and diagnostics, 269-284

applying, 263

combining commercial savvy with creativity, 263-264

cultures, 261-262

execution, 264-266

incentives, 208-210

learning and, 235-236

measurements, 178-179

organizations, 116-118

role of leadership, 266-269

management systems, 141-143

measurements, 146

metrics, 284

prototypes, 131-133

strategies, 84-86

Russia, oil fields, 68

Ryanair, xxiii, 234

S, 48, 223

cultures, 261

ignorance management, 226

innovation actions, 270

role of leadership, 266

Sales Learning Curve, 211

Sanyo Electric, 267

scalability, xv

Scaled Composites, 130

Schlumberger, xxi, 68, 102

Scotchgard (3M), 131

Seagate Technology, 94

Seagram Group, 135

Sealed Air Corporation, 43

Sears Roebuck and Company, 152

segmentation of markets, 31

stages, learning lifecycles, 233-234

selection of strategies, 59, 75-78

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 63-71

Play to Win (PTW), 60-63

semiradical innovation, 47-51, 59

Play to Win (PTW), 61

Sempra Energy, 67

senior management, role of, 258-261

servers, 99. See also PCs (personal computers)


a la carte, xxi

bundles, xx

delivery, 92

development, 88

offerings, xvii, 35

rollouts, 137

telephone, xix

unbundling, xx

sessions, training, 161

Seven Innovation Rules, 10-28

shared visions, 214

Shell Oil, 51

international organizations, cultures, 253

Sherman, Patsy, 131

Siebel Systems, 157, 163, 223

Siemens, xv, 150

innovation actions, 270

Silicon Valley, 55, 113

simulations, 131. See also prototypes

Six Sigma, 46

skunkworks (Lockheed), 113

Sloan, Alfred, 31

Smith, Darwin, 68

Snapple, 4

social networks, monetizing, xxii

Sony, 58

complementarities stage, 235

mission statements, 250

Playstation, 223

product development, 222

risk management, 79

Sony Pictures, xx

technology stage, 231, 104

Southwest Airlines, 127, 238

semiradical innovation, 49

SpaceShipOne, 130, 217

venture capital (VC) model, 280

Spain, 252, 258

speed, 65

Spirit of St. Louis, 52

spreadsheets, 131. See also prototypes

stability of management, 246


implementation, 166

of management systems, 126

stage gate approach, xl, 137, 278-279

standardization, Henry Ford, 30

Standing Innovation Board, 105

Stanford University, xxxix, 104

Starbucks, Play to Win (PTW), 72

startups, high-technology strategies, 61

Steinmetz, Charles, 70

stimuli, measurements, 161-162

strategies, 9

combining, 246

designing, 59

diagnostics, 271

fast-follower, 66

growth (Coca-Cola), 4

innovation, 7-9

change, effect of, 72

dynamic nature of, 229-235

levels of, 69

matching, 16-18

pharmaceutical industry, 79-85

risk management, 78-79

rules, 84-86

long-term growth, 3-6

measurements, 146

models, 29-31

Play Not to Lose (PNTL), 63-71

Play to Win (PTW), 60-63

recruiting, 256-258

selection of, 75-78

for success, xvi-xxxvi

antibodies, xxxiv

business objectives, xxvi-xxx

creativity/commercialization, managing, xxxiv

innovation processes, xxx-xxxi

leadership, xxxv-xxxvi

metrics/motivators, xxxi-xxxiii

model changes, xvi-xxvi

systems, 218, 223-224

updating, 78

stretch goals, 190

Structured Idea Management (SIM), 128-129, 137


industries, 77

innovation, 152

market development, 88-100

optimization, 117

organization, 87. See also organization

subjective evaluation, 196-198

subjective measurements, 158. See also measurements


business models, 76

danger of, 239-244

formulas for, xvi-xxxvi

antibodies, xxxiv

business objectives, xxvi-xxx

creativity/commercialization, managing, xxxiv

innovation processes, xxx-xxxi

leadership, xxxv-xxxvi

metrics/motivators, xxxi-xxxiii

model changes, xvi-xxvi

success-driven goals, 191

Sun Microsystems, 99

supply chains

Amazon, 63

business model changes, 32-34

modifying, xxi

Wal-Mart, 29

support, management, 13

sustainability, value creation, 160, 170-173

Switzerland, xxxviii


education, 214. See also education

for ideas, 127-128

learning, 217-224

management, 119

comparisons, 137-139

core competencies, focus on, 134-136

designing, 124-136

electronic collaboration, 139-142

objectives of, 120-124

overview of, 119-120

rules, 141-143

measurements. See also measurements

designing, 150-157

implementation, 159-173

roles, 148-150

stage gate, 278-279

strategies, 223-224

test-driven, 282-284

time-based, 282


talent, 162

tangible resources, 152

targets, customers, xviii, xxiii-xxv

business model changes, 34-35

Tata Motors, xxiv


incentives, 196

rewards, 192-196

technical capabilities, 76


3M, 24

business model portfolios, 14-15

change, effect of, 35-38

disruptive, 56

enabling, 37-38

high-technology startup strategies, 61

innovation, xvi-xviii, 281

lifecycle stages, 230-231

model changes, xvi-xxvi

processes, 35-37

rate of change, 78

telephone services, xix

Tesco, role of leadership, 268

test-driven systems, 282-284

Tetra Pak, 121

electronic collaboration, 140

test-driven systems, 284

Tide, 74


incentives, 202-203

time-based systems, 282

time-to-market, 191

to value, 165

tires, xx

TiVo, 93

tools, management (V2MOM), 270

Total Optimized Process (Top), 270

Total Quality, 46

Toyota, xxiv, 2

cultures, 246

danger of success, 243

efficiency, 234

innovation strategies, 7, 86

Play to Win (PTW), 63

redirection/revitalization initiatives, 286

supply chains, 34

training, 153, 161

Tufts University, 80


of growth, 6

of innovation, xxvii, 39-56, 166

ersatz radical, 54-56

incremental, 41-47

radical, 51-55

semiradical, 47-51

of inputs, 152

of investments, 42

of knowledge, 222

of management systems, 137-139

of meetings, 223


unbundling products and services, xx

United Kingdom (UK), bottled water, 5

United States

electric utility industry, 67

international organizations, cultures, 252

management support, 13

Universal Studios, 135

updating strategies, 78

USA Today, 150

utilities, 67


assets, xxi, 93

capacity, 168


V2MOM management tool, 270


brands, 15

capture, 92, 93

creation, 153, 170-173


creation, 89-91

managing, 18-21

delivery, 217-219

earnings per share (EPS), 26

growth, 7

innovation, generating, 286-287

management, 236

measurements, 165

networks, xviii, xxi-xxiii, 106-110

propositions, xviii, xix-xxi, 32

time to value, 165

Vanilla Coke, 4. See also Coca-Cola

venture capital (VC), 133, 160

Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), xxxix, 110-112

models, 280-281

rewards, 185

viability, 114

Viagra, 228

video rental markets, 54

Virgin, 238, 264

Virgin Galactic, xxix, 203, 264

Virgin Rail, 264

visibility, 163


management, 77

role of senior management, 259

Vivendi, 135

Vodafone, 249

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 231

Volkswagen, xxiv

incentives, 183

von Pierer, Heinrich, 270


Walkman (Sony), 231

Wal-Mart, 29

core competencies, focus on, 134

DVD movies, 56

innovation strategies, 86

integration, 105

role of leadership, 268

semiradical innovation, 47

technologies, enabling, 37

water, Dasani, 4-5

Weatherford, 68

Web Services (Microsoft), 55

Webvan, 62, 246

Welch, Jack, 71, 130, 266

Wilder, John, 67

wireless switches, xviii


x-axis, 159

Xbox (Microsoft), 34


outsourcing, 103

PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), 21

X PRIZE, 52, 130


y-axis, 229


Zara, xiv, xix

ZeroStock Retail, xxii

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