About the Authors

Jack and Patti Phillips bring significant experience to this book. Together they have more than forty years of actual business experience, with much of that in the human resources area. For example, Jack spent fifteen years as head of HR in organizations, including a Fortune 500 firm. Patti headed up HR in a smaller firm. Together Jack and Patti have won several awards for their work, particularly in the human resources area. Jack has appeared on the cover of Human Resource Executive Magazine, highlighting his work while he was the head of HR for one organization. The Society for Human Resource Management gave Jack its highest award for creativity, recognizing his work in bringing accountability to human resources. The American Society for Training and Development has recognized Jack’s work with its highest award of “Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Development.” The International Society for Performance Improvement has recognized Jack by electing him president of the organization.

Jack and Patti have written more than twenty-five books in the HR area, including books that focus on investing in human capital, proving the value of human capital, and human capital analytics, among others. Together they routinely make presentations at international conferences around the world, speaking on the topics of human resources and human capital, especially accountability in human resources and the importance of investing in human capital.

With the ROI Institute, consulting often takes them directly to top executives, including chief human resources officers. Collectively, Jack and Patti have taught more than twenty thousand managers and executives about the importance of human capital and accountability in the human capital investment.

Finally, they have conducted research into understanding the different human capital issues. Both of their PhD dissertations (and master’s theses) have focused directly on this issue, and their research work extends through the ROI Institute. Their combination of practical experience, insightful research, extensive writing, and consulting practices create an ideal background and experience for this new publication.

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