



Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables, respectively.


Abuse, 265267
Acceptance meeting, project, 123
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), 3
Actionable information, conceptual framework, 322323
Actions, for plan members’ health, see Plan members’ health
Activation function, defined, 339
Activities, project closeout, 123125
acceptance meeting, 123
contract review, 123124
knowledge transfer, 124125
outcomes assessment, 123124
Activities, project execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 112121
budget management, 117118
communication planning, 112113
issue management, 118119
project documents, updating, 121
project life cycle checkpoints, 120
quality management, 117
risk management, 113114
schedule management, 114115
scope management, 116117
update meetings, conducting, 119120
vendor contracts, management of, 120121
work results, documentation, 116
Activities, project initiation phase, 8692
business need/opportunity, defining, 87
business objectives and benefits, 8788
cost-benefit, 8990, 92
key stakeholders, 8889
risk management, 92
schedule management, 9092
sponsor/leader, 8687
strategic mission and vision, 88
Activities, project planning phase, 94109
charter, developing, 96
communication planning, 108109
constraints and assumptions, 9798
cost estimate and budget, 104106
human resource requirements, 102103
issue management, 107108
milestones, establishing, 101102
objectives, defining, 9697
other resource requirements, 104
procurement and sourcing strategy, 9899
project managers, 9496
project plan, developing, 109
quality management plan, 106107
risk management, 106
schedule/work plan, developing, 99101
defining, 96
management, 108
ADE, see Adverse drug event (ADE)
Ad hoc decision support, 360
Ad hoc reports, 255, 256
Advanced data analytics, 3132, 32f
Advance Practice Institute, 206
Adverse drug event (ADE) alert system, clinical, 210214
approach, 211213
background, 210211
results, 213214
Advertising spend, revenue curve vs., 287288, 287f
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 2, 14, 2627
Age distribution chart, 297, 297f
Alerting systems, healthcare
analytical capabilities, level, 256
data mining, 333336
overview, 333334
text mining, examples, 345348
Alignment, with strategic mission and vision, 88
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 241
American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE), 235
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), 62
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) certification, 134
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), 22, 4950, 63
of clinical processes and workflow, 154155
paralysis, 252254
statistical, level of analytical capabilities, 257
TAKMI, 361362
traffic, 299
variable distribution, 297, 298f
Analytics, health, 251273
advanced and predictive data, 3132, 32f
applications, 243247
big data on, 336337
business vs. clinical, 259261, 259f
EOCs and ETGs, 291293
graphics, 295303
types, 296300, 296f, 297f, 298f, 299f, 300f, 301f, 302f
value of data, 301, 302303
healthcare costs, lowering, 260, 265269
health outcomes, improving, 260, 269272
information creation through, see Information creation
levels, 255259
ad hoc reports, 256
alerting, 256
forecasting, 257
optimization, 258
predictive modeling, 258
query drilldown, 256
standard reports, 256
statistical analysis, 257
maturity and objectives, 254
multivariate, knowledge discovery through, 323325, 326f
organizational performance, improving, 260, 261264, 262t, 264t
overview, 251252
paralysis, 252254
Six Sigma, 290291
workflow, of provider organizations, 244245
ANNs (artificial neural networks), 336, 337, 339341, 340f, 344
Antidotarium Florentine, 220
Apache Agora, 365
analytic, 243247
data mining, 288, 359361
departmental clinical support, 157158
Derby database, 365
informatics, 192193, 200215
OLAP, 279
workflow, 193194
Applications, of healthcare informatics, 200215
overview, 200
Trinity Health, case study, 200215
clinical ADE alert system, 210214
I2S2 intranet, 204210
overview, 200201
physician-led informatics, 201204
Areas, for healthcare efficiencies, 1221
clinical and operational activities, quality improvement, 1820
compliance issues, 1618
CRM, 2021
financial activities, 1316
Areas, of health professional needs, 186195
clinician and patient deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
Area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), 341342, 341t, 342f, 344, 345t
ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), 22, 4950, 63
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 336, 337, 339341, 340f, 344
for clinical documentation, 134135, 135t
of data mining models, 341342
AUC, 341342, 341t, 342f, 344, 345t
KS statistics, 341
outcomes, 123124
practices, 6162
Assumptions, project, 9798
AUC (area under receiver operating characteristic curve), 341342, 341t, 342f, 344, 345t
Authentication login and performance, computer, 157
Average length of stay (ALOS), 202, 203204, 204f


Bar charts, 296, 296f, 297
Bar code, for medication, 191
Barcoding for medication administration (BCMA), 139
of EMR, 152
project initiation phase, 85
business, identifying, 8788
cost-benefit, determining, 8990, 92
Bernard, Claude, 220
Big data
analytic framework, 282283
on data analytics, 336337
data mining and, 238239, 240f
defined, 233
example of, 241
real-time mining and, 289290
research funds and, 240241
cancer, with UIMA, 362366
health-related, 363364
postings, 365
Blue Cross insurance provider, 267
Blue Shield insurance provider, 267
Bluetooth wireless communications, 233234
Body sensor networks (BNSs), 234235, 234f
Brenner, Jeffrey, 319321
Bubble chart, 299, 299f
EMR project, 168169
project management, phases
execution and monitoring and controlling, 117118
initiation phase, 8990, 92
planning phase, 104106
analytics, clinical vs., 259261, 259f
need/opportunity, defining, 87
objectives and benefits, identifying, 8788
Business case, 93
Business intelligence, 277286, 305317
dashboards, 284285, 285f
data mining, 316317
dynamic reporting through OLAP, 280, 281284, 282f
in EMRs, strategy and Six Sigma, 310316
evaluation, 310311
reviewing workflow, 311316, 314f, 316f
overview, 305306, 308310, 309f
“patient treatment” intelligence, 307308
pivot tables, 279280, 280t, 281t
reports, 277279, 279f
robust, dashboard views and, 286
sources of efficiency gains, 307
success, secrets to, 306308
system, functionalities, 12


Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), 183184
Canadian Medical Associations, 191
Cancer blogs, with UIMA, 362366
blog postings, 365
phases and milestones, 365366
Capabilities, analytical, 254
levels, 255259
ad hoc reports, 256
alerting, 256
forecasting, 257
optimization, 258
predictive modeling, 258
query drilldown, 256
standard reports, 256
statistical analysis, 257
coordination of
community of health and wellness, 26, 3235, 38
improvement, MU and, 6667, 72
management programs, 321
preventive, 47, 219, 335
primary, 3233, 4647
quality and cost of, 320321
redesigning, 6162
Caregivers, deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
Care maps, defined, 186
Case studies
of DSSs, 337345
data mining, models, 338345
description of data, 337338
objective, 337
Trinity Health, 200215
clinical ADE alert system, 210214
I2S2 intranet, 204210
overview, 200201
physician-led informatics, 201204
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 3, 2728, 50, 5253, 6465, 66, 68, 70
Certification Final Rules, 51
Certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT), 5156, 63, 66, 70
Certified Medical Education (CME) credit, 175
Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS), 134
capitated contracts, 15
CEHRT, 5153
clinicians, 186195
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
community health, 3235, 34f
compliance, 17
knowledge translation, 195196
rural healthcare, 3335, 34f
Change control, long-term user support and, 178179
Charter, project, 96
Checkpoints, project life cycle
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 120
planning phase, 101102
Chief financial officer (CFO), 128, 133, 136, 212
Chief information officer (CIO), 128, 129, 133, 136, 144, 169
Chief medical informatics officer (CMIO), 128, 151, 165166, 169
Chief medical officer (CMO), 128, 133, 169
Chief nursing officer (CNO), 128, 132, 133, 137, 144
CIS, see Clinical information system (CIS)
Classification and regression tree (CART), 338, 344
Clinical access, to computer workstations, 156157
Clinical activities, quality improvement in, 1820
Clinical ADE alert system, see Adverse drug event (ADE) alert system
Clinical analytics, business vs., 259261, 259f
Clinical compliance, 1618
Clinical decision intelligence (CDI), 362
Clinical decision support system (CDSS), 139, 189, 321
Clinical information system (CIS), nursing in, 127145
overview, 127128
phases of implementation, 132145
design phase, 137143, 140f, 141f, 142f
go-live, 143144
system optimization, 144145, 146f
system selection, 133136, 135t, 136f
roles, 128132
CSAs, 130131
educator, 131132
executive sponsor, 129
project director, 129130
superusers, 132
team leader, 130
Clinical Leadership Council, 207
Clinical practice guidelines, defined, 186
Clinical processes, analysis and documentation, 154155
Clinical systems analysts (CSAs), 130131, 132, 137, 138, 139
behavior change of, 185
challenges, 186195
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
defined, 182
Closeout, project, 122126
activities, 123125
acceptance meeting, 123
contract review, 123124
knowledge transfer, 124125
outcomes assessment, 124
deliverables, 125126
overview, 122123
Clustering technique, 357
CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), 3, 2728, 50, 5253, 6465, 66, 68, 70
Cognitive systems, 237238
Cognitive systems, in healthcare, 293295
Colorectal cancer (CRC)
data mining models for, 343345, 343f, 345t
postsurgery for, 337338
survival of, 337
Commonwealth Fund, 47
Communication planning, project
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 112113
planning phase, 108109
devices, 36
expectations, EMR and, 164165
Community, data-driven, 3235, 34f
Community hospitals, 200
Compliance, clinical, 1618
Computed axial tomography (CAT), 228
Computed tomography (CT), 228229, 230, 230f, 300, 302f
Computer-based training modules (CBT), 173
Computerized physician/provider order entry (CPOE)
with CDSS, 139
EMR and
departmental clinical support applications, 157158
medical errors, reducing, 153
overview, 150, 151
physicians on computer in advance, 158159
products, 169
informatics application, 192193
KLAS data, 161
for medication, 64
modification of order details, 170171
orderables, construction of, 169
order sets design and construction, 171172
physician pilot for, 176177
synonyms, 170
time-saving features, 192193
Computerized reminder systems, 194
Computer login efficiency and performance, 157
Computers, for clinical care, 156157
Computer tutoring, 190
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report, 49
Connection weights, defined, 340
Constraints, project, 9798
Content management software, 205
Continuing education, 191
closure, 123124
cost reimbursement, 99
fixed-price/lump-sum, 99
management systems, 1516
unit price, 99
vendor, management of, 120121
Convergence, improving health outcomes, 270
Coordination of care
community of health and wellness, 26, 3235, 38
improvement, MU and, 6667, 72
Cost management, project
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 117118
initiation phase, 8990, 92
planning phase, 104106
Cost reimbursement contract, 99
Cost(s), healthcare
of care, 320, 321
current and predicted, 322
EMR, 152153
high-cost plan members, 323324
HIT, use, 4849
I2S2, 205
lacking health insurance, 47
lowering, 260, 265269
PPS deployment and, 201202
of projects, 8384
reducing, 28, 49
rising, 270
WHO statistics, 4647
CPOE, see Computerized physician/provider order entry (CPOE)
Critical access hospital (CAH), 52, 53
Crossing Quality Chasm, 48, 57, 127
Customer relationship management (CRM)
characteristics, 201
in healthcare, 2021
with physicians, 201204


Dashboard design, effectiveness of, 284286, 285f
analytics, advanced and predictive, 3132, 32f
description of, 337338
electronic healthcare, see Electronic health data
exchanges, complexities, 2
for medical practitioners, 223224, 224t
standards for, 223225, 224t
medical, see Medical data
producing new knowledge from, 195
resources, enhancing, 305317; see also Business intelligence
structured and unstructured, 246247, 290
valuation, analytics and, 286290, 301, 302303
Data acquisition, medical, 225233
EKG, EEG, 226, 227f
imaging informatics, 230, 231233, 232f
pulse oximetry, 227
scanners, 227230
CT, 228229, 230, 230f
DICOM, 230, 231f
MRI, 227, 228229, 228f
PET, 229, 229f, 230f
sensors, 225226, 226f
Data-driven community, of health, 3235, 34f
Data mining, 333348, 353366
advertising spend vs. revenue curve, 287288, 287f
applications, 288, 359361
big data, on data analytics, 336337
business intelligence and, 316317
cancer blogs with UIMA, 362366
blog postings, 365
phases and milestones, 365366
case study of DSSs, 337345
description of data, 337338
objective, 337
defined, 238, 355
discovery techniques, 357358
examples, 361362
in healthcare, 238239, 240f
healthcare alerting systems, 333336
informatics through management theory, 1112
large data sets, 240243, 243f
mining and scoring, 359
models, 338345
ANNs, 339341, 340f, 344
assessment of, 341342, 341t, 342f
for colorectal cancer, 343345, 343f, 345t
decision trees, 338339, 344
logistic regression, 338
overview, 353355
pattern-discovering algorithms, 356
predictive techniques, 358
as process, 356359
real-time mining and big data, 289290
source of information, 288
structured and unstructured data, 290
text mining, examples, 345348
value of, 355356
value of data and, 286290
Data privacy, issue, 22
Data requirements, I2S2 content in, 207
Decision support systems (DSSs)
case study of, 337345
data mining, models, 338345
description of data, 337338
objective, 337
functionalities, 12
Decision trees, 336, 338339, 344
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 309
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 240, 241
Deliverables, project phases
closeout, 125126
execution and monitoring and controlling, 122
initiation, 93
planning, 109110
Departmental clinical support applications, 157158
Deployment, of departmental clinical support applications, 157158
Derby database application, 365
Design phase, 137143, 140f, 141f, 142f
Diabetes, wireless medical sensors and, 3536
coding, 14
patient, structured and unstructured data for, 246247
Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRGs), 244, 292, 309
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), 230, 231f
Director, project, 129130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, 143, 144
Discharge planning, 346347
Discovery techniques, data mining, 357358
DMAIC methodology, Six Sigma, 291, 311312
assessment for, 134135, 135t
processes and workflow, 154155
post-discharge chart, making, 158159
knowledge transfer, 124125
updating, 121
work results, 116
provider notes, 172
workflow, 138139
Downtime procedures, 157
Dynamic reporting through OLAP, 280, 281284, 282f


Earth Cube, 241
Eclipse, 364, 365
continuing, 191
CSA and, 131, 139
in design phase, 142143
individualized educational programs, 190
I2S2 content in, 208209
issues, 143144
medical staff and hospital staff, 173175
patient, 6566, 7172
Educators, 131132, 142143, 174, 175
Edwin Smith Papyrus, 219220
Efficiencies, healthcare, 8
areas for, 1221
clinical and operational activities, 1820
compliance issues, 1618
CRM, 2021
financial activities, 1316
gains, sources of, 307
improvement, 6365, 303304
Electrocardiogram (EKG), 226, 227f
Electronic health data, IT and, 2538
advanced and predictive data analytics, 3132, 32f
data-driven community of health, 3235, 34f
mobile health, 3538, 37f
overview, 2528
role, 2831, 29f
Electronic health records (EHRs)
attitudes regarding use of IT and stages, 5960, 59f
CEHRT, 5156, 63, 66, 70
foundational requirement, 5859, 58f
functionalities, MU and, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
growing utilization of devices, 18
information overload and, 188189
laggards, 6061
physicians, participation, 5758, 59
for quality measures to CMS, 6465, 66, 68
reminder systems within, 194
text mining techniques, 348
time-saving features, 192
widespread implementation of, 49
Electronic medical records (EMRs), 150179
advantages, 163164
business intelligence in, 310316
evaluation, 310311
reviewing workflow, 311316, 314f, 316f
CPOE and
departmental clinical support applications, 157158
KLAS data, 161
medical errors, reducing, 153
overview, 150, 151
physicians on computer in advance, 158159
disadvantages, 164
medical error reduction proposition, 153154
methodology for adoption, 155
overview, 150152
perceptions, costs, and outcomes, 152153
preplanning for, 154155
prerequisites, 156158
clinical access to computer workstations, 156157
computer authentication login and performance, 157
departmental clinical support applications in advance of CPOE, 157158
downtime procedures, 157
products, 169179
building physician favorite folders, 175176
change control and long-term user support, 178179
CME credit, 175
CPOE, 169
education, 173175
go-live, 177178
modification of order details, 170171
order sets design and construction, 171172
physician pilot for CPOE, 176177
provider notes, 172
refining, usability testing, 172173
synonyms, 170
recommendations, 179180
transformation, 151, 155, 158169
communicating expectations, 164165
engaging physicians in process, 165
patient care pathways for orders, development of, 159160
physician leadership, 165168
physicians, 160161
physicians on computer in advance of CPOE and documentation, 158159
project organization, management, and budget, 168169
rationale for EMR implementation, 162163
recommended steps, 162165
on workflow, 163164
Eligible hospital (EH), 52, 53
Eligible professionals (EPs), 5154, 63, 70
EMRs, see Electronic medical records (EMRs)
Engagement, measuring member, 325
Environment, project management, 8182, 82f
Episodes of care (EOCs), analytics of, 291293
Episode treatment groups (ETGs), analytics of, 291293
Error(s), medical
detection, HIT and, 191
reduction proposition, 153154
Execution and monitoring and controlling, project, 111122
activities, 112121
budget management, 117118
communication planning, 112113
issue management, 118119
project documents, updating, 121
project life cycle checkpoints, 120
quality management, 117
risk management, 113114
schedule management, 114115
scope management, 116117
update meetings, conducting, 119120
vendor contracts, management of, 120121
work results, documentation, 116
deliverables, 122
overview, 111112
Executive sponsor, 129, 130, 131, 133, 137, 139, 143, 144
Executive steering committee, 120, 128129, 133, 137, 144, 145
Expenditures, see Cost(s)
Expert systems, medical data and, 237238, 237f


Facebook, 346
Fair Market Value site, 208
Families, engagement, 6566, 7172
Favorite folders, physician(s) 175176
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 50
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 233, 235
Federally Qualified Health Clinics (FQHCs), 33
Final acceptance meeting, 123
Final contract review, 123124
Financial activities, healthcare efficiencies, 1316
Fitbit®, 36
Fixed-price/lump-sum contract, 99
Forecasting, level of analytical capabilities, 257
Fraud, analytical, 265267


Game changers, 4956
Gantt charts, 80
Genomic mapping, of large data sets, 239, 240f
Geovisualization, 300
Go-live period, 143144, 177178
Go-live support staff, 177178
Governance, I2S2 content in, 206207
Graphics, in analytics, 295303
types, 296300, 296f, 297f, 298f, 299f, 300f, 301f, 302f
value of data, 301, 302303
Grievances, 21
Guidelines and education, I2S2 content in, 208209
Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide), 8283


Health, data-driven community of, 3235, 34f
Health analytics, see Analytics
Health and Human Services Department (HHS), 221, 223
business intelligence in, see Business intelligence
data mining in, see Data mining
efficiencies, areas for, 1221; see also Areas, for healthcare efficiencies
electronic data, see Electronic health data
informatics, application of, see Applications, of healthcare informatics
IT and informatics, see Information technology (IT)
knowledge translation in, see Knowledge translation
processes, management of, 89
productivity, efficiency and uniqueness, 8
project management, see Project management
quality time in, see Quality time
in rural setting, 3335, 34f
text mining in, see Text mining
Health disparities, reducing, 6365
Health informatics, defined, 9
Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), 62, 224t, 234, 235
Health information exchanges (HIEs)
formation of, 28
purpose, 30
role, 30
Health information technology (HIT)
errors, detection, 191
knowledge translation and, 184
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, 6, 26, 4950, 56, 63, 70
Health Insurance Portability and Accountably Act (HIPAA), 22, 26, 223, 223f
Health IT Committee, 50
Health IT Standards Committee, 50
Health Level Seven (HL7), 223, 224, 234
Health outcomes, improving, 260, 269272
Health professional needs, areas of health informatics and, 186195
clinician and patient deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
Health status, defined, 324
Heat maps, 299300, 300f, 301f
HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act, 6, 26, 4950, 56, 63, 70
Hospital consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems (HCAHPS) score, 20
Hospital readmission, defined, 346
Hot spotting, 246, 319320, 325
Human resource, requirements, 102103


IBM, 8, 293, 294, 354, 361
Imaging informatics, 230, 231233, 232f
EHRs, 49
physician, engagement, 165
rationale for, 162163
ITs, 911
Implementation, CIS
phases, 132145
design phase, 137143, 140f, 141f, 142f
go-live, 143144
system optimization, 144145, 146f
system selection, 133136, 135t, 136f
Influenza, 194, 346
Informatics, health; see also Information technology (IT)
areas of health professional needs, 186195
clinician and patient deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
defined, 9
imaging, 230, 231233, 232f
nurse specialist, 133134
through management theory, 912
business intelligence and decision support systems, 12
project and knowledge management, 911
Six Sigma and data mining, 1112
actionable, conceptual framework, 322323
care management, 321322
overload, 187190
source of, 288
Information creation, through analytics, 276304
business intelligence, 277286
dashboards, 284285, 285f
dynamic reporting through OLAP, 280, 281284, 282f
pivot tables, 279280, 280t, 281t
reports, 277279, 279f
robust, dashboard views and, 286
cognitive systems, 293295
data mining and value of data, 286290
advertising spend vs. revenue curve, 287288, 287f
applications, 288
real-time mining and big data, 289290
source of information, 288
structured and unstructured data, 290
efficiency and productivity, 303304
EOCs and ETGs, 291293
graphics, 295303
types, 296300, 296f, 297f, 298f, 299f, 300f, 301f, 302f
value of data, 301, 302303
overview, 276277
Six Sigma analytics, 290291
Information technology (IT), 122
areas, for healthcare efficiencies, 1221
compliance issues, 1618
CRM, 2021
financial activities, 1316
quality improvement in clinical and operational activities, 1820
attitudes regarding use of IT and stages of EHR, 5960, 59f
data privacy, 22
electronic health data and, see Electronic health data
healthcare processes, management of, 89
historical perspective, 37, 4f, 4t, 5f
informatics through management theory, 912
business intelligence and decision support systems, 12
project and knowledge management, 911
Six Sigma and data mining, 1112
overview, 13
productivity, efficiency and uniqueness, 8
strategies, MU and, 6269; see also Meaningful Use (MU), of HIT
system selection, 133136, 135t, 136f
transformation, in healthcare, 305
Initiation, project, 8493
activities, 8692
business need/opportunity, 87
business objectives and benefits, 8788
cost-benefit, 8990, 92
key stakeholders, 8889
risk management, 92
schedule estimates, 9092
sponsor/leader, 8687
strategic mission and vision, 88
deliverables, 93
overview, 8485
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) website, 62
Institute of Health Policy and Management, 193
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 4849, 50, 127, 191
Insurance, health, 4748, 267, 356
Integrated Information Shared Services (I2S2) intranet, 204210
approach, 205209, 206f
results, 209210
role, 201
Intelligence, business, see Business intelligence
Interactive decision support, 360
International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD)
ICD- 9 and ICD-10 coding, 14, 1718
standard, by WHO, 224225
Internet, evolution, 6
Interoperability of CEHRT 51
for medical practitioners, 223224, 224t
standards for, 223225, 224t
healthcare system, 3335, 34f
of system sharing of medical images, 230
Introduction to Study of Experimental Medicine, 220
ISO/IEEE 11073, 235
Issue management, project
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 118119
planning phase, 107108
IT, see Information technology (IT)


Jenkins, Will, Dr., 46


Keeping Patients Safe, 127
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 263, 285, 286
Knowledge discovery techniques, 323325, 326f
Knowledge management, 911
Knowledge transfer, 124125
Knowledge translation, 181196
areas of health professional needs, health informatics, 186195
clinician and patient deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
computerized reminder systems, 194
CPOE system, 192193
information overload, 187190
producing new knowledge from data, 195
time pressures, 192
workflow applications, 193194
challenges, 195196
CIHR on, 183184
HIT and, 184
overview, 181184
strategies for improving, 185186
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistics, 341, 344, 345t
Kotter, John, 4445
Kryder’s law, for data storage, 218
K -space formalism, 228


Laggards, 6061
establishing, 86
role and responsibilities, 8687
team, 130
Leadership, physician, 165168
Lifestyle factors, rheumatoid arthritis and, 270271
Line charts, 297, 298f
Logistic regression models, 338
Long-term user support, change control and, 178179
Lymphatic drainage patterns, visualization of, 300, 301f


MACRA (Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act), 52, 55, 56, 70, 73
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 227, 228229, 228f
Make-or-buy analysis, 98
Managed Care Plans (MCPs), 320
contract, 1516
customer relationship, 2021
EMR project, 168169
of healthcare processes, 89
project, see Project management
theory, informatics through, 912
business intelligence and decision support systems, 12
project and knowledge management, 911
Six Sigma and data mining, 1112
Map visuals, 299300, 300f
Maturity, analytical, 254
Mayo Clinic, 347, 354
M.D. Anderson Cancer Centers, 294
Meaningful Use (MU), of HIT, 4373
consequences, 7273
developing plan, 5661
of EHRs, 26, 5061
EMR adoption and, 151, 161
goals for, 44, 5056
incentive program, 5056
IT strategies and, 6269
care coordination, improvement, 6667, 72
health disparities, reducing, 6365
patient and family engagement, 6566, 7172
population and public health, improvement, 6768, 72
privacy and security protections, 6869
quality, safety and efficiency, improvement, 6365
objectives, 71
overview, 67
Stage 2, 51, 5253, 63, 6569
Stage 3, 52, 5354, 7071
Medicaid, 17, 50, 54, 55, 320
Medical data, mining of, 218247
analytic applications, 243247
data acquisition, 225233
EKG, EEG, 226, 227f
imaging informatics, 230, 231233, 232f
pulse oximetry, 227
scanners, 227230
sensors, 225226, 226f
data mining and big data, 238239, 240f
expert systems, 237238, 237f
future directions, 240243, 243f
genomic mapping of large data sets, 239, 240f
modern medicine, evolution of, 219221, 222f
other evolving mining, 243247
risk stratification, 245246
structured and unstructured data, 246247
workflow analytics of provider organizations, 244245
overview, 218219
standards, 221, 223225, 223f, 224t
wireless medical devices, 233236
bluetooth wireless communications, 233234
BNS, 234235, 234f
integrated data capture modeling for, 235236, 236f
protected spectrum, 235
Medical error reduction proposition, 153154
Medical informatics, defined, 9
Medical service exam (MSE), 313, 314, 314f
Medicare, 17, 21, 28, 47, 50, 55
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), 52, 55, 56, 70, 73
Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (MSSP ACO), 28
Medline, 187
Meetings, conducting
final acceptance, 123
update, 119120
Memorial Sloan Kettering, 294
Merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS), 52, 55, 70
for adoption of EMR, 155
project management, 8283
Milestones, establishing, 101102
Mining technique, 359
Mobile health, 3538, 37f
Models, data mining, 338345
ANNs, 339341, 340f, 344
assessment of, 341342
AUC, 341342, 341t, 342f, 344, 345t
KS statistics, 341
for colorectal cancer, 343345, 343f, 345t
decision trees, 338339, 344
logistic regression, 338
Modern medicine, evolution of, 219221, 222f
Modification, of order details, 170171
MU, see Meaningful Use (MU)
Multivariate analytics, knowledge discovery through, 323325, 326f


Nance, John, 4546
National Coordinator for Health IT, 50
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 230
National Institute of Standards, 221, 223
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 240243, 243f
National Science Foundation (NSF), 240243, 243f
“Never event” prohibitions, 19
New knowledge from data, producing, 195
New Yorker, 319, 320321
Niazkhani, Zahra, 193
Nightingale, Florence, 220221
defined, 339
input, hidden, and output, 339340
transformations, 344
Notes on Nursing, 220221
in change management, 138
CIS implementation, 128; see also Clinical information system (CIS)
in CSA role, 138
education, 132
evaluation and medical history review, 313
informatics nurse specialist, 133134
on informatics staff, 151152
manager of cardiac unit, 256, 257
patient-centered workflow, 193
in selection process, 135136
as superuser, 135
Nursing, in implementation of CIS, see also Clinical information system (CIS)


analytical, 254
DSSs, 337
MU of HIT, 71
physician-led informatics, 203t
defining, 9697
initiation phase, 8788
Office of National Coordinator (ONC), 50
Online analytical processing (OLAP)
application of, 279
dynamic reporting through, 280, 281284, 282f
Open Clinical, 189
Operational activities, quality improvement in, 1820
level of analytical capabilities, 258
phase, CIS implementation, 144145, 146f
construction of, 169
synonyms, 170
Order details, modification of, 170171
Order entry formats, defined, 169
Order sets
common uses for, 171
defined, 171
design and construction, 171172
Organizational performance, improving, 260, 261264, 262t, 264t
for ALOS, 203
assessment, 123124
EMR, 152153
health, improving, 260, 269272
improvement, application of healthcare informatics, see Applications, of healthcare informatics
treatment, structured and unstructured data for, 246247


Paralysis, analysis, 252254
Pasteur, Louis, 181182
Patient care pathways for orders, development of, 159160
Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), 3
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), 26
deficits in knowledge and skills, 190192
diagnosis, structured and unstructured data for, 246247
health information, access, 6566, 7172
satisfaction, 2021, 281, 282, 283, 311
treatment intelligence, 307308
Patient Safety and Potential Error and Event Reporting (PEERs) site, 207
“Pay for performance” programs, 19
Payments, Medicare, 28
Perceptions, EMR, 152153
Performance, organizational, 260, 261264, 262t, 264t
Personal health information, privacy and security protections for, 6869
Phase entrance criteria, 101102
Phase exit criteria, 101
Phases, of CIS implementation, 132145
design phase, 137143, 140f, 141f, 142f
go-live, 143144
system optimization, 144145, 146f
system selection, 133136, 135t, 136f
Phases, project life cycle, 84126
closeout, 122126
activities, 123125
deliverables, 125126
overview, 122123
execution and monitoring and controlling, 111122
activities, 112121
deliverables, 122
overview, 111112
initiation, 8493
activities, 8692
deliverables, 93
overview, 8485
planning, 93110
activities, 94109
deliverables, 109110
overview, 9394
Physician-led informatics, case study, 201204
approach, 202
objectives of, 203t
results, 202, 203204, 204f
Physician Practice Management site, 208
Physician Profiling System (PPS), 201
CRM with, 201204
engaging, in EMR design and implementation processes, 165
favorite folders, building, 175176
leadership, 165168
participation, EHRs and, 5758, 59
physician-driven project, 161
pilot for CPOE, 176177
resistance, 160161
transformation, 160161
Picture archiving and communication system (PACS), 230, 231
Pie charts, 296, 296f
Pilot, for CPOE, 176177
Pivot tables, 279280, 280t, 281t
Plan, developing
MU of HITs, 5661
project, 109
Plan members’ health, action for, 319326
actionable information, conceptual framework, 322323
knowledge discovery through multivariate analytics, 323325, 326f
overview, 319321
Planning, project, 93110
activities, 94109
charter, developing, 96
communication planning, 108109
constraints and assumptions, 9798
cost estimate and budget, 104106
human resource requirements, 102103
issue management, 107108
milestones, establishing, 101102
objectives, defining, 9697
other resource requirements, 104
procurement and sourcing strategy, 9899
project managers, 9496
project plan, developing, 109
quality management plan, 106107
risk management, 106
schedule/work plan, developing, 99101
scope, defining, 96
scope management, 108
deliverables, 109110
overview, 9394
PMBOK® Guide (Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge), 8283
PMO (project management office), 8384
Point-of-care information systems, 187188
Point of care (POC) technology, 139
Population analytics, 299
Population and public health, improvement, 6768, 72
Positron emission tomography (PET), 229, 229f, 230f
Postings, blog, 365
Practices, clinical office, 6162
Predictive data analytics, 3132, 32f
Predictive modeling, level of analytical capabilities, 258
Predictive techniques, data mining, 358
Premier, 29
Preplanning, for EMR, 154155
Prerequisites, EMR, 156158
clinical access to computer workstations, 156157
computer authentication login and performance, 157
departmental clinical support applications in advance of CPOE, 157158
downtime procedures, 157
Preventive care, 47, 219, 335
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 46
Primary care, 3233, 4647
data, 22
protection for personal health information, 6869
Procurement strategy, determining, 9899
Productivity, of healthcare, 8, 303304
Products, EMR, 169179
building physician favorite folders, 175176
change control and long-term user support, 178179
CME credit, 175
CPOE, 169
education, 173175
go-live, 177178
modification of order details, 170171
order sets design and construction, 171172
physician pilot for CPOE, 176177
provider notes, 172
refining, usability testing, 172173
synonyms, 170
Product scope, defined, 96
Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) diagrams, 8081
Project communication planning, 108109
Project constraints and assumptions, identifying, 9798
Project director, 129130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, 143, 144
Project documents, updating, 121
Project management, for healthcare, 80126
definition, 8081
environment, 8182, 82f
implementations of ITs, 911
life cycle phases, 84126
closeout, 122126
execution and monitoring and controlling, 111122
initiation, 8493
planning, 93110
methodology, 8283
office (PMO), 8384
overview, 80
Project manager
assigning, 9496
role and responsibilities, 95, 100, 102103
skills, 95
Project organization, EMR, 168169
Project plan
deliverables, 109110
developing, 109
Project report, final, 125126
Project scope
defined, 96
management, 108, 116117
Project status reports, 122
Provider notes, 172
Pruning, 339
Pulse oximetry, 227


Quality, of care, 320321
Quality improvement
in clinical and operational activities, 1820
IT strategies and MU, 6365
Quality management, project
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 117
planning phase, 106107
Quality time, in healthcare, 4373
assessing and redesigning, 6162
developing plan, 5661
drivers of change, 4849
game changers, 4956
overview, 4348
Query drilldown, 256


Rationale, for EMR implementation, 162163
Real-time mining, big data and, 289290
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, 341342, 341t, 342f, 343f, 344
Redesigning, practice, 6162
Refining, EMR products, 172173
Reforms, healthcare, 2528
Reminder systems, computerized, 194
Reports, business, 277279, 279f
Request for information (RFI) document, 133, 134
Request for proposal (RFP) document, 133, 134
Resistance, physician, 160161
data, enhancing, 305317; see also Business intelligence
human, 102103
other, 104
CSAs, 130131
educator, 131132
executive sponsors, 137
project director, 129130
project manager, 95, 100, 102103
project sponsor/leader, 8687
clinical ADE alert system, 213214
I2S2 intranet, 209210
from physicians’ involvement, 202, 203204, 204f
Revenue curve, advertising spend vs., 287288, 287f
Rheumatoid arthritis, lifestyle factors and, 270271
Risk, stratification, 245246
Risk management, project
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 113114
initiation phase, 92
planning phase, 106
ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve, 341342, 341t, 342f, 343f, 344
electronic health data and IT, 2831, 29f
HIEs, 30
nursing, in CIS implementation, 128132
CSAs, 130131
educator, 131132
executive sponsor, 129
project director, 129130
superusers, 132
team leader, 130
project manager, 95, 100, 102103
project sponsor/leader, 8687
Rules engines, 265266
Rural healthcare challenges, 3335, 34f


Safety, improvement, 6365
application of healthcare informatics, see Applications, of healthcare informatics
SAS Enterprise Miner 6. 1, 337, 338, 343, 343f, 344
patient, 2021, 281, 282, 283, 311
staff, 145
Savings, use of HITs and, 49
Scanners, medical, 227230
CT, 228229, 230, 230f
DICOM, 230, 231f
MRI, 227, 228229, 228f
PET, 229, 229f, 230f
Scatterplots, 297, 298f
Schedule management, project execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 114115
initiation phase, 9092
planning phase, 99101
Scientific advancement, improving health outcomes, 270
Scope management, project
defined, 96
execution and monitoring and controlling phases, 116117
project planning phase, 108
Scoring technique, 359, 361
Security, protection for personal health information, 6869
Sensors, medical, 225226, 226f
Six Sigma
analytics, 290291
analyzing data resources, 1112
business intelligence in EMRs, 310316
evaluation, 310311
reviewing workflow, 311316, 314f, 316f
DMAIC project methodology, 291, 311312
Skills, clinician and patient deficits in, 190192
Smart Health and Wellbeing (SHB) program, 241242
Sourcing strategy, determining, 9899
Special interest working group (SIG), 234
Sponsored Provider Network site, 208
executive, 129, 130, 131, 133, 137, 139, 143, 144
meetings, 120
establishing, 86
role and responsibilities, 8687
clinical support, 151, 154, 162
go-live support, 177178
building physician favorite folders, 176
education, 173175
guidelines and education, 208
leadership, 166168
preparing, for EMR, 158159
transformation of, 162
nurses, in selection process, 135136
resources, optimizing, 17, 102103
satisfaction, 145
defined, 88
key, identifying and engaging, 8889
medical data, 221, 223225, 223f, 224t
reports, 256
State-of-the-art voice recognition software, 172
Statistical analysis, level of analytical capabilities, 257
Status meeting, 119120
business intelligence and, 310316; see also Business intelligence
mission and vision, alignment with, 88
Stratification, risk, 245246
Streaming mining, 289
Strokes, 190
Structured data
analytics of, 290
for patient diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 246247
Success, measure of, 306308
Superusers, 60, 132, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 144
Survey Readiness link, 208209
Swine flu, 334, 346
Synonyms, 170
Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED), 225
System selection, CIS implementation, 133136, 135t, 136f


Team leader, 130
Telemedicine technologies, 242
Testing, usability, 172173
Text Analysis and Knowledge Mining (TAKMI), 361362
Text mining healthcare alerting systems; see also Data mining
examples, 345348
overview, 333334
The Joint Commission (TJC), 133
Time-saving features, 192
Time series line charts, 297, 298f
Time stamps, 244
To Err Is Human, 48, 127
Traffic analysis, 299
Transformation, in healthcare
EHR system-enabled care, 5859, 58f
EMR and, 151, 155, 158169
communicating expectations, 164165
engaging physicians in process, 165
patient care pathways for orders, development of, 159160
physician, 160161
physician leadership, 165168
physicians on computer in advance of CPOE and documentation, 158159
project organization, management, and budget, 168169
rationale for EMR implementation, 162163
successful, recommended steps, 162165
on workflow, 163164
healthcare providers, 1314
HIT-enabled care, 53, 56, 58
of input data, 344
IT transformation, 305
nodes, 344
Treatment outcomes
patients, 307308
structured and unstructured data for, 246247
Trinity Health, case study, 200215
clinical ADE alert system, 210214
approach, 211213
background, 210211
results, 213214
I2S2 intranet, 204210
approach, 205209, 206f
results, 209210
overview, 200201
physician-led informatics, 201204
approach, 202
objectives of, 203t
results, 202, 203204, 204f
Twitter, 346


Uniqueness, of healthcare, 8
Unit price contract, 99
Unstructured data
analytics of, 290
for patient diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 246247
Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA), cancer blogs with, 362366 see also Cancer blogs
Updated planning documents, 122
Update meetings, conducting, 120
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 22, 32, 55, 70, 223
U.S. Healthcare Affordable Care Act, 346
Usability testing, 172173
Utilization collaborative team (UCT), 203, 204f


data, 286290, 301, 302303
data mining, 355356
Variable distribution analysis, 297, 298f
Vendor contracts, management of, 120121
Veratect, 334
Vioxx, 354
Voice recognition software, 172


Watson, 8, 293, 294
Web content management (WCM) system, 205
Web crawlers, 362
Welltok, 294
Why Hospitals Should Fly, 4546
Wibree, 235
Wireless medical devices, 233236
bluetooth wireless communications, 233234
BNS, 234235, 234f
integrated data capture modeling for, 235236, 236f
protected spectrum, 235
Wireless medical sensors, 3536
Work breakdown structure (WBS), developing, 99101
analytics of provider organizations, 244245
applications, 193194
documentation, 138139, 154155
EMR on, 163164
reviewing, business intelligence and Six Sigma, 311316, 314f, 316f
Work plan, see Schedule management
Work results, documentation, 116
Workspace, requirements, 104
Workstations, computer clinical access to, 156157
World Health Organization (WHO), 46, 224225, 334


XDATA program, 241
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