A Focus on Building Alerting Systems for Decision Support




Introduction to Healthcare Alerting Systems

An Overview of Data Mining for Healthcare Alerting Systems

Big Data in Healthcare Today

Case Study of Decision Support Systems

Description of Data

Data Mining Models

Logistic Regression

Decision Trees

Artifcial Neural Networks

Assessment of Data Mining Models

Kolmogorov–Smirnov Statistic

Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve

Three Data Mining Models for Colorectal Cancer

Text Mining Healthcare Alerting Examples



Introduction to Healthcare Alerting Systems

Alerting systems for healthcare have been in existence since the 1950s in the United States and focused initially on the development of diagnostic systems.1 One of the earliest examples of a successfully implemented healthcare alerting system was in an emergency department in the United Kingdom between 1969 and 1974 that diagnosed the cause of a patient’s abdominal pain.2

More recently, researchers have used advances in data mining to enhance healthcare alerting systems. Perhaps the most notable recent development in data mining alerting systems is the Washington-based company Veratect, which used data mining techniques to predict the swine flu 18 days before the World Health Organization (WHO). Eighteen days before WHO issued the alert about the possible swine flu pandemic, Veratect reported a strange outbreak of respiratory disease in La Gloria, Mexico, noting that local residents thought the flu outbreak was related to contamination from pig breeding from nearby farms. Veratect uses a mining technique to automatically search tens of thousands of websites daily for early signs of medical problems. When items of interest are found, the results are turned over to analysts who post the results on the company’s website.3

Data mining alerting systems are algorithms that require training a set of solutions to a problem and can make decisions on new problems with incomplete facts. They are commonly used in biomedical pattern recognition. These types of alerting systems are the main focus of this chapter. The three main algorithms that are emphasized are logistic regression, decision trees, and artificial neural networks (ANNs). Before these algorithms are described, an overview of data mining for healthcare alerting systems is presented.

An Overview of Data Mining for Healthcare Alerting Systems

Over the last decade there has been widespread use of medical information systems and an explosive growth of medical databases. These stockpiles of data mainly contain patient data. But the data’s hidden value, the power to predict certain trends, has largely gone untapped. Unless the data are used properly, it is a waste of resources to collect and store them. The data gathered in medical databases require specialized tools for storing and accessing data, data analysis, and effective use of the data. In particular, the increase in data causes great difficulties in extracting useful information for decision support.

To counter the difficulty of trying to analyze large amounts of data, the medical community has turned to data mining techniques. Data mining is the analysis of data sets to find unsuspected relationships and to summarize the data in novel ways that are both understandable and useful to the data owner.4 Data mining, in general, can help extract regularities hidden in the data and formulate knowledge in the form of patterns and rules.

Published reviews of using data mining alerting systems in the health-care industry have concluded that the most promising systems are for drug dosing and preventive care.5,6 These studies serve to alert against adverse effects from prescription drugs, or to promote greater compliance with practice guidelines in health maintenance activities such as vaccinations and mammography. One review paper noted that computer- aided evaluation of mammograms already helps to cut the number of missed lesions by half without increasing the false-positive rate.7

Data mining has been used to automatically identify new, unexpected, and potentially interesting patterns in hospital infection control at the University of Alabama Hospital.8 A decision support system was implemented that used association rules to represent outcomes and monitor changes in the incidence of those outcomes over time. The hospital was able to demonstrate that the data mining decision support system developed proved to be effective and efficient in identifying potentially interesting and previously unknown patterns.

Specific data mining algorithms such as decision trees and logistic regression have been used in many published studies to develop alerting systems in healthcare. In particular, readmissions to hospitals prove very costly, and are usually a sign of patients not understanding how to appropriately obtain the necessary follow-up care after leaving the hospital. Traditionally, decision trees and logistic regression have been used as the primary decision support tools, primarily because of time constraints.9 A recent study compared logistic regression to decision tree models, along with other complex models, to determine which was more effective in terms of predicting hospital readmissions within 45 days of discharge.10 The researchers specifically examined patients suffering from pulmonary-type diseases and asthma. The results of the study found that the logistic regression and decision trees predicted a comparable accuracy rate of hospital readmission as compared to the more complex statistical models. Given that the models have produced excellent predictive accuracies, this could be a valuable decision support tool for healthcare managers and policymakers for informed decision making in the management of diseases, which ultimately contributes to improved measures for hospital performance management.

Delen et al. reported a research study in which they developed several prediction models for breast cancer.11 Specifically, they used three popular data mining methods: decision trees, ANNs, and logistic regression. They acquired a large database of breast cancer patient information: 433,272 patients with 72 predictor variables. The purpose of the models was to predict survival five years from the date of diagnosis. The results of the study indicated that the decision tree performed the best among the three models examined. The decision tree helped identify certain important predictor variables that clinicians could look for when examining new patients.

Medical researchers have begun to examine the methodology of particular data mining algorithms such as ANNs to develop alerting systems. Shukla et al. provide a comprehensive literature review detailing how ANNs are being used in the medical community as alerting systems.12 The published literature suggests that ANN models have been shown to be valuable tools in reducing the workload on clinicians by detecting patterns and providing decision support.13,14

Big Data in Healthcare Today

An overview of data mining in healthcare would not be complete without a discussion of big data. The impact of big data on data analytics in the healthcare field is enormous, with the potential to improve patient outcomes, save lives, change healthcare policy, reduce costs, and more efficiently manage resources. Bates et al. give several examples of using big data to showcase how the resource is providing opportunity to change the healthcare landscape, ranging from treatment optimization to reducing the number or readmissions to hospitals.9

One example concerns chronic conditions that encompass multiple organ systems; these are among the costliest conditions to treat.9 The authors illustrate the use of clinical data analytics that allow the organ path of the disease to be detected. Being able to detect which organ the disease will attack next allows the healthcare workers to target the organ proactively with specific treatments. Tailoring a treatment to a specific patient has the ability to save patient lives and enhance treatment regimens for patients.

At the core of big data analytics is the healthcare organization’s ability to analyze a wide range of big data. From within and outside its four walls, the organization can determine what is happening in real time with regard to patients. For example, a recent study reported that healthcare providers were using smartphones to allow patients in rural areas to take pictures of their eyes, send those images to the healthcare provider, employ an ANN to detect retinal disease within a matter of minutes, and provide the patient with a real-time diagnosis, thus allowing the patient to receive any follow-up care in a more efficient manner. The system provided an 87% accuracy diagnosis and is currently being tested to detect skin cancer.15

As the healthcare industry faces a rapidly changing data environment, it is vital that healthcare organizations become data driven. They must treat data as a strategic asset and put processes and systems in place that allow them to access and analyze data in many different formats and forms, to inform decision-making processes and drive actionable results. The case study in the next section illustrates how data can be used to support clinical decision making.

Case Study of Decision Support Systems

The objective of this case study is to use SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 6.1 to build a decision tree, logistic regression, and ANN to predict five-year survival of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. First, a description of the data set is given. Then, the three data mining models used are summarized. Finally, we show how to use SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1 to build a valid analytical process flow for these data mining methods. In the demonstration, it is assumed that the user knows how to import data into Enterprise Miner and produce an analytical workflow. The results of the modeling nodes will not be shown or discussed. The purpose of this demonstration is to collect the appropriate diagnostic statistics from Enterprise Miner and do a comparison to see which predictive model performs the best.

Description of Data

The target variable for the predictive models is a binary variable indicating survival (or death) five years postsurgery for patients with CRC. The input variables used to build the predictive models consisted of age, race, and different types of variables that described tumor state, tumor differentiation, and the location of the tumor. Two CRC bio-marker variables were also available. There were 500 observations and 107 input variables.

Using all the described variables, a logistic regression, decision tree, and ANN will be built using SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1. The following is a brief description of each model type.

Data Mining Models

Logistic Regression A logistic regression model was built to model the probability of survival (or not) five years postsurgery for CRC. Logistic regression is used to model data when the target variable is binary (e.g., survive—yes/no; recurrence—yes/no). The probability of an outcome is related to a set of predictor variables by an equation of the form


where p is the probability of survival five years postsurgery for CRC, β0 is an intercept term, β1, …, βk are the coefficients associated with each variable, X1, …, Xk are the values of the predictor variables, and k is a unique subscript denoting each variable. The standard assumption is that the predictor variables are related in a linear fashion to the log odds {log[p/(1 – p)]} of the outcome of interest.

Decision Trees The type of decision tree used in this analysis was a classification and regression tree (CART).16 the settings in SAS Enterprise Miner can be adjusted to create such a tree. CART is an algorithm that is used to split the data into smaller segments called nodes that are homogeneous with respect to the outcome variable. At each node the algorithm examines all values of the predictor variables with respect to determining the best predictor variable and a value of that predictor variable that will best separate the data into more homogeneous subgroups with respect to the outcome variable. In other words, each node is a classification question, and the branches of the tree are partitions of the data set into different classes (those patients who will survive/not survive five years postsurgery). This process repeats itself in a recursive, iterative manner until no further separation of the data is feasible. Therefore, the terminal nodes at the end of the branches of the decision tree represent the different classes.

The second part of the algorithm is known as pruning. Pruning is applied to the decision tree to ensure that the algorithm does not overfit the training data. At each subsequent node, smaller amounts of observations are available. Toward the end of the splitting algorithm, idiosyncrasies of the training observations at a particular node can display a pattern that is specific only to those observations that can become meaningless and detrimental for prediction when applied to larger populations. Pruning removes smaller branches that failed to generalize using the validation data set.

Artificial Neural Networks The original development of the neural network was inspired by the way the brain recognizes patterns.17 The goal of an ANN is the same as in logistic regression, predicting an outcome based on the values of predictor variables; however, the approach used in developing the neural network model is quite different from that for logistic regression.

ANNs have the ability to “learn” mathematical relationships between a series of input (predictor) variables and the corresponding output (outcome) variables. This is achieved by “training” the network with a training data set that consists of the predictor variables and a known outcome variable. Once the ANN has been trained, the model can be used for classification on a validation data set.

Figure 14.1 illustrates an ANN that has been trained to predict the probability of a patient dying of CRC five years postsurgery based on only two predictor variables: age and race. ANNs are often represented in diagrams such as the one in Figure 14.1. The circles in the diagram are known as nodes. A typical neural network consists of three layers of nodes: input, hidden, and output nodes. The values of the predictor variables reside in the input node. The output node contains the predicted output of the network. The hidden nodes in the diagram contain a function known as the activation function that allows the network to model complex nonlinear associations between the predictor variables and the outcome.

Each input node is connected to each hidden node, and each hidden node is connected to the output node. In this example, there are two input nodes where the values of age (X1) and race (X2) are input into the network along with a bias weight, which is the equivalent to an intercept term found in a regression model.


Figure 14.1 Diagram of neural network trained to predict the probability of a CRC patient’s survival five years postsurgery on the basis of age (X1) and race (X2).

The input nodes are connected to the hidden nodes by a connection weight (the connection weights are the lines in Figure 14.1 connecting the input and hidden nodes). The connection weights can be thought of as the neural network equivalent of the β coefficients in a logistic regression model. At each hidden node the connection weights are passed to an activation function, most commonly the sigmoid function. The activation function uses the connection weights to model any nonlinear relationship among the predictor variables and the outcome variable. Another set of connection weights is then passed from the hidden node to the output node to obtain the output of the network. This output of the network corresponds to the predicted probability of the outcome variable.

In the ANN analysis performed there were as many input nodes as predictor variables: three hidden nodes (the default setting in SAS Enterprise Miner) and one output node (probability of survival five years postsurgery for patients with CRC).

Each box represents an input node in which the predictor variables are input into the network. Each line represents a connection weight. Each circle in the middle of the diagram represents the hidden layers where the relationship between the predictor variables and the outcome is modeled. The last circle at the end of the diagram is where the probability of survival is output from the network.

Assessment of Data Mining Models

Kolmogorov–Smirnov Statistic The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) statistic was used as the measure to evaluate model performance. The KS statistic measures the difference between two distributions, where the actual KS statistic is the maximum difference between two different distributions. In this case, the two distributions of interest are the estimated probabilities of belonging to the survival or nonsurvival groups produced by the models. If the two distributions are the same, this implies the model did not effectively separate between survivors and nonsurvivors (implying a small KS statistic). On the other hand, significantly different distributions suggest good separation between the two groups (implying a larger KS statistic). The KS statistic has a known theoretical probability distribution, so a p-value was computed to determine if the two distributions are significantly different.

The predictive models were built on the training data set, and the validation data set was used to obtain the KS statistics and the corresponding p-value.

Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Another common predictive model diagnostic is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). For every given probability cutoff, the confusion matrix in Table 14.1 is computed.

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a plot of the false positive rate (x-axis) and true positive rate (y-axis) for every single probability cutoff. The ROC curve gives an indication of how well the models are separating between those patients who died and those who survived. A good predictive model will go up fairly steep and then start to level off. There is a 45° diagonal reference line on the ROC plot, as shown in Figure 14.2. The diagonal line represents where the false-positive and true positive rates are the same. If the ROC curve falls below this diagonal line, the model is no better than randomly assigning patients as dead or alive five years postsurgery. A model that has an ROC curve above this line is considered to be a good predictive model. Hence, the higher the AUC value, the better is the predictive model.

Table 14.1 Example of a Confusion Matrix

Good True positive False positive
Bad False negative True negative

ROC curves have been shown to be valuable tests in evaluating the detection of certain types of cancer.18 With the appropriate use of ROC curves, investigators of cancer detection tests can improve their research. In many cases, ROC curves help the medical community focus on classification rules with low false-positive rates, which are most important for the detection of cancer. However, these ROC curves should always be put in perspective, because a good classification rule for the detection of cancer does not guarantee that cancer screening will reduce cancer mortality.


Figure 14.2 ROC plots for the three predictive models.

Three Data Mining Models for Colorectal Cancer

Figure 14.3 displays the analytical process flow used in SAS Enterprise Miner 6.1.

Once the data are brought into Enterprise Miner, the first issue that needs to be addressed is splitting the modeling data set into training and validation data sets.

A critical step in prediction is choosing among competing models. Given a set of training data, you can easily generate models that very accurately predict a target value from a set of input predictor variables. Unfortunately, these predictions might be accurate only for the training data themselves. Attempts to generalize the predictions from the training data to an independent but similarly distributed sample can result in substantial reductions in accuracy.

To avoid this pitfall, SAS Enterprise Miner is designed to use a validation data set as a means of independently gauging model performance. Typically, the validation data set is created by partitioning the raw analysis data. Observations selected for training are used to build the model, and observations selected for validation are used to tune and compare models. For this modeling exercise 60% of the data were allocated to the training data set and 40% to the validation data set.


Figure 14.3 Analysis flow for the three predictive models in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 6.1.

The first analysis built was the decision tree. Decision tree models are advantageous because they are conceptually easy to understand, yet they readily accommodate nonlinear associations between input variables and one or more target variables. They also handle missing values without the need for imputation. CART was the specific decision tree used in this study. Enterprise Miner help files discuss how to set up the decision tree node as a CART.

The next node used in the analysis was the transform node. Sometimes, input data are more informative on a scale other than that on which they were originally collected. For example, variable transformations can be used to stabilize variance, remove nonlinearity, improve additivity, and counter nonnormality. Therefore, for many models, transformations of the input data (either dependent or independent variables) can lead to a better model fit. These transformations can be functions of either a single variable or of more than one variable. For this analysis, many of the input variables were highly skewed. Several different transformations were examined. The best transformation, in terms of making the input variables more symmetric, was the log.

After the transform node was used, the imputation node was used for the logistic and ANN models. In SAS Enterprise Miner, however, models such as regressions and neural networks ignore observations altogether that contain missing values, which reduces the size of the training data set. Less training data can substantially weaken the predictive power of these models. To overcome this obstacle of missing data, imputation of the missing values can be performed before the models are fit. For this analysis, the imputation technique chosen was the mean.

After the models are run, the model comparison node allows the user to obtain diagnostic statistics such as KS and AUC.

Figure 14.3 displays the ROC curves for each of the three models. Based on the AUC values in Table 14.2, the ANN is outperforming the other two models. In terms of which model is best at separating those patients who will and will not die five years postsurgery, the ANN is also superior based on the KS statistics displayed in Table 14.3. Also note the p-value reported for each of the KS statistics; all indicate that there is a significant difference between the distribution of the survival and nonsurvival populations. This result indicates that all the models are doing a good job of separating these two populations. Overall, the ANN is the champion model for this particular data set.

Table 14.2 AUC for ANN, CART, and Logistic Regression Models

ANN 0.85
CART 0.80
Logistic regression 0.73

Table 14.3 KS Statistic for ANN, CART, and Logistic Regression Models

ANN 1.42
CART 0.98
Logistic regression 0.72

Text Mining Healthcare Alerting Examples

Text mining is a data mining methodology intended to extract meaningful information from unstructured textual data. Text and data mining have much in common; underlying each is the assumption that knowledge lies buried in a large mass of data. Data mining primarily relies on statistical methods to uncover trends in structured data, whereas text-mining techniques seek to make sense of information that is unstructured, such as a doctor’s notes on a patient’s chart or discharge record. Other forms of unstructured data include text files, HTML files, chat messages, emails, images, or handwritten notes. One recent study reported that an estimated 80% of a healthcare organization’s information is contained in an unstructured textual format.19 Text mining converts the unstructured data into a structured resource that can be used for analysis purposes.

In many cases, unstructured text remains the best option for health-care providers to capture the depth of detail required, for example, in a clinical setting, or to preserve productivity by incorporating dictation and transcription into the workflow. Unstructured text records contain valuable narratives about a patient’s health and the reasoning behind healthcare decisions.

Several recently published studies illustrate the use of text mining in the healthcare field to alert healthcare professionals to potential epidemics, hospital readmissions, and drug safety. Some examples are given in the text that follows.

Data gathered from social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter fit into the “V” for Volume of the big data definition. Although data from Facebook or Twitter posts are unstructured, they contain a wealth of information useful in alerting healthcare professionals to potential health epidemics. One recent study described how to utilize Twitter post data to effectively track an epidemic in real time.20 the authors discuss how Twitter posts from October 1, 2009 through May 20, 2010 were searched using text mining techniques; the frequency of words such as h1n1, flu, swine, and influenza was counted. The information derived from the frequency of the words was incorporated into a predictive model that assisted the researchers in predicting on a weekly basis whether an influenza epidemic was present or not in the United States.20

It is well known that billions of dollars are spent annually in the United States when patients return to the hospital because of a lack of appropriate follow-up care.21 A hospital readmission is defined as an admission to a hospital or a healthcare setting within a certain time frame, following an original hospital stay. A readmission can occur at either the same hospital or a different hospital, and may involve planned or unplanned surgical or medical treatments. One recent change to the U.S. Healthcare Affordable Care Act is that healthcare providers will be subject to a financial penalty if their readmission rates are too high. Many providers are looking to healthcare text analytics to help address this challenge.

One way would be to analyze a hospital’s discharge instructions. Discharge planning is the development of an individualized discharge plan for the patient before he or she leaves the hospital, to ensure that patients are discharged at an appropriate time and with provision of adequate postdischarge services. The discharge planning process seeks to determine the appropriate level of services required by the patient, and then matches the patient to an appropriate site of care.

Five investigators from the Mayo Clinic presented a unique research project that used automated text mining to determine whether a hospital discharge summary contained a follow-up clinic appointment.21 A dataset consisting of discharge records was manually reviewed to determine whether the records contained follow-up appointment instructions. The same dataset was evaluated for the same criteria using SAS Text Miner software. The two assessments were compared to determine the accuracy of text mining.

Of the 6,481 discharge records reviewed, 3,576 (55.2%) were identified as containing all criteria for follow-up appointment instructions through manual review, 113 (3.2%) of which were missed through text mining. Text mining incorrectly identified 107 (3.7%) follow-up appointments that were not considered valid through manual review. Therefore, the text mining analysis concurred with the manual review in 96.6% of the appointment findings.

The Mayo Clinic researchers concluded that text mining of medical records can accurately detect whether elements of follow-up appointment instructions are documented in hospital discharge notes. The results also suggest that text mining software can be used to identify specific appointment criteria in a large number of textual medical records, thus saving considerable resources required for manual evaluation in quality-related research and performance assessment.

The results of this research project provide a platform for the Mayo Clinic to automatically track its clinic appointment follow-up after hospitalization, develop new strategies for improvement, and reduce its hospital readmission rate.

Today, most automated electronic medical records contain a substantial amount of information that is stored as text. Data mining provides a powerful tool to now use this data for operations improvements; in particular, it may be used to ensure drug safety.

Adverse drug events result in more than 100,000 deaths per year and are the fourth leading cause of death, ranking ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents, and automobile deaths.22 When a new drug is brought to market, it is tested for adverse reactions. However, given the infinite number of ways that drugs can interact, it is not practical to test every possible drug interaction. Iyer et al. reported on how text mining has been used to alert healthcare professionals to patient drug safety. The study23 analyzed more than 50 million clinician notes that are part of the electronic health record (EHR) using text mining techniques as well as the structured component of the EHR. The study included 1,165 drugs and 14 adverse events. The researchers developed a predictive model, using both structured and unstructured data, to determine if a patient was likely to have an adverse reaction. This information would assist the clinical decision support team by allowing the healthcare workers to intervene in the patient’s care if an adverse drug affect was predicted. The study demonstrated that by incorporating unstructured data, patient care can be improved and lives saved by implementing this type of warning system.


In conclusion, this chapter demonstrates the usefulness of data and text mining analytic methods in the healthcare industry. When considering CRC, predictive models and their ability to separate between survival and nonsurvival for CRC patients five years postsurgery is a promising approach for developing a diagnostic evaluation. This initial case study reveals the strong potential for data mining methods for CRC. Particularly, this study has shown the promise of using ANNs for decision support among researchers and clinicians in the CRC community.

In this case study, the ANN outperformed the more well-known and understood models, such as the decision tree and logistic regression. In particular, ANNs have been shown to be very powerful and superior over decision trees and logistic regression in predicting a clinical outcome in patients with CRC.2426

As described in the preceding text, a series of recent reports in the literature have shown that data mining techniques such as ANN provide higher predictive accuracy than familiar, traditional models such as logistic regression.2730 ANNs and other data mining tools are often called “black box” techniques because the logic used to determine the final model is not transparent. This lack of transparency is the greatest disadvantage that medical researchers find when they use ANNs for decision support. Yet, for this one disadvantage, there are many advantages for the medical community to use ANNs for clinical decision support. Claimed advantages of ANNs include:


1. Ease of optimization with the advancement of easy-to-use software such as SAS Enterprise Miner

2. Accuracy for predictive inference, with potential support for clinical decision making

As shown in this chapter, data mining models, especially ANNs, can be developed that accurately predict the outcome of a medical condition. These predictive models can be valuable tools in medicine. They can be used to assist in determining successful treatments, prognosis, or interventions. However, there are areas of concern in the development of ANNs as data mining models for use as alerting systems in the medical community. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a guidance document for software for medical support. The document has a section on using ANNs. Some of the points highlighted by this document are that ANNs can behave in a nondeterministic way. The medical researchers must be able to justify and explain the choices made for the ANN model and the topology. The researchers must also be able to describe how over-fitting is avoided (e.g., using training and validation data sets). The document specifies additional data sets to be processed through the ANN to ensure that performance remains as expected.

Although data mining can provide useful information and support to the medical community by identifying patterns that may not be readily apparent, there are limitations to what data mining can do. Not all patterns found are interesting. For a pattern to be interesting, it should be logical and actionable. Data mining requires human intervention to exploit the extracted knowledge. For example, data mining can provide assistance in making the diagnosis or prescribing the treatment, but it still cannot replace the physician’s intuition and interpretive skills.6

Data and text mining methods used as alerting systems in health-care are capable of identifying patterns and discovering relationships in large medical databases, but without cooperation and feedback from the medical community, the results are useless. The patterns found via data mining methods should be evaluated by medical professionals with many years of experience in the problem domain to decide whether the patterns are logical, actionable, and novel enough to be directed in new clinical research directions. Data mining should not aim to replace medical professionals and researchers, but to complement their invaluable efforts to save more human lives by appropriate intervention using some of the healthcare alerting systems described in this chapter. Intervention and decision support can be found more quickly with data and text mining techniques.


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