Introduction to our password dataset

Let's begin with the basics. We'll import our dataset and get a sense of the quantity of data that we are working with. We will do this by using pandas to import our data:

# pandas is a powerful Python-based data package that can handle large quantities of row/column data
# we will use pandas many times during these videos. a 2D group of data in pandas is called a 'DataFrame'

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# use the read_csv method to read in a local file of leaked passwords
# here we specify `header=None` so that that there is no header in the file (no titles of columns)
# we also specify that if any row gives us an error, skip over it (this is done in error_bad_lines=False)
data = pd.read_csv('../data/passwords.txt', header=None, error_bad_lines=False)

Now that we have our data imported, let's call on the shape method of the DataFrame to see how many rows and columns we have:

# shape attribute gives us tuple of (# rows, # cols)

# 1,048,489 passwords
print data.shape

(1048489, 1)

Since we only have one column to worry about (the actual text of the password), as a good practice, let's call on the dropna method of the DataFrame to remove any null values:

# the dropna method will remove any null values from our dataset. We have to include the inplace in order for the
# change to take effect

# still 1,048,485 passwords after dropping null values
print data.shape
(1048485, 1)

We only lost four passwords. Now let's take a look at what we are working with. Let's ensure proper nomenclature and change the name of our only column to text and call on the head method:

# let's change the name of our columns to make it make more sense
data.columns = ['text']

# the head method will return the first n rows (default 5)


Running the head method reveals the first five passwords in our dataset:

0 7606374520
1 piontekendre
2 rambo144
3 primoz123
4 sal1387


Let's isolate our only column as a pandas 1-D Series object and call the variable as text. Once we have our series object in hand, we can use value_counts to see the most common passwords in our dataset:

# we will grab a single column from our DataFrame. 
# A 1-Dimensional version of a DataFrame is called a Series
text = data['text']

# show the type of the variable text
print type(text)

# the value_counts method will count the unique elements of a Series or DataFrame and show the most used passwords
# in this case, no password repeats itself more than 2 times

0 21 123 12 1 10 123456 8 8 8 5 7 2 7 1230 7
123456789     7
12345         6

This is interesting because we see some expected passwords (12345), but also odd because, usually, most sites would not allow one-character passwords. Therefore, in order to get a better picture, we will have to do some manual feature extraction.

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