OpenTSDB is very similar to KairosDB but it is less popular and based instead on either Apache Cassandra or HBase. In the following simple example, we are going to start a single-node OpenTSDB based on HBase. We will use a Docker image to avoid a long installation process.

OpenTSDB uses the RESTful API and Telnet to query and ingest data. To install OpenTSDB, download the code from GitHub:

git clone
cd Chapter07/opentsdb

Perform the following steps:

  1. Build the image with the following command:
docker build . --tag iiot:opentsdb
  1. Start the container:
docker run -v data:/data/hbase -p 4242:4242 --name opentsdb iiot:opentsdb 
  1. Check the status with the following command:
docker ps
  1. Open the browser at http://localhost:4242. This will look as shown in the following screenshot:


Now we can push our first time-series using the RESTful API through CURL. You could also use a simple rest API client installed on Chrome, either Postman or an advanced REST client. Execute the following command several times, changing the value and the timestamp:

curl -d '{"metric": "sys.cpu", "timestamp": 1529176746, "value": 80, "tags": {"host": "localhost", "quality" : "GOOD"}' 
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST http://localhost:4242/api/put

We can then ask about the inserted time-series:

curl -X GET http://localhost:4242/api/search/lookup?m=sys.cpu

Following this, we can retrieve the inserted time-series interpolated every second (avg:duration_seconds), starting from 10 years ago (10y-ago):


The output should be as follows:


In OpenTSDB, a time-series data point consists of the following:

  • A metric name
  • A UNIX timestamp
  • A value
  • A set of tags (key-value pairs) that describe the time-series that the point belongs to

OpenTSDB supports  down-sampling and interpolation through aggregate functions, such as sum, last, and rate.

This example highlighted two important concepts: tags, and metrics or measures. In the IoT, we refer to tags when we want to provide a name to a measure or when we want to add attributes to a measure. Unfortunately, this naming is not standard and can cause confusion.

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