Chapter 6
Introducing CSS3

The content layer is done! Now it’s time to make it pretty. The next four chapters focus on presentation. In this one, we’ll start by covering some basics: we’ll first do a quick overview of CSS selectors, and see what’s been added to our arsenal in CSS3. Then, we’ll take a look at a few new ways of specifying colors. We’ll then dive into rounded corners, drop shadows, and text shadows—tips and tricks enabling us to style pages without having to make dozens of rounded-corner and text images to match our designs.

But first, we need to make sure older browsers recognize the new elements on our page, so that we can style them.

Getting Older Browsers on Board

As we mentioned back in Chapter 1, styling the new HTML5 elements in older versions of Internet Explorer requires a snippet of JavaScript called an HTML5 shiv. If you’re using the Modernizr library detailed in Appendix A (which includes a similar piece of code), you’ll be fine.

Even with this JavaScript in place, though, you’re not quite ready to roll. IE6 through 8 will now be aware of these new elements, but they’ll still lack any default styles. In fact, this will be the case for previous versions of other browsers as well; while they may allow arbitrary elements, they’ve no way of knowing, for example, that article should be block-level and mark should be inline. Because elements render as inline by default, it makes sense to tell these browsers which elements should be block-level.

This can be done with the following simple CSS rule:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { 

With this CSS and the required JavaScript in place, all browsers will start off on an even footing when it comes to styling HTML5 elements.

CSS3 Selectors

Selectors are at the heart of CSS. Without selectors to target elements on the page, the only way to modify the CSS properties of an element would be to use the element’s style attribute and declare the styles inline. This, of course, is ugly, awkward, and unmaintainable. So we use selectors. Originally, CSS allowed the matching of elements by type, class, and/or id. This required adding class and id attributes to our markup to create hooks and differentiate between elements of the same type. CSS2.1 added pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, and combinators. With CSS3, we can target almost any element on the page with a wide range of selectors.

In the descriptions that follow, we’ll be including the selectors provided to us in earlier versions of CSS. They are included because, while we can now start using CSS3 selectors, all the selectors from previous versions of CSS are still supported. Even for those selectors that have been around for quite some time, it’s worth going over them here, as browser support for many of them has only just reached the point of making them usable.

Relational Selectors

Relational selectors target elements based on their relationship to another element within the markup. All of these are supported in IE7+, Firefox, Opera, and WebKit:

Descendant (E F)

You should definitely be familiar with this one. The descendant selector targets any element F that is a descendant (child, grandchild, great grandchild, and so on) of an element E. For example, ol li targets li elements that are inside ordered lists. This would include li elements in a ul that’s nested in an ol—which might not be what you want.

Child (E > F)

This selector matches any element F that is a direct child of element E—any further nested elements will be ignored. Continuing the above example, ol > li would only target li elements directly inside the ol, and would omit those nested inside a ul.

Adjacent Sibling (E + F)

This will match any element F that shares the same parent as E, and comes directly after E in the markup. For example, li + li will target all li elements except the first li in a given container.

General Sibling (E ~ F)

This one’s a little trickier. It will match any element F that shares the same parent as any E and comes after it in the markup. So, h1~h2 will match any h2 that follows an h1, as long as they both share the same direct parent—that is, as long as the h2 is not nested in any other element.

Let’s look at a quick example:

    <h1>Main title</h1>
    <h2>This subtitle is matched </h2>
 <p> blah, blah, blah …</p>
 <h2>This is not matched by h1~h2, but is by header~h2</h2>
  <p> blah, blah, blah …</p>

The selector string h1~h2 will match the first h2, because they’re both children, or direct descendants, of the header. The second h2 doesn’t match, since its parent is article, not header. It would, however, match header~h2. Similarly, h2~p only matches the last paragraph, since the first paragraph precedes the h2 with which it shares the parent article.

Note: There Are No Backwards Selectors

You’ll notice that there’s no “parent” or “ancestor” selector, and there’s also no “preceding sibling” selector. This can be annoying sometimes, but there’s a reason for it: if the browser had to go backwards up the DOM tree, or recurse into sets of nested elements before deciding whether or not to apply a style, rendering would be exponentially slower and more demanding in terms of processing. See for a more in-depth explanation of this issue.

Looking through the stylesheet for The HTML5 Herald, you’ll see a number of places where we’ve used these selectors. For example, when determining the overall layout of the site, we want the three-column divs to be floated left. To avoid this style being applied to any other divs nested inside them, we use the child selector:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
#main > div {
  float: left;

As we add new styles to the site over the course of the next few chapters, you’ll be seeing a lot of these selector types.

Attribute Selectors

CSS2 introduced several attribute selectors. These allow for matching elements based on their attributes. CSS3 expands upon those attribute selectors, allowing for some targeting based on pattern matching.


Matches any element E that has the attribute attr with any value. We made use of this back in Chapter 4 to style required inputs—input:required works in the latest browsers, but input[required] has the same effect and works in some slightly older ones.


Matches any element E that has the attribute attr with the exact, case-insensitive value val. While not new, it’s helpful in targeting form input types—for instance, target checkboxes with input[type=checkbox].


Matches any element E whose attribute attr either has the value val or begins with val-. This is most commonly used for the lang attribute (as in lang="en-us"). For example, p[lang|="en"] would match any paragraph that has been defined as being in English, whether it be UK or US English.


Matches any element E whose attribute attr has within its value the full word val, surrounded by whitespace. For example, .info[title~=more] would match any element with the class info that had a title attribute containing the word “more,” such as “Click here for more information.”

E[attr^=val] (IE8+, WebKit, Opera, Mozilla)

Matches any element E whose attribute attr starts with the value val. In other words, the val matches the beginning of the attribute value.

E[attr$=val] (IE8+, WebKit, Opera, Mozilla)

Matches any element E whose attribute attr ends in val. In other words, the val matches the end of the attribute value.

E[attr*=val] (IE8+, WebKit, Opera, Mozilla)

Matches any element E whose attribute attr matches val anywhere within the attribute. In other words, the string val is matched anywhere in the attribute value. It is similar to E[attr~=val] above, except the val can be part of a word. Using the same example as above, .fakelink[title~=info] {} would match any element with the class fakelink that has a title attribute containing the string info, such as "Click here for more information."


It’s likely that you’re already familiar with some of the user interaction pseudo-classes, namely :link, :visited, :hover, :active, and :focus.

Important: Key Points to Remember

  1. The :visited pseudo-class may pose a security risk, and may not be fully supported in the future. In short, malicious sites can apply a style to a visited link, then use JavaScript to check the styles of links to popular sites. This allows the attacker to glimpse the user’s browsing history without their permission. As a result, several browsers have begun limiting the styles that can be applied with :visited, and some others (notably Safari 5) have disabled it entirely.

    The spec explicitly condones these changes, saying: UAs [User Agents] may therefore treat all links as unvisited links, or implement other measures to preserve the user’s privacy while rendering visited and unvisited links differently.

  2. For better accessibility, add :focus wherever you include :hover, as not all visitors will use a mouse to navigate your site.

  3. :hover can apply to any element on the page—not just links and form controls.

  4. :focus and :active are relevant to links, form controls, and any element with a tabindex attribute.

While it’s likely you’ve been using these basic pseudo-classes for some time, there are many other pseudo-classes available. Several of these have been in the specification for years, but weren’t supported (or commonly known) until browsers started supporting the new HTML5 form attributes that made them more relevant.

The following pseudo-classes match elements based on attributes, user interaction, and form control state:


A user interface element that’s enabled.


Conversely, a user interface element that’s disabled.


Radio buttons or checkboxes that are selected or ticked.


Form elements that are neither checked nor unchecked. This pseudo-class is still being considered, and may be included in the specification in the future.


This selector singles out the element that is the target of the currently active intrapage anchor. That sounds more complicated than it is: you already know you can have links to anchors within a page by using the # character with the id of the target. For example, you may have <a href="#content">Skip to content</a> link in your page that, when clicked, will jump to the element with an id of content.

This changes the URL in the address bar to thispage.html#content—and the :target selector now matches the #content element, as if you had included, temporarily, the selector #content. We say “temporarily” because as soon as the user clicks on a different anchor, :target will match the new target.


Applies to one or more UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements.


Applies to elements that are valid, based on the type or pattern attributes (as we discussed in Chapter 4).


Applies to empty required elements, and elements failing to match the requirements defined by the type or pattern attributes.


Applies to elements with range limitations, where the value is within those limitations. This applies, for example, to number and range input types with min and max attributes.


The opposite of :in-range: elements whose value is outside the limitations of their range.


Applies to form controls that have the required attribute set.


Applies to all form controls that do not have the required attribute.


Applies to elements whose contents are unable to be altered by the user. This is usually most elements other than form fields.


Applies to elements whose contents are user-alterable, such as text input fields.

Browser support for these pseudo-classes is uneven, but improving fairly rapidly. Browsers that support form control attributes like required and pattern also support the associated :valid and :invalid pseudo-classes.

IE6 fails to understand :hover on elements other than links, and neither IE6 nor IE7 understand :focus. IE8 and earlier lack support for :checked, :enabled, :disabled, and :target. The good news is that IE9 does support these selectors.

While support is still lacking, JavaScript libraries such as jQuery can help in targeting these pseudo-classes in nonsupporting browsers.

Structural Pseudo-classes

So far, we’ve seen how we can target elements based on their attributes and states. CSS3 also enables us to target elements based simply on their location in the markup. These selectors are grouped under the heading structural pseudo-classes.

These might seem complicated right now, but they’ll make more sense as we look at ways to apply them later on. These selectors are supported in IE9, as well as current and older versions of all the other browsers—but not in IE8 and below.


The root element, which is always the html element.

E F:nth-child(n)

The element F that is the nth child of its parent E.

E F:nth-last-child(n)

The element F that is the nth child of its parent E, counting backwards from the last one. li:nth-last-child(1) would match the last item in any list—this is the same as li:last-child (see below).


The element that is the nth element of its type in a given parent element.


Like nth-of-type(n), except counting backwards from the last element in a parent.


The element E that is the first child E of its parent. This is the same as :nth-child(1).


The element E that is the last child E of its parent, same as :nth-last-child(1).


Same as :nth-of-type(1).


Same as :nth-last-of-type(1).


An element that’s the only child of its parent.


An element that’s the only one of its type inside its parent element.


An element that has no children; this includes text nodes, so <p>hello</p> will not be matched.


An element in the language denoted by the two-letter abbreviation (en).


This is a particularly useful one: it will select elements that don’t match the selector in the parentheses.

Selectors with the :not pseudo-class match everything to the left of the colon, and then exclude from that matched group the elements that also match what’s to the right of the colon. The left-hand side matching goes first. For example, p:not(.copyright) will match all the paragraphs in a document first, and then exclude all the paragraphs from the set that also have the class of copyright. You can string several :not pseudo-classes together. h2:not(header > h2):not(.logo) will match all h2s on a page except those that are in a header and those that have a class of logo.

Note: What is n?

There are four pseudo-classes that take an n parameter in parentheses: :nth-child(n), :nth-last-child(n), :nth-of-type(n), and :nth-last-of-type(n).

In the simplest case, n can be an integer. For example, :nth-of-type(1) will target the first element in a series. You can also pass one of the two keywords odd or even, targeting every other element. You can also, more powerfully, pass a number expression such as :nth-of-type(3n+1). 3n means every third element, defining the frequency, and +1 is the offset. The default offset is zero, so where :nth-of-type(3n) would match the 3rd, 6th, and 9th elements in a series, :nth-of-type(3n+1) would match the 1st, 4th, 7th, and so on. Negative offsets are also allowed.

With these numeric pseudo-classes, you can pinpoint which elements you want to target without adding classes to the markup. The most common example is a table where every other row should be a slightly darker color to make it easier to read. We used to have to add odd or even classes to every tr to accomplish this. Now, we can simply declare tr:nth-of-type(odd) to target every odd line without touching the markup. You can even take it a step further with three-colored striped tables: target :nth-of-type(3n), :nth-of-type(3n+1), and :nth-of-type(3n+2) and apply a different color to each.

Pseudo-elements and Generated Content

In addition to pseudo-classes, CSS gives us access to pseudo-elements. Pseudo-elements allow you to target text that’s part of the document, but not otherwise targetable in the document tree. Pseudo-classes generally reflect some attribute or state of the element that is not otherwise easily or reliably detectable in CSS. Pseudo-elements, on the other hand, represent some structure of the document that’s outside of the DOM.

For example, all text nodes have a first letter and a first line, but how can you target them without wrapping them in a span? CSS provides the ::first-letter and ::first-line pseudo-elements that match the first letter and first line of a text node, respectively. These can alternatively be written with just a single colon: :first-line and :first-letter.

Tip: Why bother with the double colon?

The double colon is the correct syntax, but the single colon is better supported. IE6, IE7, and IE8 only understand the single-colon notation. All other browsers support both. Even though :first-letter, :first-line, :first-child, :before, and :after have been around since CSS2, these pseudo-elements in CSS3 have been redefined using double colons to differentiate them from pseudo-classes.

Generated Content

The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements don’t refer to content that exists in the markup, but rather to a location where you can insert additional content, generated right there in your CSS. While this generated content doesn’t become part of the DOM, it can be styled.

To generate content for a pseudo-element, use the content property. For example, let’s say you wanted all external links on your page to be followed by the URL they point to in parentheses, to make it clear to your users that they’ll be leaving your page. Rather than hardcoding the URLs into your markup, you can use the combination of an attribute selector and the ::after pseudo-element:

a[href^=http]:after {
  content: " (" attr(href) ")";

attr() allows you to access any attributes of the selected element, coming in handy here for displaying the link’s target. And you’ll remember from the attribute selectors section that a[href^=http] means “any a element whose href attribute begins with http”; in other words, external links.

Here’s another example:

a[href$=pdf] {
  background: transparent url(pdficon.gif) 0 50% no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
a[href$=pdf]:after {
  content: " (PDF)";

Those styles will add a PDF icon and the text “(PDF)” after links to PDFs. Remember that the [attr$=val] selector matches the end of an attribute—so document.pdf will match but page.html won’t.


The ::selection pseudo-element matches text that is highlighted.

This is supported in WebKit, and with the -moz vendor prefix in Firefox. Let’s use it on The HTML5 Herald, to bring the selection background and text color in line with the monochrome style of the rest of the site:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
  background: #484848;
::selection { 

CSS3 Colors

We know you’re probably chomping at the bit to put the really cool stuff from CSS3 into practice, but before we do there’s one more detour we need to take. CSS3 brings with it support for some new ways of describing colors on the page. Since we’ll be using these in examples over the next few chapters, it’s important we cover them now.

Prior to CSS3, we almost always declared colors using the hexadecimal format (#FFF, or #FFFFFF for white). It was also possible to declare colors using the rgb() notation, providing either integers (0–255) or percentages. For example, white is rgb(255,255,255) or rgb(100%,100%,100%). In addition, we had access to a few named colors, like purple, lime, aqua, red, and the like. While the color keyword list has been extended in the CSS3 color module to include 147 additional keyword colors (that are generally well supported), CSS3 also provides us with a number of other options: HSL, HSLA, and RGBA. The most notable change with these new color types is the ability to declare semitransparent colors.


RGBA works just like RGB, except that it adds a fourth value: alpha, the opacity level. The first three values still represent red, green, and blue. For the alpha value, 1 means fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent, and 0.5 is 50% opaque. You can use any number between 0 and 1, inclusively.

Unlike RGB, which can also be represented with hexadecimal notation as #RRGGBB, there is no hexadecimal notation for RGBA. There’s been some discussion of including an eight-character hexadecimal value for RGBA as #RRGGBBAA, but this has yet to be added to the draft specification.

For an example, let’s look at our registration form. We want the form to be a darker color, while still preserving the grainy texture of the site’s background. To accomplish this, we’ll use an RGBA color of 0,0,0,0.2—in other words, solid black that’s 80% transparent:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
form {
  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) url(../images/bg-form.png) no-repeat 
↵bottom center;

Since Internet Explorer 8 and below lack support for RGBA, if you declare an RGBA color, make sure you precede it with a color IE can understand. IE will render the last color it can make sense of, so it will just skip the RGBA color. Other browsers will understand both colors, but thanks to the CSS cascade, they’ll overwrite the IE color with the RGBA color as it comes later.

In the above example, we’re actually fine with older versions of IE having no background color, because the color we’re using is mostly transparent anyway.


HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness. Unlike RGB, where you need to manipulate the saturation or brightness of a color by changing all three color values in concert, with HSL you can tweak either just the saturation, or the lightness, while keeping the same base hue. The syntax for HSL comprises integer for hue, and percentage values for saturation and lightness.[8]

Although monitors display colors as RGB, the browser simply converts the HSL value you give it into one the monitor can display.

The hsl() declaration accepts three values:

  • The hue, in degrees from 0 to 359. Some examples: 0 = red, 60 = yellow, 120 = green, 180 = cyan, 240 = blue, and 300 = magenta. Of course, feel free to use everything in between.

  • The saturation, as a percentage. 100% is the norm for saturation. Saturation of 100% will be the full hue, and saturation of 0 will give you a shade of gray— essentially causing the hue value to be ignored.

  • A percentage for lightness, with 50% being the norm. Lightness of 100% will be white, 50% will be the actual hue, and 0% will be black.

HSL also allows for an opacity value. For example, hsla(300, 100%, 50%, 0.5) is magenta with full saturation and normal lightness, which is 50% opaque.

HSL mimics the way the human eye perceives color, so it can be more intuitive for designers to understand —and, as mentioned above, it can make adjustments a bit quicker and easier. Feel free to use whatever syntax you’re most comfortable with—but remember that if you need to support IE8 or below, you’ll generally want to limit yourself to hexadecimal notation.

Let’s sum up with a review of all the ways to write colors in CSS. A shade of dark red can be written as:

  • #800000

  • maroon

  • rgb(128,0,0)

  • rgba(128,0,0,1.0)

  • hsl(0,100%,13%)

  • hsla(0,100%,13%,1.0)


In addition to specifying transparency with HSLA and RGBA colors, CSS3 also provides us with the opacity property. opacity sets the opaqueness of the element on which it’s declared. Similar to alpha transparency, the opacity value is a floating point number between (and including) 0 and 1. An opacity value of 0 defines the element as fully transparent, whereas an opacity value of 1 means the element is fully opaque.

Let’s look at an example:

div.halfopaque {
  background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
  opacity: 0.5;
  color: #000000;

  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  color: #000000;

While the two declaration blocks above may seem to be identical at first glance, there’s actually a key difference. While opacity sets the opacity value for an element and all of its children, a semitransparent RGBA or HSLA color has no impact on elements other than the one it’s declared on.

Looking at the example above, any text in the halfopaque div will also be 50% opaque (most likely making it difficult to read!); the text on the halfalpha div, though, will still be 100% opaque.

So, while the opacity property is a quick and easy solution for creating semitransparent elements, you should be aware of this consequence.

Putting It into Practice

Now that we’ve been through all the available CSS selectors and new color types, we’re ready to really start styling.

For the rest of the chapter, we’ll style a small section of The HTML5 Herald front page; this will demonstrate how to add rounded corners, text shadow, and box shadow.

In the right-hand sidebar of The HTML5 Herald’s front page are a series of whimsical advertisements—we marked them up as article elements within an aside way back in Chapter 2. The first of these is an old “Wanted” poster-style ad, advising readers to be on the look out for the armed and dangerous HTML5 and CSS3. The ad’s final appearance is depicted in Figure 6.1.

Our “Wanted” ad

Figure 6.1. Our “Wanted” ad

You’ll notice that the dark gray box in the center of the ad has a double border with rounded corners, as well as a three-dimensional “pop” to it. The text that reads “<HTML5> & {CSS3}” also has a shadow that offsets it from the background. Thanks to CSS3, all these effects can be achieved with some simple code, and with no reliance on images or JavaScript. Let’s learn how it’s done.

The markup for the box is simply <a href="…">&lt;HTML5&gt; &amp; {CSS3}</a>. Other than the HTML entities, it’s as straightforward as it gets!

Before we can apply any styles to it, we need to select it. Of course, we could just add a class attribute to the markup, but where’s the fun in that? We’re here to learn CSS3, so we should try and use some fancy new selectors instead.

Our box isn’t the only a element on the page, but it might be the only a immediately following a paragraph in the sidebar. In this case, that’s good enough to single out the box. We also know how to add some pre-CSS3 styling for the basics, so let’s do that:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
aside p + a {
  display: block;
  text-decoration: none;
  border: 5px double;
  color: #ffffff; 
  background-color: #484848; 
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 28px;
  margin: 5px 5px 9px 5px;
  padding: 15px 0;
  position: relative;

Not bad! As Figure 6.2 shows, we’re well on our way to the desired appearance. This will also be the appearance shown to IE8 and below except for the font styling, which we’ll be adding in Chapter 9.

The basic appearance of our ad link, which will be seen by older browsers

Figure 6.2. The basic appearance of our ad link, which will be seen by older browsers

Remember that IE6 lacks support for the adjacent sibling selector—so if you need to provide support to that browser, you can use a more common id or class selector.

This presentation is fine, and should be acceptable—no need for web pages to look identical in all browsers. Users with older versions of Internet Explorer will be unaware that they’re missing anything. But we can still provide treats to better browsers. Let’s go ahead and add a bit of polish.

Rounded Corners: border-radius

The border-radius property lets you create rounded corners without the need for images or additional markup. To add rounded corners to our box, we simply add:

-moz-border-radius: 25px;
border-radius: 25px;

Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE9, and Firefox 4 support rounded corners without a vendor prefix (just border-radius). We still need to include the vendor-prefixed -moz-border-radius for Firefox 3.6 and earlier, though by the time you read this those versions may have dwindled enough for it to be no longer necessary.

Figure 6.3 shows what our link looks like with the addition of these properties.

boxes rounding corners corners rounding Adding rounded corners to our link

Figure 6.3.  Adding rounded corners to our link

The border-radius property is actually a shorthand. For our a element, the corners are all the same size and symmetrical. If we had wanted different-sized corners, we could declare up to four unique values—border-radius: 5px 10px 15px 20px;, for example. Just like padding, margin, and border, you can adjust each value individually:

border-top-left-radius: 5px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 40px;

The -moz- prefixed form for older versions of Firefox uses a slightly different syntax:

-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 15px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 40px;

The resulting off-kilter box is shown in Figure 6.4.

boxes rounding corners corners rounding It’s possible to set the radius of each corner independently

Figure 6.4.  It’s possible to set the radius of each corner independently

When using the shorthand border-radius, the order of the corners is top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left. You can also declare only two values, in which case the first is for top-left and bottom-right, and the second is for top-right and bottom-left. If you declare three values, the first refers to top-left, the second sets both the top-right and bottom-left, and the third is bottom-right.

We recommend using the shorthand—because it’s much shorter, and because until old versions of Firefox no longer require support, it avoids the need to use two different syntaxes.

You can also create asymmetrical corners with a different radius on each side. Rather than being circular, these will appear elliptical. If two values are supplied to any of the four longhand values, you’ll be defining the horizontal and vertical radii of a quarter ellipse respectively. For example, border-bottom-left-radius: 20px 10px; will create an elliptical bottom-left corner.

When using the shorthand for elliptical corners, separate the value of the horizontal and vertical radii with a slash. border-radius: 20px / 10px; will create four equal, elliptical corners, and border-radius: 5px 10px 15px 20px / 10px 20px 30px 40px; will create four unequal, elliptical corners. That last example will create corners seen in Figure 6.5. Interesting? Yes. Aesthetically pleasing? Not so much.

Four interesting, unequal, elliptical corners

Figure 6.5. Four interesting, unequal, elliptical corners

Tip: With an Eye to the Future

When including prefixed properties, always follow with the correctly written, nonprefixed, standards-compliant syntax. This will ensure that your site is forward compatible!

There’s only one other element on The HTML5 Herald that uses rounded corners: the registration form’s submit button. Let’s round those corners now:

css/ (excerpt)
input[type=submit] {
  -moz-border-radius: 10%;
  border-radius: 10%;

You’ll note two things about the above CSS: we’ve used an attribute selector to target the submit input type, and we’ve used percentages instead of pixel values for the rounded corners. This will come in handy if we need to add more forms to the site later; other submit buttons might be smaller than the one on the registration page, and by using percentages, rounded corners will scale in proportion to the size of the button.

The border-radius property can be applied to all elements, except the table element when the border-collapse property is set to collapse.

Note: What about older browsers?

Generally speaking, there’s no need to provide an identical look in older browsers, but sometimes a client may insist on it. In the case of rounded corners, one common method is to dynamically generate four additional elements—one for each corner. You’d then use JavaScript to add four spans to all the elements you want rounded and, in your CSS, provide background images to each span corresponding to the relevant corner.

While methods like this one provide the desired look, they require JavaScript, additional markup, CSS, and/or images. Additionally, if there’s a design change —for example, the color, radius, or border—the background images will need to be recreated. Fortunately, there are some JavaScript solutions that provide CSS3 decorations to older versions of IE without requiring additional images or markup; CSS3 PIE is one that’s worth looking into.

Drop Shadows

CSS3 provides the ability to add drop shadows to elements using the box-shadow property. This property lets you specify the color, height, width, blur, and offset of one or multiple inner and/or outer drop shadows on your elements.

We usually think of drop shadows as an effect that makes an element look like it’s “hovering” over the page and leaving a shadow; however, with such fine-grained control over all those variables, you can be quite creative. For our advertisement link, we can use a box-shadow with no blur to create the appearance of a 3D box.

The box-shadow property takes a comma-separated list of shadows as its value. Each shadow is defined by two to four size values, a color, and the key term inset for inset—or internal—shadows. If you fail to specify inset, the default is for the shadow to be drawn outside of the element:

Let’s look at the shadow we’re using on our element, so that we can break down what each value is doing:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 5px 0 0 rgba(72,72,72,1);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 5px 0 0 rgba(72,72,72,1);
box-shadow: 2px 5px 0 0 rgba(72,72,72,1);

The first value is the horizontal offset. A positive value will create a shadow to the right of the element, a negative value to the left. In our case, our shadow is two pixels to the right of the a.

The second value is the vertical offset. A positive value pushes the shadow down, creating a shadow on the bottom of the element. A negative value pushes the shadow up. In our case, the shadow is five pixels below the a.

The third value, if included, is the blur distance of the shadow. The greater the value, the more the shadow is blurred. Only positive values are allowed. Our shadow is not blurred, so we can either include a value of zero (0), or omit the value altogether.

The fourth value determines the spread distance of the shadow. A positive value will cause the shadow shape to expand in all directions. A negative value contracts the shadow. Our shadow has no spread, so again we can either include a value of zero (0), or omit the value altogether.

The fifth value above is the color. You will generally want to declare the color of the shadow. If it’s omitted, the spec states that it should default to the same as the color property of the element. Opera and Firefox support this default behavior, but WebKit doesn’t, so be sure to include the color. In the example above, we used an RGBA color. In this particular design, the shadow is a solid color, so we could just have used the hex value. Most of the time, though, shadows will be partially transparent, so you’ll be using RGBA or HSLA, usually.

The drop shadow created by these declarations is shown in Figure 6.6.

Adding a drop shadow to our box gives it the illusion of depth

Figure 6.6. Adding a drop shadow to our box gives it the illusion of depth

By default, the shadow is a drop shadow—occurring on the outside of the box. You can create an inset shadow by adding the word inset to the start of your shadow declaration.

Opera, Firefox 4, and IE9 support the nonprefixed syntax. We’re still including the -moz- prefix for Firefox 3.6 and earlier, and the -webkit- prefix for Safari and Chrome. However, current development versions of WebKit support the unprefixed version, and Firefox 4 will soon supplant the older versions, so the need for prefixing should wane.

Tip: Drop Shadows on IE6+

To include box shadows in IE6 through IE8, you have to use a proprietary filter like the one shown below. Be warned, though, that it’s almost impossible to make it look the same as a CSS3 shadow. You should also be aware that filters have a significant impact on performance, so you should only use them if it’s absolutely necessary for those older browsers to see your shadows. Moreover, these styles should be in a separate stylesheet targeted to earlier versions of IE with the help of conditional comments—otherwise they’ll mess with your standard CSS3 shadows on IE9:

filter: shadow(color=#484848, direction=220, Strength=8);
↵OffY=5, Color='#484848', Positive='true'),

Warning: Nonrectangular shadows?

Drop shadows look good on rectangular elements, including those with rounded corners like ours. We’re using the border-radius property on our element, so the shadow will follow the curve of the corners, which looks good.

Keep in mind, though, that the shadow follows the edges of your element, rather than the pixels of your content. So, if you try to use drop shadows on semitransparent images, you’ll receive an ugly surprise: the shadow follows the rectangular borders of the image instead of the contour of the image’s content.

To include more than one box shadow on an element, define a comma-separated list of shadows. When more than one shadow is specified, the shadows are layered front to back, as if the browser drew the last shadow first, and the previous shadow on top of that.

Like an element’s outline, box shadows are supposed to be invisible in terms of the box model. In other words, they should have no impact on the layout of a page —they’ll overlap other boxes and their shadows if necessary. We say “supposed to,” because there are bugs in some browsers, though these are few, and will likely be fixed fairly quickly.

Inset and Multiple Shadows

The registration form for The HTML5 Herald has what looks like a gradient background around the edges, but it’s actually a few inset box shadows.

To create an inset box shadow, add the inset key term to your declaration. In our case, we have to include two shadows so that we cover all four sides: one shadow for the top left, and one for the bottom right:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
form {
   inset 1px 1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24), 
   inset -1px -1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
   inset 1px 1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24), 
   inset -1px -1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
   inset 1px 1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24), 
   inset -1px -1px 84px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);

As you can see, to add multiple shadows to an element, you simply need to repeat the same syntax again, separated with a comma.

Warning: WebKit and Inset Shadows

Current versions of WebKit-based browsers suffer from very slow performance when rendering inset box shadows with a large blur value, like the one we’re using on The HTML5 Herald’s registration form.

Because WebKit supports both the -webkit- prefixed and unprefixed forms of the box-shadow property, we’ve had to omit both of these from the finished CSS. We could only include the -moz- prefixed property, so, unfortunately, Firefox is the sole beneficiary of our nice big inset shadow.

This bug has been fixed in the current development version of the WebKit engine, but it might be some time before the fix makes its way into releases of every WebKit-based browser. Therefore, if you’re using inset shadows, be sure to do plenty of browser testing.

Text Shadow

Where box-shadow lets us add shadows to boxes, text-shadow adds shadows to individual characters in text nodes. Added in CSS2, text-shadow has been supported in Safari since version 1, and is now supported in all current browser releases except IE9.

The syntax of the text-shadow property is very similar to box-shadow, including prefixes, offsets, and the ability to add multiple shadows; the exceptions are that there’s no spread, and inset shadows aren’t permitted:

/* single shadow */
text-shadow: topOffset leftOffset blurRadius color;

/* multiple shadows */
text-shadow: topOffset1 leftOffset1 blurRadius1 color1, 
             topOffset2 leftOffset2 blurRadius2 color2, 
             topOffset3 leftOffset3 blurRadius3 color3;

Like box-shadow, when multiple shadows are declared, they’re painted from front to back with the first shadow being the topmost. Text shadows appear behind the text itself. If a shadow is so large that it touches another letter, it will continue behind that character.

Our text has a semi-opaque shadow to the bottom right:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
text-shadow: 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

This states that the shadow extends three pixels below the text, three pixels to the right of the text, is slightly blurred (one pixel), and has a base color of black at 50% opacity.

With that style in place, our ad link is nearly complete, as Figure 6.7 shows. The finishing touch—a custom font—will be added in Chapter 9.

shadows text text shadows Our ad link is looking quite snazzy!

Figure 6.7.  Our ad link is looking quite snazzy!

More Shadows

We now know how to create drop shadows on both block-level elements and text nodes. But so far, we’ve only styled a fraction of our page: only one link in one advertisement, in fact. Let’s do the rest of the shadows before moving on.

Looking back at the site design, we can see that all the h1 elements on the page are uppercase and have drop shadows. The text is dark gray with a very subtle, solid-white drop shadow on the bottom right, providing a bit of depth.[9] The tagline in the site header also has a drop shadow, but is all lowercase. The taglines for the articles, meanwhile, have no drop shadow.

We know from the section called “ CSS3 Selectors” that we can target all these elements without using classes. Let’s target these elements without any additional markup:

css/styles.css (excerpt)
h1, h2 {
  text-transform: uppercase;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px #FFFFFF;
:not(article) > header h2 {
  text-transform: lowercase;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px #FFFFFF;

The first declaration targets all the h1 elements and h2 elements on the page. The second targets all the h2 elements that are in a header, but only if that header is not nested in an article element.

Our text shadows are a solid white, so there’s no need to use alpha transparent colors, or a blur radius.

Up Next

Now that we have shadows and rounded corners under our belt, it’s time to have some more fun with CSS3. In the next chapter, we’ll be looking at CSS3 gradients and multiple background images.

[8] A full exploration of color theory—along with what is meant by the terms saturation and lightness—is beyond the scope of this book. If you want to read more, Jason Beaird’s The Principles of Beautiful Web Design (SitePoint: Melbourne, 2010) includes a great primer on color.

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