Assessing fuels for gasification

analytical and quality control techniques for coal

J.G. Speight    CD&W Inc., Laramie, WY, USA


This chapter presents the various analytical methods that can be applied to determine the composition of coal. By analogy with the petroleum industry, some gasification plants may carry out a full analysis of every new batch of feedstock (coal) received at the plant; other users may perform a partial analysis of the feedstock to determine specific properties that have a stronger influence on the behavior of the coal during the gasification process.



Proximate analysis

Calorific value

Ultimate analysis

Physical properties

Mechanical properties

Thermal properties

8.1 Introduction

The effect of various coal properties such as mineral matter, moisture, fixed carbon, and calorific value can impact the gasification process. Thus, the data obtained from coal analyses are valuable for an accurate determination of process viability and efficiency (Speight, 2013a, 2013b). Much work, and the formation of various national standards associations, has led to the development of methods for coal evaluation. For example, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has carried out uninterrupted work in this field for many years (Table 8.1), while investigations on the development of the standardization of methods for coal evaluation has occurred in all of the major coal-producing countries.

Table 8.1

Procedures and purposes for coal testing using the standard test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Calorific valuePotential for energy production
Classification of coal by rankEstimate of coal behavior in mining, preparation, and utilization
Coal ashAmount of ash produced at a given temperature
Equilibrium moistureMoisture-holding capacity of coal (natural bed moisture)
Forms of sulfurForm of sulfur – organic sulfur, inorganic sulfur (pyrite, sulfate)
Major and minor elementsIdentification of major and minor (trace) elements
Proximate analysisAmount moisture, volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon
Maceral analysisTypes and amounts of macerals in coal
Total moistureInherent water and any other water present
Trace elementsIdentification of trace elements
Ultimate analysisAmount carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and ash
Volatile matterProducts evolved as gases or vapors

The most important properties of coal in relation to the gasification process are (1) coal type; (2) proximate analysis – determination of moisture, ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon; (3) ultimate or elementary analysis – determination of the elemental composition of the coal; (4) calorific value or heat content; (5) caking properties – for bituminous coals only; and (6) grindability – to determine the ease of pulverization of the coal.

In addition, coal properties that affect those parts of the gasification process that are in direct contact with the coal handling when the coal is conveyed from the stockpile to pulverizing mills are (1) specific energy, which determines the quantity of coal required for a given plant output; (2) surface moisture, which affects flow characteristics; (3) size distribution and especially proportion of fine material, which affects surface moisture; and (4) the nature of the mineral matter, especially clay minerals, which affects flow characteristics.

In addition to the ASTM, other organizations for development and standardization of analytical methods operate on a national level; examples are the British Standards Organization (BS) and the German Standards Organization (DIN). Furthermore, the increased trade between various coal-producing countries that followed World War II meant that cross-referencing of the already accepted standards was a necessity and the mandate for such work fell to the International Standards Organization (ISO), located in Geneva, Switzerland. Membership in the ISO is allocated to participating (and observer) countries.

It is appropriate that in any discussion of the particular methods used to evaluate coal for coal products, reference should be made to the relevant test. Accordingly, the necessary ASTM test numbers have been included as well as those, where known, of the test numbers from the standards organizations of other countries. As a part of the multifaceted program of coal evaluation, new methods are continually being developed and the already accepted methods may need regular modification to increase the accuracy of the method as well as the precision of the results (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b).

Finally, there are two methods of analysis: ultimate analysis and proximate analysis. The ultimate analysis determines all coal component elements, solid or gaseous; the proximate analysis determines only the fixed carbon, volatile matter yield, moisture content, and ash yield as percentages of the original coal. The proximate and ultimate analyses of coal provide important information regarding the overall characteristic of a particular coal. Ultimate analysis includes elemental analysis of coal and has been used to assess the thermal characteristics and to estimate the maximum emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. The detailed description of these analyses can be found in a number of references (Gupta, 2007; Raask, 1985; Sharkey & McCartney, 1981; Speight, 2005; Speight, 2013a, 2013b).

Accordingly, this chapter presents the various analytical methods that can be applied to determining the composition of coal. By analogy with the petroleum industry (Speight, 2014), some gasification plants may carry out a full analysis of every new batch of feedstock (coal) received at the plant, whereas other companies may perform a partial analysis of the feedstock to determine specific properties that have a stronger influence on the behavior of the coal during the gasification process.

8.2 Sampling

Optimization of coal behavior in gasifiers is a function of the many variable constituents of coal. Thus, it is not surprising, perhaps it is even anticipated, that sampling is conducted to determine efficiency, heat inputs, and operating needs. Thus, coal sampling is an important part of the process control in a coal preparation plant. Most analyses of coal for both standard and research purposes are conducted on carefully collected samples (representative sample) of whole coal. On the other hand, a grab sample is a one-time sample of the coal at a point in the process stream, and tends not to be very representative. A routine sample is taken at a set frequency, either over a period of time or per shipment.

After a gross sample has been taken, it is crushed and then quartered to obtain a net sample that is then sent to an independent laboratory for testing, where the results will be shared with the buyer as well as the supplier. In many cases, the buyer may request a repeat analysis or a second analysis by another laboratory to assure the quality of the data. Continuous measurement of ash, moisture, heat content (Btu/lb), sulfur iron, calcium sodium, and other elemental constituents of the coal are reported.

Furthermore, recognition of the issues involved in obtaining representative samples of coal has resulted in the designation of methods that dictate the correct manner for the sampling of coal (ASTM D346; ASTM D2013; ASTM D2234; ISO 1988; ISO 2309). However, it is possible by use of these methods to reduce an extremely large consignment (that may be of the order of several thousand pounds) to a representative sample that can be employed (with confidence that it is a representative sample) as a laboratory test sample.

8.3 Proximate analysis

The proximate analysis of coal indicates the percentage by weight of the fixed carbon, volatile matter, mineral matter (determined as mineral ash), and moisture content in coal. The amounts of fixed carbon and volatile matter directly contribute to the heating value of coal. Fixed carbon acts as a main heat generator during burning. High volatile matter content indicates easy ignition and devolatilization of the coal. The ash-producing propensity of coal is important in the design of the grate, gasifier volume, pollution control equipment, and ash handling system.

The proximate analysis of coal consists of a group of tests that have been used widely as the basis for coal characterization in connection with coal utilization (ASTM D3172). In reality, we are speaking of the determination of moisture content, volatile matter content, ash yield, and (by difference) fixed carbon yield – in contrast to the ultimate analysis of coal that provides the elemental composition (Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1 Data types obtained from (a) proximate analysis and (b) ultimate analysis (Speight, 2005, 2008, 2013a, 2013b).

The variables are measured in percent by weight (% w/w) and are calculated on several different bases: (1) AR – as-received basis, which is the most widely used basis in industrial applications and puts all variables into consideration and uses the total weight as the basis of measurement; (2) AD – air-dried basis, which neglects the presence of moistures other than inherent moisture; (3) DB – dry-basis, which omits all moisture, including surface moisture, inherent moisture, and other moistures; (4) DAF – dry, ash-free basis, which omits all moisture and mineral matter (determined as mineral ash) constituents in coal; and (5) DMMF – dry, mineral-matter-free, which omits the presence of moisture and mineral matter in coal, such as quartz, pyrite, calcite, and clay.

8.3.1 Moisture content

Moisture in coal is an important property (ASTM D1412; ASTM D2961; ASTM D3173; ASTM D3302) – more important than often recognized by the non-industrial coal theorists. Moisture that exists in coal (on the order of 0.5-15% w/w) must be transported, handled, and stored before gasification. Given that the moisture replaces organic volatiles, it (1) decreases the heat content of the coal; (2) increases heat loss, due to evaporation and superheating of vapor; and (3) aids radiation heat transfer. Furthermore, the higher the amount of moisture in coal, the greater the potential for the generation of heat leading to spontaneous ignition and spontaneous combustion (Speight, 2013a). The most dangerous scenario for spontaneous combustion is when wet and dry coals are combined in a stockpile – the interface between wet and dry coal becomes a heat exchanger. If coal is either completely wet or completely dry, the risk is substantially reduced. In general, the moisture content of coal increases with decreasing rank.

8.3.2 Volatile matter

Generally, the original raw coal does not contain much natural volatile matter. The volatile matter in coal refers to the components of coal, except for moisture, which are liberated at high temperature in the absence of air (i.e., during pyrolysis or during the initial stages of thermal treatment). The volatile matter obtained during the initial heating stage influences commencement of the gasification process coal, which consists mainly of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, volatile oil, volatile tar, as well as carbon dioxide and steam. Any coal that can generate substantial amounts of volatile matter can ignite easily, which is a significant factor for coal selected as a feedstock in a coal gasification system.

Just like the moisture content, volatile matter (ASTM D3175; ISO 562) depends on coal rank and ranges from < 5% for anthracites to > 50% w/w for sub-bituminous and lignite. There are large variations in gas content within a single coal at a single location. The gases in coal are located in pores and are retained on the surface of the pores by adsorption forces.

As for all standard test methods, the volatile matter of coal is determined under rigidly controlled standards. In Australian and British standard test methods, the procedure involves heating the coal sample to 900 ± 5 °C (1650 ± 10 °F) for 7 min in a cylindrical silica crucible in a muffle furnace. The standard test method of analysis involves heating coal to 950 ± 25 °C (1740 ± 45 °F) in a vertical platinum crucible (ASTM D3175; ISO 1350). The composition of the volatile matter evolved from coal is substantially different for the different ranks of coal.

8.3.3 Ash

Coal does not contain ash but does contain ash-forming mineral constituents (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b). Ash is further classified into (1) fly ash and (2) bottom ash. Fly ash is the fine particle that rises with the flue gases during gasification (and combustion), whereas bottom ash is the ash that does not rise. The quantity of fly ash generated during gasification and combustion processes is also dependent on the rank of the coal.

The presence of inorganic matter (mineral materials) in coal reduces the heating value of the coal. The mineral matter may also contribute to the volatile matter in coal by virtue of the loss of water from the clay minerals, the loss of carbon dioxide from the carbonate minerals, the loss of sulfur from pyrite (FeS2), and the generation of hydrogen chloride from chloride minerals. The most commonly found minerals in coal are clay minerals, quartz minerals, sulfide minerals, and carbonate minerals.

Clay minerals, such as montmorillonite, may or may not break down (dissociate) into its constituent parts when coal is heated. If it does dissociate, then, after cooling, it may recombine with other elements or minerals to form mineral deposits on the inside surfaces of furnaces and boilers (slagging or fouling). This produces barriers to heat exchange in the affected equipment, which can substantially reduce its efficiency and require costly repairs. Illite, however, with its simpler composition, does not cause such problems under normal furnace operating conditions.

The mineral matter content of coal, and hence the yield of ash during gasification (usually on the order of 5-40% w/w), can lead to slagging, fouling, and corrosion. Slagging is the deposition of fly ash (ash that does not descend to the bottom of the gasifier) on both heat transfer surfaces and refractory surfaces. Fouling includes deposition of ash and volatiles as well as sulfidation reactions of ash. Fouling results in loss of heat transfer efficiency and blockage of the gas flow path. Corrosion results in thinning of metals walls with the potential for leaks and equipment shutdown.

Determination of the mineral matter content (as the yield of mineral ash) is necessary because it directly affects process efficiency (ASTM D3174; ISO 1171). Several formulae have been proposed for calculating the amount of mineral matter originally in the coal by using the data from ashing techniques as the basis of the calculations. Of these formulae, two have survived and have been used regularly to assess the proportion of mineral matter in coal: the Parr formula and the King-Mavies-Crossley formula.

In the Parr formula, the mineral matter content of coal is derived from the expression:



where A is the weight percent of ash produced in the test method and S is the total sulfur in the coal.

The King-Mavies-Crossley formula is a more complex formula:



where A = the weight percent yield of ash, Spyr = the percentage of pyritic sulfur in the coal, CO2 = the percentage of mineral (non-organic) carbon dioxide in the coal, SO3(in ash) = the percentage of sulfur trioxide in the ash, SO3(in coal) = the percentage of sulfur trioxide in the coal, and Cl = the percentage of chlorine in the coal.

8.3.4 Fixed carbon

The fixed carbon content (more correctly, the fixed carbon yield or carbonaceous residue yield) (FC) of the coal can be related to the anticipated yield of char produced during the devolatilization process (Chapter 5). It is the carbon found in the material that remains after volatile materials are driven off. Thus:



The value for the fixed carbon content of coal differs from the ultimate carbon content of the coal because some carbon is lost in hydrocarbons in the volatile matter.

In the determination of fixed carbon (ASTM 3172; ISO 1350), the cover from the crucible used in the volatile matter last test is removed and the crucible is heated over the Bunsen burner until all the carbon is burned. The residue is weighed, and the difference in weight from the previous weighing is the fixed carbon.

8.4 Calorific value

The calorific or heating value of a coal is a direct indication of the energy content and therefore is probably the most important property for determining the usefulness of coal in the context of a coal gasification plant (Speight, 2013a, 2013b). It is the amount of energy that a given quantity of coal will produce when burned. It is used in determining the rank of coals and in determining the maximum theoretical fuel energy available for the production of steam. Calorific value is also used to determine the quantity of fuel that must be handled, pulverized, and fired in the boiler.

The calorific value is determined in a bomb calorimeter either by a static (isothermal) (ASTM D3286; ISO 1928) or by an adiabatic method (ASTM D2015; ISO 1928). The computed value for the calorific value of coal is usually expressed in British thermal units per pound, kilocalories per kilogram, or kilojoules per kilogram (1.8 Btu/lb = 1.0 kcal/kgm = 4.187 kJ/kgm).

The experimental conditions require an initial oxygen pressure of 300-600 psi and a final temperature in the range 20-35 °C (68-95 °F) with the products in the form of ash, water, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen. Thus, once the gross calorific value (GCV) has been determined, the net calorific value (NCV) (i.e., the net heat of combustion) is calculated from the GCV (at 20 °C; 68 °F) by deducting 1030 Btu/lb (2.4 × 103 kJ/kg) to allow for the heat of vaporization of the water. The deduction is not actually equal to the heat of vaporization of water (1055 Btu/lb) because the calculation is to reduce the data from a gross value at constant volume to a net value at constant pressure. Thus, the differences between the GCV) and the NCV are given by:



In either form of measurement, the calorific value is reported as GCV, with a correction made if NCV is of interest (ASTM D121; AST M D2015; ASTM D3286; ASTM D5865; ISO 1928).

If a coal does not have a measured heat content (calorific value), it is possible to make a close estimation of the calorific value (CV) by means of various formulae, the most popular of which are (Selvig, 1945):

The Dulong formula



The Dulong-Berthelot formula:



The respective carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and organic sulfur contents of the coal are %C, %H, %N, %O, and %S, all of which are calculated to a dry, ash-free basis. In both cases, the calculated values are in close agreement with the experimental calorific values.

Finally, and in order to remove any potential confusion, the chemical energy in coal is often stated as either the lower heating value (LHV) or the higher-heating value (HHV) with units such as Btu/lb or MJ/kg or Btu/lb (1 MJ/kg is approximately equal to 430 Btu/lb). The HHV considers the heat released upon condensation of water vapor (latent heat/heat of vaporization/condensation), whereas the LHV excludes this factor.

8.5 Ultimate analysis

The objective of ultimate analysis (ASTM D5373; ASTM D4239) is to determine the constituents of coal in the form of the proportions of the chemical elements. Thus, the ultimate analysis (Figure 8.1) (ASTM D3176) determines the amount of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), sulfur (S) – as well as the forms of sulfur (ASTM D2492, ISO 157) and other elements within the coal sample (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b). The amount of carbon includes that present in the organic coal substance as well as that originally present as mineral carbonates. Similarly, the amount of hydrogen includes that of the organic coal substance and the hydrogen present in the form of moisture and the water of constitution of the silicate minerals.

Thus, for coal gasification systems, ultimate analysis is used (along with the heating value of the coal) to estimate gasifier performance criteria such as (1) coal feed rate, (2) air requirements, and (3) sulfur emissions (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b).

Chlorine also occurs in coal and is believed to be a factor not only in fouling problems but also in corrosion problems (Canfield, Ibarra, & McCoy, 1979; Slack, 1981). The occurrence of chlorine in coal leads to the formation of hydrogen chloride, and the condensation of water containing hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) on the cooler parts of equipment can lead to severe corrosion of the metal surfaces. The chlorine content of coal is usually low and occurs predominantly as sodium, potassium, and calcium chlorides, with magnesium and iron chlorides present in some coal types.

The generally accepted fouling classification of coal, according to total chlorine content (ASTM D2361; ASTM D4208; ISO 352; ISO 587) is as follows:

Chlorine % w/wFouling type
< 0.2Low
> 0.5Severe

Mercury, which occurs in coal (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b; Tewalt, Bragg, & Finkelman, 2001; Wang et al., 2010), has been identified as a very dangerous environmental contaminant, largely by reason of the process of concentration in the food chain.

The test for mercury (ASTM D3684) consists of burning the sample in an oxygen bomb with diluted nitric acid and determination of the mercury by flameless cold vapor atomic absorption. Because of the different chemistry of mercury species, the fate of mercury in gasifier emissions is variable and requires treatment according to the mercury species present (Cao et al., 2008a, 2008b; Lee, Serre, Zhao, Lee, & Hastings, 2008; Lee et al., 2006; Meij, Vredendregt, & Winkel, 2002; Park, Seo, Lee, & Lee, 2008; Pavlish et al., 2003; Srivastava, Hutson, Martin, Princiotta, & Staudt, 2006).

Trace elements that occur in coal are often included as part of the ultimate analysis (ASTM D6349; ASTM D6357). All coals contain small concentrations of trace elements, although there mode of occurrence and distribution vary from coal to coal and are present in coal in both organic and inorganic forms, and most of these elements are found simultaneously in both forms (Speight, 2013a, 2013b, and references cited therein). The trace elements are released into the atmosphere during coal gasification as particulate matter. Studies have revealed the distributions and concentrations of trace elements in organic and inorganic components of coal impacts the quality of coal gasification by-products.

8.6 Physical properties

The physical properties of coal, such as color, specific gravity, and hardness, vary considerably (Table 8.2) (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b). At first consideration, there may appear to be little, if any, relationship between the physical, mechanical, and chemical behavior of coal, but in fact the converse is true. For example, the pore size of coal (which is truly a physical property) is a major factor in determining the chemical reactivity of coal. Also, chemical effects that result in the swelling and caking of coal(s) have a substantial impact on the means by which coal should be handled either prior to or during coal gasification.

Table 8.2

Physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of coal of relevance to gasification

Physical propertiesDensityTrue density
Porosity and surface areaNature of pore structure
Surface areaSurface characteristics
Mechanical propertiesStrengthAbility to withstand external forces
Hardness indexMeasurement of scratch hardness
FriabilityAbility to withstand degradation during handling
GrindabilityEnergy needed to pulverize or grind coal
Thermal propertiesHeat capacityIndication of energy content
Thermal conductivityRate of heat transfer through unit area
Plastic propertiesChanges of coal on or during heating
Agglutinating propertiesChanges of coal on or during heating
Agglomerating indexDetermination of nature of residue after heating
Free-swelling indexIncrease in volume when coal is heated


8.6.1 Density

Density is an important aspect of reactor engineering. It indicates the reactor size and throughput for gasification processes. With the free-swelling index (FSI), the density is also used to estimate the volume of the char produced during the devolatilization process.

The term coal density therefore carries several different connotations. A distinction must be made among bulk densities, which are determined by the average particle (or lump) size, size distribution, and packing density of the coal, because these affect handling, transportation, and storage.

The true density (ASTM D167) is usually determined by displacement of a fluid. Because of the porous nature of coal and physicochemical interactions, the observed density data vary with the particular fluids employed (Agrawal, 1959; Mahajan & Walker, 1978).

The apparent density of coal is determined by immersing a weighed sample of coal in a liquid followed by the accurate measurement of the liquid that is displaced. For this procedure, the liquid should (1) wet the surface of the coal, (2) not absorb strongly to the coal surface, (3) not cause swelling, and (4) penetrate the pores of the coal. Incidentally, the lower the rank of the coal, the greater is the “wettability” with water. On the other hand, the higher the rank, the greater the “wettability” with (coal) tar or the non-volatile pitch.

The bulk density (ASTM D29l) is not an intrinsic property of coal and varies depending on how the coal is handled. Bulk density is the mass of many particles of coal divided by the total volume occupied by the particles. The total volume includes particle volume, interparticle void volume, and internal pore volume. This variable composition allows the density of coal to be expressed in terms of the cubic foot weight of crushed coal, which varies with particle size of the coal and packing in a container.

8.6.2 Porosity and surface area

Coal is a porous material, thus the porosity and surface area of coal (Mahajan & Walker, 1978) have a large influence on coal behavior during gasification because the reactivity of coal increases as the porosity and surface area of the coal increases. Porosity dictates the rate at which volatile matter can diffuse out of the coal (in the gasifier) and the rate at which oxygen or other gasification agents can interact with the coal.

As already noted with respect to coal density, the porosity of coal decreases with carbon content, reaching a minimum at coal containing ~ 89% carbon followed by a marked increase in porosity. There are also differences in the pore size that make up the porosity of coal. For example, macropores are usually predominant in the lower carbon (rank) coals, whereas higher carbon (rank) coals contain predominantly micropores. Thus, pore volume can be calculated from the relationship:



In this equation, ρHg is the mercury density, and ρHe is the helium density; both decrease with carbon content. In addition, the surface area of coal varies over the range of 10-200 m2/g and also tends to decrease with the carbon content of the coal. The porosity of coal is calculated from the relationship:



By determining the apparent density of coal in fluids of different, but known, dimensions, it is possible to calculate the pore size (pore volume) distribution. The open pore volume (V), (i.e., the pore volume accessible to a particular fluid) can be calculated from the relationship:



where ρa is the apparent density in the fluid.

The size distribution of the pores within the coal can be determined by immersing the coal in mercury and progressively increasing the pressure. Surface tension effects prevent the mercury from entering the pores with a diameter smaller than a given value d for any particular pressure P such that



In this equation, σ is the surface tension and θ is the angle of contact (Van Krevelen, 1957). However, the total pore volume accounted for by this method is substantially less than that derived from the helium density, thereby giving rise to the concept that coal contains two pore systems: (1) a macropore system accessible to mercury under pressure and (2) a micropore system that is inaccessible to mercury but accessible to helium.

8.7 Mechanical properties

In contrast to the proximate analysis, the ultimate analysis (Chapter 5) and certain physical properties (discussed earlier), the mechanical properties of coal (Table 8.2) should be of consideration in predicting coal behavior during mining, handling, and preparation in the context of use in a gasification plant.

8.7.1 Strength

There are different methods for estimating coal strength and hardness: compressive strength, fracture toughness, and grindability, all of which show a trend relative to rank, type, and grade of the coal. The measurement of coal strength is affected by the size of the test specimen, the orientation of stress relative to banding, and the confining pressure of the test (Hobbs, 1964; Medhurst & Brown, 1998; Zipf & Bieniawski, 1988).

Thus, the strength of a bituminous coal specimen is influenced also by its lateral dimension, the smaller specimens showing greater strength than the larger, which can be attributed to the presence in the larger specimen of fracture planes or cleats. In fact, it is the smaller samples that present a more accurate indication of the strength of the coal. The variation of strength with rank of coals has been noted and a plot of strength against volatile matter shows the customary minimum to be 20-25% dry, ash-free volatile matter for compression both perpendicular and parallel to the bedding plane (Speight, 2013a).

The only standard test method that is available is actually a test method for determining coke reactivity and coke strength after reaction (ASTM D5341). This test method describes the equipment and techniques used for determining lump coke reactivity in carbon dioxide (CO2) gas at elevated temperatures and its strength after reaction in carbon dioxide gas by tumbling in a cylindrical chamber.

8.7.2 Hardness

Although the resistance of coal to abrasion may have little apparent commercial significance, the abrasiveness of coal is, on the other hand, a factor of considerable importance when coal is used in a gasifier. The wear of grinding elements due to the abrasive action of coal results in maintenance charges that constitute one of the major items in the cost of grinding coal for use as pulverized fuel. Moreover, as coals vary widely in abrasiveness, this factor must be considered when coals are selected for plants that employ pulverized coal (Speight, 2005, 2013a).

The abrasiveness of coal may be determined more by the nature of its associated impurities than by the nature of the coal substance. For example, pyrite is 20 times harder than coal, and the individual grains of sandstone, another common impurity in coal are hard and abrasive.

8.7.3 Friability

Friability is of interest primarily because friable coals yield smaller proportions of the coarse sizes, which may (depending on use) be more desirable. There may also be an increased amount of surface in the friable coals. This surface allows more rapid oxidation; hence conditions are more favorable for spontaneous ignition leading to loss in coking quality in coking coals, and other changes that accompany oxidation.

The tumbler test for measuring coal friability (ASTM D441) employs a cylindrical porcelain jar mill (7.25 in., 18.4 cm in size) fitted with three lifters that assist in tumbling the coal. A 1000-g sample of coal sized between 1.5 and 1.05-in. square-hole screens is tumbled in the mill (without grinding medium) for 1 h at 40 rpm. The coal is then removed and screened on square-hole sieves with openings of 1.05, 0.742, 0.525, 0.371, 0.0369, and 0.0117 in.

A drop shatter test is also used for determining the friability of coal (ASTM D440), which is similar to the standard method used as a shatter test for coke (ASTM D3038). In this method, a 50-lb sample of 2- to 3-in. pieces of coal is dropped twice from a drop-bottom box onto a steel plate 6 ft below the box. The materials shattered by the two drops are then screened over round-hole screens with 3.0 in. (76.2 mm), 2.0 in. (50.8 mm), 1.5 in. (38.1 mm), 1.0 in. (25.4 mm). 0.75 in. (19.05 mm) and 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) openings and the average particle size is determined.

8.7.4 Grindability

The grindability of coal (i.e., the ease with which coal may be ground fine enough for use as pulverized fuel) is a composite physical property embracing other specific properties such as hardness, strength, tenacity, and fracture. Several methods of estimating relative grindability utilize a porcelain jar mill in which each coal may be ground for, say, 400 revolutions and the amount of new surface is estimated from screen analyses of the feed and of the ground product. Coals are then rated in grindability by comparing the amount of new surface found in the test with that obtained for a standard coal.

A particularly important mechanical test designed to provide a measure of the ease of pulverization of a coal in comparison with other standard reference coals is the Hardgrove grindability index (HGI). Grindability changes with coal rank; that is, coals of very low and very high rank are more difficult to grind than middle-rank coking coals. The test for grindability (ASTM D409; ISO 5074) utilizes a ball-and-ring-type mill in which a 50-g sample of closely sized coal is ground for 60 revolutions after which the ground product is screened through a 200-mesh sieve.

The results are converted into the equivalent HGI. The HGI numbers indicate easy-to-grind coals. There is an approximate relationship between volatile matter yield and grindability in the low-volatile, medium-volatile, and high-volatile bituminous coals. Among these, the low-volatile coals exhibit the highest values for the HGI, often in excess of 100. The high-volatile bituminous coals range in the HGI from ~ 54 to 56 and as low as 36 to 39. Soft, easily fractured coals generally exhibit relatively high grindability index (GI) values. There are two standard test methods for measuring friability (ASTM D440: the drop shatter test, and ASTM D441: the tumbler test, D441) that should be used where a more accurate estimation of friability is required.

8.8 Thermal properties

The thermal properties of coal (Table 8.2) present an indication of the behavior of coal during thermal processes, and they are required for the design of equipment that is to be employed for gasification. For example, especially as it pertains to gasification, when a sample of powdered coal is heated out of contact with air, it loses occluded gases consisting of methane, ethane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide (there may be other gases) at temperatures below 100 °C (212 °F); moisture is evolved between 100 and 150 °C (212 and 300 °F). The initial temperature of decomposition of bituminous coals is 200-300 °C (390 and 570 °F), whereas active decomposition starts at 300-375 °C (570 and 705 °F) for these coals. Pyrogenic water, primary tar, and gases evolve during the primary devolatilization (at 300-550 °C; 570-1000 °F), whereas gases (mainly hydrogen) are evolved during the secondary devolatilization at around 700 °C (1290 °F).

The dynamic features of the devolatilization process include phenomena such as particle softening, bubbling, swelling, evolution of volatiles, and contracting. Furthermore, while the coal undergoes decomposition on heating, the residue becomes richer in carbon content. In the case of caking coals, the residue passes through a plastic state in the range 300-350 °C (570-660 °F) and to 500-550 °C (930-100 °F). The fluidity of the plastic mass initially increases, attains a maximum and then decreases to zero. If coke is heated further, significant changes take place around 2000 °C (3630 °F) and graphite-like product is the result. Non-caking coals are not amenable to graphitization.

The porosity of coal decreases on heating and attains a minimum in the plastic state. After resolidification, porosity again rises considerably – the porosity of coke is 40% or above. This property ensures smooth burning of coke in furnaces. Because of the simultaneous formation of the plastic state and volatile products of thermal decomposition, the carbonaceous residue exhibits an initial contraction and decreases in porosity followed by swelling, dilation, and rise in porosity.

8.8.1 Heat capacity

The heat capacity of coal is the heat required to raise the temperature of one unit weight of a substance 1° and the ratio of the heat capacity of one substance to the heat capacity of water at 15 °C (60 °F) in the specific heat. The heat capacity of coal can be measured by standard calorimetric methods for mixtures (e.g., see ASTM C351).

The units for heat capacity are Btu per pound per degree Fahrenheit (Btu/lb/°F) or calories per gram per degree centigrade (cal/gm/°C), but the specific heat is the ratio of two heat capacities and is therefore dimensionless. The heat capacity of water is 1.0 Btu/lb/°F (= 4.2 × 103 J/kg/°K); thus, the heat capacity of any material will always be numerically equal to the specific heat. Consequently, there is a tendency to use the terms heat capacity and specific heat synonymously.

From the data for various coals, it has been possible to derive a formula that indicates the relationship between the specific heat and the elemental analysis of coal (mmf basis):



C, H, N, O, and S are the respective amounts (% w/w) of the elements in the coal.

8.8.2 Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity is the rate of transfer of heat by conduction through a unit area across a unit thickness for a unit difference in temperature:



where Q = heat, expressed as kcal/sec cm °C or as Btu/ft h °F (1 Btu/ft h °F = 1.7J/s m °K), A = area, t2 − t1 = temperature differential for the distance (d), and k = thermal conductivity (Carslaw & Jaeger, 1959). However, the banding and bedding planes in coal (Speight, 2013a) can complicate the matter to such an extent that it is difficult, if not almost impossible, to determine a single value for the thermal conductivity of a particular coal. Nevertheless, it has been possible to draw relevant conclusions from the data.

8.8.3 Plastic and agglutinating properties

Plastic and agglutinating properties, as well as phenomena such as the agglomerating index, give indications of how coal will behave in a gasification reactor. For example, when coal is heated, it passes through a transient stage called a plastic state (caking). If a particular coal does not pass through a plastic state, it is called sintered mass (non-coking). Although the plastic properties of coal are more definitive in terms of the production of metallurgical coke from coal blends, such properties can also influence coal gasification and whether or not the stickiness or fluidity of the coal will influence coal behavior in a gasifier as used on a coal-fired power plant (Speight, 2013a, 2013b).

All coals undergo chemical changes when heated, but there are certain types of coal that also exhibit physical changes when subjected to the influence of heat. These particular types of coals are generally known as caking coals, whereas the remaining coals are referred to as non-caking coals.

Caking coals pass through a series of physical changes during the heating process insofar as they soften, melt, fuse, swell, and resolidify within a specific temperature range. This temperature has been called the “plastic range” of coal and thus the physical changes that occur within this range have been termed the plastic properties (plasticity) of coal. On the other hand, when non-caking coal (non-plastic coal) is heated, the residue is pulverent and non-coherent. Furthermore, caking coals produce residues that are coherent and have varying degrees of friability and swelling. In the plastic range, caking coal particles have a tendency to form agglomerates (cakes) and may even adhere to surfaces of process equipment, thereby giving rise to reactor plugging problems. Thus, the plastic properties of coal are an important means of projecting and predicting how coal will behave under various process conditions as well as assisting in the selection of process equipment.

The Gieseler test is a standard test method (ASTM D2639) that attempts to measure the actual extent of the plasticity of fluidity. The Gieseler test is used to characterize coals with regard to thermo-plasticity and is an important method used for coal blending for commercial coke manufacture. The maximum fluidity determined by the Gieseler is very sensitive to weathering (oxidation) of the coal.

8.8.4 Agglomerating index

The agglomerating index is a grading index based on the nature of the residue from a one-gram sample of coal when heated at 950 °C (1740 °F) in the volatile matter determination (ASTM D3175).

The agglomerating index has been adopted as a requisite physical property to differentiate semi-anthracite from low-C volatile bituminous coal and also high-volatile C bituminous coal from sub-bituminous coal (Speight, 2013a, 2013b). From the standpoint of the caking action of coal in a gasifier, the agglomerating index has some interest. For example, coals having indexes NAa or NAb, such as anthracite or semi-anthracite, certainly do not give any problems from caking, whereas those coals having a Cg index are, in fact, the high-caking coals.

The agglomerating (or agglutinating) tendency of coal may also be determined by the Roga test (ISO 335). The Roga index (calculated from the abrasion properties when a mixture of a specific coal and anthracite is heated) is used as an indicator of the agglomerating tendencies of coal.

8.8.5 Free-swelling index

The FSI of coal is a measure of the increase in volume of a coal when it is heated (without restriction) under prescribed conditions (ASTM D720; ISO 335). The ISO test (ISO 335) and the Roga test measure mechanical strength rather than size profiles of coke buttons; another ISO test (ISO 501) gives a crucible swelling number of coal.

The nature of the volume increase is associated with the plastic properties of coal. As might be anticipated, coals that do not exhibit plastic properties when heated do not exhibit free swelling. Although this relationship between free swelling and plastic properties may be quite complex, it is presumed that when the coal is in a plastic (or semi-fluid) condition, the gas bubbles formed as a part of the thermal decomposition process within the fluid material cause the swelling phenomenon. This, in turn, is influenced by the thickness of the bubble walls, the fluidity of the coal, and the interfacial tension between the fluid material and the solid particles that are presumed to be present under the test conditions.

The test for the FSI of coal requires that several 1-g samples of coal be heated to 820 °C (1508 °F) within a specified time to produce buttons of coke. The shape, or profile, of the buttons determines the FSI of the coal (BSI, 2011). Anthracites do not usually fuse or exhibit a FSI, whereas the FSI of bituminous coals will increase as the rank increases from the high-volatile C bituminous coal to the low-volatile bituminous coal.

Other effects which can influence the FSI of coal include the weathering (oxidation) of the coal. Hence, it is advisable to test coal as soon as possible after collection and preparation. There is also evidence that the size of the sample can influence the outcome of the free-swelling test; an excess of fine (100 mesh) coal in a sample has reputedly been responsible for excessive swelling to the extent that the FSI numbers can be up to two numbers higher than is the true case.

8.8.6 Ash fusion temperature

The behavior of the coal ash residue at high temperature is a critical factor in selecting coals for gasification. Coal that has ash that fuses into a hard glassy slag (clinker) is usually unsatisfactory in gasifiers, but gasification equipment can be designed to handle the clinker, generally by removing it as a molten liquid.

Ash fusion temperatures are determined by viewing a molded specimen of the coal ash through an observation window in a high-temperature furnace (ASTM D1857). The ash, in the form of a cone, pyramid, or cube, is heated steadily past 1000 °C (1832°°F) to as high a temperature as possible, preferably 1600°°C (2910°°F).

The fusibility of ash is important in understanding the process of slagging and fouling in a gasifier. Ash fusion temperatures give an indication of the softening and melting behavior of fuel ash and therefore an estimation of the variability in fusibility characteristics among different coals. Ash fusion temperatures are also able to provide an indication of the progressive melting of coal ash to slag.

However, despite the shortcomings, fusion temperatures are valuable guides to the high-temperature behavior of the fuel inorganic material. The ash fusion temperature has been correlated with the mineral and chemical composition of coal ash (Vassilev, Kitano, Takeda, & Tsurue, 1995).

8.9 Real-time analysis for quality control

8.9.1 Method evolution

Real-time analysis of coal, once considered difficult because of the nature of the solid heterogeneous nature of coal, is now the wave of the future. Real-time analysis affords immediate knowledge of any unanticipated, unknown, and unmonitored changes in coal quality. Coal has a varying composition and its properties vary considerably from coal type to coal type and even from sample to sample within a coal seam. For decades, reliable property data could be obtained only by application of a series of standard test methods (Speight, 2005, 2013a, 2013b; Zimmerman, 1979), provided that the standard sampling methods are adhered to strictly. However, the operator of the gasification process may need to change equipment parameters to prevent loss of efficiency. An informed decision based on real-time data can change an outcome based on guesswork while analytical data are produced by the standard time-consuming methods.

To be profitable and sustainable the coal industry needs to achieve (1) greater energy efficiency, (2) improved use of coal in existing plants, (3) improved product quality and safety margins, and (4) reduced waste material and pollution levels. To do this improved control systems across the full range of industry applications, from mining to processing and use, are needed. These systems rely heavily on the availability of suitable on-line process instrumentation to provide the data and feedback necessary for implementation.

In the past, measurement of coal properties has involved (and still does involve) manual sampling followed by sample preparation (drying, mixing, crushing, and dividing) and off-line laboratory analysis. However, this procedure is often too slow for control purposes. By contrast, on-line analysis can provide rapid and accurate measurement in real time, opening up new possibilities for improved process control. On-line analysis can also lead to a reduction in the cost of sampling and analysis, and a reduced reliance on sampling equipment. As a result, there has been a rapid increase in the industrial application of on-line analysis instrumentation over the past few decades (Snider, 2004; Woodward, Empey, & Evans, 2003). Although it is not the purpose of this section to promote any one particular method, it is the purpose of this section to outline the methods that are available or under further development for real-time analysis of coal.

A current method for on-line analysis of coal ore is prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. With this technique, the sample is irradiated with a continuous neutron beam. The neutrons are absorbed by each of the elements within the sample, which then emit gamma rays at characteristic energies. The gamma rays are then directed toward a gamma ray spectrometer where the peaks are identified. The energies where the peaks are found signify the constituent elements within the sample, and the magnitudes of the peaks reveal the concentrations of each component. The response time for measurements is on the order of 1 min (Gaft, Nagli, Fasaki, Kompitsas, & Wilsch, 2007; Gozani, 1985; Romero et al., 2010). This analysis tool can be installed on a conveyor belt to continuously analyze coal samples. The biggest drawback is the requirement of maintaining a nuclear isotope source to provide the neutrons and maintaining a safe environment for employees.

A pulsed laser technique that is promising for many real-time applications in coal gasification operations is light-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). All elements radiate characteristic frequencies of light when excited to high enough temperatures. LIBS exploits this by focusing an energetic laser pulse into the sample to be investigated. For solid targets, the laser pulse ablates a small amount of material from the target surface. The ablated material is heated to high enough temperatures to ionize and form localized plasma from the target constituents. Immediately following the plasma formation, a continuum of light frequencies is radiated from the plasma. Shortly after this phase, the plasma begins to cool and the characteristic emission lines from the target's constituent elements become visible. This light is collected and analyzed with a spectrometer to reveal the chemical makeup of the target (Cremers & Radziemski, 2006; Gaft et al., 2007; Gaft et al., 2008).

On-line analysis of coal ore at mines allows process engineers to determine the proper direction to take in mining operations. Coal compositions can vary with mine location and depth. Prompt analysis of compositions reveals whether chosen mining directions are maintaining steady quality or are moving toward unfavorable composition (Yin, Zhang, Dong, Ma, & Jia, 2009).

8.10 Advantages and limitations

Knowledge of coal properties is an important aspect of coal characterization and has been used as a means of determining the suitability of coal for commercial use for decades, perhaps even centuries. Therefore coal properties must always be borne in mind when consideration is being given to the suitability of coal for use in a gasifier that converts the chemical energy in the coal to thermal as well as gaseous products.

Analytical data for a variety of coal properties were necessary to assess gasifier performance. In addition, ash disposal, leachate containment, and ultimate rehabilitation are also cost items for coal-fired power plants. The coal properties affecting ash disposal are (1) coal reactivity, which influences the residual carbon in ash where fly ash is sold to the cement industry; this level of carbon in ash must be less than prescribed limits (usually ~ 5% w/w) but if the carbon in ash is above this limit, then disposal by other means will be required, at increased cost; (2) mineral matter content, which will affect the quality of ash to be disposed; and (3) trace element levels and leaching to the environment, which may lead to breaching of environmental regulations.

Utilities are governed by statutory regulations as to the maximum allowable discharge of gaseous pollutants, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx). Flue-gas treating plants (Speight, 2013a, 2013b, 2014) for removing nitrogen oxides and/or sulfur oxides may need to be incorporated into the power plant during the design and construction phase, and these will have a large impact on both capital and operation and maintenance costs.

The determination of all the preceding properties can be determined in the analytical laboratory. But correlations of coal quality with gasifier impacts are impossible and the lack of knowledge of coal variability leads to questions related to the reliability of the analytical data as it relates to the current feedstock for the gasifier. However, the issue is not the accuracy and precision of the analysis but the time required to produce the data. This is where real-time analysis can be a good fit and even complement the original laboratory data. The original data serve as the base for which to work. Real-time analysis serves as a spot-check on the changing properties (quality) of the coal. In fact, the potential benefits of real-time analysis include (1) tracking the impact of coal quality, (2) immediate feedback for gasifier adjustments, and (3) plant diagnostics.

In terms of tracking the impact of coal quality, real-time analysis allows faster troubleshooting, more accurate heat rate reporting, and safer usage of opportunity fuels such as coal blends. In terms of gasifier adjustments, real-time analysis can provide continuous analysis at the receiving point and at the shipping point. In addition, real-time analysis also provides improved maintenance predictions and plant diagnostics. However, issues related to on-line analyzer reliability were foremost in the minds of coal utilization operators.

The new on-line analyzer designs offer more reliable performance and can provide coal parameters on an hourly basis. In addition, the elimination of coal sampling by utilizing a through-belt design has improved analyzer availability. The sampling system, once needed to feed coal to the analyzer, can now be eliminated and the major sources of analyzer downtime have been eliminated.


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