Using stateful mappings

Python offers several stateful collections; the various mappings include the dict class and a number of related mappings defined in the collections module. We need to emphasize the stateful nature of these mappings and use them carefully.

For our purposes, learning functional programming techniques in Python, there are two use cases for mapping: a stateful dictionary that accumulates a mapping and a frozen dictionary. In the first example of this chapter, we showed a frozen dictionary that was used by the ElementTree.findall() method. Python doesn't provide an easy-to-use definition of an immutable mapping. The collections.Mapping abstract class is immutable, but it's not something we can use trivially. We'll dive into details in Chapter 6, Recursions and Reductions.

Instead of the formality of using the collections.Mapping abstract class, we can fall back on confirming that the variable ns_map appears exactly once on the left side of an assignment statement; methods such as ns_map.update() or ns_map.pop() are never used, and the del statement isn't used with map items.

The stateful dictionary can be further decomposed into two typical use cases; they are as follows:

  • A dictionary built once and never updated. In this case, we will exploit the hashed keys feature of the dict class to optimize performance. We can create a dictionary from any iterable sequence of (key, value) two tuples through dict(sequence).
  • A dictionary built incrementally. This is an optimization we can use to avoid materializing and sorting a list object. We'll look at this in Chapter 6, Recursions and Reductions. We'll look at the collections.Counter class as a sophisticated reduction. Incremental building is particularly helpful for memoization. We'll defer memoization until Chapter 16, Optimizations and Improvements.

The first example, building a dictionary once, stems from an application with three operating phases: gather some input, create a dict object, and then process input based on the mappings in the dictionary. As an example of this kind of application, we may be doing some image processing and have a specific palette of colors, represented by names and (R, G, B) tuples. If we use the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) file format, the color palette may look like the following command snippet:

GIMP Palette
Name: Small
Columns: 3
  0   0   0    Black
255 255 255    White
238  32  77    Red
28  172 120    Green
31  117 254    Blue  

The details of parsing this file are the subject of Chapter 6, Recursions and Reductions. What's important is the results of the parsing.

First, we'll use the namedtuple class Color as follows:

from collections import namedtuple
Color = namedtuple("Color", ("red", "green", "blue", "name"))  

Second, we'll assume that we have a parser that produces an iterable of Color objects. If we materialize it as a tuple, it would look like the following:

(Color(red=239, green=222, blue=205, name='Almond'), 
Color(red=205, green=149, blue=117, name='Antique Brass'),
Color(red=253, green=217, blue=181, name='Apricot'),
Color(red=197, green=227, blue=132, name='Yellow Green'),
Color(red=255, green=174, blue=66, name='Yellow Orange'))

To locate a given color name quickly, we will create a frozen dictionary from this sequence. This is not the only way to get fast lookups of a color by name. We'll look at another option later.

To create a mapping from a tuple, we will use the process(wrap(iterable)) design pattern. The following command shows how we can create the color name mapping:

name_map = dict((, c) for c in sequence)  

Here, the sequence variable is the iterable of the Color objects shown previously; the wrap() element of the design pattern simply transforms each Color object , c, into the two tuple (, c). The process() element of the design uses dict() initialization to create a mapping from name to Color. The resulting dictionary looks as follows:

{'Caribbean Green': Color(red=28, green=211, blue=162, 
name='Caribbean Green'),
'Peach': Color(red=255, green=207, blue=171, name='Peach'),
'Blizzard Blue': Color(red=172, green=229, blue=238, name='Blizzard

The order is not guaranteed, so you may not see Caribbean Green first.

Now that we've materialized the mapping, we can use this dict() object in some later processing for repeated transformations from color name to (R, G, B) color numbers. The lookup will be blazingly fast because a dictionary does a rapid transformation from key to hash value followed by lookup in the dictionary.

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