Praise for From Impossible To Inevitable

What Readers Have Said About From Impossible To Inevitable

“Over the past 8 years, I decided to become really good at sales and lead generation. I've read and studied everything I could, practicing several different methods of generating traffic and sales. This book made me feel like a dummy. Wow, it's amazing. Really brilliant. Aaron and Jason outline simple solutions with specific methodologies that make it seem impossible to fail. They tell you why, how, and what can go wrong. Their use of case studies clearly illustrates common growth challenges and how to navigate past or through them. It's changed my whole method of working.”

— Fraser Morrison, CEO Schiffman Morrison Asia

“At our portfolio company Agility Recovery, Aaron and Jason's ‘10x Exercise’ helped us increase our enterprise deal sizes 4.8x in under 6 months, by enhancing our offering, modifying our sales approach, and implementing value-based pricing.”

— Larry Coble, LLR Partners

“I was amazed by this book. Aaron and Jason are unbelievable references for anyone working in the SaaS space. They're not just ‘been there, done that’ professionals, they're thoughtful leaders in the community. Their sales model math completely changed our business and pricing strategies. For example, it seems obvious in hindsight, but their ‘Double Your Deal-size’ section nailed it for us: we weren't able to build a big business out of small deals. This book is a must-read for any b2b entrepreneur.”

— Leo Faria, Hustler and Founder

“Most business books tend to be dry and dull. Aaron and Jason's informal approach is a refreshing change and much more interesting and better: useful. Details and case studies (like the one outlining HTML versus personal, plain-text email campaigns) made it easy for me to put the ideas to work right away. I can see anyone who wants to succeed getting remarkable insights here, as I did.”

— Sabrina Bianchi, Marketing and Social Media Strategist

“I came to this book wanting to see how these people grew 10x, and I did, but what was truly amazing was how much of that could be applied and adapted by even the smallest businesses, like my own. No 30,000-foot view here; this book is straightforward, very hands-on, very in the trenches, and because of that, very exciting.”

— Larry Hicock, CEO Sparketers

“The topics within From Impossible to Inevitable have brought my own career to new and exciting levels. It's fed the beast of my yearning for useful revenue tactics and sharper business acumen. The book also helped me become a better leader in every aspect of my career and life. By applying these principles in your daily life, not just work, you will see changes happen (for the better) faster than you ever could have imagined. From Impossible to Inevitable should not just be a business book but a high school text!”

— Ryan Donohue, Director, Agility Recovery

“I've been a huge fan of Aaron and Jason's ever since I read Predictable Revenue and found SaaStr, but they take it to another level in this book. The depth with which they understand the current talent and culture ecosystem in tech (especially sales) is remarkable. I now feel like I know exactly how my boss and my exec team think about my performance, and how to get ahead in my growing career. Before I was totally ‘renting’ my job as Aaron and Jason put it, but now I realize I have to become an ‘owner’ when it comes to my role if I really want to get ahead.”

— Eric Taylor, Sales, HackerRank

“I have been following Aaron's and Jason's work for quite a while. For example, when Predictable Revenue came out, I devoured it during a flight to London. Upon landing, I sent an email to my team to have Aaron interviewed for our blog. That interview had the highest measurable traffic, stickiness, and time on page of any other piece of content at the time. And I'm a devout SaaStr reader. Their new book is even better. Its approachable style, with easily identifiable actions that any company could take, makes it my go-to present for any new executive I meet. As someone who's been working in sales and marketing for 20 years, my favorite quote from the book is ‘Your VP Sales has a quota—why doesn't your VP Marketing?’”

—Erik W. Charles, Incentives Expert,

From Impossible to Inevitable helped me see exactly how to focus on what I am best at. The Sales Specialization section inspired and showed me how to rework my sales system. It's unlike any other sales methodology I've encountered. Most trainers are helping you improve phone or email techniques, but those are a waste of time if the underlying system isn't efficient. I'm already recommending this book to all my sales and marketing friends.”

— Mike Smith, Director of Partnerships, Touchpoints

“My previous job was running my first subscription business and I learned the hard way in the new economy that you can't just sell a customer and walk away. I haven't seen a better case for investing in Customer Success than the way Aaron and Jason lay it out in Part 2 of this book. They demonstrate why Customer Success is about revenue growth, not customer satisfaction. They include useful details on how to structure a team, including examples of tiered levels of service. I bought this book for my whole team, and many extra to give to customers.”

— Nick Mehta, CEO Gainsight

“If you have ever had a conversation with Aaron about his personal life you know he is a simple man focused on what is truly important. The same holds true when he writes about how to be successful in the business world. ‘Don't let your exciting vision get in the way of taking the daily baby steps needed to get customers today.’ Such a simple but important truth.”

— Trish Bertuzzi, CEO The Bridge Group and Author, The Sales Development Playbook

“Aaron and Jason are rare experts, who combine real-world (not theoretical) expertise as keynote speakers with an ability to skillfully teach the complexities associated with conquering Big Revenue Goals in a busy world.”

— Barrett Cordero, President, BigSpeak Inc.

“I thought the book would be the same old ideas (invest in people, embrace failure, etc.) I've heard over and over again, but as I pushed through I discovered how many new ideas were here, old ideas were revitalized and combined with useful details demonstrating how to actually implement them.”

— Kyle Romaniuk, Partner, The CHR Group

“As we worked through the Niche Matrix (in Part 1) for our key verticals, it was amazing to watch the team learn how to truly value sell our service to solve our customer pain points and significantly increase our deal sizes in the process. The Embrace Employee Ownership section was also powerful. By asking who owns upgrades and how, our account management leader took ownership of up-selling our base, committed the team to double monthly upgrades (a Forcing Function), and worked with the team to decide on key activities to drive results. Within 2 months, they doubled our monthly upgrade revenue.”

— Larry Coble, LLR Partners

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