Chapter 14. Useful Design Patterns

A design pattern is a reusable, somewhat language-specific solution to a common problem in software design. The most popular book on this topic is Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley Professional, written by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides, also known as the Gang of Four or GoF. It is considered as a major writing in this area and provides a catalogue of 23 design patterns with examples in SmallTalk and C++.

While designing an application code, these patterns help in solving common problems. They ring a bell to all developers since they describe proven development paradigms. But they should be studied with the used language in mind, since some of them do not make sense in some languages or are already built-in.

This chapter describes the most useful patterns in Python or patterns that are interesting to discuss, with implementation examples. The following are the three sections that correspond to design pattern categories defined by the GoF:

  • Creational patterns: These are patterns that are used to generate objects with specific behaviors
  • Structural patterns: These are patterns that help in structuring the code for specific use cases
  • Behavioral patterns: These are patterns that help in assigning responsibilities and encapsulating behaviors

Creational patterns

Creational patterns deal with object instantiation mechanism. Such a pattern might define a way as to how object instances are created or even how classes are constructed.

These are very important patterns in compiled languages such as C or C++, since it is harder to generate types on-demand at run time.

But creating new types at runtime is pretty straightforward in Python. The built-in type function lets you define a new type object by code:

>>> MyType = type('MyType', (object,), {'a': 1})
>>> ob = MyType()
>>> type(ob)
<class '__main__.MyType'>
>>> ob.a
>>> isinstance(ob, object)

Classes and types are built-in factories. We already dealt with the creation of new class objects and you can interact with class and object generation using metaclasses. These features are the basics for implementing the factory design pattern, but we won't further describe it in this section because we extensively covered the topic of class and object creation in Chapter 3, Syntax Best Practices – above the Class Level.

Besides factory, the only other creational design pattern from the GoF that is interesting to describe in Python is singleton.


Singleton restricts the instantiation of a class to only a single object instance.

The singleton pattern makes sure that a given class has always only one living instance in the application. This can be used, for example, when you want to restrict a resource access to one and only one memory context in the process. For instance, a database connector class can be a singleton that deals with synchronization and manages its data in memory. It makes the assumption that no other instance is interacting with the database in the meantime.

This pattern can simplify a lot the way concurrency is handled in an application. Utilities that provide application-wide functions are often declared as singletons. For instance, in web applications, a class that is in charge of reserving a unique document ID would benefit from the singleton pattern. There should be one and only one utility doing this job.

There is a popular semi-idiom to create singletons in Python by overriding the __new__() method of a class:

class Singleton:
    _instance = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

        return cls._instance

If you try to create multiple instances of that class and compare their IDs, you will find that they all represent the same object:

>>> instance_a = Singleton()
>>> instance_b = Singleton()
>>> id(instance_a) == id(instance_b)
>>> instance_a == instance_b

I call this a semi-idiom because it is a really dangerous pattern. The problem starts when you try to subclass your base singleton class and create an instance of this new subclass if you already created an instance of the base class:

>>> class ConcreteClass(Singleton): pass
>>> Singleton()
<Singleton object at 0x000000000306B470>
>>> ConcreteClass()
<Singleton object at 0x000000000306B470>

This may become even more problematic when you notice that this behavior is affected by an instance creation order. Depending on your class usage order, you may or may not get the same result. Let's see what the results are if you create the subclass instance first and after that, the instance of the base class:

>>> class ConcreteClass(Singleton): pass
>>> ConcreteClass()
<ConcreteClass object at 0x00000000030615F8>
>>> Singleton()
<Singleton object at 0x000000000304BCF8>

As you can see, the behavior is completely different and very hard to predict. In large applications, it may lead to very dangerous and hard-to-debug problems. Depending on the run time context, you may or may not use the classes that you were meant to. Because such a behavior is really hard to predict and control, the application may break because of changed import order or even user input. If your singleton is not meant to be subclassed, it may be relatively safe to implement that way. Anyway, it's a ticking bomb. Everything may blow up if someone disregards the risk in future and decides to create a subclass from your singleton object. It is safer to avoid this particular implementation and use an alternative one.

It is a lot safer to use a more advanced technique—metaclasses. By overriding the __call__() method of a metaclass, you can affect the creation of your custom classes. This allows creating a reusable singleton code:

class Singleton(type):
    _instances = {}

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

By using this Singleton as a metaclass for your custom classes, you are able to get singletons that are safe to subclass and independent of instance creation order:

>>> ConcreteClass() == ConcreteClass()
>>> ConcreteSubclass() == ConcreteSubclass()
>>> ConcreteClass()
<ConcreteClass object at 0x000000000307AF98>
>>> ConcreteSubclass()
<ConcreteSubclass object at 0x000000000307A3C8>

Another way to overcome the problem of trivial singleton implementation is to use what Alex Martelli proposed. He came out with something similar in behavior to singleton but completely different in structure. This is not a classical design pattern coming from the GoF book, but it seems to be common among Python developers. It is called Borg or Monostate.

The idea is quite simple. What really matters in the singleton pattern is not the number of living instances a class has, but rather the fact that they all share the same state at all times. So, Alex Martelli came up with a class that makes all instances of the class share the same __dict__:

class Borg(object):
    _state = {}

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        ob = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        ob.__dict__ = cls._state
        return ob

This fixes the subclassing issue but is still dependent on how the subclass code works. For instance, if __getattr__ is overridden, the pattern can be broken.

Nevertheless, singletons should not have several levels of inheritance. A class that is marked as a singleton is already specific.

That said, this pattern is considered by many developers as a heavy way to deal with uniqueness in an application. If a singleton is needed, why not use a module with functions instead, since a Python module is already singleton? The most common pattern is to define a module-level variable as an instance of a class that needs to be singleton. This way, you also don't constrain the developers to your initial design.


The singleton factory is an implicit way of dealing with the uniqueness of your application. You can live without it. Unless you are working in a framework à la Java that requires such a pattern, use a module instead of a class.

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