Common conventions and practices

There is a set of common conventions and practices for deployment that not every developer may know but that are obvious for anyone who has done some operations in their life. As explained in the chapter introduction, it is crucial to know at least a few of them even if you are not responsible for code deployment and operations because it will allow you to make better design decisions during the development.

The filesystem hierarchy

The most obvious conventions that may come into your mind are probably about filesystem hierarchy and user naming. If you are looking for such suggestions here, then you will be disappointed. There is of course a Filesystem Hierarchy Standard that defines the directory structure and directory contents in Unix and Unix-like operating systems, but it is really hard to find an actual OS distribution that is fully compliant with FHS. If system designers and programmers cannot obey such standards, it is very hard to expect the same from its administrators. In my experience, I've seen application code deployed almost everywhere where it is possible, including nonstandard custom directories in the root filesystem level. Almost always, the people behind such decisions had really strong arguments for doing so. The only suggestions in this matter that I can give to you are as follows:

  • Choose wisely and avoid surprises
  • Be consistent across all the available infrastructure of your project
  • Try to be consistent across your organization (the company you work in)

What really helps is to document conventions for your project. Just remember to make sure that this documentation is accessible for every interested team member and that everyone knows such a document exists.


Reasons for isolation as well as recommended tools were already discussed in Chapter 1, Current Status of Python. For the purpose of deployments, there is only one important thing to add. You should always isolate project dependencies for each release of your application. In practice it means that whenever you deploy a new version of the application, you should create a new isolated environment for this release (using virtualenv or venv). Old environments should be left for some time on your hosts, so in case of issues you can easily perform a rollback to one of the older versions of your application.

Creating fresh environments for each release helps in managing their clean state and compliance with a list of provided dependencies. By fresh environment we mean creating a new directory tree in the filesystem instead of updating already existing files. Unfortunately, it may make it a bit harder to perform things such as a graceful reload of services, which is much easier to achieve if the environment is updated in-place.

Using process supervision tools

Applications on remote servers usually are never expected to quit. If it is the web application, its HTTP server process will indefinitely wait for new connections and requests and will exit only if some unrecoverable error occurs.

It is of course not possible to run it manually in the shell and have a never-ending SSH connection. Using nohup, screen, or tmux to semi-daemonize the process is not an option. Doing so is like designing your service to fail.

What you need is to have some process supervision tool that can start and manage your application process. Before choosing the right one you need to make sure it:

  • Restarts the service if it quits
  • Reliably tracks its state
  • Captures its stdout/stderr streams for logging purposes
  • Runs a process with specific user/group permissions
  • Configures system environment variables

Most of the Unix and Linux distributions have some built-in tools/subsystems for process supervision, such as initd scripts, upstart, and runit. Unfortunately, in most cases they are not well suited for running user-level application code and are really hard to maintain. Especially writing reliable init.d scripts is a real challenge because it requires a lot of Bash scripting that is hard to do right. Some Linux distributions such as Gentoo have a redesigned approach to init.d scripts, so writing them is a lot easier. Anyway, locking yourself to a specific OS distribution just for the purpose of a single process supervision tool is not a good idea.

Two popular tools in the Python community for managing application processes are Supervisor ( and Circus ( They are both very similar in configuration and usage. Circus is a bit younger than Supervisor because it was created to address some weaknesses of the latter. They both can be configured in simple INI-like configuration format. They are not limited to running Python processes and can be configured to manage any application. It is hard to say which one is better because they both provide very similar functionality.

Anyway, Supervisor does not run on Python 3, so it does not get our blessing. While it is not a problem to run Python 3 processes under Supervisor's control, I will take it as an excuse and feature only the example of the Circus configuration.

Let's assume that we want to run the webxample application (presented previously in this chapter) using gunicorn webserver under Circus control. In production, we would probably run Circus under applicable system-level process supervision tools (initd, upstart, and runit), especially if it was installed from the system packages repository. For the sake of simplicity, we will run this locally inside of the virtual environment. The minimal configuration file (here named circus.ini) that allows us to run our application in Circus looks like this:

cmd = /path/to/venv/dir/bin/gunicorn webxample.conf.wsgi:application
numprocesses = 1

Now, the circus process can be run with this configuration file as the execution argument:

$ circusd circus.ini
2016-02-15 08:34:34 circus[1776] [INFO] Starting master on pid 1776
2016-02-15 08:34:34 circus[1776] [INFO] Arbiter now waiting for commands
2016-02-15 08:34:34 circus[1776] [INFO] webxample started
[2016-02-15 08:34:34 +0100] [1778] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.4.5
[2016-02-15 08:34:34 +0100] [1778] [INFO] Listening at: (1778)
[2016-02-15 08:34:34 +0100] [1778] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2016-02-15 08:34:34 +0100] [1781] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 1781

Now you can use the circusctl command to run an interactive session and control all managed processes using simple commands. Here is an example of such a session:

$ circusctl
circusctl 0.13.0
webxample: active
(circusctl) stop webxample
(circusctl) status
webxample: stopped
(circusctl) start webxample
(circusctl) status
webxample: active

Of course, both of the mentioned tools have a lot more features available. All of them are explained in their documentation, so before making your choice, you should read them carefully.

Application code should be run in user space

Your application code should be always run in user space. This means it must not be executed under super-user privileges. If you designed your application following Twelve-Factor App, it is possible to run your application under a user that has almost no privileges. The conventional name for a user that owns no files and is in no privileged groups is nobody, anyway the actual recommendation is to create a separate user for each application daemon. The reason for that is system security. It is to limit the damage that a malicious user can do if it gains control over your application process. In Linux, processes of the same user can interact with each other, so it is important to have different applications separated at the user level.

Using reverse HTTP proxies

Multiple Python WSGI-compliant web servers can easily serve HTTP traffic all by themselves without the need for any other web server on top of them. It is still very common to hide them behind a reverse proxy such as Nginx for various reasons:

  • TLS/SSL termination is usually better handled by top-level web servers such as Nginx and Apache. The Python application can then speak only simple HTTP protocol (instead of HTTPS), so complexity and configuration of secure communication channels is left for the reverse proxy.
  • Unprivileged users cannot bind low ports (in the range of 0-1000), but HTTP protocol should be served to the users on port 80, and HTTPS should be served on port 443. To do this, you must run the process with super-user privileges. Usually, it is safer to have your application serving on high port or on Unix Domain Socket and use that as an upstream for a reverse proxy that is run under the more privileged user.
  • Usually, Nginx can serve static assets (images, JS, CSS, and other media) more efficiently than Python code. If you configure it as a reverse proxy, then it is only few more lines of configuration to serve static files through it.
  • When single host needs to serve multiple applications from different domains, Apache or Nginx are indispensable for creating virtual hosts for different domains served on the same port.
  • Reverse proxies can improve performance by adding an additional caching layer or can be configured as simple load-balancers.

Some of the web servers actually are recommended to be run behind a proxy, such as Nginx. For example, gunicorn is a very robust WSGI-based server that can give exceptional performance results if its clients are fast as well. On the other hand, it does not handle slow clients well, so it is easily susceptible to denial-of-service attacks based on slow client connection. Using a proxy server that is able to buffer slow clients is the best way to solve this problem.

Reloading processes gracefully

The ninth rule of the Twelve-Factor App methodology deals with process disposability and says that you should maximize robustness with fast startup times and graceful shutdowns. While a fast startup time is quite self-explanatory, graceful shutdowns require some additional discussion.

In the scope of web applications, if you terminate the server process in a nongraceful way, it will quit immediately without time to finish processing requests and reply with the proper responses to connected clients. In the best case scenario, if you use some kind of reverse proxy, then the proxy might reply to the connected clients with some generic error response (for example, 502 Bad Gateway), even though it is not the right way to notify users that you have restarted your application and have deployed a new release.

According to the Twelve-Factor App, the web serving process should be able to quit gracefully upon receiving Unix SIGTERM signal (for example, kill -TERM <process-id>). This means the server should stop accepting new connections, finish processing all the pending requests, and then quit with some exit code when there is nothing more to do.

Obviously, when all of the serving processes quit or start their shutdown procedure, you are not able to process new requests any longer. This means your service will still experience an outage, so there is an additional step you need to perform—start new workers that will be able to accept new connections while the old ones are gracefully quitting. Various Python WSGI-compliant web server implementations allow reloading the service gracefully without any downtime. The most popular are Gunicorn and uWSGI:

  • Gunicorn's master process, upon receiving the SIGHUP signal (kill -HUP <process-pid>), will start new workers (with new code and configuration) and attempt a graceful shutdown on the old ones.
  • uWSGI has at least three independent schemes for doing graceful reloads. Each of them is too complex to explain briefly, but its official documentation provides full information on all the possible options.

Graceful reloads are today a standard in deploying web applications. Gunicorn seems to have an approach that is the easiest to use but also leaves you with the least flexibility. Graceful reloads in uWSGI on the other hand allow much better control on reloads but require more effort to automate and setup. Also, how you handle graceful reloads in your automated deploys is also affected on what supervision tools you use and how they are configured. For instance, in Gunicorn, graceful reloads are as simple as:

kill -HUP <gunicorn-master-process-pid>

But if you want to properly isolate project distributions by separating virtual environments for each release and configure process supervision using symbolic links (as presented in the fabfile example earlier), you will shortly notice that this does not work as expected. For more complex deployments, there is still no solution available that will just work for you out-of-the-box. You will always need to do a bit of hacking and sometimes this will require a substantial level of knowledge about low-level system implementation details.

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