Code instrumentation and monitoring

Our work does not end with writing an application and deploying it to the target execution environment. It is possible to write an application that after deployment will not require any further maintenance, although it is very unlikely. In reality, we need to ensure that it is properly observed for errors and performance.

To be sure that our product works as expected, we need to properly handle application logs and monitor the necessary application metrics. This often includes:

  • Monitoring web application access logs for various HTTP status codes
  • A collection of process logs that may contain information about runtime errors and various warnings
  • Monitoring system resources (CPU load, memory, and network traffic) on remote hosts where the application is run
  • Monitoring application-level performance and metrics that are business performance indicators (customer acquisition, revenue, and so on)

Luckily there are a lot of free tools available for instrumenting your code and monitoring its performance. Most of them are very easy to integrate.

Logging errors – sentry/raven

No matter how precisely your application is tested, the truth is painful. Your code will eventually fail at some point. This can be anything—unexpected exception, resource exhaustion, some backing service crashing, network outage, or simply an issue in the external library. Some of the possible issues, such as resource exhaustion, can be predicted and prevented with proper monitoring, but there will be always something that passes your defences no matter how much you try.

What you can do is be well prepared for such scenarios and make sure that no error passes unnoticed. In most cases, any unexpected failure scenario results in an exception raised by the application and logged through the logging system. This can be stdout, sderr, file, or whatever output you have configured for logging. Depending on your implementation, this may or may not result in the application quitting with some system exit code.

You could, of course, depend only on such logs stored in files for finding and monitoring your application errors. Unfortunately, observing errors in textual logs is quite painful and does not scale well beyond anything more complex than running code in development. You will eventually be forced to use some services designed for log collection and analysis. Proper log processing is very important for other reasons that will be explained a bit later but does not work well for tracking and debugging production errors. The reason is simple. The most common form of error logs is just Python stack trace. If you stop only on that, you will soon realize that it is not enough to find the root cause of your issues—especially when errors occur in unknown patterns or in certain load conditions.

What you really need is as much context information about error occurrence as possible. It is also very useful to have a full history of errors that have occurred in the production environment that you can browse and search in some convenient way. One of the most common tools that gives such capabilities is Sentry ( It is a battle-tested service for tracking exceptions and collecting crash reports. It is available as open source, is written in Python, and originated as a tool for backend web developers. Now it has outgrown its initial ambitions and has support for many more languages, including PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript, but still stays the most popular tool of choice for most Python web developers.


Exception stack tracebacks in web applications

It is common that web applications do not exit on unhandled exceptions because HTTP servers are obliged to return an error response with a status code from the 5XX group if any server error occurs. Most Python web frameworks do such things by default. In such cases, the exception is in fact handled but on a lower framework-level. Anyway, this, in most cases, will still result in the exception stack trace being printed (usually on standard output).

Sentry is available in a paid software-as-a-service model, but it is open source, so it can be hosted for free on your own infrastructure. The library that provides integration with Sentry is raven (available on PyPI). If you haven't worked with it yet, want to test it but have no access to your own Sentry server, then you can easily signup for a free trial on Sentry's on-premise service site. Once you have access to a Sentry server and have created a new project, you will obtain a string called DSN, or Data Source Name. This DSN string is the minimal configuration setting needed to integrate your application with sentry. It contains protocol, credentials, server location, and your organization/project identifier in the following form:


Once you have DSN, the integration is pretty straightforward:

from raven import Client

client = Client('https://<key>:<secret><project>')

    1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:

Raven has numerous integrations with the most popular Python frameworks, such as Django, Flask, Celery, and Pyramid, to make integration easier. These integrations will automatically provide additional context that is specific to the given framework. If your web framework of choice does not have dedicated support, the raven package provides generic WSGI middleware that makes it compatible with any WSGI-based web servers:

from raven import Client
from raven.middleware import Sentry

# note: application is some WSGI application object defined earlier
application = Sentry(

The other notable integration is the ability to track messages logged through Python's built-in logging module. Enabling such support requires only a few additional lines of code:

from raven.handlers.logging import SentryHandler
from raven.conf import setup_logging

client = Client('https://<key>:<secret><project>')
handler = SentryHandler(client)

Capturing logging messages may have some not obvious caveats, so make sure to read the official documentation on that topic if you are interested in such a feature. This should save you from unpleasant surprises.

The last note is about running your own Sentry as a way to save some money. "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." You will eventually pay additional infrastructure costs and Sentry will be just another service to maintain. Maintenance = additional work = costs! As your application grows, the number of exceptions grow, so you will be forced to scale Sentry as you scale your product. Fortunately, this is a very robust project, but will not give you any value if overwhelmed with too much load. Also, keeping Sentry prepared for a catastrophic failure scenario where thousands of crash reports per second can be sent is a real challenge. So you must decide which option is really cheaper for you, and whether you have enough resources and wit to do all of this by yourself. There is of course no such dilemma if security policies in your organization deny sending any data to third parties. If so, just host it on your own infrastructure. There are costs of course, but ones that are definitely worth paying.

Monitoring system and application metrics

When it comes to monitoring performance, the amount of tools to choose from may be overwhelming. If you have high expectations, then it is possible that you will need to use a few of them at the same time.

Munin ( is one of the popular choices used by many organizations regardless of the technology stack they use. It is a great tool for analyzing resource trends and provides a lot of useful information even with default installation without additional configuration. Its installation consists of two main components:

  • The Munin master that collects metrics from other nodes and serves metrics graphs
  • The Munin node that is installed on a monitored host, which gathers local metrics and sends it to the Munin master

Master, node, and most of the plugins are written in Perl. There are also node implementations in other languages: munin-node-c is written in C ( and munin-node-python is written in Python ( Munin comes with a huge number of plugins available in its contrib repository. This means it provides out-of-the-box support for most of the popular databases and system services. There are even plugins for monitoring popular Python web servers such as uWSGI, and Gunicorn.

The main drawback of Munin is the fact it serves graphs as static images and actual plotting configuration is included in specific plugin configurations. This does not help in creating flexible monitoring dashboards and comparing metric values from different sources at the same graph. But this is the price we need to pay for simple installation and versatility. Writing your own plugins is quite simple. There is the munin-python package ( that helps writing Munin plugins in Python.

Unfortunately, the architecture of Munin that assumes that there is always a separate monitoring daemon process on every host that is responsible for collection of metrics may not be the best solution for monitoring custom application performance metrics. It is indeed very easy to write your own Munin plugins, but under the assumption that the monitoring process can already report its performance statistics in some way. If you want to collect some custom application-level metrics, it might be necessary to aggregate and store them in some temporary storage until reporting to a custom Munin plugin. It makes creation of custom metrics more complicated, so you might want to consider other solutions for this purpose.

The other popular solution that makes it especially easy to collect custom metrics is StatsD ( It's a network daemon written in Node.js that listens to various statistics such as counters, timers, and gauges. It is very easy to integrate, thanks to the simple protocol based on UDP. It is also easy to use the Python package named statsd for sending metrics to the StatsD daemon:

>>> import statsd
>>> c = statsd.StatsClient('localhost', 8125)
>>> c.incr('foo')  # Increment the 'foo' counter.
>>> c.timing('stats.timed', 320)  # Record a 320ms 'stats.timed'.

Because UDP is connectionless, it has a very low performance overhead on the application code so it is very suitable for tracking and measuring custom events inside the application code.

Unfortunately, StatsD is the only metrics collection daemon, so it does not provide any reporting features. You need other processes that are able to process data from StatsD in order to see the actual metrics graphs. The most popular choice is Graphite ( It does mainly two things:

  • Stores numeric time-series data
  • Renders graphs of this data on demand

Graphite provides you with the ability to save graph presets that are highly customizable. You can also group many graphs into thematic dashboards. Graphs are, similarly to Munin, rendered as static images, but there is also the JSON API that allows other frontends to read graph data and render it by other means. One of the great dashboard plugins integrated with Graphite is Grafana ( It is really worth trying because it has way better usability than plain Graphite dashboards. Graphs provided in Grafana are fully interactive and easier to manage.

Graphite is unfortunately a bit of a complex project. It is not a monolithic service and consists of three separate components:

  • Carbon: This is a daemon written using Twisted that listens for time-series data
  • whisper: This is a simple database library for storing time-series data
  • graphite webapp: This is a Django web application that renders graphs on-demand as static images (using Cairo library) or as JSON data

When used with the StatsD project, the statsd daemon sends its data to carbon daemon. This makes the full solution a rather complex stack of various applications, where each of them is written using a completely different technology. Also, there are no preconfigured graphs, plugins, and dashboards available, so you will need to configure everything by yourself. This is a lot of work at the beginning and it is very easy to miss something important. This is the reason why it might be a good idea to use Munin as a monitoring backup even if you decide to have Graphite as your core monitoring service.

Dealing with application logs

While solutions such as Sentry are usually way more powerful than ordinary textual output stored in files, logs will never die. Writing some information to a standard output or file is one of the simplest things that an application can do and this should never be underestimated. There is a risk that messages sent to Sentry by raven will not get delivered. The network can fail. Sentry's storage can get exhausted or may not be able to handle incoming load. Your application might crash before any message is sent (with segmentation fault, for example). These are only a few of the possible scenarios. What is less likely is your application won't be able to log messages that are going to be written to the filesystem. It is still possible, but let's be honest. If you face such a condition where logging fails, probably you have a lot more burning issues than some missing log messages.

Remember that logs are not only about errors. Many developers used to think about logs only as a source of data that is useful when debugging issues and/or which can be used to perform some kind of forensics. Definitely, less of them try to use it as a source for generating application metrics or to do some statistical analysis. But logs may be a lot more useful than that. They can be even the core of the product implementation. A great example of building a product with logs is the Amazon article presenting an example architecture for a real-time bidding service, where everything is centered around access log collection and processing. See

Basic low-level log practices

The Twelve-Factor App says that logs should be treated as event streams. So a log file is not a log per se, but only an output format. The fact that they are streams means they represent time ordered events. In raw, they are typically in a text format with one line per event, although in some cases they may span multiple lines. This is typical for any backtraces related to run-time errors.

According to the Twelve-Factor App methodology, the application should never be aware of the format in which logs are stored. This means that writing to the file, or log rotation and retention should never be maintained by the application code. These are the responsibilities of the environment in which applications are run. This may be confusing because a lot of frameworks provide functions and classes for managing log files as well as rotation, compression, and retention utilities. It is tempting to use them because everything can be contained in your application codebase, but actually it is an anti-pattern that should be really avoided.

The best conventions for dealing with logs can be closed in a few rules:

  • The application should always write logs unbuffered to the standard output (stdout)
  • The execution environment should be responsible for the collection and routing of logs to the final destination

The main part of the mentioned execution environment is usually some kind of process supervision tool. The popular Python solutions, such as Supervisor or Circus, are the first ones responsible for dealing with log collection and routing. If logs are to be stored in the local filesystem, then only they should write to actual log files.

Both Supervisor and Circus are also capable of handling log rotation and retention for managed processes but you should really consider whether this is a path that you want to go. Successful operations are mostly about simplicity and consistency. Logs of your own application are probably not the only ones that you want to process and archive. If you use Apache or Nginx as a reverse proxy, you might want to collect their access logs. You might also want to store and process logs for caches and databases. If you are running some popular Linux distribution, then the chances are very high that each of these services have their own log files processed (rotated, compressed, and so on) by the popular utility named logrotate. My strong recommendation is to forget about Supervisor's and Circus' log rotation capabilities for the sake of consistency with other system services. logrotate is way more configurable and also supports compression.


logrotate and Supervisor/Circus

There is an important thing to know when using logrotate with Supervisor or Circus. The rotation of logs will always happen while the process Supervisor still has an open descriptor to rotated logs. If you don't take proper countermeasures, then new events will be still written to file descriptor that was already deleted by logrotate. As a result, nothing more will be stored in a filesystem. Solutions to this problem are quite simple. Configure logrotate for log files of processes managed by Supervisor or Circus with the copytruncate option. Instead of moving the log file after rotation, it will copy it and truncate the original file to zero size in-place. This approach does not invalidate any of existing file descriptors and processes that are already running can write to log files uninterrupted. The Supervisor can also accept the SIGUSR2 signal that will make it reopen all the file descriptors. It may be included as the postrotate script in the logrotate configuration. This second approach is more economical in the terms of I/O operations but is also less reliable and harder to maintain.

Tools for log processing

If you have no experience of working with large amounts of logs, you will eventually gain it when working with a product that has some substantial load. You will shortly notice that a simple approach based on storing them in files and backing in some persistent storage for later retrieval is not enough. Without proper tools, this will become crude and expensive. Simple utilities such as logrotate help you only to ensure that the hard disk is not overflown by the ever-increasing amount of new events, but splitting and compressing log files only helps in the data archival process but does not make data retrieval or analysis simpler.

When working with distributed systems that span multiple nodes, it is nice to have a single central point from which all logs can be retrieved and analyzed. This requires a log processing flow that goes way beyond simple compression and backing up. Fortunately this is a well-known problem so there are many tools available that aim to solve it.

One of the popular choices among many developers is Logstash. This is the log collection daemon that can observe active log files, parse log entries and send them to the backing service in a structured form. The choice of backing stays almost always the same—Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is the search engine built on top of Lucene. Among text search capabilities, it has a unique data aggregation framework that fits extremely well into the purpose of log analysis.

The other addition to this pair of tools is Kibana. It is a very versatile monitoring, analysis, and visualization platform for Elasticsearch. The way how these three tools complement each other is the reason why they are almost always used together as a single stack for log processing.

The integration of existing services with Logstash is very simple because it can listen on existing log files changes for the new events with only minimal changes in your logging configuration. It parses logs in textual form and has preconfigured support for some of the popular log formats, such as Apache/Nginx access logs. The only problem with Logstash is that it does not handle log rotation well, and this is a bit surprising. Forcing a process to reopen its file descriptors by sending one of the defined Unix signals (usually SIGHUP or SIGUSR1) is a pretty well-established pattern. It seems that every application that deals with logs (exclusively) should know that and be able to process various log file rotation scenarios. Sadly, Logstash is not one of them, so if you want to manage log retention with the logrotate utility, remember to rely heavily on its copytruncate option. The Logstash process can't handle situations when the original log file was moved or deleted, so without the copytruncate option it wouldn't be able to receive new events after log rotation. Logstash can of course handle different inputs of log streams such as UDP packets, TCP connections, or HTTP requests.

The other solution that seems to fill some of Logstash gaps is Fluentd. It is an alternative log collection daemon that can be used interchangeably with Logstash in the mentioned log monitoring stack. It also has an option to listen and parse log events directly in log files, so minimal integration requires only a little effort. In contrast to Logstash, it handles reloads very well and does not even need to be signaled if log files were rotated. Anyway, the biggest advantage comes from using one of its alternative log collection options that will require some substantial changes to logging configuration in your application.

Fluentd really treats logs as event streams (as recommended by the Twelve-Factor App). The file-based integration is still possible but it is only kind of backward compatibility for legacy applications that treat logs mainly as files. Every log entry is an event and it should be structured. Fluentd can parse textual logs and has multiple plugin options to handle:

  • Common formats (Apache, Nginx, and syslog)
  • Arbitrary formats specified using regular expressions or handled with custom parsing plugins
  • Generic formats for structured messages such as JSON

The best event format for Fluentd is JSON because it adds the least amount of overhead. Messages in JSON can be also passed almost without any change to the backing service like Elasticsearch or the database.

The other very useful feature of Fluentd is the ability to pass event streams using transports other than a log file written to the disk. Most notable built-in input plugins are:

  • in_udp: With this plugin every log event is sent as UDP packets
  • in_tcp: With this plugin events are sent through TCP connection
  • in_unix: With this plugin events are sent through Unix Domain Socket (names socket)
  • in_http: With this plugin events are sent as HTTP POST requests
  • in_exec: With this plugin Fluentd process executes an external command periodically to pull events in the JSON or MessagePack format
  • in_tail: With this plugin Fluentd process listens for an event in a textual file

Alternative transports for log events may be especially useful in situations where you need to deal with poor I/O performance of machine storage. It is very often on cloud computing services that the default disk storage has a very low number of IOPS (Input Output Operations Per Second) and you need to pay a lot of money for better disk performance. If your application outputs large amount of log messages, you can easily saturate your I/O capabilities even if the data size is not very high. With alternate transports, you can use your hardware more efficiently because you leave the responsibility of data buffering only to a single process—log collector. When configured to buffer messages in memory instead of disk, you can even completely get rid of disk writes for logs, although this may greatly reduce the consistency guarantees of collected logs.

Using different transports seems to be slightly against the 11th rule of the Twelve-Factor App methodology. Treat logs as event streams when explained in detail suggests that the application should always log only through a single standard output stream (stdout). It is still possible to use alternate transports without breaking this rule. Writing to stdout does not necessarily mean that this stream must be written to file. You can leave your application logging that way and wrap it with an external process that will capture this stream and pass it directly to Logstash or Fluentd without engaging the filesystem. This is an advanced pattern that may not be suitable for every project. It has an obvious disadvantage of higher complexity, so you need to consider by yourself whether it is really worth doing.

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