I do test

If you are coming from the I don't test section and are now convinced to do test-driven development, then congratulations! You know the basics of test-driven development, but there are some more things you should learn before you will be able to efficiently use this methodology.

This section describes a few problems developers bump into when they write tests and some ways to solve them. It also provides a quick review of popular test runners and tools available in the Python community.

unittest pitfalls

The unittest module was introduced in Python 2.1 and has been massively used by developers since then. But some alternative test frameworks were created in the community by people who were frustrated with the weaknesses and limitations of unittest.

These are the common criticisms that are often made:

  • The framework is heavy to use because:
    • You have to write all your tests in subclasses of TestCase
    • You have to prefix the method names with test
    • You are encouraged to use assertion methods provided in TestCase instead of plain assert statements and existing methods may not cover every use case
  • The framework is hard to extend because it requires massive subclassing of its base classes or tricks such as decorators.
  • Test fixtures are sometimes hard to organize because the setUp and tearDown facilities are tied to the TestCase level, though they run once per test. In other words, if a test fixture concerns many test modules, it is not simple to organize its creation and cleanup.
  • It is not easy to run a test campaign over Python software. The default test runner (python -m unittest) indeed provides some test discovery but does not provide enough filtering capabilities. In practice, extra scripts have to be written to collect the tests, aggregate them, and then run them in a convenient way.

A lighter approach is needed to write tests without suffering from the rigidity of a framework that looks too much like its big Java brother, JUnit. Since Python does not require working with a 100% class-based environment, it is preferable to provide a more Pythonic test framework that is not based on subclassing.

A common approach would be:

  • To provide a simple way to mark any function or any class as a test
  • To extend the framework through a plug-in system
  • To provide a complete test fixture environment for all test levels: the whole campaign, a group of tests at module level, and at test level
  • To provide a test runner based on test discovery with an extensive set of options

unittest alternatives

Some third-party tools try to solve the problems just mentioned by providing extra features in the shape of unittest extensions.

Python wiki provides a very long list of various testing utilities and frameworks (refer to https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy), but there are just two projects that are especially popular:


nose is mainly a test runner with powerful discovery features. It has extensive options that allow running all kind of test campaigns in a Python application.

It is not a part of standard library but is available on PyPI and can be easily installed with pip:

pip install nose

Test runner

After installing nose, a new command called nosetests is available at the prompt. Running the tests presented in the first section of the chapter can be done directly with it:

nosetests -v
test_true (test_primes.OtherTests) ... ok
test_is_prime (test_primes.PrimesTests) ... ok
builds the test suite. ... ok

Ran 3 tests in 0.009s


nose takes care of discovering the tests by recursively browsing the current directory and building a test suite on its own. The preceding example at first glance does not look like any improvement over the simple python -m unittest. The difference will be noticeable if you run this command with the --help switch. You will notice that nose provides tens of parameters that allow you to control test discovery and execution.

Writing tests

nose goes a step further by running all classes and functions whose name matches the regular expression ((?:^|[b_.-])[Tt]est) located in modules that match it too. Roughly, all callables that start with test and are located in a module that match the pattern will also be executed as a test.

For instance, this test_ok.py module will be recognized and run by nose:

$ more test_ok.py
def test_ok():
    print('my test')
$ nosetests -v
test_ok.test_ok ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.071s


Regular TestCase classes and doctests are executed as well.

Last, nose provides assertion functions that are similar to TestCase methods. But these are provided as functions that follow the PEP 8 naming conventions, rather than using the Java convention unittest uses (refer to http://nose.readthedocs.org/).

Writing test fixtures

nose supports three levels of fixtures:

  • Package level: The setup and teardown functions can be added in the __init__.py module of a test's package containing all test modules
  • Module level: A test module can have its own setup and teardown functions
  • Test level: The callable can also have fixture functions using the with_setup decorator provided

For instance, to set a test fixture at the module and test level, use this code:

def setup():
    # setup code, launched for the whole module

def teardown():
    # teardown code, launched for the whole module

def set_ok():
    # setup code launched only for test_ok

def test_ok():
    print('my test')

Integration with setuptools and a plug-in system

Last, nose integrates smoothly with setuptools and so the test command can be used with it (python setup.py test). This integration is done by adding the test_suite metadata in the setup.py script:


nose also uses setuptool's entry point machinery for developers to write nose plugins. This allows you to override or modify every aspect of the tool from test discovery to output formatting.


A list of nose plugins is maintained at https://nose-plugins.jottit.com.


nose is a complete testing tool that fixes many of the issues unittest has. It is still designed to use implicit prefix names for tests, which remains a constraint for some developers. While this prefix can be customized, it still requires one to follow a convention.

This convention over configuration statement is not bad and is a lot better than the boiler-plate code required in unittest. But using explicit decorators, for example, could be a nice way to get rid of the test prefix.

Also, the ability to extend nose with plugins makes it very flexible and allows a developer to customize the tool to meet his/her needs.

If your testing workflow requires overriding a lot of nose parameters, you can easily add a .noserc or a nose.cfg file in your home directory or project root. It will specify the default set of options for the nosetests command. For instance, a good practice is to automatically look for doctests during test run. An example of the nose configuration file that enables running doctests is as follows:



py.test is very similar to nose. In fact, the latter was inspired by py.test, so we will focus mainly on details that make these tools different from each other. The tool was born as part of a larger package called py but now these are developed separately.

Like every third-party package mentioned in this book, py.test is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip as pytest:

$ pip install pytest

From there, a new py.test command is available at the prompt that can be used exactly like nosetests. The tool uses similar pattern-matching and a test discovery algorithm to catch tests to be run. The pattern is stricter than that which nose uses and will only catch:

  • Classes that start with Test, in a file that starts with test
  • Functions that start with test, in a file that starts with test


Be careful to use the right character case. If a function starts with a capital "T", it will be taken as a class, and thus ignored. And if a class starts with a lowercase "t", py.test will break because it will try to deal with it as a function.

The advantages of py.test are:

  • The ability to easily disable some test classes
  • A flexible and original mechanism for dealing with fixtures
  • The ability to distribute tests among several computers

Writing test fixtures

py.test supports two mechanisms to deal with fixtures. The first one, modeled after xUnit framework, is similar to nose. Of course semantics differ a bit. py.test will look for three levels of fixtures in each test module as shown in following example:

def setup_module(module): 
    """ Setup up any state specific to the execution 
        of the given module.

def teardown_module(module):    
    """ Teardown any state that was previously setup
        with a setup_module method.

def setup_class(cls):    
    """ Setup up any state specific to the execution
        of the given class (which usually contains tests).

def teardown_class(cls):    
    """ Teardown any state that was previously setup
        with a call to setup_class.

def setup_method(self, method):
    """ Setup up any state tied to the execution of the given
        method in a class. setup_method is invoked for every
        test method of a class.

def teardown_method(self, method):
    """ Teardown any state that was previously setup
        with a setup_method call.

Each function will get the current module, class, or method as an argument. The test fixture will, therefore, be able to work on the context without having to look for it, as with nose.

The alternative mechanism for writing fixtures with py.test is to build on the concept of dependency injection, allowing to maintain the test state in a more modular and scalable way. The non xUnit-style fixtures (setup/teardown procedures) always have unique names and need to be explicitly activated by declaring their use in test functions, methods, and modules in classes.

The simplest implementation of fixtures takes the form of a named function declared with the pytest.fixture() decorator. To mark a fixture as used in the test, it needs to be declared as a function or method argument. To make it more clear, consider the previous example of the test module for the is_prime function rewritten with the use of py.test fixtures:

import pytest

from primes import is_prime

def prime_numbers():
    return [3, 5, 7]

def non_prime_numbers():
    return [8, 0, 1]

def negative_numbers():
    return [-1, -3, -6]

def test_is_prime_true(prime_numbers):
    for number in prime_numbers:
        assert is_prime(number)

def test_is_prime_false(non_prime_numbers, negative_numbers):
    for number in non_prime_numbers:
        assert not is_prime(number)

    for number in non_prime_numbers:
        assert not is_prime(number)

Disabling test functions and classes

py.test provides a simple mechanism to disable some tests upon certain conditions. This is called skipping, and the pytest package provides the .skipif decorator for that purpose. If a single test function or a whole test class decorator needs to be skipped upon certain conditions, it needs to be defined with this decorator and with some value provided that verifies if the expected condition was met. Here is an example from the official documentation that skips running the whole test case class on Windows:

import pytest

    sys.platform == 'win32',
    reason="does not run on windows"
class TestPosixCalls:

    def test_function(self):
        """will not be setup or run under 'win32' platform"""

You can, of course, predefine the skipping conditions in order to share them across your testing modules:

import pytest

skipwindows = pytest.mark.skipif(
    sys.platform == 'win32',
    reason="does not run on windows"

class TestPosixCalls:

    def test_function(self):
        """will not be setup or run under 'win32' platform"""

If a test is marked in such a way, it will not be executed at all. However, in some cases, you want to run such a test and want to execute it, but you know, it is expected to fail under known conditions. For this purpose, a different decorator is provided. It is @mark.xfail and ensures that the test is always run, but it should fail at some point if the predefined condition occurs:

import pytest

sys.platform == 'win32',
    reason="does not run on windows"
class TestPosixCalls:

    def test_function(self):
        """it must fail under windows"""

Using xfail is much stricter than skipif. Test is always executed and if it does not fail when it is expected to, then the whole py.test run will result in a failure.

Automated distributed tests

An interesting feature of py.test is its ability to distribute the tests across several computers. As long as the computers are reachable through SSH, py.test will be able to drive each computer by sending tests to be performed.

However, this feature relies on the network; if the connection is broken, the slave will not be able to continue working since it is fully driven by the master.

Buildbot, or other continuous integration tools, is preferable when a project has long test campaigns. But the py.test distributed model can be used for the ad hoc distribution of tests when you are working on an application that consumes a lot of resources to run the tests.


py.test is very similar to nose since no boilerplate code is needed to aggregate the tests in it. It also has a good plugin system and there are a great number of extensions available on PyPI.

Lastly, py.test focuses on making the tests run fast and is truly superior compared to the other tools in this area. The other notable feature is the original approach to fixtures that really helps in managing a reusable library of fixtures. Some people may argue that there is too much magic involved but it really streamlines the development of a test suite. This single advantage of py.test makes it my tool of choice, so I really recommend it.

Testing coverage

Code coverage is a very useful metric that provides objective information on how well project code is tested. It is simply a measurement of how many and which lines of code are executed during all test executions. It is often expressed as a percentage and 100% coverage means that every line of code was executed during tests.

The most popular code coverage tool is called simply coverage and is freely available on PyPI. The usage is very simple and consists only of two steps. The first step is to run the coverage run command in your shell with the path to your script/program that runs all the tests as an argument:

$ coverage run --source . `which py.test` -v
===================== test session starts ======================
platformdarwin -- Python 3.5.1, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /Users/swistakm/.envs/book/bin/python3
cachedir: .cache
rootdir: /Users/swistakm/dev/book/chapter10/pytest, inifile: 
plugins: capturelog-0.7, codecheckers-0.2, cov-2.2.1, timeout-1.0.0
collected 6 items 

primes.py::pyflakes PASSED
primes.py::pep8 PASSED
test_primes.py::pyflakes PASSED
test_primes.py::pep8 PASSED
test_primes.py::test_is_prime_true PASSED
test_primes.py::test_is_prime_false PASSED

========= 6 passed, 1 pytest-warnings in 0.10 seconds ==========

The coverage run also accepts -m parameter that specifies a runnable module name instead of a program path that may be better for some testing frameworks:

$ coverage run -m unittest
$ coverage run -m nose
$ coverage run -m pytest

The next step is to generate a human-readable report of your code coverage from results cashed in the .coverage file. The coverage package supports a few output formats and the simplest one just prints an ASCII table in your terminal:

$ coverage report
Name             StmtsMiss  Cover
primes.py            7      0   100%
test_primes.py      16      0   100%
TOTAL               23      0   100%

The other useful coverage report format is HTML that can be browsed in your web browser:

$ coverage html

The default output folder of this HTML report is htmlcov/ in your working directory. The real advantage of the coverage html output is that you can browse annotated sources of your project with highlighted parts that have missing test coverage (as shown in Figure 1):

Testing coverage

Figure 1 Example of annotated sources in coverage HTML report

You should remember that while you should always strive to ensure 100% test coverage, it is never a guarantee that code is tested perfectly and there is no place where code can break. It means only that every line of code was reached during execution, but not necessarily every possible condition was tested. In practice, it may be relatively easy to ensure full code coverage, but it is really hard to make sure that every branch of code was reached. This is especially true for the testing of functions that may have multiple combinations of if statements and specific language constructs like list/dict/set comprehensions. You should always care for good test coverage, but you should never treat its measurement as the final answer of how good your testing suite is.

Fakes and mocks

Writing unit tests presupposes that you isolate the unit of code that is being tested. Tests usually feed the function or method with some data and verify its return value and/or the side effects of its execution. This is mainly to make sure the tests:

  • Are concerning an atomic part of the application, which can be a function, method, class, or interface
  • Provide deterministic, reproducible results

Sometimes, the proper isolation of the program component is not obvious. For instance, if the code sends e-mails, it will probably call Python's smtplib module, which will work with the SMTP server through a network connection. If we want our tests to be reproducible and are just testing if e-mails have the desired content, then probably this should not happen. Ideally, unit tests should run on any computer with no external dependencies and side effects.

Thanks to Python's dynamic nature, it is possible to use monkey patching to modify the runtime code from the test fixture (that is, modify software dynamically at runtime without touching the source code) to fake the behavior of a third-party code or library.

Building a fake

A fake behavior in the tests can be created by discovering the minimal set of interactions needed for the tested code to work with the external parts. Then, the output is manually returned or uses a real pool of data that has been previously recorded.

This is done by starting an empty class or function and using it as a replacement. The test is then launched, and the fake is iteratively updated until it behaves correctly. This is possible thanks to nature of a Python type system. The object is considered compatible with the given type as long as it behaves as the expected type and does not need to be its ancestor via subclassing. This approach to typing in Python is called duck typing—if something behaves like a duck, it can be treated like a duck.

Let's take an example with a function called send in a module called mailer that sends e-mails:

import smtplib
import email.message

def send(
    sender, to,
    """sends a message."""
    message = email.message.Message()
    message['To'] = to
    message['From'] = sender
    message['Subject'] = subject

    server = smtplib.SMTP(server)
        return server.sendmail(sender, to, message.as_string())


py.test will be used to demonstrate fakes and mocks in this section.

The corresponding test can be:

from mailer import send

def test_send():
    res = send(
        '[email protected]', 
        '[email protected]', 
    assert res == {}

This test will pass and work as long as there is an SMTP server on the local host. If not, it will fail like this:

$ py.test --tb=short
========================= test session starts =========================
platform darwin -- Python 3.5.1, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /Users/swistakm/dev/book/chapter10/mailer, inifile: 
plugins: capturelog-0.7, codecheckers-0.2, cov-2.2.1, timeout-1.0.0
collected 5 items 

mailer.py ..
test_mailer.py ..F

============================== FAILURES ===============================
______________________________ test_send ______________________________
test_mailer.py:10: in test_send
mailer.py:19: in send
    server = smtplib.SMTP(server)
.../smtplib.py:251: in __init__
    (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
.../smtplib.py:335: in connect
    self.sock = self._get_socket(host, port, self.timeout)
.../smtplib.py:306: in _get_socket
.../socket.py:711: in create_connection
    raise err
.../socket.py:702: in create_connection
E   ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 61] Connection refused
======== 1 failed, 4 passed, 1 pytest-warnings in 0.17 seconds ========

A patch can be added to fake the SMTP class:

import smtplib
import pytest
from mailer import send

class FakeSMTP(object):

def patch_smtplib():
    # setup step: monkey patch smtplib
    old_smtp = smtplib.SMTP
    smtplib.SMTP = FakeSMTP


    # teardown step: bring back smtplib to 
    # its former state
    smtplib.SMTP = old_smtp

def test_send(patch_smtplib):
    res = send(
        '[email protected]',
        '[email protected]',
    assert res == {}

In the preceding code, we have used a new pytest.yield_fixture() decorator. It allows us to use a generator syntax to provide both setup and teardown procedures in a single fixture function. Now our test suite can be run again with the patched version of smtplib:

$ py.test --tb=short -v
======================== test session starts ========================
platform darwin -- Python 3.5.1, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /Users/swistakm/.envs/book/bin/python3
cachedir: .cache
rootdir: /Users/swistakm/dev/book/chapter10/mailer, inifile: 
plugins: capturelog-0.7, codecheckers-0.2, cov-2.2.1, timeout-1.0.0
collected 5 items 

mailer.py::pyflakes PASSED
mailer.py::pep8 PASSED
test_mailer.py::pyflakes PASSED
test_mailer.py::pep8 PASSED
test_mailer.py::test_send FAILED

============================= FAILURES ==============================
_____________________________ test_send _____________________________
test_mailer.py:29: in test_send
mailer.py:19: in send
    server = smtplib.SMTP(server)
E   TypeError: object() takes no parameters
======= 1 failed, 4 passed, 1 pytest-warnings in 0.09 seconds =======

As we can see from the preceding transcript, our FakeSMTP class implementation is not complete. We need to update its interface to match the original SMTP class. According to the duck typing principle, we need only to provide interfaces that are required by the tested send() function:

class FakeSMTP(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        # arguments are not important in our example

    def quit(self):

    def sendmail(self, *args, **kw):
        return {}

Of course, the fake class can evolve with new tests to provide more complex behaviors. But it should be as short and simple as possible. The same principle can be used with more complex outputs, by recording them to serve them back through the fake API. This is often done for third-party servers such as LDAP or SQL.

It is important to know that special care should be taken when monkey patching any built-in or third-party module. If not done properly, such an approach might leave unwanted side effects that will propagate between tests. Fortunately, many testing frameworks and tools provide proper utilities that make the patching of any code units safe and easy. In our example, we did everything manually and provided a custom patch_smtplib() fixture function with separated setup and teardown steps. A typical solution in py.test is much easier. This framework comes with a built-in monkey patch fixture that should satisfy most of our patching needs:

import smtplib
from mailer import send

class FakeSMTP(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        # arguments are not important in our example

    def quit(self):

    def sendmail(self, *args, **kw):
        return {}

def test_send(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(smtplib, 'SMTP', FakeSMTP)

    res = send(
        '[email protected]',
        '[email protected]',
    assert res == {}

You should know that fakes have real limitations. If you decide to fake an external dependency, you might introduce bugs or unwanted behaviors the real server wouldn't have or vice versa.

Using mocks

Mock objects are generic fake objects that can be used to isolate the tested code. They automate the building process of the object's input and output. There is a greater use of mock objects in statically typed languages, where monkey patching is harder, but they are still useful in Python to shorten the code to mimic external APIs.

There are a lot of mock libraries available in Python, but the most recognized one is unittest.mock and is provided in the standard library. It was created as a third-party package and not as a part of the Python distribution but was shortly included into the standard library as a provisional package (refer to https://docs.python.org/dev/glossary.html#term-provisional-api). For Python versions older than 3.3, you will need to install it from PyPI:

pip install Mock

In our example, using unittest.mock to patch SMTP is way simpler than creating a fake from scratch:

import smtplib
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from mailer import send

def test_send(monkeypatch):
    smtp_mock = MagicMock()
    smtp_mock.sendmail.return_value = {}

        smtplib, 'SMTP', MagicMock(return_value=smtp_mock)

    res = send(
        '[email protected]',
        '[email protected]',
    assert res == {}

The return_value argument of a mock object or method allows you to define what value is returned by the call. When the mock object is used, every time an attribute is called by the code, it creates a new mock object for the attribute on the fly. Thus, no exception is raised. This is the case (for instance) for the quit method we wrote earlier that does not need to be defined anymore.

In the preceding example, we have in fact created two mocks:

  • The first one that mocks the SMTP class object and not its instance. This allows you to easily create a new object regardless of the expected __init__() method. Mocks by default return new Mock() objects if treated as callable. This is why we needed to provide another mock as its return_value keyword argument to have control on the instance interface.
  • The second one that mocks the actual instance returned on the patched smtplib.SMTP() call. In this mock, we control the behavior of the sendmail()method.

In our example, we have used the monkey-patching utility available from the py.test framework, but unittest.mock provides its own patching utilities. In some situations (like patching class objects), it may be simpler and faster to use them instead of your framework-specific tools. Here is example of monkey patching with the patch() context manager provided by unittest.mock module:

from unittest.mock import patch
from mailer import send

def test_send():
    with patch('smtplib.SMTP') as mock:
        instance = mock.return_value
        instance.sendmail.return_value = {}
        res = send(
            '[email protected]',
            '[email protected]',
        assert res == {}

Testing environment and dependency compatibility

The importance of environment isolation has already been mentioned in this book many times. By isolating your execution environment on both application level (virtual environments) and system level (system virtualization), you are able to ensure that your tests run under repeatable conditions. This way, you protect yourself from rare and obscure problems caused by broken dependencies.

The best way to allow the proper isolation of a test environment is to use good continuous integration systems that support system virtualization. There are good free solutions for open source projects such as Travis CI (Linux and OS X) or AppVeyor (Windows), but if you need such a thing for testing proprietary software, it is very likely that you will need to spend some time on building such a solution by yourself on top of some existing open source CI tools (GitLab CI, Jenkins, and Buildbot).

Dependency matrix testing

Testing matrixes for open source Python projects in most cases focus only on different Python versions and rarely on different operating systems. Not doing your tests and builds on different systems is completely OK for projects that are purely Python and where there are no expected system interoperability issues. But some projects, especially when distributed as compiled Python extensions, should be definitely tested on various target operating systems. For open source projects, you may even be forced to use a few independent CI systems to provide builds for just the three most popular ones (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X). If you are looking for a good example, you can take a look at the small pyrilla project (refer to https://github.com/swistakm/pyrilla) that is a simple C audio extension for Python. It uses both Travis CI and AppVeyor in order to provide compiled builds for Windows and Mac OS X and a large range of CPython versions.

But dimensions of test matrixes do not end on systems and Python versions. Packages that provide integration with other software such as caches, databases, or system services very often should be tested on various versions of integrated applications. A good tool that makes such testing easy is tox (refer to http://tox.readthedocs.org). It provides a simple way to configure multiple testing environments and run all tests with a single tox command. It is a very powerful and flexible tool but is also very easy to use. The best way to present its usage is to show you an example of a configuration file that is in fact the core of tox. Here is the tox.ini file from the django-userena project (refer to https://github.com/bread-and-pepper/django-userena):

downloadcache = {toxworkdir}/cache/

envlist =
    ; py26 support was dropped in django1.7
    ; py27 still has the widest django support
    ; py32, py33 support was officially introduced in django1.5
    ; py32, py33 support was dropped in django1.9
    ; py34 support was officially introduced in django1.7
    ; py35 support was officially introduced in django1.8

usedevelop = True
deps =
    django{15,16}: south
    django{15,16}: django-guardian<1.4.0
    django15: django==1.5.12
    django16: django==1.6.11
    django17: django==1.7.11
    django18: django==1.8.7
    django19: django==1.9
    coverage: django==1.9
    coverage: coverage==4.0.3
    coverage: coveralls==1.1

basepython =
    py35: python3.5
    py34: python3.4
    py33: python3.3
    py32: python3.2
    py27: python2.7
    py26: python2.6

commands={envpython} userena/runtests/runtests.py userenaumessages {posargs}

basepython = python2.7
    coverage run --source=userena userena/runtests/runtests.py userenaumessages {posargs}

This configuration allows you to test django-userena on five different versions of Django and six versions of Python. Not every Django version will work on every Python version and the tox.ini file makes it relatively easy to define such dependency constraints. In practice, the whole build matrix consists of 21 unique environments (including a special environment for code coverage collection). It would require tremendous effort to create each testing environment manually or even using shell scripts.

Tox is great but its usage gets more complicated if we would like to change other elements of the testing environment that are not plain Python dependencies. This is a situation when we need to test under different versions of system packages and backing services. The best way to solve this problem is again to use good continuous integration systems that allow you to easily define matrixes of environment variables and install system software on virtual machines. A good example of doing that using Travis CI is provided by the ianitor project (refer to https://github.com/ClearcodeHQ/ianitor/) that was already mentioned in Chapter 9, Documenting Your Project. It is a simple utility for the Consul discovery service. The Consul project has a very active community and many new versions of its code are released every year. This makes it very reasonable to test against various versions of that service. This makes sure that the ianitor project is still up to date with the latest version of that software but also does not break compatibility with previous Consul versions. Here is the content of the .travis.yml configuration file for Travis CI that allows you to test against three different Consul versions and four Python interpreter versions:

language: python

install: pip install tox --use-mirrors
    # consul 0.4.1
    - TOX_ENV=py27     CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1
    - TOX_ENV=py33     CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1
    - TOX_ENV=py34     CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1
    - TOX_ENV=py35     CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1

    # consul 0.5.2
    - TOX_ENV=py27     CONSUL_VERSION=0.5.2
    - TOX_ENV=py33     CONSUL_VERSION=0.5.2
    - TOX_ENV=py34     CONSUL_VERSION=0.5.2
    - TOX_ENV=py35     CONSUL_VERSION=0.5.2

    # consul 0.6.4
    - TOX_ENV=py27     CONSUL_VERSION=0.6.4
    - TOX_ENV=py33     CONSUL_VERSION=0.6.4
    - TOX_ENV=py34     CONSUL_VERSION=0.6.4
    - TOX_ENV=py35     CONSUL_VERSION=0.6.4

    # coverage and style checks
    - TOX_ENV=pep8     CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1
    - TOX_ENV=coverage CONSUL_VERSION=0.4.1

  - wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/consul/${CONSUL_VERSION}/consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip
  - unzip consul_${CONSUL_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip
  - start-stop-daemon --start --background --exec `pwd`/consul -- agent -server -data-dir /tmp/consul -bootstrap-expect=1

  - tox -e $TOX_ENV

The preceding example provides 14 unique test environments (including pep8 and coverage builds) for the ianitor code. This configuration also uses tox to create actual testing virtual environments on Travis VMs. This is actually a very popular approach to integrate tox with different CI systems. By moving as much of a test environment configuration as possible to tox, you are reducing the risk of locking yourself to a single vendor. Things like the installation of new services or defining system environment variables are supported by most of the Travis CI competitors, so it should be relatively easy to switch to a different service provider if there is a better product available on the market or Travis will change their pricing model for open source projects.

Document-driven development

doctests are a real advantage in Python compared to other languages. The fact that documentation can use code examples that are also runnable as tests changes the way TDD can be done. For instance, a part of the documentation can be done through doctests during the development cycle. This approach also ensures that the provided examples are always up to date and really working.

Building software through doctests rather than regular unit tests is called Document-Driven Development (DDD). Developers explain what the code is doing in plain English while they are implementing it.

Writing a story

Writing doctests in DDD is done by building a story about how a piece of code works and should be used. The principles are described in plain English and then a few code usage examples are distributed throughout the text. A good practice is to start to write text on how the code works and then add some code examples.

To see an example of doctests in practice, let's look at the atomisator package (refer to https://bitbucket.org/tarek/atomisator). The documentation text for its atomisator.parser subpackage (under packages/atomisator.parser/atomisator/parser/docs/README.txt) is as follows:


The parser knows how to return a feed content, with
the `parse` function, available as a top-level function::

>>> from atomisator.parser import Parser

This function takes the feed url and returns an iterator
over its content. A second parameter can specify a maximum
number of entries to return. If not given, it is fixed to 10::

>>> import os
>>> res = Parser()(os.path.join(test_dir, 'sample.xml'))
>>> res
<itertools.imap ...>

Each item is a dictionary that contain the entry::

>>> entry = res.next()
>>> entry['title']
u'CSSEdit 2.0 Released'

The keys available are:

>>> keys = sorted(entry.keys())
>>> list(keys)
    ['id', 'link', 'links', 'summary', 'summary_detail', 'tags', 
     'title', 'title_detail']

Dates are changed into datetime::

>>> type(entry['date'])

Later, the doctest will evolve to take into account new elements or the required changes. This doctest is also a good documentation for developers who want to use the package and should be changed with this usage in mind.

A common pitfall in writing tests in a document is to transform it into an unreadable piece of text. If this happens, it should not be considered as part of the documentation anymore.

That said, some developers that are working exclusively through doctests often group their doctests into two categories: the ones that are readable and usable so that they can be a part of the package documentation, and the ones that are unreadable and are just used to build and test the software.

Many developers think that doctests should be dropped for the latter in favor of regular unit tests. Others even use dedicated doctests for bug fixes.

So, the balance between doctests and regular tests is a matter of taste and is up to the team, as long as the published part of the doctests is readable.


When DDD is used in a project, focus on the readability and decide which doctests are eligible to be a part of the published documentation.

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