

ABT, 18

Adams, James Truslow, The Epic of America, 16

American Dream, 11, 1519, 155

American Idol, 5, 109

The Art of the Start (Kawasaki), 268


balance, work-life, 9698, 138

Beavers, Wade (DoApp), 168, 178

Bell, Chip, Take Their Breath Away, 156

benefits, 42, 231233, 243, 292

The Blame Game, 234237

Book Yourself Solid (Port), 50

Bounce! (Moltz), 24

brand, building, 180181

Bratz®, 111112

Brodsky, Norm, The Knack, 165

Bryant, Carter, 111112


building, 146147

buying, 191196

costs of, 122123, 163, 167172, 224227, 230231

environment, 198199, 291

evaluation of, 8586, 292

experience in, 102106, 290

family (See family business)

finances and, 163174

personal fit for, 67, 25, 2831, 159

starting while employed, 109113

business capital, 166168

business cycles, 131138

business ideas, novel, 289

misconceptions about, 67

obsession with, 7778

success without, 7172

value of, 6771

vs. execution, 7274

vs. hard work, 7677

business models, 7, 163166

business relationships, 116117

business tasks, 7273


capital, 122123, 163168, 170171, 291

cash flow management, 251261

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 145

Chen, Steve, 18

Clark, James, 18

competencies, core, 151154, 291

competition, 175177, 178, 179181

connections, 115119, 227229, 234, 290

The Contrarian Effect (Port & Marshall), 183

control, as motivation, 59, 6162, 137, 289

Control, Mobility, and Freedom at a Job and When You Own Your Own Company, 59

core competencies, 151154, 291

costs, 122123, 163, 167172, 224227, 230231

Cowell, Simon, 5

coworkers, 8992, 233234

credit card debt, 123124

customers, 4850, 62, 8384, 8990, 117, 179182


day job, quitting, 10, 110, 118, 164, 172, 237

DDL (Doctors, Dentists, and Lawyers), 169

Deal or No Deal, 211212, 217

debt, credit card, 123124

delegation, 152, 185187

destiny, control of, 6162

The Dip (Godin), 22

diversification, 217218

DoApp (Beavers & Sriver), 168, 178

Domino’s Pizza, 246

Doyle, Patrick, 246

Dunkin’ Donuts, 71


eBay, 18, 19

ego as motivation, 6166, 289

employees, 9091, 292

as boss, 51

friends and family as, 241242

hiring, 240242

issues with attitude, 245247

logistics and overhead of, 242244

responsibility to, 248249

theft and, 247248

training, 244246

The E-Myth Revisited (Gerber), 34, 7, 40, 189

Entrepreneur Equation

assembling, 275285

assessment of, 108

calculating, 31

evaluations of, 13

exercises for (See exercises)

finalizing and evaluating, 277281

revision of, 287

entrepreneurial match, 2830. See also personal fit

Entrepreneurship Screen, Two-Way, 2324

The Epic of America (Adams), 16

Escape from Cubicle Nation (Slim), 64, 83


of Entrepreneur Equation, 13

financial “deal,” 219220

hourly, 220221

prudent investor, 221

exercises. See also Personal Brainstorm

Are You in It for the Long Haul?, 143144

Assessing an Acquisition, 196

Assessing How Cash Flows Impact Your Risk and Reward, 261

Assessing Risk and Rewards from the Numbers, 219221

Assessing Your Financial Risk Tolerance (El Cheapo), 128

Assessing Your Financial Situation and Responsibility (or Lack of Financial Responsibility), 127

Assessing Your Strengths in Terms of Role, 153154

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part I), 4344

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part 2), 66

Do You Have a Competitive Advantage?, 182183

Evaluating Control Factors, 5758

Evaluating your experience, 107108

Evaluating Your Network, 118119

Identifying Qualitative Risks, 237

Is the Family Business the Right Opportunity for You?, 206

Is Your Business Scalable?, 188

Putting Your Entrepreneur Equation Together, 278281

Should You Have a Hobby or a Jobbie?, 87

Understanding the Numbers So You Can Evaluate Risk and Reward, 172174

Working with (or without) Others, 92

experience (business/industry), 102106, 290


family, 9698, 170, 241242, 290

family business

about, 197198

benefits and risks of, 198206

Ferriss, Tim, The 4-Hour Workweek, 189

Fertitta, Frank, 70

Fertitta, Lorenzo, 70


Assessing How Cash Flows Impact Your Risk and Reward, 261

financial accounting, 164166, 251

financial “deal” evaluation, 219220

financial management, 121127, 251261, 293

financial model, 164166

financial projections, 163164

financial responsibility, 123124, 290

financial risk and reward equation, 210217

financial statements, 171172

FIRED-UP®, 2324, 91, 93, 95, 163

fit, personal, 67, 25, 2830, 31, 159

Flemming Business Services, 259

Flemming, Suzette, 259

The 4-Hour Workweek (Ferriss), 189

franchises, 5455. See also business, buying

Free Agent Nation (Pink), 29


GAGOOS syndrome, 4647

Gates, Bill, 2728, 64, 106, 284

Gerber, Michael, The E-Myth Revisited, 34, 7, 40, 189

get-rich-quick schemes, 7476

Godin, Seth, The Dip, 22


health insurance, 231232

Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich, 156

hobbies, 8192, 289

hobbyists, 8384

honeymoon period, 132136

honeymoon period, reverse, 136138

hourly financial evaluation, 220221

hourly wage, 216217

Hull, Raymond,The Peter Principle, 4546

Hurley, Chad, 18


ideas (novel), for business, 6178, 289

The Illusions of Entrepreneurship (Shane), 2

industry experience, 103106

information, power of, 193194

Inserra, Stella, (Simply Dazzling Events) 4041, 56

inventory, 253256

investment risk, 124126, 209220

investors, 5154, 7677, 116, 122123, 169171

IPO (Initial Pubic Offering), 169, 271272


jobbies, 6, 8486, 188, 289

job-business, 6, 3638

Job to Business Spectrum, 38, 39, 54


Kawasaki, Guy, The Art of the Start, 268

“key man” issues, 269271

kidgets, 201, 203205

The Knack (Brodsky), 165, 7778


The Leap (Smith), 27

Lee, Jonathan, “Reservations of an Airline Agent,” 49

legal issues, 110113

Let’s Make a Deal, 209, 284, 292

loans, 53, 170, 252, 256 278

Lucy Van Pelt, 910, 61, 294


management, 4546, 9091

marketing, 179181

Marshall, Elizabeth, The Contrarian Effect, 183

Mattel Inc., 111112

McDonald’s, 17, 71, 186187, 225

Microsoft Corporation, 17, 2728, 164

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 70

Moltz, Barry, Bounce!, 24

mompreneur, 10


issues with, 290

personal issues with, 121127

start-up costs and, 122123

motivation, 3536

Assessing How Your Idea Influences Your Motivation, 79

assessment of, 33

control as, 6162, 137, 289

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part I), 4344

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part 2), 66

ego, 6166, 289

Evaluating Control Factors, 5758

Should You Have a Hobby or a Jobbie?, 87

solopreneur as, 8992

Working with (or without) Others, 92


Netscape, 18

networking, 115119, 234, 290

NFL (National Football League), 22, 29, 68, 101102

novelty as motivation, 139144, 291


office space, 226227

Omidyar, Pierre, 18


Assessing an Acquisition, 196

assessment of, 161

competition and, 175183

Do You Have a Competitive Advantage?, 182183

of family business, 198199

finances and, 163174

Is the Family Business the Right Opportunity for You?, 206

Is Your Business Scalable?, 188

Understanding the Numbers So You Can Evaluate Risk and Reward, 172174

opportunity costs, 187188, 210

overall assessment

Putting Your Entrepreneur Equation Together, 278281


Pass the Buck, 234237

Patterson, John R., Take Their Breath Away, 156

PayPal, 18

Peapod, 6970

people management, 9091

Personal Brainstorm. See also exercises

Assessing How Your Idea Influences Your Motivation, 79

Creating Value Before You Take On Risk (No Money), 126

Evaluating Your Stakeholders, 99

How Employees Affect your Place on the Job-to-Business Scale, 250

The Patience Factor, 149

Starting a Business While You Are Employed, 113

Understanding the Highs and Lows of Business, 138

personal fit, 67, 25, 2830, 31

personality, 288

Are You in It for the Long Haul?, 143144

Assessing Your Strengths in Terms of Role, 153154

core competencies, 151154, 291

The Patience Factor, 149

Understanding the Highs and Lows of Business, 138

Your Personality Assessment, 129

personal responsibility, 9599, 293

Peter, Laurence J.,The Peter Principle, 4546

The Peter Principle (Peter & Hull), 4546

Pink, Dan, Free Agent Nation, 29

Port, Michael, 7

Book Yourself Solid, 50

Contrarian Effect, 183

portfolio investment, 217218

preparation, business, 93, 101113, 287

priorities, 9599, 290

professional capital, 116

pro forma financial model, 163164

prudent investor evaluation, 221


qualitative risks, 207208, 223224, 237

quantitative risks, 207208

quitting the day job, 10, 110, 118, 164, 172, 237


raising capital, 116118, 122123, 163168, 170171, 291


The 4-Hour Workweek, (Ferriss), 189

The Contrarian Effect (Port & Marshall), 183

The E-Myth Revisited, (Gerber), 189

Wishcraft (Sher), 158


business, 116117

interpersonal, 289

with money, 121127

“Reservations of an Airline Agent” (Lee), 49

resources, people, 290. See also employees

responsibility, 290

to employees, 248249

of entrepreneur, 263265

evaluation of, 9697

financial, 123124

personal, 9599, 293

risks of, 266271

return on investment, 172, 210

revenge, as motivation, 6364

reverse honeymoon period, 136138

rewards of entrepreneurship, 207208

risks, qualitative, 223224

risks vs. rewards, 124128, 131138, 293

about, 209210

Assessing Risk and Rewards from the Numbers, 219221

of buying a business, 191196

equation for, 210217

evaluating, 187188, 207208, 292

of family business, 198206

How Employees Affect your Place on the Job-to-Business Scale, 250

Identifying Qualitative Risks, 237

as solopreneur, 264271

roles, as entrepreneur, 151154, 185187

Royal Ahold, 70


salary, 214217

The Secret, 156157

self-employment, 4546, 215

Semaphore Entertainment Group, 70

Shane, Scott, A., The Illusions of Entrepreneurship, 2

Sher, Barbara, Wishcraft, 158

Silicon Graphics, 18

Simply Dazzling Events (Inserra, Stella), 4041, 56

skill set, 151154

Slim, Pam, Escape from Cubicle Nation, 64, 83

Smith, Rick, The Leap, 27

Snuggie®, 71

solopreneurs, 10, 8992, 233234, 264265

Spinach in Your Teeth®, 8

Sriver, Joe (DoApp), 168, 178

Starbucks, 71, 78, 225

start-up costs, 122123, 163168

Stewart, Martha, 271273

strategy and vision, 151153

Subway, 141142


Take Their Breath Away (Bell & Patterson), 156

Target Focus—Finances

Assessing How Cash Flows Impact Your Risk and Reward, 261

Target Focus—Motivations

Assessing How Your Idea Influences Your Motivation, 79

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part I), 4344

Defining Your Baseline Motivations List (Part 2), 66

Evaluating Control Factors, 5758

Should You Have a Hobby or a Jobbie?, 87

Working with (or without) Others, 92

Target Focus—Opportunity

Assessing an Acquisition, 196

Do You Have a Competitive Advantage?, 182183

Is the Family Business the Right Opportunity for You?, 206

Is Your Business Scalable?, 188

Understanding the Numbers So You Can Evaluate Risk and Reward, 172174

Target Focus—Overall Assessment

Putting Your Entrepreneur Equation Together, 278281

Target Focus—Personality

Are You in It for the Long Haul?, 143144

Assessing Your Strengths in Terms of Role, 153154

The Patience Factor, 149

Understanding the Highs and Lows of Business, 138

Target Focus—Risk/Reward

Assessing Risk and Rewards from the Numbers, 219221

How Employees Affect your Place on the Job-to-Business Scale, 250

Identifying Qualitative Risks, 237

Target Focus—Timing

Assessing Your Financial Risk Tolerance (El Cheapo), 128

Assessing Your Financial Situation and Responsibility (or Lack of Financial Responsibility), 127

Creating Value Before You Take On Risk (No Money), 126

Evaluating your experience, 107108

Evaluating Your Network, 118119

Evaluating Your Stakeholders, 99

Starting a Business While You Are Employed, 113

Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 156

timing, 290

assessing, 93

Assessing Your Financial Risk Tolerance (El Cheapo), 128

Assessing Your Financial Situation and Responsibility (or Lack of Financial Responsibility), 127

of cash flow, 259260

competition and, 175183

Creating Value Before You Take On Risk (No Money), 126

Evaluating your experience, 107108

Evaluating Your Network, 118119

Evaluating Your Stakeholders, 99

priorities and, 98

Starting a Business While You Are Employed, 113

Two-Way Entrepreneurship Screen, 2324


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 70

upwards mobility potential, 59


vendors, 55, 229, 254

venture capital, 52, 169170. See also capital

Veruca Salt, 145

vision and strategy, 151152


wage, hourly, 216217

Webvan, 69

White, Dana, 70

widgets, 102, 201205, 256258

Wishcraft (Sher), 158

work environment, 4647, 223231

office space, 226227

working capital, 252256. See also capital

work-life balance, 9698, 138

Wu, Jason, 103104


YouTube, 18

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