

  • Abacus
  • Abrupt switching
  • Activation barrier between stable states
  • Actuation
  • Adhesion force
  • Alkanethiol
  • All spin logic (ASL)
    • cascadable circuit, layout for
    • device
    • graphene
    • SET switching kinetics
    • SET time
    • switch, schematics of
  • Alternative circuit design techniques
    • and architectures
    • cellular automata (CA)
    • nonBoolean computing
    • threshold logic
  • ALU. See Arithmetic logic units (ALU)
  • Ambipolar transport
  • Amorphous carbon
  • Amorphous phase
  • AND/OR gate
  • Applications
  • Architectures, alternate
  • Area efficiency
  • Arithmetic logic units (ALU)
  • Armchair
  • ASL. See All spin logic (ASL)
  • Associative memory
    • definition
    • hierarchical model
    • unit
  • Atomic switch
    • electrochemical reaction
    • gapless-type
    • gap-type
    • inert electrode
    • learning ability
    • memristor
    • metal filament
    • nonvolatile
    • photo-sensing ability
    • reversible electrode
    • synapse
  • Attractor



  • CA. See Cellular automata (CA)
  • Canonical model
  • Capacity, minimum world capacity to process bitts
  • Capacity problem
  • Carbon allotropes
  • Carbon-based memory
  • Carbon nanotubes
    • contacts to
    • dielectric coating on
    • electronic structure of
    • electron transport in
    • placement of
    • purification of
    • transistor
      • ambipolar transport of
      • dielectrics in
      • gate structure of
      • operation of
      • passivation of
      • scaling of
  • CBRAM. See Conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM)
  • CDMA signals, mobile phones
  • Cellular automata (CA)
    • architectures
    • fine-grained
    • two-dimensional grid
  • Cellular automata architectures
  • Chalcogenides
  • Charge-based memory, essential physics of
  • Charge confinement
  • Charge storage layer
  • Charge trapping
    • layer
  • Clock-free
  • CMIS. See Current-induced magnetization switching (CMIS)
  • CMOS technologies. See Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies
  • CoFeB free layer
  • Cognition
  • Complementary logic
  • Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies
    • architectural compatibility
    • beyond
    • CMOS chip, structural composition
    • dmensional scaling, functional scaling,xx
    • inverter
      • input–output characteristics
    • nanotransistors
    • quantitative logic benchmarking
      • architectural requirements
      • observations/perspectives
      • quantitative results
    • survey-based critical assessment
      • emerging research logic technologies
      • emerging research memory technologies
      • ERD survey, observations/perspectives based
      • methodology
      • overall technology requirements
    • switches
      • write–read (W–R) pair
    • technological compatibility
    • transistors
  • Complementary resistive switch (CRS)
  • Computational information variable
  • Computer metaphor
  • Concepts, Novel and speculative
  • Conducting polymer
  • Conductive bridge random access memory (CBRAM)
  • Contact length
  • Contact resistance
  • Cost per transistor
  • Coulomb blockade
    • effect
  • Crossbar array
  • CrossNets
  • CRS. See Complementary resistive switch (CRS)
  • Crystalline phase
  • Current-induced magnetization switching (CMIS)
  • Cutoff frequency


  • Damping
  • Data representation layer
  • Datta–Das spin transistor
  • Degree of match
  • Delay
  • Diamond-like carbon
  • Digital integrated circuits
  • Diode
  • Directionality
  • Distance metric
  • DNA
  • Donor-acceptor polymer
  • Double bond
  • 3D PCM
  • DRAM. See Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
  • Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction
  • D’yakonov–Perel’ mechanism
  • Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
    • access time
    • capacitor insulator
    • energetics
    • energy–space–time compromise
    • limiting factor of
    • memory cell, energy required to create/maintain
    • resistances and capacitances
    • scaling and performance projections
    • schematic electrical diagram
    • space–action function
      • scaling optimization


  • ECM cells. See Electrochemical metallization memory (ECM) cells
  • Economies, global and U. S., impact of integrated circuit chip
  • Elasto-static energies
  • Electrical breakdown
  • Electric field
  • Electrochemical metallization bridge (EMB)
  • Electrochemical metallization memory (ECM) cells
    • AgI-based cells
    • Cu/SiO2/Pt cells
    • equivalent circuit model
    • modeling
    • physical switching mechanism
      • electroforming/SET process
      • RESET mechanism
    • typical quasi-static I-V characteristic
  • Electrochemistry
  • Electroforming
  • Electromigrated break junction
  • Electron escape frequency
  • Electronic devices
  • Electronic synapse
  • Electron transfer reaction
  • Electron tunnel transport
  • Electro-optical modulator
    • semiconductor electron wave analog of
  • Elliott–Yafet relaxation
  • EMB. See Electrochemical metallization bridge (EMB)
  • Emerging devices
  • Emerging research device (ERD)
    • editorial team–7
    • group
    • tracked technologies
      • alternative information processing devices
      • charge-based nonconventional beyond CMOS–nonFET devices
      • memory devices
      • nonclassical CMOS
      • retrospective assessment
  • Emerging research materials
  • Endurance
  • Energy
    • angle of magnetization
    • dissipation
      • minimize
    • efficiency
    • transfer interactions
  • ERD. See Emerging research device (ERD)
  • Extended CMOS


  • Fan-out
  • FD SOI transistor
  • FeFET. See Ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeFET)
  • Fe-NAND. See Ferroelectric NAND (Fe-NAND)
  • FEP. See Front end processes (FEP)
  • FeRAM. See Ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM)
  • Ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeFET)
    • memory
  • Ferroelectric memory
  • Ferroelectric NAND (Fe-NAND)
  • Ferroelectric polymers
  • Ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM)
  • Ferroelectric size effect
  • Ferroelectric tunnel junction (FTJ)
    • memory
  • FET. See Field effect transistor (FET)
  • FIB irradiation
  • Field effect transistor (FET)
    • barrier
    • carbon nanotube (CNT)
    • FinFET
    • Ge FET
    • III-V FET
    • molecular
    • Mott transistor (Mott FET)
    • negative capacitance FET
    • spin-FETs
    • spin transistor
    • tri-gate
    • tunnel
  • Filamentary conduction
  • Filamentation
  • FinFET
  • Finite element (FEM) simulations
  • Flash memories
    • cell
    • energetics of
    • energy barrier shapes
    • floating gate memory
    • Fowler–Nordheim tunneling mode
    • insulator material parameters
    • nonvolatile electron charge-based memory
    • read operation
    • scaling and performance projections
    • store
    • write operation
  • Flexible electronics
  • Floating gate memory
  • Fourier transforms
  • Fowler-Nordheim (F-N)
    • tunneling mode
    • tunneling regime
  • Free volume
  • Front end processes (FEP)
  • FTJ. See Ferroelectric tunnel junction (FTJ)
  • Fuchs–Sondheimer approximation
  • Fuchs–Sondheimer theory
  • Fullerenes



  • Halg
  • Hanle effect
  • Hard disk drives (HDD)
  • HDD. See Hard disk drives (HDD)
  • Heat transfer resistance
  • High resistive state (HRS)
  • H2Pc molecules, topographic image
  • HRS. See High resistive state (HRS)
  • Hybridization of orbitals
  • Hybrid spintronics
  • Hysteresis


  • IC. See Integrated circuit (IC)
  • ICT. See Information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • IETS. See Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS)
  • Image database
    • ATT Cambridge
    • FERET
  • I-MOS. See Impact-ionization MOS (I-MOS)
  • Impact-ionization MOS (I-MOS)
  • InAs heterostructure
  • Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS)
  • Information
  • Information abstraction
  • Information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • Information processing,xx
  • iNML AF-line, bit definition
  • iNML-based design
  • iNML devices
    • clocking zones
    • metastable (MS) state
    • schematic
    • size
  • iNML ensemble, with multiple clock lines
  • iNML realization
  • Input-output isolation
  • Insulator material parameters
  • Integrated circuit (IC)
  • Intelligent sensors
  • Intel® CoreTM i3-530 Processor
  • Interfacial oxide
  • Interfacial PCM
  • International Roadmap Committee
  • International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
  • International Technology Working Group (ITWG)
  • Inverter, input-output characteristics of
  • Ionic transport


  • Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) standards


  • Kapitza resistance
  • K-means clustering
  • Kondo
  • Kroemer, Herbert




  • NAND flash
    • memory
  • NAND gate
  • NAND2 gate, area-energy-delay characteristics of
  • Nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS)
    • high cycle
    • intermediate cycle
    • low cycle
  • Nanoelectronics
    • devices
  • Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI)
  • Nanomagnet logic (NML)
    • challenge
      • efficient interconnect
      • error tolerance
    • circuit design
      • achieving bi-directional dataflow
      • architecture overview
      • Boolean logic
      • data races
      • less complex signal routing
      • pipeline depth
      • pNML implementation
      • systolic architectures implementations
      • systolic arrays
    • circuit, logic functionality
    • domain-wall logic hybrids
    • hardware
    • information processing architectures
    • iNML device schematic
    • in-plane device architecture
    • MAJ gate
    • out-of-plane device architecture
    • paths forward
    • retrospective, experimental progress to date
  • Nanoscale thermal management
  • Nanoswitch
  • Nanowire
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • National technology roadmap for semiconductors (NTRS)
  • Negative capacitance FET
  • NEMS. See Nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS)
  • Neumann architectures
  • Neural systems
    • noise tolerance
    • noise utilization
  • Neuromorphic architectures
    • applications and development
    • chips
    • ITRS 2007
    • machine vs. environmental complexity
    • noise-driven neural processing
    • noise tolerance/noise utilization
    • single electron transistor (SET) neurons
    • VLSI systems
  • Neuromorphic computing
  • Neurons
  • NML. See Nanomagnet logic (NML)
  • NM logic circuits
  • NMOS transistor
  • Noise-filtering CA
  • NonBoolean information processing
  • NonCMOS technology
  • Nonlinearity
  • Nonvolatile (NV) latch
  • Nonvolatile memory (NVM) technology
  • nonVon Neumann architectures
  • NOR flash memory
  • NOR gate
  • Nonthermal equilibrium systems
  • N-Tree model
    • performance
    • recognition process
    • structure
    • training process
  • NTRS. See National technology roadmap for semiconductors (NTRS)
  • Nucleation process
  • NV latch. See Nonvolatile (NV) latch
  • NVM technology. See Nonvolatile memory (NVM) technology


  • Oda
  • Off-state current
  • On/off ratio (memory devices)
  • On-off ratio
  • ON/OFF transitions
  • ON resistances
  • On-state current
  • Operational reliability
  • Operational temperature
  • Orbital gating
  • Organic semiconductor
  • Oscillators
    • cluster
  • Oscillatory neural networks


  • Page buffer
  • Palm model
  • Pass-gate logic
  • Passivation
  • Pattern conflict
  • Pattern retrieval tests
    • improved hierarchical model
    • N-Tree model
    • simple hierarchical model
  • π-conjugated polymer
  • PEO. See Polyethylene oxide (PEO)
  • 16 Permalloy nanomagnets
    • scanning electron microscope (SEM) image
  • Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA)
  • Persistent spin helix (PSH)
  • Perspectives
  • Phase change
    • memory
    • random access memory (PCRAM)
  • Phase-locked loop
  • Phase transformations
  • Piezoelectric (PZT)
  • Planck's constant
  • PMA. See Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA)
  • PMOS transistor
  • pNML
    • architectures
    • based hardware
    • chip-level implementations, structures
    • design
      • space
    • devices
      • for edge detection
      • graphical representation
      • on-chip clocks
      • time evolution of
    • dots, noise-filtering CA
    • implementation
    • schematic of integrated adder cell
  • Polyacetylene
  • Polyelectrolytes
  • Polyethylene oxide (PEO)
  • Polymers
  • Polystyrene sulfonate
  • Poole-Frenkel
  • Potential well
  • Power consumption
  • Printable electronics
  • Process integration
  • Program/erase energies
  • Programmable metallization memory cell (PMC)
  • Programmed input, MFM images
  • Pseudo-spin-MOSFET (PS-MOSFET)
    • circuit configuration of
    • numerical simulations
  • PSH. See Persistent spin helix (PSH)
  • Pulse-density modulation
  • PZT. See Piezoelectric (PZT)


  • QCA. See Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)
  • Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)
    • architecture
    • devices
    • metal-dot implementations of
  • Quantum mechanical tunneling
  • Quantum resistance


  • Radiation resistance
  • Radio-frequency MEMS (RF MEMS)
  • RAM. See Random access memories (RAM)
  • Raman spectrum
  • Random access memories (RAM)
  • Rashba effect
  • Rashba spin-orbit
    • coupling effect
    • interaction
    • for spin polarization control
  • RC-bounded minimum access time
  • Read
  • Reconfigurability
  • Rectification
  • Redox-based resistive memories (ReRAM)
    • Arrhenius plot
    • classification scheme
    • ECM cells (See Electrochemical metallization memory (ECM) cells)
    • and external CMOS
    • Landauer conductance
    • multi-bit properties
    • performance of
      • minimum cell area
      • minimum feature size
      • minimum switching time
      • multilevel
      • retention time
      • write cycles
    • physical fundamentals of
      • circuit simulations, modeling redox memories for
      • electronic conduction mechanisms
      • empirical dynamical models
      • generic physics-based dynamical models
      • generic switching properties
      • initial dynamical models
      • ionic conduction mechanism
      • quasi-static models
      • switching kinetics
    • VCM cells (See Valence change memory (VCM) cells)
  • Reliability
  • ReRAM. See Redox-based resistive memories (ReRAM)
  • RESET switching kinetics
  • Resistance drift
  • Resistance random access memory (RRAM)
  • Resistive switching
  • Retention
  • Ripple carry adder
    • inherent pipelining in
  • RRAM. See Resistance random access memory (RRAM)


  • Saturated macromolecules
  • Scalability
  • Scale-free
  • Scale length
  • Scaling
    • cell
  • Schottky barrier
  • SCLC. See Space-charge-limited-conduction (SCLC)
  • Scope
  • Select device
  • Selection process, for choosing technology entries
  • Semiconductor-based devices
  • Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Corp.
  • Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)
  • Sensor
  • SET. See Single electron transistor (SET)
  • SEU. See Single event upset (SEU)
  • SFD. See Switching field distributions (SFD)
  • Shubnikov–de Haas (ShdH) oscillations
  • Si-doped HfO2
  • Signal propagation times
  • Silicon MOSFETs
  • Single bond
  • Single electron transistor (SET)
    • neurons
    • XOR circuit
  • Single event upset (SEU)
  • Single-layer graphene (SLG)
  • Single spin logic
  • n-type Si, spin lifetime in
  • Slonczewski spin transfer torque
  • Small-world network
  • Sneak path
  • Solid state drive (SSD)
  • Space-charge-limited-conduction (SCLC)
  • Speed
  • Spin-FETs
  • Spin Hall effect
  • Spin lifetime
    • n-type Si
  • Spin-MOSFET operation
    • spin–orbit coupling in
    • voltage-controlled spin polarization rotation
  • Spin–orbit coupling
  • Spin switch
  • Spin torque devices (STD)
  • Spin torque majority gate (STMG)
    • circuit
  • Spin torque nano-oscillator (STNO)
  • Spin transfer torque (STT)
    • current density, critical
    • magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM)
    • nanowire, magnetic
    • random access memory
      • design
      • energy
        • operation
      • power (see energy)
      • scalability
      • size (see scalability)
      • speed
  • Spin transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM)
  • Spin transistor (Spin FET, Spin MOSFET)
    • features of
    • graphene spintronics
    • logic circuits with CMOS
    • organic spintronics
    • pseudo-spin FET
    • spin-FETs
    • spin-MOSFETs
  • Spintronics
    • giant magnetoresistance
    • logic
    • magnetic logic circuits
      • all spin logic (ASL)
      • current status and perspectives
      • hybrid spintronics/straintronics devices
      • nanomagnet logic (NML)
      • spin torque devices (STD)
      • spin wave devices (SWD)
    • MOSFET, with magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ)
    • spin transistors
      • features of
      • graphene spintronics
      • logic circuits with CMOS
      • organic spintronics
      • pseudo-spin FET
      • spin-FETs
      • spin-MOSFETs
  • Spin voltages
  • Spin wave devices (SWD)
    • logic circuit
      • four-terminal
      • schematic view
    • prototypes
  • Spin wave excitation, schematics of
  • sp2 orbitals
  • sp3 orbitals
  • SSD. See Solid state drive (SSD)
  • State variable
  • Static noise margin (SNM)
  • Static random access memory (SRAM)
    • access time
    • advanced technology nodes, array parameters
    • array parameters
    • cell layout
    • internal storage node capacitance
    • limiting factor of
    • node capacitance
    • scaling
      • and performance projections
    • 6 T cell
    • transistors forming
  • STD. See Spin torque devices (STD)
  • Stiction
  • STMG. See Spin torque majority gate (STMG)
  • STO-based MAJ logic gate
  • Stochastic resonance (SR)
  • Storage class memory (SCM)
  • Storage node
  • STOs, cross-sectional diagram of
  • Straintronics
  • Structural relaxation
  • STT. See Spin transfer torque (STT)
  • STT-RAM. See Spin transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM)
  • SubKelvin temperatures
  • Sublithographic manufacturing
  • Sub-threshold conduction
  • Subthreshold swing (SS)
  • Super-lattice
  • SWD. See Spin wave devices (SWD)
  • Switch characteristics
  • Switches
    • all-spin logic
    • alternative
    • beyond Boolean logic
    • energy–delay product
    • with gain
    • input–output characteristics
  • Switching field distributions (SFD)
  • Symbol-free
  • Synapses
  • Synchronization
  • Systolic PM circuit
    • logic gates
    • processing element (PE) in


  • Talk
  • Taxonomy, nanoelectronic devices
  • Technology entries
  • Technology scaling: impact and issues
  • Temperature, maximum operating
  • TFET. See Tunnel FET (TFET)
  • Thermal boundary resistance
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Threshold field
  • Threshold switch
  • Token
  • Transduction
  • Transistor-like spin–magnet devices
  • Transistor-like switch
  • Transition state theory
  • Transition voltage spectroscopy
  • Trans-spinor
  • Tri-gate FET
  • Tunnel FET (TFET)
    • transistor
  • Tunneling
    • equations
    • escape frequency
    • gap, Faradays law
  • Tunnelling magnetoresistance (TMR)
    • junctions


  • Ultra-low-power
  • Unipolar switching


  • Valence change memory (VCM) cells
    • active electrode (AE)
    • dynamical models
    • Ohmic electrode (OE)
    • oxygen vacancies
    • physical switching mechanism
      • electroforming process
      • SET/RESET mechanism
    • SrTiO3, cross-section of
    • TaOx-VCM model
    • typical I-V characteristic of
    • WOx-based VCM cells
  • Vanadium oxide
  • van der Waals energies
  • Variability
  • VCMA. See Voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA)
  • VCM cells. See Valence change memory (VCM) cells
  • Very large scale integration (VLSI)
    • chips, built-in self-test (BIST)
  • Vibrational modes
  • VLSI. See Very large scale integration (VLSI)
  • Vision and mission
  • Volatile switch
  • Voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA)
  • Voltage-controlled spin switch
  • von Neumann machines
    • Boolean-based processing of
    • more/less/beyond Neumann
    • taxonomy, of information processing



  • XNOR gate
  • XOR gate


  • Zeeman splitting energies
  • Zigzag
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