Handling actions in controllers

Actions are important to controllers. They are triggered by the user action and can be used to change the application state. In this recipe, we'll create four different types of actions and see how they react to different situations.

How to do it...

  1. In a new application, generate the following files:
    $ ember g controller application
    $ ember g route application

    We'll be using the controller and application to store actions. Some actions will bubble up to the route, and some won't.

  2. Update the application controller and add three new actions:
    // app/controllers/application.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Controller.extend({
        actions: {
            alert('Application controller action action1');
            alert('Application controller action action2');
            return true;
            alert(`Value Passed: ${val}`);

    Let's take a look at each action:

          alert('Application controller action action1');

    This is a normal action. It just displays an alert box:

          alert('Application controller action action2');
          return true;

    This action is a little more interesting. By default, all controller actions return false if they exist in the controller. By returning the value to true, this action will bubble up to the application route after the alert box is displayed. The route can then handle the action:

          alert(`Value Passed: ${val}`);

    The action has a value passed to it. It will display this value to the user in an alert box. The text in the alert box is using something called ES6 template strings. This makes it a little easier to display variables in text.

  3. Update the application route with two more actions:
    // app/routes/application.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Route.extend({
        actions: {
            alert('Application route action enter!');
            alert('Application route action action2!');

    Each action displays an alert box. You might have noticed that the enter action was not present in the controller. By convention, template actions will look first in the controller. If the action is not defined in the controller, it will bubble up to the route.

  4. Add four buttons to the application template:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>
    <button {{action 'action1'}}>Action 1 in controller</button>
    <button {{action 'action2'}}>Action 2 in controller and route</button>
    <button {{action 'action3' 'Hello World'}}>Action 3 Passing Values</button>
    <button {{action 'enter'}}>Action enter only in route</button>

    Each button has an action bound to it. By default, this is bound to the click event; this can be changed if needed.

  5. Run ember server. Open a web browser to see the following screen:
    How to do it...

    Each button represents a different type of action.

  6. Click on the first button:
    How to do it...

    This displays a message from the controller.

  7. Click on the second button:
    How to do it...
  8. This alert box is displayed first from the controller:
    How to do it...

    This second alert box is displayed from the application route.

  9. Click on the third action:
    How to do it...

    This shows the message from the controller with the value passed.

  10. Click on the last button:
    How to do it...

    This will show the message from the application route as it was not defined in the controller.

How it works...

Actions in Ember bubble up but they are dependent on the user action. They start in the controller and then move to the route. We can add actions to our templates and pass values from the template to our actions.

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