Displaying a list of items

Often, you'll have a list of items that you'll need to iterate over. We can iterate through these items with the each helper. This recipe will go over how to do this.

How to do it...

Let's say that we have a list of students and want to display them in our template. We'll use the each helper to accomplish this.

  1. In a new project, generate student controller and template:
    $ ember g template student
    $ ember g controller student

    This will create the necessary files needed for our example.

  2. Update the router.js file with the new student route:
    // app/router.js
    Router.map(function() {

    This will add a new conditional route. To access this route using the Ember server, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/student.

  3. Update our student controller with an array of students as a property:
    // app/controllers/students.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Controller.extend({
      students: [ {name: 'Erik'}, {name: 'Jim'}, {name: 'Jane'}]

    This array has three student objects.

  4. In our student.hbs template, we'll iterate through the students array using the each helper:
    // app/templates/student.hbs
    {{#each students as |student|}}

    The first argument to the each helper is the array to be iterated over. In this case, this is the students array that was declared in the student controller. The |student| block param is what we'll use to iterate over the array.

    The each helper must be in the block form. In this example, each value of the student will be displayed with an HTML break afterward.

  5. The output will look like this after being rendered:

    If, by chance, the array was empty, you can use {{else}}.

  6. Add a new array to the template. This array can be empty or may not even exist:
    // app/templates/student.hbs
    {{#each emptyArray as |item|}}
      Empty Array

    The else block will be rendered only if the array is empty or doesn't exist.

Finding the index of the array

If needed, you can also access index of the array in the second block param.

  1. Create a new array and add the index block param:
    // app/templates/student.hbs
    {{#each students as |student index|}}
    Student {{student.name}} is at index {{index}}<br>

    After each iteration, name and index is displayed with an HTML break element. The index can be accessed using the double curly braces {{index}}.

  2. Assuming that we are using the same student array from earlier in this chapter, the rendered output will look as follows:
    Student Erik is at index 0<br>
    Student Jim is at index 1<br>
    Student Jane is at index 2<br>

    Keep in mind that index starts at 0 and not 1.

How it works...

The each helper uses block params to iterate through arrays. The each helper takes an array argument and the block param is used to iterate each individual item on the list. If the array doesn't exist or is empty, you can use else to display a message instead.

In the recipes in this chapter, the students array was declared in controller. It had several student objects that could be accessed by the template. The template used this array and iterated over it with the each helper.

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