Working with HTML5 drag and drop

Drag and drop is a part of the HTML5 standard. It allows the user to grab objects in the DOM and drop them at different locations. Any element can be draggable if the browser supports it. Most modern browsers do.

In this recipe, we'll see an example of dragging an IMG file to a drop zone on the screen.

How to do it...

  1. In a new application, generate these files:
    $ ember g component drag-drop-zone
    $ ember g component drag-drop

    The drag-drop-zone component will represent the area where each item will be dropped. The drag-drop component will be the item to be dropped.

  2. Edit the drag-drop-zone.js file:
    // app/components/drag-drop-zone.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        classNames: ['draggable-dropzone'],
        classNameBindings: ['dragClass'],
        dragClass: 'deactivated',
        dragLeave(event) {
          return this.set('dragClass', 'deactivated');
        dragOver(event) {
          return this.set('dragClass', 'activated');
        drop(event) {
          var data;
          this.set('dragClass', 'deactivated');
          data = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/data');

    This component has a few special events attached to it. Ember has built-in events for dragLeave, dragOver, and drop. These will fire whenever items are dragged on top of the component. Remember that all components render as div tags. We can use the classNames property to add more classes.

    The classNameBindings property allows classes to be added to the component as if they were properties. In other words, dragClass can be set dynamically in the component. We'll use this to change the color of the drop zone when items are dragged over it. When items are dropped, the drop event is triggered.

  3. Update the drag drop component:
    // app/components/drag-drop.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        tagName: 'img',
        classNames: ['draggable-item'],
        attributeBindings: ['draggable','src'],
        draggable: 'true',
        src: ' ',

    As mentioned earlier, normally, components render as a div tag. However, we can change this using the tagName property. In the drag-drop component, we are creating an image tag. The dragStart event available in Ember. In this example, we are setting the data to the target ID.

    To drag items in HTML5, you must have a draggable attribute on the tag. It also must be set to true. We'll use attributeBindings to make this possible.

  4. Update the app.css file:
    // app/styles/app.css
    .draggable-dropzone {
        border: 1px solid black;
        width: 200px;
    .activated {
        border: 4px solid red;

    This is some basic css that creates a border around the drop zone and changes the color to red when an item is about to be dropped.

  5. The last step is to add the components to the application template file:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>

    This will render the two components to the application template.

  6. Render the page and you'll see the picture and dropzone:
    How to do it...

    You can drag the picture into the box:

    How to do it...

    The box will turn red before the item is dropped and back to black after it's dropped.

How it works...

The HTML5 standard allows dragging and dropping elements. Ember has several built-in events that we can use in components and controllers. The dragLeave, dragOver, drop, and dragStart methods can all be used to capture events to allow dragging and dropping.

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