Using Ember validations

Data form validation is a very common use case in web development. The end user will know immediately if they've made a mistake when you create validation rules in your application.

In this recipe, we'll take a look at two examples on validation. In the first example, we'll use a component and check data based on a few simple validation rules. In the second example, we'll use a popular Ember add-on to make things easier.

How to do it...

  1. In a new application, create two components and install the validation add-on:
    $ ember g component val-example
    $ ember g component val-example2
    $ ember install ember-cp-validations

    The val-example component will be the first example. The val-example2 component will be the second example using the ember-cp-validations add-on.

  2. Update the val-example.hbs component template file:
    // app/templates/components/val-example.hbs
    Enter Age:<br>
    {{input value=num}}
    <button {{action 'check'}}>Check</button><br>

    This component asks for an age. If the button is clicked, the 'check' action will be triggered. A simple input helper is used to capture the input. The {{error}} property displays the error text.

  3. In the val-example.js component file, add a check action and simple validation method:
    // app/components/val-example.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    export default Ember.Component.extend({
        num: null,
              this.set('error','Error in box!');
          return Number(parseInt(value))==value;

    The check action calls the validation method. The validation method's only purpose is to return true if the value is a number and return false if the value is not. This result is used to set the error property that will be used in the template.

    This is a fairly simple example. It shows what you might need to validate the field. Another example might be creating a new computed property and have it depend on the num property. Either way will work.

  4. Add the component to the application.hbs template file:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>

    The val-example component will render at {{val-example}}.

  5. Run ember server and enter a non-numeric value in the textbox. The following window will be displayed:
    How to do it...

    The Error in box! message is displayed because a number was not entered. This was triggered after the Check button was clicked.

    For the next example, we'll use an Ember add-on instead.

  6. Update the val-example2.hbs template file so that it can accept an e-mail and number:
    // app/templates/components/val-example2.hbs
    Enter Age:<br>
    {{input value=num}}<br>
        <div style='color: red'>
    Enter Email:<br>
    {{input value=email}}<br>
        <div style='color: red'>
    <button {{action 'check'}}>Check</button><br>

    This second component is a little more complicated than the first. We'll be validating two form fields, a number field and e-mail field. In addition, we'll be surrounding the message in a div tag that will be used to help set color of the text. Both fields will be validated after pressing the check button.

  7. Create a new validations.js file in the components folder:
    // app/components/validations.js
    import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
    export default buildValidations({
        num: [
          allowString: true,
          integer: true,
          message: 'Error! This is not an integer!'
        validator('presence', true)
        email: [
          validator('format', {
            type: 'email',
            message: 'This is not an email address!'

    This file is needed for the ember-cp-validations add-on. In this file, we define our validation rules. We begin by naming each property and defining the validations needed. We can validate many different types of inputs. A list of these validations can be found at

    The validator add-on comes with several prebuilt messages. We can overwrite these messages by setting the message property. In the preceding code, the num and email validators have custom messages. The num validator checks to see whether any value is in the field and whether it's a number. The e-mail field checks to see whether the value is in the format of an e-mail address.

  8. Add a new check action to the component:
    // app/components/val-example2.js
    Import Ember from 'ember';
    import Validations from './validations';
    export default Ember.Component.extend(Validations,{
        num: null,
          email: null,
          message: '',
          emailMessage: '',
          actions: {
              this.validate().then(({model, validations})=>{
  9. After setting up the validations file, you can add it to the component as a mixin. After adding the validations mixin, you'll have access to the validate() method. This is a promise that returns after it validates the fields:
        this.validate().then(({model, validations})=>{

    The validations have an isValid property. This will only return true if both properties, num and email, passed validation.

  10. We can check each individual validation as well:

    We can access the model properties in the component. This model will have both the num and email properties. We can use validations.attrs.num.isInvalid to check whether the validation failed. If it did, we can set message we created earlier with validations.attrs.num.messages.

    In the preceding code, if the validation is not valid, then we set the error message that will be displayed in the template after the check action is triggered.

    This add-on is very flexible. We can create our own custom validations if needed.

  11. Update the application.hbs file with the second component:
    // app/templates/application.hbs
    <h2 id="title">Welcome to Ember</h2>

    This will display the second component example in our application template.

  12. Start the Ember server and enter invalid values for age and e-mail, and click on the Check button. The following image will be displayed:
    How to do it...

    After clicking on the Check button, an action is triggered. The validators we created earlier check the text and return whether the text is valid or not. In this instance, the text is not valid so it displays an error message.

How it works...

Data form validation is an extremely important feature of any web app. Any Ember application that has any type of user forms will need to validate data. Ember.js can retrieve data from templates and validate it. Other properties can be used to toggle or set error messages to be displayed.

The Ember CP validations add-on makes this process easier. You can create your own validations or use some of the built-in ones. This code uses computed properties and other methods to validate and report back issues to the user.

There are several other popular validation add-ons available on Ember. Check out this website for more information:

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