Chapter 7

An Approach for Dynamic Argumentation Frameworks


The changing of arguments and their attack relation is an intrinsic property of a variety of argumentation systems. So, it is very important to efficiently figure out how the status of arguments in a system evolves when the system is updated. In this chapter, we formulate a general theory (called a division-based approach) to cope with this problem based on a new concept: the division of an argumentation framework. When an argumentation framework is updated, it is divided into three parts: an unaffected, an affected and a conditioning part. The status of arguments in the unaffected sub-framework remains unchanged, while the status of the affected arguments is computed in a conditioned sub-framework (which is composed of the affected part and the conditioning part) of the updated argumentation framework. Due to the efficiency of the division-based method, it is expected to be very useful in various kinds of argumentation systems where arguments and attacks are dynamics.


computational complexity; division-based method; dynamics of argumentation; semantics combination; semantics of argumentation

7.1 Introduction

According to the existing literature, most argumentation systems are dynamic [13], especially argumentation-based autonomous agents within a dynamic environment, including belief revision [49], deliberation [1013], decision-making [1418], and negotiation [1923]. The existing research shows that in many argumentation systems, arguments and their attack relation evolve with the changing of underlying knowledge or information. For example, in [6,7], the authors formulated a system where an instantiated argumentation framework is based on the changing observations. So, at each time point, when observations change, the arguments and their attack relation change accordingly. In [4,24], within an argumentative system, when a new explanation is received, some strict rules are changed to defeasible rules, which gives rise to the changing of arguments and their attack relation. In [13,25], due to the dynamics of observations and inference rules, the argumentation frameworks for beliefs, goals and intentions, respectively, are dynamic. In [22,23], argumentation-based negotiation (ABN) agents perform reasoning with incomplete, uncertain and inconsistent information. Each agent’s theory (as an argumentation system) may evolve during a negotiation dialogue, i.e., if an agent receives an argument from another agent, it will add the new argument to its theory, and furthermore, new conflicts may arise between the original arguments of the agent and the ones that emerge after adding the received arguments to its theory [23]. In [26], when a collection of argumentation systems coming from different agents are merged (after consensual expansion of each argumentation system), the arguments and the attack relation of each argumentation system may change accordingly.

To illustrate the dynamics of argumentation systems, let us see a revised example from [6].

Example 7.1

There are some rules in the knowledge base of an autonomous agent for performing basic email filtering, in which image is superior to image, and image is superior to image:

imageA message from the local host is usually not classified as spam.

imageA message is usually labelled as spam if it comes from a server that is on the blacklist.

imageA message should be moved to the “junk” folder if it is marked as spam.

imageUnfiltered messages in the “junk” folder usually should not be moved to the inbox.

imageIf an email does not match with any user-defined filter then it usually should be moved to the “inbox” folder.

imageA message should not be moved to the “junk” folder if it is from a VIP user.

imageA message with viruses should not be moved to the inbox.

Based on the above rules, let us consider the following scenarios at successive time points image and image. First, at image, the observations related to a message image show that: (1) image is from a local host, and (2) image comes from a server that is in the blacklist. Second, at image, a new observation “image does not match with any user-defined filter” is added. Third, at image, an observation “image is from a VIP user” is added. Fourth, at image, an observation “image contains a virus” is added. So, according to the rules image, at different time points, we may construct the following four different argumentation frameworks (image, and image), in which image denotes image rebuts image,1 while image denotes image undercuts image (i.e., image, such that, image rebuts image) [25].


In Figure 7.1, the status of arguments image, and image in image remains unchanged after the addition of arguments image, and of attacks image, in image; the status of arguments image and image in image remains unchanged, while the status of arguments image, and image in image may be affected, after the addition of an argument image, and of attacks image, and image, in image; the status of arguments image, and image in image remains unchanged, while the status of arguments image may be affected, after the addition of argument image, and of the attack image.


Figure 7.1 The evolution on an argumentation system.

As shown in Example 7.1, when new observations arise, a set of arguments and/or attacks are added to the system. Meanwhile, in some other cases, when observations or rules of inference change, a set of arguments and/or attacks may be deleted from the system [25]. With the changing of arguments and/or attacks of an argumentation system, the status of some arguments changes, while that of others remains untouched. Now, one of the challenging problems is how to efficiently compute the dynamics of argumentation systems. When an argumentation system is modified, we may simply recompute the status of each argument afresh. However, this method is obviously inefficient, and in most of cases, difficult.

To cope with this problem, there have been a small number of efforts [16,27,28]. First, Boella et al studied the dynamics of argumentation by exploring the principles according to which the extension does not change when the set of arguments or the attacks between them are changed [27]. However, they have not considered how the extensions of an argumentation system evolve when new arguments are added or the old ones are removed. Second, Cayrol et al addressed the problem of revising the set of extensions of an abstract argumentation system, and studied how the extensions of an argumentation system may evolve when a new argument is received [28]. However, they restricted their study to the case of adding just one argument having only one interaction with an initial argument. Third, Amgoud et al used dynamics of argumentation in the decision-making of an autonomous agent [16]. They studied how the acceptability of arguments evolves when the decision system is extended by new arguments without computing the whole extensions. However, they also considered the situation where only one argument is added to the system. In addition, all of the current efforts have not taken the efficiency of computing the dynamics of argumentation into consideration.

According to the above analysis, a more general theory is needed to formulate the dynamics of an argumentation system, with the following three characteristics:

• The number of arguments and attacks to be added to (or deleted from) an argumentation system is unlimited;

• Both the addition and the deletion of arguments and/or attacks are considered;

• The efficiency of computing the dynamics of argumentation systems is considered.

To realize this purpose, we introduce a division-based approach. The basic idea of this method is that when an argumentation framework is updated, we may only recompute the status of those arguments that are affected, while the status of those arguments that are unaffected can be obtained directly from the result of the previous computation. Based on the fundamental theories presented in Part III, the status of arguments that are affected and unaffected can be computed separately and then combined to form the semantics of the updated argumentation framework.

7.2 The Changing of an Argumentation Framework

As mentioned in the previous section, when a set of arguments and/or a set of attacks are added to (or deleted from) an argumentation framework, the status of affected arguments may change. However, if some arguments and attacks to be added are in the existing argumentation framework, or some arguments and attacks to be deleted are not in the existing argumentation framework, an addition (respectively a deletion) of them will not have any effects on the argumentation framework. So, for simplicity and without loss of generality, we suppose that the arguments and attacks to be added are not in the existing argumentation framework, while the arguments and attacks to be deleted are in the existing argumentation framework.

Let image be the universe of arguments. For all image and image, let image be the set of attacks (also called interactions) related to image and of the form image, or image, in which image and image. Let image be a set of attacks between the arguments in image, and of the form image, in which image. An addition of an argumentation framework is defined as follows.

Definition 7.1

An addition of an argumentation framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, where image and image. An addition of image is represented as a tuple image, in which image is a set of arguments to be added, and image is a set of attacks to be added.

Meanwhile, let image and image be sets of attacks to be deleted. It holds that image. A deletion of an argumentation framework is defined as follows.

Definition 7.2

A deletion of an argumentation framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, where image and image. A deletion of image is also represented as a tuple image, in which image is a set of arguments to be deleted, and image is a set of attacks to be deleted.

Based on Definitions 7.1 and 7.2, an updated argumentation framework with respect to an addition or a deletion is syntactically defined as follows:

Definition 7.3

Updated argumentation framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, image be an addition and image be a deletion. Syntactically, the updated argumentation framework with respect to image and image is respectively represented as follows:

image (7.1)

image (7.2)

For simplicity, we use image and image to denote image and image, respectively.

Proposition 7.1

Let image and image be the result of an addition and of a deletion respectively. It holds image and image, i.e. image and image are argumentation frameworks.


First, according to Definitions 7.1 and 7.2, in the case of addition, it holds that image, and image. So, we have image. Second, in the case of deletion, it holds that image. Therefore, image. Meanwhile, since all interactions in image belong to image, it holds that image, i.e., image.  image

7.3 The Division of an Updated Argumentation Framework

According to Formulas 7.1 and 7.2, with respect to a certain argumentation semantics image, we may directly compute the extensions of image and image afresh, without considering previous information (the extensions of image). However, if the previous information is properly used, the complexity of computing the dynamics of argumentation might be decreased. If an argumentation semantics satisfies the criterion of directionality [29], then the status of an argument image is affected only by the status of its defeaters, while the arguments which only receive an attack from image have no effect on the state of image. Based on this idea, we may infer that when a set of arguments and/or a set of attacks are added to (or deleted from) an argumentation framework, some arguments are directly or indirectly affected, while others remain unaffected. Therefore, if we can divide image or image into two parts: affected and unaffected, we need only to compute the status of affected arguments, while leaving the status of unaffected arguments unchanged. According to the theories presented in Chapters 4 and 5, the status of affected arguments can be computed in a conditioned sub-framework, and then combined with that of the unaffected ones, to form the semantics of the updated argumentation framework. Now, let us introduce the notion of dividing an updated argumentation framework.

The division of an updated argumentation framework is based on the notion of directionality of argumentation semantics [29,30]. Given an argumentation framework image, for all image, if there exists a directed path from image to image, i.e, image is reachable from image, then under the semantics that satisfies directionality, the status of image may be affected by image; otherwise, image is independent of image. Based on this idea, the notion of reachability, as well as the notions of affected and unaffected between two arguments can be defined as follows:

Definition 7.4

Reachability of two arguments

Let image be two arguments, and image be a set of attacks. The reachability of two arguments with respect to image is recursively defined as follows:

• If image, then image is reachable from image;

• If image, such that image is reachable from image with respect to image and image, then image is reachable from image.

According to Definition 7.4, the reachability relation is transitive, i.e., if image is reachable from image and image is reachable from image, then image is reachable from image.

Definition 7.5

Affected and unaffected between two arguments

Let image be two arguments, and image be a set of attacks. We say that under the semantics that satisfies directionality, the status of image is affected by image, if and only if image is reachable from image with respect to image. Otherwise, image is unaffected by image with respect to image.

Based on Definition 7.5, given a set of arguments image, it is possible to identify the subset of image that is affected by a set of arguments image or by a set of attacks (interactions) image, with respect to a set of attacks image. In addition, we notice that the set of affected arguments related to an attack image can be computed through image, the attacked argument of image. So, we will define the affected and unaffected arguments related to an attack image by using the attacked argument of image. Here, we use image to indicate the attacked argument of image, and image to indicate a set of arguments, each of which is the attacked argument of an attack in image.

Definition 7.6

Affected arguments

Let image be sets of arguments, and image be sets of attacks. We use image and image to indicate the set of arguments within image that are affected respectively by image and image, with respect to image. Formally, we have:

image (7.3)

image (7.4)

Based on the concept of affected and unaffected arguments, we are ready to define the concept of the division of an updated argumentation framework. When an addition image is added to (or a deletion image is deleted from) an argumentation framework image will be divided into three parts:

• a component of image that is affected by image (respectively image),

• a component of image that is unaffected by image (respectively image image), and

• a subset of the unaffected component that conditions the affected arguments.

Formally, we first present the definition of the division of an updated argumentation framework with respect to an addition image.

Definition 7.7

The division of an updated framework with respect to an addition

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be an addition to it. The updated argumentation framework image is divided into three parts: image, and image, where image, and image stand for, respectively, affected, unaffected and conditioning.


In this definition, the set of affected arguments image contains those arguments in image that are affected by image and image, as well as those arguments in image. image is the set of arguments in image that are unaffected. The set of conditioning arguments image contains those arguments in image that attack the arguments in image.

In order to ensure the correctness of the division defined in Definition 7.7, in this stage, we should verify that: (1) the union of affected arguments and the unaffected ones is equal to the set of arguments in the updated argumentation framework, i.e., image (obvious), and (2) the union of attacks in three parts (affected, unaffected, conditioning) is equal to the set of attacks in the updated argumentation framework, which is formulated by the following lemma:

Lemma 7.1

It holds that image.


Firstly, we identify the characteristics of the relations among image, and image: since arguments in image do not attack arguments in image, it holds that image; since in image, only arguments in image attack image, it holds that image; according to image and image, it holds that image. In addition, since image, it holds that image. Secondly, according to these relations, it holds that:


Similar to Definition 7.7, for the division of an argumentation framework with respect to a deletion, we have the following definition and lemma:

Definition 7.8

The division of an updated framework with respect to a deletion

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a deletion to it. The updated argumentation framework image is divided into three parts: image, and image.


In this definition, the set of affected arguments in image are those arguments in image (i.e., image), that are affected by image and image. image is the set of arguments that are unaffected. The set of conditioning arguments image contains those arguments in image that attack the arguments in image.

Lemma 7.2

It holds that image.


Similar to Lemma 7.1, we have: since image, it holds that image; since in image, only arguments in image attack image, it holds that image; since arguments in image do not attack arguments in image, it holds that image; since interactions in image are not related to image, it holds that image; according to image, it holds that image; and according to Definition 7.2, image. So, we have:


After division, we will construct two sub-frameworks of the updated argumentation framework image (respectively, image): an unconditioned sub-framework and a conditioned sub-framework. First, the unconditioned sub-framework of image is image, while the conditioned sub-framework of image with respect to image is constructed according to image and image as follows:

image (7.5)

According to Definition 7.7, we may infer that: (i) image, (ii) image, and image, such that image attacks image, and (iii) image. In other words, image is a conditioned sub-framework.

Similarly, we may construct two sub-frameworks of the updated argumentation framework image: a unconditioned sub-framework image, and a conditioned sub-framework with respect to image, which is defined as follows:

image (7.6)

According to Definition 7.8, we may infer that: (i) image, (ii) image, and image, such that image attacks image, and (iii) image. So, image is also a conditioned sub-framework.

Finally, based on Lemmas 7.1 and 7.2, the following proposition shows the correctness of the division defined in Definitions 7.7 and 7.8, respectively.

Proposition 7.2

Syntactically, the result of combining image and image is equal to image, i.e., image, and image; while the result of combining image and image is equal to image, i.e., image, and image.


Since image and image, it holds that image; according to Lemma 7.1, image. On the other hand, since image, it holds that image; according to Lemma 7.2, image.  image

Example 7.2

Let image be an argumentation framework, in which image and image image (Figure 7.2). Let image be an addition, in which image, and image. According to Definition 7.7, the division of the updated argumentation framework image as well as the corresponding conditioned sub-framework are as follows:


In this example, it is obvious that image is equal to the combination of image and image.


Figure 7.2 An example of the division of an updated argumentation framework.

7.4 Computing the Semantics of an Updated Argumentation Framework Based on the Division

Based on the concept of the division of an argumentation framework, we are now ready to compute the semantics of the two kinds of sub-frameworks described above and combine them to form the semantics of the updated frameworks image and image, respectively.

On the one hand, let image be the set of extensions of an argumentation framework image, under the argumentation semantics image. According to the theory presented in Section 5.2, the set of extensions of the unaffected sub-framework image with respect to an addition image (respectively, image with respect to a deletion image) can be obtained directly:

image (7.7)

image (7.8)

On the other hand, according to Definitions 4.8 and 4.9, the extensions of conditioned sub-frameworks are not computed directly. They are related to the status of the conditioning arguments. In other words, we should firstly construct two sets of partially assigned sub-frameworks:

image (7.9)

image (7.10)

And then, the extensions of the partially assigned sub-frameworks, i.e., image and image, can be obtained.

Based on the extensions of the two kinds of sub-frameworks, we obtain the extensions of image by combining image and image, in which image, and the extensions of image by combining image and image, in which image, in which image.

image (7.11)

image (7.12)

7.5 An Illustrating Example

Now, let us consider the following example, which illustrates the process of computing the extensions of an updated argumentation framework based on the division. For simplicity and without loss of generality, we only discuss the case under preferred semantics.

Example 7.3

Continue Example 7.2. A set of extensions of image under preferred semantics are: image, in which image, image, image, image, image, image, image, and image.

First, according to Formula 7.7, the extensions of image under preferred semantics are directly computed:


Second, get a set of partially assigned sub-frameworks according to conditioning arguments image with different statuses. It holds that image and image. So, there are two different partially assigned sub-frameworks (Figure 7.3).


Figure 7.3 Two partially assigned sub-frameworks.

Third, compute the extensions of the partially assigned sub-frameworks:


Fourth, compute the results of combining the extensions of two kinds of sub-frameworks:


Here, we may verify that image, and image are preferred extensions of image. Take image for example. It holds that: (1) image. (2) image is conflict-free. (3) Every argument in image is acceptable with respect to image is attacked by image, which is defeated by image is attacked by image, which is defeated by image is attacked by image, which is defeated by image is attacked by image, which is defeated by image is attacked by image and image, in which image is defeated by image and image is defeated by image. (4) Every argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image is in image: every argument in image is not acceptable with respect to image. (5) image is maximal.

On the other hand, if we directly compute the preferred extensions of image, then we have image. For every extension image (image) in image, there is a corresponding extension image (image) in image and a corresponding extension image (image) in image, such that image. For example, as to image, we have image and image. It is obvious that image.

7.6 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have introduced a division-based method for computing the dynamic semantics of argumentation. It has the following characteristics:

1. Generality: It is a general theory in the sense of the following two aspects. First, this theory is applicable to some typical argumentation semantics, including admissible semantics, complete semantics, preferred semantics, and grounded semantics, etc. Second, this theory is able to treat with a general form of dynamics of argumentation, i.e., (i) the number of arguments and attacks to be added to or deleted from an argumentation system is unlimited; and (ii) both the addition and the deletion of arguments and/or attacks are applicable.

2. Efficiency: Qualitatively, it is obvious that in most cases (although not in all cases) the division-based method is more efficient. This is mainly due to the following two reasons. First, there exist linear time algorithms for the division of an argumentation framework (in that the problem of dividing an argumentation framework corresponds to finding the nodes reachable from a set of nodes in a directed graph). Second, when computing the extensions of a modified argumentation framework, we may reuse some previous computation, rather than simply recompute the status of each argument afresh.

With the above two characteristics, this theory is expected to be very useful in various kinds of argumentation-based systems, especially belief revision [47,9], deliberation [1012], decision-making [14,15,17,18], and negotiation [1923], within agents and multi-agent systems. The reason is that in these systems, underlying knowledge and information are often uncertain, incomplete, inconsistent and ever-changing. As a result, the corresponding argumentation systems are dynamic by nature. So, the efficient division-based method will facilitate the development of these systems.

In recent years, dynamics of argumentation has attracted some research efforts. However, up to now, its concept is still unclear. Different researchers treated it from different perspectives.

First, in the area of dialectical argumentation, the dynamics of argumentation means that the dialectical process of argumentation may change with the variations of knowledge at different stages [3133]. This concept focuses on how a position (or a claim) can be proved with respect to a theory which can be revised dynamically. Researchers in this area did not care about the status evolution of the whole set of arguments within an argumentation framework, but only considered whether a specific position (or a claim) is acceptable according to a dialectical proof procedure where two parties (proposer and opposer) are involved.

Second, other researchers paid more attention to how the whole set of arguments and attacks of an argumentation system changes with the changing of underlying information, or how the status of arguments of an argumentation system evolves upon the changing of arguments and attacks. On the one hand, in [6], Capobianco et al used potential arguments and the instances of them to treat with the knowledge changing in dynamic environment. When perceptions change dynamically, the instances of potential arguments and attacks among them vary accordingly. As a result, the status of arguments is changed. Sharing some basic ideas with [6], Rotstein et al introduced the notion of dynamics into the concept of abstract argumentation frameworks, by including the concept of evidence [7]. They proposed a concept of Dynamic Argumentation Framework (corresponding to potential arguments in [6]), from which a static instance can be obtained, according to a varying set of evidence (corresponding to perceptions in [6]). However, both of them have not considered how to dynamically compute the status of arguments without computing the whole set of arguments in each time point. On the other hand, some researchers have performed some works towards this issue. For example, Moguillansky et al studied the dynamics of argumentation based on the idea of classical belief revision, i.e., when an argument is added to a system, the revision operator will change the set of arguments, with an objective that the newly added argument is accepted [8]. Boella et al studied the dynamics of argumentation by exploring the principles where the extension does not change when an argument or an attack between them is changed, but without considering how to dynamically compute the status of arguments when the status of existing arguments is affected [27,34]. Baroni et al proposed a notion of directionality, which says that unattacked sets are unaffected by the remaining part of the argumentation framework as far as extensions are concerned [29,30], but without considering the dynamics of argumentation systems. Cayrol et al explored the impact of the arrival of a new argument on the outcome of an argumentation framework, by defining a typology of refinement (i.e. adding an argument), and defining principles and condition so that each type of refinement becomes a classical revision [28]. However, they did not focus on how to compute the status of arguments when an argumentation framework is expanded with a set of arguments or attacks. Amgoud and Vesic studied how the acceptability of arguments evolves when the decision system is extended by new arguments without computing the whole extensions [16]. Their theory is focused on the revision of a particular argument (a practical argument or an epistemic argument). On the contrary, we are more interested in the issue of how the status of all arguments in an argumentation framework changes when any variations arise.

Based on the above analysis, we may conclude that the division-based method is in line with [16,2729], etc., but has the two characteristics (generality and efficiency) mentioned above.


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1When the conclusions of arguments image and image are complementary, if image is superior to image, then image is a proper defeater of image, denoted as image; else, image is a blocking defeater of image, denoted as image. For example, since image is superior to image, the corresponding argument image is superior to image. So, there is only an attack from image to image, and not vice versa.

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