Chapter 4

Sub-Frameworks and Local Semantics


In many situations, evaluating the status of arguments globally is inefficient. In this chapter, we introduce a basic theory for evaluating the status of arguments locally: given a subset of arguments, their status is computed in a sub-framework which may (or may not) be conditioned by other sub-frameworks. For an unconditioned sub-framework, the definition of its semantics is the same as the one for Dung’s argumentation framework. On the contrary, for a conditioned sub-framework in which the status of some arguments may be affected by that of some external arguments, the definition of its semantics is different.


conditioned sub-frameworks; induced sub-graphs; local semantics; partially assigned sub-frameworks; partially labelled sub-frameworks; unconditioned sub-frameworks

4.1 Introduction

In the previous two chapters, we only dealt with the semantics of a whole argumentation framework. In this book, we call it the global semantics of an argumentation framework. However, in many situations, it is better to focus on the semantics of a part of an argumentation framework, called the local semantics of the argumentation framework. For instance, when an argumentation framework changes by the addition (or the removal) of a set of arguments and/or a set of attacks, only the status of affected arguments is necessary to be determined [1]; when querying the status of some specific arguments, we may only pay attention to the set of relevant arguments [2]; and, for some argumentation frameworks, computing the status of arguments locally might dramatically reduce the computational complexity [3].

Given an argumentation framework and a subset of arguments within it, in order to define the local semantics of the argumentation framework with respect to this subset, we introduce a notion of sub-frameworks. Since the statuses of different arguments in an argumentation framework affect each other with respect to attack relation, a sub-framework might depend on (be conditioned by) some other sub-frameworks, which might in turn depend on some other sub-frameworks, and so on.

For a sub-framework which is conditioned by some other sub-frameworks, the definition of its semantics is not similar to the one for a Dung’s argumentation framework (as presented in Section 2.3). Furthermore, from the perspective of computation, the approaches and algorithms for a Dung’s argumentation framework should be modified to adapt to the characteristics of the sub-frameworks.

According to the above considerations, in this chapter, we focus on the following four basic issues:

• Notion of sub-frameworks;

• Dependence relation between deferent sub-frameworks;

• Semantics of sub-frameworks, which is regarded as the local semantics of a corresponding argumentation framework;

• Computation of the semantics of a sub-framework.

Related contents of this chapter and the subsequent chapters are originally presented in [13].

4.2 Notion of Sub-Frameworks

4.2.1 Informal Idea

Since an argumentation framework can be regarded as a directed graph, the notion of a sub-framework is similar to that of an induced subgraph of a directed graph. According to graph theory, given a graph image, a subgraph of image is a graph whose vertex set is a subset of that of image, and whose adjacency relation is a subset of that of image related to this subset. Furthermore, a subgraph image of a graph image is said to be induced if for any pair of vertices image and image of image is an edge of image if and only if image is an edge of image.

Example 4.1

Let image be an argumentation framework. The corresponding defeat graph is shown in Figure 4.1. Let us consider the following subgraphs.

• The subgraph induced by the subset image is image.

• The subgraph induced by the subset image is image.

• The subgraph induced by the subset image is image.


Figure 4.1 Argumentation framework image.

Now, an important problem arises: Can every subgraph in Example 4.1 be regarded as a sub-framework in which the status of arguments can be evaluated locally? First, the arguments in image or image are not attacked by any arguments outside the subgraph. It is intuitively feasible to evaluate the status of arguments locally. In other words, the status of arguments within the subgraph is not affected by the arguments outside the sub-framework, and therefore could be evaluated independently. Second, in image, the argument image is attacked by the argument image, which is outside the subgraph. It is obvious that the status of the arguments image and image could not be evaluated locally in image. In other words, when the arguments in an induced subgraph are attacked by some external arguments, we should take these external arguments into consideration. So, in this book, we will consider the following two classes of sub-frameworks.

If the arguments in a sub-framework are not attacked by any external arguments, then the sub-framework is called an unconditioned sub-framework. Otherwise, it is called a conditioned sub-framework. Hence, an unconditioned sub-framework is simply an induced subgraph of the corresponding defeat graph, while a conditioned sub-framework is composed of an induced subgraph and a conditioning subgraph. Here, the conditioning subgraph includes a set of nodes, each of which has at least a direct edge to a node of the induced subgraph. In Example 4.1, the conditioning sub-graph related to image is image.

4.2.2 Formal Definition

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a subset. According to Formula 2.1 in Definition 2.1, the set of outside parents of the arguments in image is image. In this book, we call image the set of conditioning arguments of image.

First, when image, the sub-framework induced by image is unconditioned. In this case, the sub-framework is represented as image, in which image.

Second, when image, the sub-framework induced by image is conditioned by the arguments in image. In this case, in terms of [1], the sub-framework induced by image is represented as image, where image is a conditioning subgraph. Here, image is the set of interactions from the arguments in image to the arguments in image.

In this book, for simplicity, we regard image as a special case of image (when image and image). So, all sub-frameworks are uniformly called sub-frameworks, and represented as image, in which image and image could be empty. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 4.1


Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. Let image and image. A sub-framework of image induced by image is a tuple:

image (4.1)

For simplicity, when image and image is also denoted as image.

In addition, according to Definition 4.1, it is not required that the interactions from the arguments in image to the arguments in image should be empty. However, when they are not empty, although image is still viewed as a sub-framework, there exists another sub-framework which is in turn conditioned by the arguments in image. As a result, the two sub-frameworks are dependent on each other. The notion of dependence relation between different sub-frameworks will be formulated in Definition 4.2.

Example 4.2

Let image be an argumentation framework (Figure 4.2(1)). Let image and image. It follows that image and image. The sub-frameworks induced by image and image respectively are illustrated in Figures 4.2(2) and (3).


Figure 4.2 image and its sub-frameworks. Argument image with a circle indicates that its status should be evaluated in the external sub-framework image.

4.2.3 Dependence Relation Between Different Sub-Frameworks

Now, let us discuss the relations between different sub-frameworks. Given a sub-framework image, when image, it is restricted by some other sub-framework(s), which may be in turn restricted by some other sub-framework(s), and so on. Consider the following example:

Example 4.3

The argumentation framework in Figure 4.3(1) could be decomposed into three sub-frameworks, illustrated in Figures 4.3(2), (3) and (4), indicated by image and image respectively. We may observe that image is directly restricted by image, and indirectly restricted by image and image itself.1


Figure 4.3 image and its sub-frameworks.

In this book, if a sub-framework image is directly or indirectly restricted by another sub-framework image, then we say that image is dependent on image. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 4.2

Dependence relation between sub-frameworks

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image image be subsets of image. image is dependent on image, if and only if image and image such that there is a path from image to image with respect to image. For convenience, image is called a conditioning sub-framework of image.

Since a conditioned sub-framework image may depend on some other sub-frameworks, before the status of arguments in image is evaluated, we hope that the status of arguments in image can be determined in advance. In this book, we only deal with a set of sub-frameworks over which there is a partial order.

4.3 Semantics of Sub-Frameworks

Given a sub-framework image of an argumentation framework image, if image, then image is an unconditioned sub-framework. In this case, image. In this book, the definitions of the semantics of image are the same as the ones presented in Section 2.3

On the other hand, when image is a conditioned sub-framework. In this case, before the status of arguments in image is evaluated, the status of arguments in image should be determined in advance. Since image, there exists image, such that image and image. Hence, it is possible that the status of arguments in image could be evaluated independently in an unconditioned sub-framework image. Given a labelling or an extension of image, the status of each argument in image can be uniquely identified. According to the status of the arguments in image, the status of arguments in image is then evaluated.

Based on the above ideas, we introduce as follows the semantics of a conditioned sub-framework from the perspective of a labelling-based approach and of an extension-based approach, respectively.

4.3.1 Labellings of a Conditioned Sub-Framework

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of image, and image. According to each labelling of image, each argument in image has a certain status (IN, OUT or UNDEC). After the status of arguments in image is labelled, the sub-framework image is called a partially labelled sub-framework (PLSF, for short). Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 4.3

Partially labelled sub-framework

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of image, such that image. Let image be a labelling of image. We call image a partially labelled sub-framework, denoting that the labels of arguments in image conform to image.

Given a partially labelled sub-framework image, since the labels of the arguments in image conform to image, we only need to assign new labels to the arguments in image. Formally, a labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework is defined as follows.

Definition 4.4

Labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework

Based on Definition 4.3, a labelling of image is defined as a total function


such that for all image.

According to Definition 4.4, since the labels of arguments in image conform to image, whether a label assigned to an argument in image is legal depends partially on image.

Definition 4.5

Legal/illegal labelling of a PLSF

Based on Definition 4.3, let image be a labelling of image. For all image,

• image is legally IN in image with respect to image if and only if image is labelled IN in image and for all image, if image then image is labelled OUT in image; and for all image, if image then image is labelled OUT in image (and so in image);

• image is legally OUT in image with respect to image if and only if image is labelled OUT in image and there exists image, such that image and image is labelled IN in image; or there exists image, such that image and image is labelled IN in image (and so in image);

• image is legally UNDEC in image with respect to image if and only if image is labelled UNDEC in image and there exists no image, such that image and image is labelled IN in image or image, and it is not the case that: for all image, if image then image is labelled OUT in image or image;

• For image IN, OUT, UNDECimage is illegally image in image with respect to image if and only if image is labelled image in image, but it is not legally image in image with respect to image.

Example 4.4

Let us consider the two sub-frameworks in Example 4.2. Let image and image be two labellings of image. So, for the sub-framework image, the corresponding two partially labelled sub-frameworks are image (in which Argument image is OUT according to image) and image (in which Argument image is also OUT according to image), as illustrated in Figure 4.4. Now, with respect to image, let image. According to Definition 4.5, Argument image is legally IN in image with respect to image because it is only attacked by Argument image, which is labelled OUT in image (and also in image), while Argument image is illegally IN because it is attacked by Argument image which is labelled IN in image.


Figure 4.4 Two partially labelled sub-frameworks of image.

Based on the notion of legal labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework, under admissible, complete, preferred, grounded, stable, semi-stable, ideal, and eager semantics, the labelling(s) of a partially labelled sub-framework can be defined as follows.

Definition 4.6

Labelling-based semantics of a PLSF

Based on Definition 4.3, let image be a labelling of image.

• image is called an admissible labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is an admissible labelling; and

– each argument in image that is labelled IN in image is legally IN in image with respect to image, and each argument in image that is labelled OUT in image is legally OUT in image with respect to image.

• image is called a complete labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a complete labelling; and

– image is an admissible labelling with respect to image and each argument in image that is labelled UNDEC in image is legally UNDEC in image with respect to image.

• image is called a preferred labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a preferred labelling; and

– image is a complete labelling with respect to image, and image is maximal (with respect to set-inclusion).

• image is called a grounded labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a grounded labelling; and

– image is a complete labelling with respect to image, and image is minimal (with respect to set-inclusion).

• image is called a stable labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a stable labelling; and

– image is a complete labelling with respect to image, and image.

• image is called a semi-stable labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a semi-stable labelling; and

– image is a complete labelling with respect to image, and image is minimal (with respect to set-inclusion).

• image is called an ideal labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is an ideal labelling; and

– image is the biggest admissible labelling with respect to image that is smaller than or equal to each preferred labelling with respect to image.

• image is called an eager labelling with respect to image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is an eager labelling; and

– image is the biggest admissible labelling with respect to image that is smaller than or equal to each semi-stable labelling with respect to image.

According to Definition 4.6, the labelling image is partially determined by the labelling image. In Example 4.4, image is an admissible labelling with regard to image, but it is not an admissible labelling with regard to image. This is because image is an admissible labelling, while image is not.

4.3.2 Extensions of a Conditioned Sub-Framework

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, and image. From the perspective of the extension-based approach, the status of arguments in image is determined by an extension, rather than a labelling. According to the notion of the status (accepted, rejected or undecided) of arguments, we may assign a status to each argument in image. This process is called the status assignment of arguments.

Definition 4.7

Status assignment of arguments

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. For all image, we may get a partition of image:

• image,

• image, and

• image.

We call image a status assignment of image with respect to image, denoted as image.

According to Definition 4.7, with respect to each extension image of image, we have a status assignment of image, denoted as image. It is obvious that if image has more than one extension, then for each extension of image, there is a corresponding status assignment of image.

After the status of arguments in image is assigned with respect to image, the sub-framework image is called a partially assigned sub-framework (PASF, for short), denoted as image.

Definition 4.8

Partially assigned sub-framework

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, such that image. Let image be a conflict-free set, image is a partially assigned sub-framework, denoting that the status of arguments in image is assigned with respect to image.

Given a partially assigned sub-framework image, in which image is an extension of image under a semantics image. Then, we say that a set image of arguments is an extension of image with respect to image under the semantics image if the following two conditions hold. First, the status of arguments in image is assigned with respect to image. Second, the status of argument in image is evaluated according to the criterion specified by image. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 4.9

Extension-based semantics of a PASF

Let image be an unconditioned sub-framework of an argumentation framework image, and image be a conflict-free set of arguments. Let image be a partially assigned sub-framework of image. Let image be a status assignment of image with respect to image. Let image be a set of arguments.

• image is conflict-free if and only if image, such that image.

• An argument image is acceptable with respect to image and image, if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image, if image, then image, such that image, or image, such that image (i.e., image is accepted with respect to image) and image; and

– image, if image, then image (i.e., image is rejected with respect to image).

• image is admissible with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is admissible; and

– image is conflict-free, and each argument in image is acceptable with respect to image and image.

• image is a complete extension of image with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a complete extension; and

– image is admissible with respect to image and each argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image and image is in image.

• image is a preferred extension of image with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a preferred extension; and

– image is a maximal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image with respect to image.

• image is a grounded extension of image with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a grounded extension; and

– image is the minimal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image with respect to image.

• image is a stable extension of image with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a stable extension; and

– for all image is attacked by image.

• image is a semi-stable extension of image with respect to image if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is a semi-stable extension; and

– image is a complete extension of image with respect to image, such that image is maximal (with respect to set-inclusion).

• image is ideal if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is an ideal extension; and

– image is the greatest (with respect to set-inclusion) admissible set with respect to image and it is contained in every preferred set of arguments of image with respect to image.

• image is an eager extension if and only if the following two conditions hold:

– image is an eager extension; and

– image is the greatest (with respect to set-inclusion) admissible set (with respect to image) that is a subset of each semi-stable extension of image with respect to image.

In this definition, it is clear that if image is admissible, then image is conflict-free. Otherwise, image, such that image is attacked by an argument in image. As a result, image is not acceptable with respect to image and image. Contradiction.

Example 4.5

Let us consider again the sub-frameworks in Example 4.2. Under preferred semantics, image has two extensions image and image. The status assignment of image with respect to image and image respectively is as follows:


Then, we get two partially assigned sub-frameworks image and image (Figure 4.5).

According to Definition 4.9, under preferred semantics, image has one extension image, while image has two extensions image and image. Here, the acceptability of arguments in each partially assigned sub-framework is related to the status of the arguments whose status is evaluated externally. For instance, in image is acceptable with respect to image and image in that for the argument image in image that attacks image, there exists image in image, such that image, and for the argument image in image that attacks image, there exists image in image, such that image is accepted with respect to image and image.


Figure 4.5 Two partially assigned sub-frameworks of image.

4.4 Computation of the Semantics of a Sub-Framework

As presented in the previous section, the semantics of a sub-framework could be formulated by the labelling-based approach or the extension-based approach. From the perspective of implementation, we may use the approaches mentioned in Chapter 3, with a slight modification.

In this section, we introduce two modified labelling-based algorithms for computing the preferred labellings and the grounded labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework, respectively.

As presented in Section 3.3, Modgil and Caminada’s algorithms (or briefly, MC algorithms) are developed for a Dung’s argumentation framework. For a partially labelled sub-framework image, the MC algorithms should be modified such that the preferred labellings (or the grounded labelling) of a partially labelled sub-framework can be generated.

First, the algorithm for computing the preferred labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework is shown in Algorithm 4.1. Compared to the MC algorithm for computing preferred labellings, the modified algorithm is characteristic of the following three aspects.

First, since the labels of arguments in image should conform to image, the initial labelling of this algorithm is image, in which all arguments in image are labelled IN, while the labels of arguments in image are assigned according to image.

Second, only the labels of arguments in image should be evaluated (to decide whether they are legal) and changed (by performing transition steps).

Third, when evaluating the legality of labels of arguments in image, the labelling image should be taken into consideration. Due to this reason, the notions of illegally IN, super-illegally IN and transition step are different from the ones in the MC algorithm. Since the notion of illegally IN has been defined in Definition 4.5, we need only to present the other two notions as follows (Definitions 4.10 and 4.11).

Definition 4.10

Super-illegally IN in a labelling of a PLSF

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, such that image. Let image be a labelling of image under a semantics image. Let image be a labelling of image. An argument image that is illegally IN in image with respect to image, is also super-illegally IN in image with respect to image if and only if:

• it is attacked by an argument image that is legally IN in image with respect to image or UNDEC in image with respect to image; or

• it is attacked by an argument image that is labelled IN or UNDEC in image.

Example 4.6

Continue Example 4.4. Let image. With respect to image, let image. According to Definition 4.10, Argument image is super-illegally IN in image with respect to image, in that it is attacked by Argument image in image that is labelled IN in image.

Definition 4.11

Transition step on an argument of a PLSF

Let image and image be sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, such that image. Let image be a labelling of image under a semantics image. Let image be a labelling of image and image be an argument that is illegally IN in image with respect to image. A transition step on image in image consists of the following:

• the label of image is changed from IN to OUT;

• for every image, if image is illegally OUT in image with respect to image, then the label of image is changed from OUT to UNDEC.

Algorithm 4.1

Computing preferred labellings of a partially labelled sub-framework image


Second, the algorithm for computing the grounded labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework is shown in Algorithm 4.2. Compared to the MC algorithm for computing the grounded labelling [4], there is only one difference, i.e., in Algorithm 4.2, the initial labelling is image, rather than image. This means that the labels of arguments in image conform to image.

Algorithm 4.2

Computing the grounded labelling of a partially image


4.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have defined two classes of sub-frameworks: unconditioned and conditioned. An unconditioned sub-framework is not dependent on any other sub-frameworks. Its semantics is the same as that of Dung’s argumentation framework introduced in Chapter 2. On the other hand, a conditioned sub-framework is restricted by some external arguments. After the status of all external arguments has been determined, we get a partially labelled (respectively, assigned) sub-framework. The labellings and extensions of a partially labelled (respectively, assigned) sub-framework are defined subsequently. Finally, we have introduced in brief two algorithms for computing the preferred labellings and the grounded labelling of a partially labelled sub-framework, respectively.

The notion of sub-frameworks have also been introduced in [5,6]. Given an argumentation framework image and a subset image, in [5], a sub-framework induced by image is called the restriction of image to image. However, the notion of a partially labelled (assigned) sub-framework has not been formally described in the existing literature. One important advantage of introducing the notion of a conditioned subframework is that given a subset of arguments that might be affected by some other arguments, their status could be computed locally.


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1According to the example, when an argumentation framework contains cycles, different sub-frameworks in which some arguments belong to a cycle may restrict each other.

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