Chapter 2

Semantics of Argumentation


In this chapter, we introduce two approaches for defining the semantics of an abstract argumentation framework: extension-based approach and labelling-based approach. The idea underlying the extension-based approach is to identify sets of arguments, called extensions, that can be regarded as collectively acceptable according to some criterion. The idea underlying the labelling-based approach is to assign a label to each argument, according to a certain criterion. It has been verified that under most of argumentation semantics, there exists a bijective correspondence between sets of extensions and a set of labellings of an argumentation framework.


abstract argumentation frameworks; argumentation semantics; extensions; justification status; labellings; status of arguments

2.1 Introduction

Given a set of conflicting arguments, whether an argument can be accepted depends on the existence of some counter arguments, which may in turn have counter arguments, and so on. In order to capture the attack relation between arguments and facilitate the status evaluation of arguments, Phan Minh Dung proposed abstract argumentation theory in 1995 [1]. He introduced a notion of abstract argumentation framework. An abstract argumentation framework can be regarded as a directed graph where the nodes represent arguments and the arcs represent attacks. Given such a graph, a fundamental problem is to determine which arguments can be regarded as acceptable. According to existing literature, there are mainly two approaches to deal with this problem: extension-based approach and labelling-based approach. Both approaches aim at defining argumentation semantics. An argumentation semantics can be viewed as a pre-defined criterion, according to which the acceptability of arguments in an argumentation framework can be determined.

In this chapter, after the notion of an abstract argumentation framework is introduced, some mainstream semantics defined by the two approaches are formulated.

2.2 Abstract Argumentation Frameworks

The notion of abstract argumentation frameworks (briefly, argumentation frameworks, or AFs) is central to abstract theory of argumentation. As mentioned above, in order to reflect the conflicting relation of arguments and facilitate the status evaluation of arguments, the structures of arguments and the origins of attacks that are irrelevant to the status evaluation of arguments are omitted. As a result, an argumentation framework is simply represented as a directed graph (called a defeat graph) where nodes represent arguments and arcs represent attacks between them. Formally, an argumentation framework is defined as follows.

Definition 2.1

Abstract argumentation framework

An abstract argumentation framework is a tuple image, where image is a set of arguments, and image is a set of attacks.

In Definition 2.1, we use image to denote that image attacks image (with respect to image). Meanwhile, throughout this book, we assume that image is generated by a reasoner at a given time point, and therefore is finite.

Let image be a set of arguments, and image be an argument. As usual, we say that image attacks image if and only if there exists image such that image attacks image. Meanwhile, we say that image attacks image if and only if there exists image such that image attacks image.

In a defeat graph, the nodes that attack a given argument image are called defeaters (or parents) of image [2]. Given image and a set image of arguments, we use image to denote the set of outside parents of the arguments in image (when image is called an unattacked set).

image (2.1)

2.3 Argumentation Semantics

Since there exist conflicts between arguments, to determine whether or not an argument is acceptable, the status of all its defeaters should be considered, while the status of each defeater is in turn determined by the status of its defeaters, and so on. When an argument image is attacked by an argument image, and image is in turn attacked by an argument image, then we say that image reinstates image. Whether an argument is able to reinstate another argument (or itself) is related to some specific criterion, which is called argumentation semantics. Given an argumentation framework, under a certain argumentation semantics, zero or more sets of arguments are considered acceptable.

In existing literature, there are two approaches to formulate the status of arguments in an argumentation framework: extension-based approach and labelling-based approach. The idea underlying the extension-based approach is to identify sets of arguments, called extensions, that can be regarded as collectively acceptable according to some criterion. The idea underlying the labelling-based approach is to assign a label to each argument, according to a certain criterion.

In this chapter, we will introduce some basic notions related to argumentation semantics, defined by the above-mentioned two approaches. Readers may refer to [3] for an excellent introduction.

2.3.1 Extension-based Approach

In the extension-based approach, under different semantics which represent different evaluation criteria, an argumentation framework may have different sets of extensions. In this section, the following semantics will be introduced: admissible, complete, grounded, preferred, stable, semi-stable, eager and ideal. Admissible Extension

The notion of admissible is fundamental to the definitions of other semantics. It is defined on the basis of the following two notions: conflict-free and acceptable.

Conflict-freeness is viewed as a minimal requirement of any argumentation semantics.

Definition 2.2


Let image be an argumentation framework, and image a set of arguments. image is conflict-free if and only if image, such that image.

However, conflict-freeness is too weak a condition to justify that a set of arguments is “collectively acceptable”, since such a set could be attacked by arguments not among its members.

Example 2.1

Let image be an argumentation framework (Figure 2.1). The following extensions are conflict-free.

• image;

• image;

• image.

However, if we require that a set of collectively acceptable arguments should be able to defend itself, then not all of these subsets satisfy the requirement. For instance, the set image can not defend itself, because Argument image is attacked by Argument image, and there exists no argument in image that attacks image.


Figure 2.1 Argumentation framework image.

Acceptability is another important requirement for the arguments that constitute an admissible extension.

Definition 2.3


Let image be an argumentation framework, and image a set of arguments. An argument image is acceptable with respect to image (also called image is defended by image), if and only if image, such that image.

Based on the notions of conflict-freeness and acceptability, an admissible extension can be defined as follows.

Definition 2.4

Admissible extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image a set of arguments. image is admissible if and only if image is conflict-free, and each argument in B is acceptable with respect to image.

Example 2.2

Continue Example 2.1. According to Definition 2.4, the following extensions are admissible:

• image;

• image;

• image. Complete Extension

As illustrated in Example 2.2, it is not the case that each admissible extension contains all arguments that are acceptable with respect to the extension. For instance, with respect to image, the argument image is acceptable, but it is not in image.

Given an argumentation framework image and an admissible extension image, if there exists an argument image such that image is acceptable with respect to image, then we add image to image, and get a new set image. Then, with respect to image, if there exists an argument image such that image is acceptable with respect to image, then we add image to image, and get a new set image. In this way, if image is a finite set, then we will finally get a set that is admissible and contains all arguments that are acceptable with respect to this set. This process can be defined by a function, called characteristic function, defined as follows.

Definition 2.5

Characteristic function

Let image be an argumentation framework. The characteristic function of image, denoted as image, is defined as follows:


image = image is acceptable with respect to image.

Given an admissible set image, if image, then image is called a complete extension. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.6

Complete extension

Let image be an argumentation framework. We say that image is a complete extension if and only if image is admissible and each argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image is in image, i.e., image.

Example 2.3

Continue Example 2.2. According to Definition 2.6, only image is a complete extension.


Figure 2.2 Argumentation framework image.

Under complete semantics, some argumentation frameworks may have more than one extension. Let us consider the following example.

Example 2.4

Let image be an argumentation framework (Figure 2.2). It has three complete extensions as follows:

• image;

• image;

• image. Grounded Extension and Preferred Extension

As mentioned above, under complete semantics, there might exist several extensions. The arguments in different extensions might be conflicting, and therefore questionable. If we only accept those arguments that are least questionable, then we get an extension (called grounded extension) that is the most skeptical among all complete extensions. On the contrary, if we want to accept as many arguments as reasonably possible, then we get sets of extensions (called preferred extensions) that are more credulous than some other complete extensions.

According to Example 2.4, the argument image is acceptable with respect to all extensions, while the arguments image and image are not. So, under grounded semantics, one may only regard image as an acceptable argument, while under preferred semantics, one may regard image and image (or image and image) as acceptable arguments.

Definition 2.7

Grounded extension and preferred extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments.

• image is a grounded extension if and only if image is the minimal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension.

• image is a preferred extension if and only if image is a maximal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension.

According to [1], for any argumentation framework, there exists a unique grounded extension, while for some argumentation frameworks, there might exist multiple preferred extensions.

Example 2.5

Continue Example 2.4. According to Definition 2.7, it holds that

• image is the grounded extension;

• image and image are preferred extensions.

Grounded extension can be obtained by recursively applying characteristic function from an empty set.

Example 2.6

Consider the argumentation framework in Example 2.1. Let image. According to Definition 2.5, it holds that

• image;

• image;

• image.

Hence, the grounded extension of image is image.

Alternatively, the grounded extension of an argumentation framework can be defined as follows.

Definition 2.8

Grounded extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. image is a grounded extension if and only if image is the minimal (with respect to set-inclusion) conflict-free fixed point of the characteristic function image. Stable Extension and Semi-Stable Extension

Under the above-mentioned semantics, with respect to a given extension, the status of some arguments could be undecided, which means that they are neither accepted, nor rejected, with respect to the extension. Here, we say that an argument is accepted with respect to an extension, if it belongs to this extension; an argument is rejected with respect to an extension if it is attacked by the extension.

Example 2.7

Let image be an argumentation framework (Figure 2.3). Under admissible, complete, grounded, or preferred semantics, it has only one extension image. The status of arguments image and image is undecided.


Figure 2.3 Argumentation framework image.

Now, given a set of conflict-free arguments, if we require that there are no arguments that are undecided with respect to this set, then it is called a stable extension. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.9

Stable extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. image is a stable extension if and only if image is conflict-free and image attacks each argument that does not belong to image.

In [1], it has been proved that every stable extension is a preferred extension, but not vice versa.

Stable semantics is interesting, since it exactly corresponds to the extensions defined in some traditional non-monotonic formalisms, such as Reiter’s default logic, Moore’s autoepistemic logic and logic programming. However, some argumentation frameworks may have no stable extension.

Example 2.8

Continue Example 2.7. Argumentation framework image has no stable extension.

Since under stable semantics there is a possibility that stable extensions may not exist, Martin Caminada proposed a revised semantics, called semi-stable semantics. This semantics is “backward compatible” to stable semantics in the sense that it is equivalent to stable semantics in situations where stable extensions exist, and still yields a reasonable result in situations where stable extensions do not exist [4]. Compared to stable semantics, semi-stable semantics does not require that the set of undecided arguments is empty, but merely requires that the set of undecided arguments is minimal.

Definition 2.10

Semi-stable extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. image is a semi-stable extension if and only if image is a complete extension of which image is maximal, in which image.

It has been verified that every stable extension is a semi-stable extension, and every semi-stable extension is a preferred extension.

Example 2.9

Continue Example 2.7. Argumentation framework image has a semi-stable extension image. Ideal Extension and Eager Extension

As illustrated in Example 2.5, an argumentation framework may have several preferred extensions, and some arguments in different extensions might conflict. More specifically, image and image are respectively in image and image, but they are conflicting. This is because preferred semantics is credulous. In many cases, it is better to adopt a semantics that is more skeptical. The above-mentioned grounded semantics is skeptical. However, it is often overly skeptical, in that in many cases, the grounded extension could be an empty set. In order to treat this problem, another skeptical semantics, called ideal semantics, was proposed in [5]. It defines an ideal extension as an admissible extension that is a subset of every preferred extension. Generally, ideal semantics is less skeptical than grounded semantics, but more skeptical than preferred semantics. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.11

Ideal extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a set of arguments. image is ideal if and only if image is admissible and it is contained in every preferred set of arguments. The ideal extension is the maximal (with respect to set-inclusion) ideal set.

Example 2.10

Continue Example 2.5. According to Definition 2.11, image is the ideal extension. It is also the grounded extension, and the intersection of the two preferred extensions.

Example 2.10 shows that the ideal extension is the same as the grounded extension. Meanwhile, the intersection of the preferred extensions is equal to the ideal extension. However, this coincidence does not happen in all cases. Please consider the following example (Figure 2.4).

Example 2.11

According to the above definition, we have

• image is the grounded extension;

• image and image are four preferred extensions.

• image is the ideal extension.

In this example, the grounded extension is not equal to the ideal extension. Meanwhile, since the intersection of the two preferred extensions image is not admissible, it is not an ideal set.


Figure 2.4 Argumentation framework image.

Besides grounded semantics and ideal semantics, the third skeptical semantics that is very close to ideal semantics is eager semantics. While the ideal extension is the biggest admissible subset of each preferred extension, the eager extension is the biggest admissible subset of each semi-stable extension.

Example 2.12

Continue Example 2.11.

• image and image are two semi-stable extensions.

• image is the eager extension.

2.3.2 Labelling-based Approach

In labelling-based approaches, there are usually three labels: IN, OUT and UNDEC, where the label IN means the argument is accepted, the label OUT means the argument is rejected and the label UNDEC means one abstains from an opinion on whether the argument is accepted or rejected [3]. Meanwhile, there could be some other choices for the set of labels. For instance, in [6], four-valued labelling is considered. In this book, we choose three-valued labelling. Formally, labelling is defined as follows [7].

Definition 2.12


Given an argumentation framework image and three labels IN, OUT and UNDEC, a labelling is defined as a total function


The set of all labellings of image is denoted as image.

Let image, and image. A labelling image is often represented as a triple of the form image.

One of the criteria for labelling-based semantics is whether a label assigned to an argument is legal. According to Definition 2.12, given a labelling image, the status assigned to each argument might not be legal. We say that assigning the IN label to an argument image is legal if and only if all its attackers have been assigned the OUT label; assigning the OUT label to an argument image is legal if and only if one of its attackers has been assigned the IN label; and assigning the UNDEC label to an argument image is legal if and only if not all its attacks are labelled OUT and it does not have an attacker that is labelled IN. Based on [8], we have the following definition.

Definition 2.13

Legal labelling

Let image be a labelling of an argumentation framework image and image.

• image is legally IN if and only if image and for all image, if image, then image.

• image is legally OUT if and only if image and there exists image, such that image, and image.

• image is legally UNDEC if and only if image and

(1) for all image, if image, then image, and

(2) it is not the case that: for all image, if image, then image.

According to the notion of legal labelling, the notion of illegal labelling can be defined as follows.

Definition 2.14

Illegal labelling

Let image be a labelling of an argumentation framework image and image. For image is illegally image if and only if image, but image is not legally image.

Based on the notions of labelling as well as legal/illegal labelling, various labelling-based semantics corresponding to the above-mentioned extension-based semantics can be defined as follows. Admissible Labelling

Admissible labeling is defined on the basis of conflict-free labelling. According to Definition 2.2, when a set of arguments is conflict-free, there exists no attack between the arguments in the set. So, given a labelling image, each argument in image should not have an attacker in image. Meanwhile, only those arguments that are attacked by at least one argument in image are labelled OUT. So, all OUT-labelled arguments are legally OUT.

Definition 2.15

Conflict-free labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a total function. image is a conflict-free labelling, if and only if each argument that is labelled IN does not have an attacker that is labelled IN, and each argument that is labelled OUT is legally OUT.

Example 2.13

Continue Example 2.1. With respect to image, the following labellings are conflict-free:

• image

• image

• image

• image

• image

• image

• image

• image

From this example, we may observe that a conflict-free set might correspond to several conflict-free labellings.

According to Definition 2.15, not all IN-labelled arguments are legally IN. Given a conflict-free labelling, if each IN-labelled argument is legally IN, then it is called an admissible labelling.

Definition 2.16

Admissible labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a total function. image is an admissible labelling, if and only if it is a conflict-free labelling, and each argument that is labelled IN is legally IN.

Example 2.14

Continue Example 2.13. According to Definition 2.16, the following labellings are admissible labellings:

• image

• image

• image

• image

• image Complete Labelling

Given an admissible labelling, if each UNDEC-labelled argument is legally UNDEC, then it is called a complete labelling. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.17

Complete labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a total function. image is a complete labelling, if and only if it is an admissible labelling, and each argument that is labelled UNDEC is legally UNDEC.

Example 2.15

Continue Example 2.14. According to Definition 2.17, only image is a complete labelling. Grounded Labelling and Preferred Labelling

Given a complete labelling, if the set of IN-labelled arguments is minimal (respectively, maximal), then it is called a grounded labelling (respectively, preferred labelling). Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.18

Grounded labelling and preferred labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a total function.

• image is a grounded labelling, if and only if it is a complete labelling, and image is minimal (with respect to set-inclusion).

• image is a preferred labelling, if and only if it is a complete labelling, and image is maximal (with respect to set-inclusion).

Example 2.16

Consider the argumentation framework in Example 2.11. According to Definition 2.18, it holds that

• image is the grounded labelling;

• image and image are preferred labellings. Stable Labelling and Semi-Stable Labelling

Definition 2.19

Stable labelling and semi-stable labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework and image be a total function.

• image is a stable labelling, if and only if it is a complete labelling, and image.

• image is a semi-stable labelling, if and only if it is a complete labelling, and image is maximal (with respect to set-inclusion).

Example 2.17

Consider again the argumentation framework in Example 2.11. According to Definition 2.19, it holds that

• There is no stable labelling;

• image and image are semi-stable labellings. Ideal Labelling and Eager Labelling

The definition of ideal labelling is more complex. According to [9], in order to define the ideal labelling of an argumentation framework, we need to introduce the following notion [10].

Definition 2.20

Bigger labelling

Let image and image be labellings of an argumentation framework image. It is said that image is bigger (also called more or equally committed) than image (written as image) if and only if image and image.

The relation “image” defines a partial order (reflective, anti-symmetric, transitive) on the labellings of an argumentation framework.

Definition 2.21

Ideal labelling and eager labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework. The ideal (eager) labelling is the biggest admissible labelling that is smaller than or equal to each preferred labelling (respectively, semi-stable labelling).

Example 2.18

Continue Examples 2.11 and 2.17.

• There is an admissible labelling image that is smaller than each preferred labelling. It is the ideal labelling of image.

• Meanwhile, there is an admissible labelling image that is smaller than each semi-stable labelling. It is the eager labelling of image.

2.3.3 Relations Between the Two Approaches

As introduced in [3], under most of argumentation semantics, there is a bijective correspondence between the set of labellings and sets of extensions of an argumentation framework. On the one hand, given an argumentation framework, the labels IN can be understood as identifying the members of an extension. According to [3], we have the following definition.

Definition 2.22

A mapping from a labelling to an extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a labelling of image. The corresponding set of arguments image.

On the other hand, given an extension image of an argumentation framework, if it is conflict-free, then we may construct a labelling such that the arguments belonging to image are labelled IN, those attacked by some arguments of image are labelled OUT, and those which neither belong to E nor are attacked by image are labelled UNDEC. Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.23

A mapping from an extension to a labelling

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a conflict-free set of arguments. The corresponding labelling, denoted as image, is defined as image, in which image.

As proved in [8], there is a correspondence between admissible sets and admissible labellings.

Proposition 2.1

For any argumentation framework image, if image is an admissible labelling of image then image is an admissible set of image; if image is an admissible set of image then image is an admissible labelling of image.

It should be noticed that the correspondence between admissible sets and admissible labellings is not bijective. This is because different admissible labellings may correspond to the same admissible set. For instance, with respect to image in Example 2.4, image and image are two admissible labellings. Both of them give rise to the same admissible set image.

Except admissible semantics, under other semantics introduced above, there exists a bijective correspondence between sets of extensions and a set of labellings, of an argumentation framework.

In this book, we use image to denote a semantics, which could be admissible image, complete image, preferred image, grounded image, stable image, semi-stable image, ideal image or eager image. Based on these notations, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 2.2

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a semantics. For all image, there exists image such that image, and for all image, there exists image such that image.

2.3.4 Relations Between Different Semantics

With respect to the extension-based approach, the relations between different argumentation semantics introduced above can be illustrated in Figure 2.5. According to Definitions 2.4 and 2.6, it holds that a complete extension is an admissible set. According to Definition 2.7, a grounded extension (respectively, a preferred extension) is a complete extension. Meanwhile, as proved in [10], an ideal extension (respectively, eager extension) is also a complete extension. Finally, according to [4], every stable extension is also a semi-stable extension, which in turn is a preferred extension. Given an argumentation framework, its eager extension is a superset of its ideal extension, which is in turn a superset of its grounded extension. So, the grounded semantics is the most skeptical semantics mentioned above. On the other hand, as to the labelling-based approach, we have similar results.


Figure 2.5 Relations between different semantics.

2.3.5 Status of Arguments

According to the extensions (labellings) of an argumentation framework, the status of arguments can be determined. Given a labelling, the status of each argument with respect to this labelling is IN, OUT, or UNDEC.

On the other hand, from the perspective of the extension-based approach, the status of arguments is determined by an extension, rather than a labeling. As presented in Definition 2.23, when an extension is conflict-free, it can be mapped to a labelling. Hence, given an argumentation framework and a conflict-free extension of it, for each argument within the argumentation framework, we may differentiate three status: accepted, rejected and undecided, corresponding to IN, OUT and UNDEC in the labelling-based approach.

Informally, an argument is accepted with respect to an extension, if and only if it belongs to this extension; an argument is rejected with respect to an extension, if and only if it is attacked by another argument that is accepted with respect to this extension; an argument is undecided with respect to an extension, if and only if it is neither accepted nor rejected with respect to this extension. Here, the extension should be conflict-free. Otherwise, the above three classes of status could not be differentiated. For instance, consider an argumentation framework image. Suppose that image is an extension. It follows that image is both accepted (because it belongs to image) and rejected (because it is attacked by image that is accepted with respect to image).

Definition 2.24

Status of arguments with respect to an extension

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be an extension that is conflict-free. For all image:

• image is accepted with respect to image, if and only if image;

• image is rejected with respect to image, if and only if there exists image, such that image;

• image is undecided with respect to image, if and only if image is neither accepted nor rejected with respect to image.

Beside the status of arguments with respect to an extension or a labelling, we may evaluate the status of arguments with respect to sets of extensions or a set of labellings, call the justification status of arguments. Since under some argumentation semantics, an argumentation framework might have multiple extensions (labellings), the justification status of an argument could be sceptically justified, credulously justified, and indefensible. An argument is sceptically justified, if it belongs to each extension (labelling); an argument is credulously justified, if it belongs to some (at least one) extensions (labellings) and does not belong to some other (at least one) extensions (labellings); an argument is indefensible, if it does not belong to any extension (labelling). Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 2.25

Justification status of arguments

Given image and a conflict-free semantics image, an argument image is credulously justified if and only if image, such that image and image; it is skeptically justified if and only if image; and it is indefensible if and only if image such that image.

2.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have introduced the notion of abstract argumentation frameworks and the semantics of an argumentation framework from the perspective of an extension-based approach and that of a labelling-based approach, respectively. Under most semantics (complete, preferred, grounded, stable, semi-stable, ideal and eager), there is a bijective correspondence between sets of extensions and a set of labellings.

Under a given semantics, an argumentation framework may have a unique extension or multiple extensions. If under a semantics image, any argumentation framework has only one extension, then it is called a unique-status semantics; otherwise, it is called a multiple-status semantics. Grounded, ideal and eager are three unique-status semantics introduced in this chapter. Among them, the grounded semantics is the most skeptical one, the ideal semantics is the second, and the eager semantics is the third. On the other hand, admissible, complete, preferred, stable and semi-stable are multiple-status semantics. Under stable semantics, an argumentation framework might have an empty set of extension. Semi-stable semantics was proposed to handle this problem.

Based on the definition of argumentation semantics, given an argumentation framework, an important problem is to efficiently compute the status of arguments. In the subsequent chapters, we will focus on this problem.


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