Chapter 5

Relations between Global Semantics and Local Semantics


Based on the notion of sub-frameworks and their semantics, in this chapter, we introduce the relations between the semantics of an argumentation framework and those of its sub-framework, which lays a foundation for the establishment of some efficient approaches for computing the semantics of argumentation.


directionality of argumentation; global semantics; local semantics; mappings; semantics combination

5.1 Introduction

In Chapters 2 and 4, we introduce the semantics of an argumentation framework and that of its sub-frameworks (called the global semantics and the local semantics of the argumentation framework, respectively). Now, an important question arises: what are the relations between these two semantics? More specifically, we have the following two sub-questions:

• Is there a mapping from the global semantics to the local semantics, of an argumentation framework? Is this mapping sound and complete?

• Is there a mapping from the local semantics to the global semantics, of an argumentation framework? Is this mapping sound and complete?

We will define in the subsequent sections these two kinds of mappings. The soundness and completeness of these mappings are affected by the types of argumentation semantics. Under some argumentation semantics such as admissible, complete, preferred and grounded, there exist sound and complete mappings. However, under some other argumentation semantics, sound and complete mappings might not exist. Let us consider the following example.

Example 5.1

Under stable semantics, the set of extensions of image (as shown in Figure 5.1) is empty. Nevertheless, the sub-framework image has two stable extensions image and image.


Figure 5.1 image.

The above example shows that under stable semantics, there might not exist a mapping from global semantics to local semantics. In other words, the mapping from global semantics to local semantics might be incomplete. Meanwhile, there are also cases where the mapping from global semantics to local semantics is not sound. Let us consider the following example.

Example 5.2

Let image and image, in which image is an unconditioned sub-framework, and image a conditioned sub-framework (see Figure 5.2). Under ideal semantics, image has an extension image, while image has an extension image. In this case, for image, there is only one partially assigned sub-framework: image, in which the status of Argument image is undecided. It follows that image has an ideal extension image. So, if we define a mapping according to which the ideal extension of image is an empty set, then the mapping is not sound.


Figure 5.2 Argumentation framework image and its sub-frameworks.

Given that under some argumentation semantics the mappings between global semantics and local semantics might be incomplete and/or unsound, in the subsequent sections and chapters, we only focus on several argumentation semantics (including admissible, complete, grounded and preferred) under which complete and sound mappings exist.

In addition, since there is a bijective correspondence between sets of extensions and a set of labellings under complete, grounded and preferred semantics, in this chapter, each mapping is formulated in terms of the extension-based approach or the labelling-based approach, rather than both approaches.

5.2 Mapping Global Semantics to Local Semantics

In terms of the extension-based approach, given an argumentation framework, a mapping from global semantics to local semantics is to restrict an extension of the argumentation framework to those of its sub-frameworks. More specifically, for every extension of an argumentation framework, from the perspective of a sub-framework, only a part of the extension corresponds to the sub-framework. In other words, we may restrict the extension to the sub-framework (unconditioned or conditioned). Formally, we have the following definition.

Definition 5.1

Restricting an extension to a sub-framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be a sub-framework of it. Let image be the set of extensions of image under a given semantics image. When image, for all image, the restriction of image to image is defined as image.

Notice that when image and image.

Example 5.3

Consider an argumentation framework image in Figure 5.3. Let image and image. It follows that image and image, while image and image. Under complete semantics, image has three extensions image and image. According to Definition 5.1, we have:

• image is the restriction of image to image;

• image is the restriction of image to image;

• image is the restriction of image to image;

• image is the restriction of image to image;

• image is the restriction of image to image;

• image is the restriction of image to image.


Figure 5.3 Argumentation framework image.

Based on the notion of restricting an extension to a sub-framework, we may define the mapping from global semantics to local semantics.

First, for an unconditioned sub-framework, the mapping from global semantics to local semantics is closely related to the directionality of argumentation. The basic idea of directionality is that under some argumentation semantics, the status of an argument image is affected only by the status of its defeaters (which in turn are affected by their defeaters and so on), while the arguments which only receive an attack from image (and in turn those which are attacked by them and so on) do not have any effect on the status of image. So, with respect to an unconditioned sub-framework, under admissible, complete, preferred and grounded semantics which satisfy the directionality criterion, the mapping from global semantics to local semantics can be formulated by the following definition [1]:

Definition 5.2

Mapping global semantics to local semantics with respect to an unconditioned sub-framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image be an unconditioned sub-framework of image. Under a semantics image,

image (5.1)

Example 5.4

Continue Example 5.3. According to Formula 5.1, image and image are complete extensions of image.

Second, for a conditioned sub-framework image of an argumentation framework image, for all image, if image is an unattacked set, and image, then image could be regarded as a conditioning sub-framework of image. Given image, let image. For all image, according to Formula 5.1, it holds that image is an extension of image under semantics image, and image is a partially assigned sub-framework of image. Based on these notions, for a conditioned sub-framework image, the mapping from global semantics to local semantics can be formulated by the following proposition:

Proposition 5.1

Let image be an argumentation framework. Let image and image be subsets of image such that image and image. Let image. Under a semantics image, if and only if image is an extension of image.

Since the soundness and completeness of the mapping from global semantics to local semantics for an unconditioned sub-framework (Formula 5.1) have been verified in [1], in this book, we only present the proofs of the soundness and completeness of the mapping from global semantics to local semantics for a conditioned sub-framework.

When proving Proposition 5.1, we found that the soundness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under preferred and grounded semantics as well as the completeness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under all four semantics depend on the property of the mappings from local semantics to global semantics. So, we present in this section the soundness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under admissible and complete semantics, and then the two remaining parts at the end of Section 5.3.2.


In this part, we prove the soundness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under admissible and complete semantics, i.e., for all image, if image, then image is an extension of image.

• Under admissible semantics, image is an admissible set. Meanwhile, according to Formula 5.1, image is admissible. Since image is admissible, it holds that image is conflict-free and each argument in image is acceptable with respect to image. In order to prove that image is admissible with respect to image, since image is obviously conflict-free, we only need to verify that each argument in image is acceptable with respect to image and image, in which image is a status assignment of image with respect to image, where image is accepted with respect to image is rejected with respect to image and image is undecided with respect to image.
Since each argument in image is acceptable with respect to image, for all image is acceptable with respect to image. Hence, for all image, if image then image such that image. Since image and image is not attacked by the arguments in image, it holds that image. It follows that:

• If image, then: since image is attacked by the arguments in image, it holds that image, and therefore image (satisfying the second condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework, in Definition 4.9).

• Else, if image, then: since image is attacked by the arguments in image or image, it holds that image or image (satisfying the first condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework, in Definition 4.9).

As a result, image is acceptable with respect to image and image.

• Under complete semantics, image is a complete extension. Based on the proof of the previous item, it holds that image is admissible with respect to image. We need only to prove that each argument image in image that is acceptable with respect to image and image is in image. Since image is only possibly attacked by the arguments in image or image, when image is acceptable with respect to image and image, we have the following two cases:

• If image is attacked by image, then according to the first condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework (Definition 4.9), image, such that image, or image, such that image and image; and

• If image is attacked by image, then according to the second condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework (Definition 4.9), image is rejected with respect to image, i.e., image, such that image.

As a result, for any argument image that attacks image, there exists an argument in image that attacks image. Therefore, image is acceptable with respect to image. Since every argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image is in image, it holds that image is in image. Since image, we have image or image. If image, then image. Else, if image, then since image (in that image), it holds that image is in image (otherwise, image, contradicting image).  image

Example 5.5

Continue Examples 5.3 and 5.4. Since image is a conditioning sub-framework of image. According to three complete extensions of image, there are three partially assigned sub-frameworks of image (as shown in Figure 5.4):

• image,

• image, and

• image.

Then, according to Proposition 5.1 and the above proof, it holds that:

• image is a complete extension of image,

• image is a complete extension of image, and

• image is a complete extension of image.


Figure 5.4 Three partially assigned sub-frameworks of image.

5.3 Mapping Local Semantics to Global Semantics

Given an argumentation framework, a mapping from local semantics to global semantics is to combine sets of extensions (labellings) of a set of sub-frameworks to form a set of extensions (respectively, labellings) of the argumentation framework. Since there are two kinds of sub-frameworks (conditioned and unconditioned) and various dependence relations between different sub-frameworks, there are many types of combinations of sub-frameworks, such as a combination of two unconditioned sub-frameworks, a combination of two conditioned sub-frameworks without dependence relation from one to another, a combination of an unconditioned sub-framework and a conditioned sub-framework in which the latter is fully conditioned by the former, and a combination of an unconditioned sub-framework and a conditioned sub-framework in which the latter is partially conditioned by the former, etc. In this book, we study the first three combinations, in terms of the extension-based approach or the labelling-based approach.

5.3.1 Combining Extensions of Two Unconditioned Sub-Frameworks

Let image and image be two unconditioned sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image. The (syntactic) combination of them, denoted as image, is also an unconditioned sub-framework.

Example 5.6

Let image be an argumentation framework (Figure 5.5). Let image and image. Since image and image and image are unconditioned sub-frameworks. Let us consider the following two combined sub-frameworks.

• image, in which image.

• image, in which image.

The former is a combination of two unconditioned sub-frameworks that have no arguments in common, while the latter is a combination of two unconditioned sub-frameworks that have some arguments in common. In this book, the former is regarded as a special case of the latter.


Figure 5.5 Sub-frameworks of image.

Let image denote the intersection of image and image. Under a semantics image under which every argumentation framework has at least one extension, the notion of combined extensions is defined as follows.

Definition 5.3

Combined extensions of two unconditioned sub-frameworks

Let image and image be two unconditioned sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, and image. Let image be a semantics under which every argumentation framework has at least one extension. The set of combined extensions of image, denoted as image, is defined as:


Proposition 5.2

Let image and image be two unconditioned sub-frameworks of an argumentation framework image, and image. For each image, it holds that: image.


image(Soundness): For all image, it holds that image.

(1) Under admissible semantics, for all image and image, if image then image. This is because:

– image is conflict-free. Assume the contrary. Then, image and image, such that image. Since image and image, it holds that image and image. Since image, and image is an unconditioned sub-framework, it holds that image. Since image and image, it holds that image. Since image, it follows that image, and therefore image. As a result, image is not conflict-free. Contradiction.

– image is acceptable with respect to image. Since image (image), then since image and image is only attacked by the arguments in image. Since image is acceptable with respect to image, if image, then image, such that image. In other words, image is acceptable with respect to image.

(2) Under complete semantics, we need to prove that image, if image is acceptable with respect to image, then image. For image (image), since image is acceptable with respect to image and only affected by the arguments in image is acceptable with respect to image; since every argument that is acceptable with respect to image is in image, it holds that image is in image.

(3) Under preferred semantics, for all image and image, since a preferred extension is also a complete extension, based on the proof in the case of complete semantics, we only need to prove that image is a maximal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image. Assume the contrary. Then, image, such that image is a preferred extension of image and image. Let image. It holds that image. Let image and image. Since image, it holds that image. There are the following two possible cases.

– When image, since image, and image, it holds that image.
So, image.
According to Formula 5.1, it holds that image is a complete extension of image. As a result, image is not a preferred extension, contradicting image.

– When image, similarly, it turns out that image is not a preferred extension, contradicting image.
As a result, image is a preferred extension of image.

(4) Under grounded semantics, similar to the proof in the case of preferred semantics, we may verify that image is the minimal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image.

image(Completeness): For all image.

According to Formula 5.1, image and image. Meanwhile, since image and image, it holds that image. According to Definition 5.3, image.

Example 5.7

Continue Example 5.6. Let us consider the sub-frameworks image and image. Under preferred semantics, the extensions of image are image and image, while the extensions of image are image and image. Let image. According to Definition 5.3 and Proposition 5.2, we may combine the extensions of image and those of image to obtain the extensions of image.

• image is a preferred extension of image, in that image, and image.

• image is a preferred extension of image, in that image, and image.

5.3.2 Combining Extensions of a Conditioned Sub-Framework and Those of an Unconditioned Sub-Framework

Let image be an argumentation framework. Let image be a conditioned sub-framework, and image be an unconditioned sub-framework, of image. When combining image and image, we only consider the case when image. In this case, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 5.3

Let image be a conditioned sub-framework and image be an unconditioned sub-framework, of an argumentation framework image, such that image. It holds that:

image (5.2)

image (5.3)

image (5.4)


First, since image, it holds that: image, and image. Second, since image is an unattacked set, image, it follows that image. Third, since image and image is an unattacked set, it holds that image.

According to Proposition 5.3, the (syntactic) combination of image and image is equal to image, called the combined sub-framework of image and image. Semantically, we have the following definition.

Definition 5.4

Combined extensions of a conditioned sub-framework and those of an unconditioned sub-framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, image and image be the sub-frameworks of image, in which image. The set of combined extensions of image, denoted as image, is defined as follows:


Now, let us first verify the soundness of combining extensions of a conditioned sub-framework and those of an unconditioned sub-framework to form the extensions of a combined sub-framework (the completeness of this kind of combination will be presented at the end of this section).

Proposition 5.4

Let image be an argumentation framework, image and image be sub-frameworks of image, in which image. Under a semantics image, for all image, it holds that image.


• Under admissible semantics, image and image: in order to prove that image, we should prove that: (1) image is conflict-free, and (2) every argument in image is acceptable with respect to image.

(1) image, there are the following four possible cases:

(a) image and image: On the one hand, it holds that image does not attack image. Otherwise, assume that image, then image is attacked by a conditioning argument that is accepted with respect to image. According to the second condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework, image is not acceptable with respect to image and image, i.e., image, contradicting image. On the other hand, image does not attack image. Otherwise, image is attacked by an argument outside image, contradicting the fact that image is an unattacked set.

(b) image and image: On the one hand, it holds that image does not attack image. Otherwise, since image, there exists image or image, such that image attacks image. Since image is an unattacked set, image. It follow that image. As a result, image is attacked by an accepted argument in image, contradicting image. On the other hand, since image is an unattacked set and image does not attack image.

(c) image and image: On the one hand, it holds that image does not attack image (the reason is the same as the one in the previous item). On the other hand, image does not attack image. Otherwise, since both image and image are in image, and image, there exists image such that image attacks image, contradicting image.

(d) image and image: On the one hand, image does not attack image. Otherwise, image is attacked by a conditioning argument that is accepted with respect to image, and therefore image. Contradiction. On the other hand, image does not attack image (the reason is the same as the one in the previous item).

Since in all possible cases, neither image attacks image nor image attacks image is conflict-free.

(2) We should prove that image, if image, then image, such that image.

(a) image. So, image is only attacked by the arguments in image (there exists no argument in image that attacks image). Since image is acceptable with respect to image, it holds that: image, if image, then image, such that image.

(b) image, there are two possible cases: image is attacked by the arguments in image with respect to image, or by the arguments in image with respect to image. So, if image, then it holds that: image and image, or image and image. Since image is acceptable with respect to image and image, it holds that:

(b1) if image and image, then image is rejected with respect to image (corresponding to the second condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework), i.e., image, such that image; and

(b2) if image and image, then image, such that image, or image, such that image is accepted with respect to image and image, i.e., image, such that image (corresponding to the first condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework).

Putting (a) and (b) together, we have: image, if image, then image, such that image. Therefore, every argument in image is acceptable with respect to image.

• Under complete semantics, image and image: in order to prove that image, we should prove that every argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image is in image. Assume the contrary, i.e. image, such that image is acceptable with respect to image, but image.

(1) If image, then image is only attacked by the arguments in image. Since image is acceptable with respect to image, it holds that image (there exists no argument in image that attacks image), if image, then image, such that image, i.e., image is acceptable with respect to image. Since image, it holds that image. So, image is not a complete extension, contradicting image.

(2) If image, then image is attacked by the arguments in image with respect to image or by the arguments in image with respect to image. Since image is acceptable with respect to image, it holds that:

(a) image, if image, then: since image is in turn attacked by the arguments in image with respect to image or image with respect to image, it holds that image, such that image, or image, such that image (satisfying the first condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework); and

(b) image, if image, then: since image is attacked by the arguments in image, it holds that image, such that image, i.e., image is rejected with respect to image (satisfying the second condition of acceptability of arguments in a partially assigned sub-framework).

As a result, image is acceptable with respect to image and image. Since image, it holds that image. So, image is not a complete extension, contradicting image.

According to (1) and (2), we have: image, if image is acceptable with respect to image, then image. Therefore, every argument in image that is acceptable with respect to image is in image.

• Under preferred semantics, image and image: since a preferred extension is also a complete extension, based on the proof in the case of complete semantics, we only need to prove that image is a maximal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image. Assume that image is not a maximal complete extension. Then, image, such that image is a preferred extension of image and image. Let image. If image, then image. In this case, image is a preferred extension. So, we need only to discuss the case when image. Let image and image. It follows that image.

(1) When image, since image and image, it holds that image. According to Formula 5.1, it holds that image. Therefore, image is not a preferred extension, contradicting image.

(2) When image, if image, then image. In this case, since image and image, it holds that image. Since a preferred extension is also a complete extension, according to Proposition 5.1 and the proof of this proposition under complete semantics (in Section 5.2), it holds that image. So, image is not a preferred extension, contradicting image.

As a result, we may conclude that image is a maximal complete extension (i.e., preferred extension).

• Under grounded semantics, image and image: since a grounded extension is also a complete extension, based on the proof in the case of complete semantics, we only need to prove that image is the minimal (with respect to set-inclusion) complete extension of image. The proof is similar to the one under preferred semantics (omitted).

Example 5.8

Continue Example 5.6. Let image and image. It follow that image. Under complete semantics,

• image, in which image and image;

• image, in which image;

• image, in which image;

• image, in which image.

According to Definition 5.4, we have image, in which

• image,

• image, and

• image.

Based on Proposition 5.4, firstly, let us now prove the two remaining parts of Proposition 5.1 mentioned in Section 5.2.


• In the first part, we prove the soundness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under preferred and grounded semantics, i.e., for all image, if image, then image is an extension of image.
According to the proof in Section 5.2, image, in which image. Based on this result, we have the following proof.

(1) Under preferred semantics, we only need to verify that image is maximal. Assume the contrary. Then, image, such that image. It follows that image. According to Formula 5.1, image is a preferred extension of image, and image is a preferred extension of image. Since image and image, according to Proposition 5.4, image is a preferred extension of image. As a result, image is not a preferred extension of image. Contradiction.

(2) Under grounded semantics, we only need to verify that image is minimal. The proof is similar to the previous item. Omitted.

• In the second part, we prove the completeness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework under all four semantics, i.e., for all image, if image is an extension of image, then image such that image. According to Proposition 5.4, image is an extension of image. Let image. It holds that image. For all image. Let image. It holds that image.

According to the soundness and completeness of restricting an extension to a conditioned sub-framework, with respect to a conditioned sub-framework, the mapping from global semantics to local semantics can also be formulated by the following definition:

Definition 5.5

Mapping global semantics to local semantics with respect to a conditioned sub-framework

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image and image be sub-frameworks of image. Under a semantics image, for all image, it holds that

image (5.5)

Example 5.9

Let us consider an argumentation framework image as shown in Figure 5.6. Let image and image. It follows that image. Under preferred semantics, image has the following four extensions:

• image,

• image,

• image, and

• image.

It holds that image, and image. According to Formula 5.5, we have

• image, in which

• image,

• image, and

• image.

• image, in which image.


Figure 5.6 Argumentation framework image.

Finally, according to the soundness of restricting an extension to a sub-framework (conditioned or unconditioned), we may verify the completeness of combining extensions of a conditioned sub-framework and those of an unconditioned sub-framework to form the extensions of a combined sub-framework.

Proposition 5.5

Let image be an argumentation framework, image and image be sub-frameworks of image, in which image. Under a semantics image, for all image, it holds that image.


Under a given semantics image, for all image, let image and image. It holds that image. According to Formulas 5.1 and 5.5, it holds that image and image. According to Definition 5.4, it holds that image.

5.3.3 Combining Labellings of Two Conditioned Sub-Frameworks

In the previous two subsections, by using the extension-based approach, we have presented the semantics combination of two unconditioned sub-frameworks, and of a conditioned sub-framework and an unconditioned sub-framework. In this subsection, we will formulate the semantics combination of two conditioned sub-frameworks, in terms of labelling-based approach.

Let image be an argumentation framework, and image and image be two conditioned sub-frameworks. The (syntactic) combination of the two sub-frameworks is image.

There are some possible relations between image and image and image, and image and image. In this book, we only consider the case where image and image.

Let image. According to the following proposition, image is equal to image.

Proposition 5.6

Let image and image be conditioned sub-frameworks of image, such that image and image. Let image. It holds that:

(1) image,

(2) image, and

(3) image.


(1) On the one hand, for all image, there exists image such that image. Since image, we have the following two possible cases. When image, since image. It follows that image. Similarly, when image, since image. Hence, image. On the other hand, for all image or image. When image, there exists image such that image. Since image. It follows that image and image. So, image. Similarly, when image, it holds that image.

(2) Since image and image, it holds that there are no interactions between image and image, i.e., image and image. So, image.

(3) Since image and image.

Now, let us define the combination of the labellings of two conditioned sub-frameworks. Let image and image be two labellings. The combination of image and image is denoted as:

image (5.6)

Based on this notion, we have the following definition.

Definition 5.6

Combined labellings of two conditioned sub-frameworks

Let image and image be conditioned sub-frameworks of image, such that image and image. Let image. So, image is a combined framework of image and image. Let image and image be two unconditioned sub-frameworks of image, such that image and image. Let image be a semantics, under which every argumentation framework has at least one labelling. For all image, let image.


The soundness and completeness of combining labellings of two conditioned sub-frameworks are formulated by the following proposition.

Proposition 5.7

Based on Definition 5.6, it holds that image.


image (Soundness): For all image and image, it holds that image.

(1) Under admissible semantics, image and image are admissible labellings. According to Propositions 5.2 and 2.1, image is an admissible labelling. For all image and image, we need to verify that image is an admissible labelling of image. According to Definition 4.6, if for image, each argument image in image that is labelled image in image is legally image in image with regard to image, then image is an admissible labelling with respect to image.
Since image, and image, it holds that image (image is either 1 or 2). Since image is labelled image in image and image is labelled image in image. Since image is an admissible labelling, it holds that image is legally image in image with regard to image. Since image is only possibly attacked by the arguments in image and image, it holds that image is legally image in image with regard to image.

(2) Under complete semantics, image and image are complete labellings. According to Propositions 5.2 and 2.2, image is a complete labelling. For all image and image, we need to verify that image is a complete labelling of image. Since a complete labelling is an admissible labelling, according to Definition 4.6, we only need to verify that each argument image in image that is labelled UNDEC in image is legally UNDEC in image with regard to image. Since image (image is either 1 or 2) and image is labelled UNDEC in image is legally UNDEC in image with regard to image (image or 2). Since image is only possibly attacked by the arguments in image and image, it holds that image is legally UNDEC in image with regard to image.

(3) Under preferred semantics, image and image are preferred labellings. According to Propositions 5.2 and 2.2, image is a preferred labelling. For all image and image, we need to verify that image is a preferred labelling of image. Since a preferred labelling is also a complete labelling, based on the proof in the case of complete semantics, we only need to prove that image is maximal.
Assume the contrary. Then, there exists another complete labelling image of image, such that image. Let image. It holds that image.
Let image and image. Since image, it holds that image or image. Without loss of generality, let image. Since image, and image, it holds that image. So, image.
According to Formula 5.5 and Proposition 2.2, we may infer that image is a complete labelling of image. Since image is not a preferred labelling, contradicting image.

(4) Under grounded semantics, image and image are grounded labellings. For all image and image, we need to verify that image is the grounded labelling of image. Since a grounded labelling is also a complete labelling, based on the proof in the case of complete semantics, we only need to prove that image is minimal. The proof is similar to the one in the case of preferred semantics (omitted).

image (Completeness): For every labelling image, it holds that image is a combined labelling of image, i.e., image.

Let image, for all image. According to Formula 5.5 and Proposition 2.2, we may infer that image. Since image, according to Definition 5.6, it holds that image.

5.4 Conclusions

This chapter has presented the relations between global semantics and local semantics of an argumentation framework, which lays a foundation for efficient computation of argumentation semantics. The notions related to the global semantics and local semantics also appeared in [2,3] and [4]. In addition, this notion may be extended to the context of multiple argumentation systems. In [5], the authors proposed a notion of merging (different) argumentation systems. Given a set of distinct argumentation frameworks from different agents, they are expanded respectively into partial systems over the set of all arguments considered by the group of agents. Then, a merging operator is used to produce a set of argumentation systems that are as close as possible to the partial systems (to realize a kind of consensus). And then, the acceptability of a set of arguments at the group level is obtained by selecting the extensions of a set of produced (merged) argumentation frameworks at the local level.


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