
1Where possible we use the terms ‘doctor’, ‘nurse’ or ‘allied health worker’ when it is clear from the context who we are talking about. At other times, this book uses the word ‘clinician’ to refer inclusively to doctors, nurses, social workers and all other healthcare practitioners working in hospitals.
2In this book we refer to National Standard 6 as the Australian clinical handover standard. For details of the standard, see ACSQHC 2012b. For an overview of all the national healthcare standards, see ACSQHC 2012a.
3Discourse analysis focuses on describing the structure and function of naturally occurring spoken or written language (see Eggins & Slade 1997). Discourses are enacted within a social context and in turn shape that social context. A detailed analysis of discourse is therefore a powerful technique for examining communication in practice. It enables systematic exploration of relations between clinicians as well as between clinician and patient, and of how information is exchanged and understood or misunderstood, and the consequence of these communication encounters to the patient health outcomes.
4We would like to acknowledge Edward Stewart-Wynne and Annette Lenstra and the handover network for their contributions to the survey project as well as ECCHo team members Jeannette McGregor, Marian Lee, John Walsh, Jon Jureidini and Nayia Cominos for interview data.
5For transcription conventions, see 3.
6For transcription conventions, see page 3.
7Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an infection caused by a strain of staph bacteria. It is resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat ordinary staph infections.
8Pseudonyms are used in all transcripts and descriptions throughout the chapter.
9For transcription conventions, see page 3.
10‘Sanjay’ turns out to be Doctor Sindarmana, the neurology registrar who examines this patient in Ward M during the morning.
11Pseudonyms are used throughout the chapter.
12All names are pseudonyms.
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