Transcription conventions

(words in parentheses) indicate transcriber’s best guess

( ): empty parentheses indicate inaudible or untranscribable talk

[comments in square brackets]: relevant contextual information

[comments with question mark?]: transcriber’s contextual inference or guess

WORDS IN CAPS: speaker emphasis

Speakers’ false starts/re-starts are indicated by a long dash, e.g.

Nurse 2 Do you want me to – do you want me to run off the nursing list now?

Speaker hesitations are shown by an ellipsis, i.e. three dots …

Simultaneous/concurrent utterances: == before utterances indicates that the speakers spoke at the same time, e.g.

1 Registrar 1 ==No, it’s alright.
2 Junior doctor 2 ==I’ve got the list?
3 Registrar 1 Sorry?
4 Junior doctor 2 I’ve got the nursing list here.

This shows that Registrar 1 and Junior Doctor 2 both started their turns at the same time.

Overlapping utterances: == shows the point at which a second speaker starts talking during another speaker’s turn, e.g.

4 Nurse 1 I’ve got the nursing list here. Do you want me to – do you want me to run off the nursing list to see==if there’s anything more you want to say?
5 Nurse 2 ==Sure, thanks.

This shows that Nurse 2 started her turn when Nurse 1 was saying ‘if there’s’.

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