The properties and durability of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry blocks

A. Chaipanich1,  and P. Chindaprasirt2     1Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand     2Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand


This chapter describes various aspects such as of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry blocks which include the history, utilization, manufacturing process, mechanism, microstructure, characterizations, physical, mechanical, thermal and durability properties. Physical properties section describes the bulk density of autoclaved aerated concrete and the relation to the air voids. The mechanical properties section describes the compressive strength and flexural strength of the autoclaved aerated concrete, the relationships with the physical properties and the hydration products is also discussed. Microstructure section describes the pore size formed and the morphology of the autoclaved aerated concrete microstructure characterized through the use of a scanning electron microscopy. While the other characterization section discusses the phases characterized by means of X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Thermal conductivity is also discussed in the chapter. While the durability section of the chapter describes the freeze-thaw resistance of the autoclaved aerated concrete.


Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC); Portland cement; Manufacturing and mechanism; Physical properties; Mechanical properties; Thermal conductivity; Microstructure; Durability

9.1. Introduction

This chapter describes the different properties and the durability of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry blocks and contains the following sections: the types of lightweight concrete, history, utilization, manufacturing, mechanism of AAC, physical properties, mechanical properties, microstructure, characterizations, thermal conductivity and durability of AAC. The types of lightweight concrete section describes different types of lightweight concrete and the different production process used in making lightweight concrete such as aerated concrete and foam concrete, paying particular attention to AAC. The utilization of AAC as masonry blocks is also mentioned. The mechanism involved in the production of AAC in relation to the pore-forming method used and the hydration of AAC is described in the mechanism section. The physical properties section describes the bulk density of AAC and the relation to the air voids. The mechanical properties section describes the compressive strength and flexural strength of the AAC, the relationships with the physical properties and the hydration products. The microstructure section describes the pore size formed and the morphology of the AAC microstructure characterized through the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) while the other characterization section involved the use of X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Thermal conductivity is also discussed in the chapter. The durability section of the chapter describes the freeze-thaw resistance of the AAC.

9.2. Types of lightweight concrete

Lightweight concrete can be classed according to its unit weight or density, which normally ranges from 320 to 1920 kg/m3, according to the ACI Committee 213 Guide for Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (ACI 213, 2001). There are three different lightweight concrete type divisions in terms of strength range, which are low-density concretes (0.7–2.0 MPa), moderate-strength concretes (7–14 MPa) and structural concretes (17–63 MPa). The density of these concretes is in the range of 300–800 kg/m3, 800–1350 kg/m3 and 1350–≈1920 kg/m3 respectively. The use of lightweight concrete has been used since the early 1900s in the United States, and lightweight concrete has been used in multistory buildings, long span bridges, offshore platforms and large structures (Mindess, Young, & Darwin, 2003). A number of advantages in using low-density lightweight concrete in construction are due to its low density, low thermal conductivity, low shrinkage and high heat resistance, in addition to reduction in dead load, lower haulage cost and faster building rate (Wongkeo, Thongsanitgarn, Pimraksa, & Chaipanich, 2012).
A number of ways can be used to produce lightweight concrete mainly using lightweight aggregate or lightweight matrix. The lightweight aggregate that can be used varies from natural pumice aggregate to man-made sintered aggregate such as sintered fly ash (Mindess et al., 2003). The discussion on lightweight aggregate is out of the scope of this chapter and will not be discussed in further detail. The focus will be maintained on the lightweight cement matrix filled with air, which sometimes is referred to as aerated concrete or foam concrete. The classification of different aerated concrete or foam concrete that can be produced were simplified by Just & Middendorf (2009) to be either AAC or air cured foam concrete. Therefore, generally there are two types of aerated concrete: foam concrete and AAC. The foaming agents that can be used are various kinds of detergents, resin soap, glue resins or proteins such as keratin (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a). The foam can be added by means of mechanical or physical methods as reported by Just & Middendorf (2009). The foams generated mechanically use the method of beating a foaming agent together while the physical method is referred to the addition of the already foamed solution directly in the mixing process. The latter method has been found to produce more regular and stable pores than the former, which generates irregular pores (Just & Middendorf, 2009). This foam concrete is normally air cured. AAC is a class of lightweight concrete that is made by first creating gas bubbles in the fresh concrete and then cured in high-pressure steam curing known as autoclaved. The autoclaved aerated method is generally used in the production of AAC masonry blocks. This is because the aerated concrete, sometimes known as cellular concrete, produced from this method has a uniformly generated cellular structure of air voids in the range of 0.1–1 mm forming in the cement paste or mortars (Mindess et al., 2003).

9.3. Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) history and utilization as masonry blocks

The first commercial production of AAC was in 1923 in Sweden. Since then, it has now been used in more than 40 countries in Europe, America, Australia, the Middle East and the Far East. The modern uses of AAC in the United States began in 1990 for residential and commercial buildings (Masonry magazine, 2008; Kočí, Maděra, & Černý, 2012; Radhi, 2011). AAC masonry blocks can be made as precast building blocks and are used in residential construction, hospitals, office buildings and university accommodations (Hess, Kincl, Amasay, & Wolfe, 2010.). AAC masonry blocks have many advantages in comparison to conventional concrete: lighter weight (typically weigh one-sixth to one-third of conventional concrete), lower building costs and provides thermal and acoustic insulation (Hendry, 2001; Hess et al., 2010; Klingner, 2008). The thermal insulation property of AAC would make buildings more energy efficient as it has been reported in a case study in the United Arab Emirates where the use of AAC was found to reduce energy consumption in the residential sector by about 7% (Radhi, 2011). Due to the high porous structure with 60–70% air, AAC has the ability to dampen the mechanical vibration energy giving its excellent sound insulation, therefore the use of AAC would be very suitable for places like schools, hotels and apartments (Technology Brief, 2010). The design and specifications of AAC masonry blocks is covered by the Masonry Standards Joint Committee code and by ASTM C1386. The standard size of an AAC masonry block is larger compared to the concrete masonry unit (CMU) block; the length of an AAC masonry block is 610 mm compared to the 410 mm length of a CMU block (Hess et al., 2010). Although it is larger in size, it is lighter, so the large size of an AAC block is comparable to a medium-sized CMU block in terms of weight (Hess et al., 2010). A standard block is 50–375 mm thick, 200 mm in height and 610 mm in length (Klingner, 2008). A standard AAC block is shown in Figure 9.1. Overall, due to these desired properties of AAC, especially its lightweight, thermal and acoustic properties, AAC masonry block is an ideal construction material for walls in many residential and office buildings.
Figure 9.1 Examples of a standard AAC block.

9.4. Manufacturing and mechanism of autoclaved aerated concrete

AAC is generally made from quartz-rich sand, lime, cement and aluminum powder (Kurama, Topcu, & Karakurt, 2009). Gypsum and fly ash can also be used in the production of AAC (Klingner, 2008). Aluminum powder is used as an air-entraining (aerating) or pore-forming agent and is the most common agent used (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a). It is based on the reaction of aluminum with the soluble alkalis in the cement to form the small bubbles of hydrogen as in Eqn (8.1) (Mindess et al., 2003). This causes the material to rise in the mold and after curing for 45 min, the products are cut into the required unit size by wires (Technology Brief, 2010).


image (8.1)

Calcium aluminate hydrate (C3AH6) can also be formed with hydrogen gas through the reaction of the aluminum powder with calcium hydroxide, as can be seen in Eqn (8.2) (Kurama et al., 2009). Thereafter, the aerated concrete is then autoclaved for 8–12 h (Technology Brief, 2010).


image (8.2)

Autoclaved high-pressure steam curing is used to improve compressive strength of aerated concrete. The AAC products are ready for use within 24 h (the strength is generally equivalent to 28 days under ambient curing). The structure of C-S-H phases was found to change under high temperature and pressure when subjected to autoclaved curing. In Portland cement, the α-dicalcium silicate hydrate (α-C2SH) is formed instead of an amorphous calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), which resulted in a reduction in strength (Mindess et al., 2003). However, in the presence of silica, α-C2SH is converted to tobermorite (C5S6H5) on continued heating (Mindess et al., 2003; Yazici, 2007). Additional silica may be available through the use of pozzolanic material as supplementary cementitious material. The tobermorite phase has a larger volume of structure than the α-C2SH phase, which causes a decrease in the porosity and consequently an increase in the compressive strength. The formation of tobermorite at high temperature curing would depend on the CaO/SiO2 ratio as well as the temperature as reported by Meller, Kyritsis, & Hall (2009) and Taylor (1997). The typical condition previously used for AAC are in the range of 8–16 h duration and at the pressure in the range of 4–16 MPa (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a; RILEM, 1993).

(C3S+C2S)Portland cementH2OC-S-H+CH+SSilica

image (8.3)


image (8.4)

9.5. Physical properties of autoclaved aerated concrete

The bulk density of bottom ash (BA) cement AAC specimens has been reported by Wongkeo et al. (2012) by comparing the addition of aluminum powder. The bulk density of autoclaved lightweight concrete without BA replacement decreased up to 23.47% when aluminum (Al) was added. Al addition was therefore found to have a significant effect on the bulk density of autoclaved concrete. Moreover, the bulk density of bottom ash AAC compared to Portland cement AAC increased from 2% to 7% when BA was used to replace Portland cement at 10% and 30% respectively. The increase in the bulk density of bottom ash AAC was due to the formation of the tobermorite phase when BA is used.
The volume of permeable voids results of all ternary Portland cement-bottom ash-silica fume AAC has been reported by Wongkeo & Chaipanich (2010). It was found that the volume of permeable voids of all bottom ash (BA) AAC specimens decreased with increased BA content and silica fume (SF) addition due to the reduction of hydrogen gas. The unit weight of BA AAC increased with increased BA content. When SF was added at 2.5% and 5%, the unit weight of BA AAC with SF increased. Therefore, the volume of permeable voids is shown to directly affect the unit weight of all bottom ash AAC.

9.6. Mechanical properties of autoclaved aerated concrete

9.6.1. Compressive strength

It is known that the compressive strength is influenced by a number of factors such as extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The extrinsic factors are the testing and curing conditions while the intrinsic factors involve the mixture, such as the water content, cement and aggregate type used, and their content, as well as the aerated agents used. Porosity as a result is created by these factors involved and directly influenced the compressive strength outcome. Consequently, the product density is found to be directly related to the compressive strength. A reduction in the density by the formation of large micropores is reported to cause a significant drop in the compressive strength (CEB, 1977). The compressive strength is reported to be in the range of 3.9–8.5 MPa when the AAC density is 700 kg/m3 but reduced to 1.3–2.8 MPa when the density is 400 kg/m3 (CEB, 1977; Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a).
Compressive strength of AAC concrete reported by Huang, Ni, Cui, Wang, & Zhu (2012) is 4.0 MPa with a density of 610 kg/m3. While Serhat Baspinar, Demir, Kahraman, & Gorhan (2014) reported compressive strength of AAC in the range of 1.91–5.10 MPa when the density range was 590–780 kg/m3, Albayrak et al. (2007) found the AAC compressive strength in the range of 1.1–5.0 MPa and the density range of 270–500 kg/m3, showing an increase in the strength with density. Although the autoclave conditions used were different for each method used, in general the compressive strength can be seen to reduce with a decrease in the AAC density and there appears to be a direct relationship between the compressive strength of AAC with its density. Table 9.1 summarizes the compressive strength results and autoclaved conditions from previous published works.
The autoclaving method significantly influences the compressive strength where at higher temperature and pressure a stable form of tobermorite is achieved (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a).
The types of cement used will result in different compressive strength (Mindess et al., 2003). Normal Portland cement type I would result in a weaker calcium silicate hydrate (α-C2SH), which resulted in a reduction in strength. But when additional silica is present, α-C2SH is converted to tobermorite (C5S6H5), which increases the compressive strength of AAC (Taylor, 1997; Yazici, 2007). Therefore, the chemical compositions of the amorphous binder used have a significant effect on the compressive strength of AAC.
Figure 9.2 Compressive strength of bottom ash autoclaved aerated concrete. Adapted from Wongkeo et al. (2012).

Table 9.1

Review of compressive strength results

AuthorsCompressive strength (MPa)Density (kg/m3)Condition method
BinderTemperature (°C)Pressure (MPa)Time (h)
Mostafa (2005)1.1–3.0
C, L, AS18312
Albayrak et al. (2007)1.25–3.25270–533Ze2001.512
Huang et al. (2012)4.0610.2C, SCT, BFS, GNA1.358
Keriene et al. (2013)2.24451C, L1760.820
Serhat Baspinaret al. (2014)1.9–3.7590–650C, L, FANA0.48
3.9–5.1740–780C, L, FA, SFNA0.88


C–cement, L–lime, AS–air-cooled slag, Ze–zeolite, SCT–skarn-type copper tailing, BFS–blast furnace slag, G–gypsum, FA–fly ash, SF–silica fume, NA–not available.

The compressive strength of bottom ash AAC with BA at up to 30% was found to increase with increasing BA content (Wongkeo et al., 2012), as shown in Figure 9.2. The increased compressive strength is the result of the tobermorite phase being formed under autoclave conditions where tobermorite was formed at a high temperature (above 100 °C) with CaO/SiO2 in the range between 0.8–1.0 (Meller et al., 2009; Taylor, 1997). The additional silica content was obtained from BA leading to the alteration of CaO/SiO2 ratio, thus achieving the suitable CaO/SiO2 ratio for tobermorite formation. The tobermorite phase has a larger volume of structure than α-C2SH phase, which causes a decrease in porosity and increase in compressive strength when compared to the control Portland cement AAC (Richardson, 2008; Yazici, 2007).
AAC with the use of ternary cement comprising of Portland cement, bottom ash and silica fume has been investigated for compressive strength. It was found that the compressive strength of all bottom ash AAC increased with increased BA and SF content (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010).
Generally the unit weight can be seen to have a direct relationship with that of compressive strength. When SF is added there is a greater pozzolanic reaction which resulted in an increase in the density of bottom ash AAC. Consequently, the early compressive strength of bottom ash AAC with SF was significantly improved. Moreover, when Wongkeo & Chaipanich (2010) compared the compressive strength results of air cured and autoclaved samples, the compressive strength of bottom ash AAC with SF addition and cured in autoclave was found to have higher strength than the corresponding 7 and 14 days air cured bottom ash concrete. The benefit is contributed to the better pozzolanic reaction when autoclaved, which resulted in the tobermorite phases being formed. The 28 day air cured compressive strength was found to be similar to bottom ash AAC being autoclaved for six hours. It was concluded that one of the major factors affecting strength development is the air voids in the concrete.
In general, compressive strength of AAC at 24 h in general can achieve equal strength of normal cured concrete after 28 days (Mindess et al., 2003). Compressive strength of AAC after 8 and 12 h autoclaved reported by Narayanan & Ramamurthy (2000b) were found to be higher than the corresponding concrete mixes when compared to those of moist cured conditions at 28, 90 and 150 days.

9.6.2. Flexural strength

It is reported that the flexural strength of AAC concrete is in the range of 0.15–0.35 (Valore, 1954). However, it would seem that the ratio would vary depending on the materials and conditions of tests. For example, Wongkeo et al. (2012) reported the flexural strength to be in the range of 2.7–3.2 MPa, and the ratio of flexural strength to compressive strength is between 0.24 and 0.27 depending on the mix (whether it is of Portland cement only or if a pozzolan such as bottom ash is used as supplementary cementitious material).

9.7. Microstructure of autoclaved aerated concrete

The microstructure of AAC consists of macropores and micropores and is influenced by the method of pore formation (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a). The pore sizes, those are initially formed from the reaction of aluminum with the cement alkalis, are somewhat larger in size typically in the range of 0.1–1.0 mm (Ioannou, Hamilton, & Hall, 2008; Mindess et al., 2003). The pore sizes created by the chemically reacted agent such as aluminum or the foaming methods are therefore large enough to be visible and easily seen. The formation of macropores is reported to be formed from the aeration process while the micropores appear in the wall of the macropores (Alexanderson, 1979). Petrov & Schlegel (1994) summarized the macropore and micropore size as being greater than 60 μm for the former and 50 nm or less for the latter (Alexanderson, 1979). Macropore sizes of 50–500 μm (0.05–0.5 mm) formed during aeration have also been reported (Alexanderson, 1979).
The microstructure of AAC characterized by the SEM were found to show AAC to consist of these two different types of pores. The large pores as observed and reported by several published works are typically round in shape and can therefore be in the range of 0.05–1.0 mm in size (Alexanderson, 1979; Ionnou et al., 2008; Mindess et al., 2003; Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a). The micropores that form between the walls can be seen in between the hydration products. SEM micrographs also show the shape of such hydration products that are formed after being autoclaved. The more common tobermorite platelets are generally found when there is enough silica in the mix. The microstructure of AAC will also depend on the hydration products formed, which consequently depend largely on the cement types and methods used.
The CaO/SiO2 ratio of 0.83 is the optimum to give 1.1 nm tobermorite (Meller et al., 2009; Richardson, 2008). Portland cement with BA and SF in Bottom ash AAC was found to result in an increase of reactive SiO2 content in the system and favors tobermorite formation (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010). The tobermorite structure being formed would give a denser microstructure to the overall matrix than the poorly crystalline fibrous like C-S-H that would otherwise form in normal Portland cement AAC.

9.8. Characterizations of autoclaved aerated concrete

9.8.1. X-ray diffraction

The main reaction product of AAC has been detected and confirmed by means of an X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to be the tobermorite group (Matsui et al., 2011; Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000b; Wongkeo et al., 2012). The formation of tobermorite would depend on the cement compositions with a suitable amount of silica and the autoclaving condition such as temperature, as reported by Taylor (1997) and Meller et al. (2009).
XRD traces of bottom ash and Portland cement AAC were reported by Wongkeo et al. (2012). Comparison between XRD traces of the bottom ash cement AAC and Portland cement AAC can therefore be observed showing the different phases presented in each concrete. XRD traces of Portland cement and bottom ash cement AAC showed some minor peaks of C3S and C2S, which are dehydrated calcium silicate phases from Portland cement. Moreover, tobermorite (xCaOSiO2.zH2O) can only be seen detected in bottom ash AAC but was not found in Portland cement where Ca(OH)2 and α-C2SH (Ca2SiO4.3H2O) phases were found instead. In addition, the intensity of Ca(OH)2 peaks was found to decrease with increased BA content. This is due to the pozzolanic reaction and the dilution effect.
Other hydrated phases such as ettringite, hydrogarnet and C2SH have also been reported in addition to the CSH, Ca(OH)2 and tobermorite found in cement-sand and cement-fly ash AAC (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000b). Kus and Carlsson (2003) carried out XRD analysis on naturally weathered and artificially weathered AAC and detected phases as the main peaks in the binder (when considering only the binder part) are calcite, anhydrite and tobermorite. The calcite peak is noticed to be increased over time. This is caused by carbonation where Ca(OH)2 is converted to calcium carbonate. Although tobermorite and calcite are generally found in the CaO and SiO2 system, when there is the presence of Al and SO3, other minor phases can also be found such as monosulfate and kaotite (Matsui et al., 2011).

9.8.2. Thermal gravimetric analysis

Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) results of bottom ash cement AAC are plotted as derivative thermogravimatric (DTG) curves in order to identify the detected phases by Wongkeo et al. (2012). The detected phases are calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) at ≈71–86 °C, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) at ≈446–476 °C and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) at ≈697–708 °C. The intensity of C-S-H curves was found to increase with increased BA content. This is due to the increase in the presence of the tobermorite phase formed with increasing BA content, which corresponds to the increased compressive strength of the samples. Moreover, Ca(OH)2 can be seen to reduce with increasing BA content due to the pozzolanic reaction that was used in the reaction to form tobermorite and also due to the dilution effect, where the use of supplementary cementitious materials such as bottom ash was used to replace part of Portland cement.
TGA results of ternary cement AAC concrete of Portland cement-bottom ash-silica fume was reported by Wongkeo & Chaipanich (2010). Results were plotted as derivative showing DTG curves of ternary cement AAC concrete compared with 28 days air cured samples. In ternary cement AAC, the DTG curves showed detection of C-S-H (tobermorite phase), Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 phases. The weight loss of the tobermorite phase was attributed to the dehydration of the loosely bound molecular interlayer water (Alarcon-Ruiz, Platret, Massieu, & Ehrlacher, 2005). It is believed that ettringite and C2ASH8 were not formed in the AAC concrete due to the substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral site of tobermorite (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010). This was reported to have a significant effect in the chemical behavior of cement paste, including the cation and anion exchange behavior, solubility and reactions that would result in the delay of ettringite formation (Shaw, Henderson, & Komanschek, 2000). Furthermore, the formation of C-A-S-H (hydrogarnet) groups would not occur at a temperature below 200 °C but tobermorite would form instead where the tobermorite crystallization would be accelerated and the stability of tobermorite increases when alumina is available (Meller et al., 2009; Mostafa, 2005). The tobermorite phase of autoclaved bottom ash increased with increasing BA content up to 20%. The Ca(OH)2 phase was found to reduce with increasing BA content due to the increase in the pozzolanic reaction of BA and SF and the dilution effect.

9.9. Thermal conductivity of bottom ash cement autoclaved aerated concrete

The thermal conductivity of AAC concrete has a direct relationship with its physical properties. The thermal conductivity of bottom ash cement AAC was reported to increase slightly with bottom ash used as supplementary cementitious material in concrete (Figure 9.3), because the BA content increased the overall unit weight or bulk density of the concrete (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010; Wongkeo et al., 2012). Pore structure of the lightweight aggregates, density of concrete and the cement matrix has an effect on the thermal conductivity of concrete (Corinaldesi et al., 2011; Topcu & Uygunoglu, 2007). Thus, the thermal conductivity of BLWC tended to increase due to the decrease in the volume of permeable voids with increasing BA content (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010). Albayrak et al. (2007) reported that the compressive strength and the thermal conductivity of AAC concrete are reduced with the decrease in bulk density. Albayrak et al. (2007) found the thermal conductivity of AAC in the range of 1.1–5.0 MPa and the density range of 270–500 kg/m3, showing an increase in the strength with density. Several other researchers (Blanco, Garcia, Mateos, & Ayala, 2000; Demirboga, 2003, 2007; Demirboga & Gul, 2003) also reported that the decrease in thermal conductivity is related to the reduction in the concrete density. Jerman, Keppert, Vyborny, & Cerny (2013) showed that the thermal conductivity depends on the density of AAC as well as the moisture content (Figure 9.4), where the increase in moisture content and density leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity is therefore known to increase with the increase in the density of both normal and AAC concrete. The thermal conductivity of AAC can be as low as 0.08 W/m K at 25°C. However, the compressive strength as a consequence is very low (2.05 MPa) (Jerman et al., 2013). When AAC with bottom ash is used as supplementary cementitious material, the thermal conductivity is in the range of 0.58–0.61 W/m K (Wongkeo et al., 2012). On the other hand, when bottom ash is used as aggregate, the thermal conductivity of the AAC concrete is reported to be in between 0.220–0.361 W/m K and was found to reduce with increasing BA content used as sand replacement (Kurama et al., 2009).
Figure 9.3 Thermal conductivity of bottom ash autoclaved aerated concrete. Adapted from Wongkeo et al. (2012).
Figure 9.4 Thermal conductivity of autoclaved aerated concrete as a function of moisture content. Jerman et al. (2013) printed with permission from Elsevier.
The thermal conductivity of all bottom ash AAC concrete with SF was found to be higher than that of a Portland cement control concrete and increased with increasing SF (Wongkeo & Chaipanich, 2010). This is due to the decreasing of the volume of permeable voids and density of microstructure in the cement paste matrix. Small changes in the thermal conductivity of ternary Portland cement-bottom ash-silica fume AAC were reported to be similar within the range of 0.61–0.65 W/m K. Therefore, it is observed that there is a direct relationship between the thermal conductivity and the bulk density of AAC concrete.

9.10. Durability of autoclaved aerated concrete

Since the AAC has voids, which are large due to the formation of the initial reaction for aeration, it is expected to be frost resistant (Mindess et al., 2003). However, the degree of saturation is important for freeze-thaw reactions (Roulet, 1983), as aerated concrete is susceptible to liquid and gas penetration due to its high porosity that may cause damage to the concrete (Narayanan & Ramamurthy, 2000a; RILEM, 1993). The maximum degree of saturation is reported to be in the range of 20–40%. With a higher degree of saturation, the concrete would be become brittle and crack completely (Roulet, 1983).
Jerman et al. (2013) reported the freeze-thaw resistance of AAC using the scaling method where the samples were to undergo 25 and 50 cycles of 8 h freezing at 15 °C and thawing of 8 h at 20 °C. They tested samples at different conditions taking into account the nature of different environments such as dry, 10% moisture and complete saturation. The dry and 10% moisture conditions were tested since it would better fit the realistic environment of building use in comparison to the completely saturated condition. The mass loss and compressive strength loss of samples tested at these conditions are plotted as shown in Figures 9.5 and 9.6. Interestingly, the dry samples show no sign of mass loss or compressive strength loss after 25 cycles. Higher percentages of mass loss were found in the samples with 10% moisture and in capillary water-saturated samples.
On the other hand, results of the dry samples after 50 cycles showed some mass loss (0.36–0.50%) and minor loss in compressive strength (max. at 0.10%). In the samples with 10% moisture content, the mass loss is in the range of 1.3–1.5%, while the loss in compressive strength is higher in P1.8-300 sample (16.3%) but seemed to be acceptable at 6–8% for P2-350 and P4-500 samples. For capillary saturated samples, the loss of compressive strength and mass loss are much more severe after 50 freeze/thaw cycles, especially in P1.8-300 and P2-350 samples where the compressive strength loss is 46.0% and 45.7% respectively. These samples, however, have very low compressive strength initially of 2.05 and 2.24 MPa (Jerman et al., 2013). The P4-500 has compressive strength of 4.0, which suffers lower mass loss of 1.5% and lower compressive strength loss of 16.6%. In both sets of tests at 25 and 50 cycles, the results show that the degree of water saturation has a significant effect on the freeze-thaw resistance of AAC concrete.
Figure 9.5 (a) Mass loss and (b) compressive strength loss of ACC at 25 cycles. Adapted from Jerman et al. (2013).
Figure 9.6 (a) Mass loss and (b) compressive strength loss of ACC at 50 cycles. Adapted from Jerman et al. (2013).
It was concluded that in dry and 10% samples, the freeze-thaw is tolerable in the compressive strength range of 1.8–4.0 MPa (Jerman et al., 2013). This appears to agree with the work by Tikalsky, Pospisil, & MacDonald (2004) in achieving good freeze-thaw resistance providing the moisture content is less than 16% AAC concrete with bulk density in the range of 500–600 kg/m3 and the compressive strength of 1–2 MPa.
Therefore, when considering the freeze-thaw resistance of the AAC concrete, the deciding factors that would significantly affect the AAC performance are the presence of air voids, the degree of saturation and compressive strength.

9.11. Conclusions and future trends

While the focus of this chapter is generally on the properties and durability of AAC, which is a review of past and recent research works on the subject, the future trends involving AAC would largely depend on the application of the AAC and the specification required by the construction industry, as well as those set by the standards. Research will be heavily focused on new science and technology leading to innovative AAC products, taking into account the specification requirement, application, economical and environmental aspects. As such, new technology and new materials should be used in producing AAC. For example, a different and more suitable source of silica could be used, and if it is environmentally friendly and is also economical, the better. That is probably the reason why the research on pozzolanic materials have been so successful and have attracted many interests. New cost-effective production should be looked at also, not least the new materials such as nano-size or new waste and by-products that can benefit the mechanical and durability properties of AAC.

9.12. Sources of further information and advice

Narayanan & Ramamurthy (2000a) have reviewed the works on AAC, which described a number of properties of AAC. Wongkeo and Chaipanich (2010) and Wongkeo et al. (2012) reported the works on the use of pozzolans as binary and ternary blended cements and the results on the mechanical properties of AAC. Concrete by Mindess et al. (2003) is also a useful book to read to give an overall idea of lightweight concrete in general and the classifications of lightweight concrete. Published works by Meller et al. (2009), Taylor (1997) and Richardson (2008) are other useful reading sources on the hydration of calcium silicate and the hydration products at different temperatures and pressure.


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