
Fig. 6.33: Illustration of 3-pixel 1-measurement solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm.

Example 10: When the system of imaging equations is under-determined, use 2-pixel (x1, x2) or 3-pixel (x1, x2, x3) examples to illustrate solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm, respectively.


Let us consider a 2-pixel (x1, x2) case, and there is one measurement. This measurement can be represented as a straight line in the (x1, x2) coordinate system. Any point on the line is a valid solution. The solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm are shown in Figure 6.32, respectively.

In the 3-pixel (x1, x2, x3) case, there can be one measurement or two measurements. If there is one measurement, this measurement can be represented as a plane in the (x1, x2, x3) coordinate system. Any point on the plane is a valid solution. The solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm are shown in Figure 6.33, respectively.


Fig. 6.34: Illustration of 3-pixel 2-measurement solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm.

In the 3-pixel (x1, x2, x3) case, let us consider the case of two measurements. Each measurement can be represented as a plane in the (x1, x2, x3) coordinate system. Two measurements correspond to two planes. These two planes intersect and form a straight line. Any point on the line is a valid solution. The solutions with the minimum l2 norm, l1 norm, and l0 quasi-norm are shown in Figure 6.34, respectively.


The main difference between an analytic image reconstruction algorithm and an iterative image reconstruction algorithm is in image modeling. In an analytic algorithm, the image is assumed to be continuous, and each image pixel is a point. The set of discrete pixels is for display purpose. We can make those display points any way we want. However, in an iterative algorithm, a pixel is an area, which is used to form the projections of the current estimate of the image. The pixel model can significantly affect the quality of the reconstructed image.

Another difference between an analytic image reconstruction algorithm and an iterative image reconstruction algorithm is that the analytic algorithm tries to solve an integral equation, while the iterative algorithm tries to solve a system of linear equations.

A system of linear equations is easier to solve than an integral equation. This allows the linear equations to model more realistic and more complex imaging geometry and imaging physics. In other words, the iterative algorithm can solve a more realistic imaging problem than an analytic algorithm. As a result, the iterative algorithm usually provides a more accurate reconstruction.

Iterative algorithms are used to minimize an objective function. This objective function can effectively incorporate the noise in the measurement. Currently, analytic algorithms control noise by frequency windowing.

The iterative ML-EM and OS-EM algorithms are most popular in emission tomography image reconstruction. They assume Poisson noise statistics. The transmission data counterparts exist.

Even though noise is modeled in the objective function, the reconstructed image is still noisy. There are five methods to control noise.

The first method is to stop the iterative algorithm early, before it converges. This simple method has a drawback that it may result in an image with nonuniform resolution. One remedy is to iterate till convergence and apply a post low-pass filter to suppress the noise.

The second method is to replace the flat, nonoverlapping pixels by smooth, overlapping pixels to represent the image. The method can remove the artificially introduced high frequency components by the flat, non-overlapping pixels in the image. A drawback of using smooth, overlapping pixels is the increased computational complexity. One remedy is to use the traditional flat, nonoverlapping pixels and apply a low-pass filter to backprojected images.

The third method is to model more accurate imaging geometry and physics in the projector/backprojector pair. The aim of this method is to reduce the deterministic discrepancy between the projection model and the measured data.

The fourth method is to use the correct noise model to set up an objective function. The author’s personal belief is that the noise model that is based on the joint probability density function is not very critical. You can have a not-so-accurate noise model (i.e., a not-so-accurate joint probability density function), but you must have the accurate variance. The important part is to incorporate a correct measurement noise variance to weigh the data. It is not as important to worry about whether the noise is strictly Gaussian, strictly Poisson, and so on.

The fifth method is the use of prior knowledge. If the projection data do not carry enough information about the object, due partially to insufficient measurements and partially to noise, prior knowledge about the object can supplement more information about the object and make the iterative algorithm more stable. Be careful that if the prior knowledge is not really true, it can mislead the algorithm to converge to a wrong image.

The readers are expected to understand how the system of imaging equations is set up and how the iterative ML-EM algorithm works in this chapter.


Problem 6.1Some iterative algorithms, for example, the ART and OS-EM algorithms, update the image very frequently. For those algorithms, the processing order of the data subsets is important. In this problem, we use the ART algorithm to graphically solve a system of linear equations {L1, L2, L3, L4} with two variables as shown in the figure below. The initial estimated solution is X0. Solve the system with two different orders: (a) L1L2L3L4 and (b) L1L3L2L4, respectively. Compare their performance in terms of convergence rate.
Problem 6.2The iterative ML-EM algorithm xj(k+1)=xj(k)(ΣiaijpiΣjaijxj(k)Σiaij)h. or the iterative OS-EM algorithm, has many modified versions. One of the versions introduces a new parameter h:
This parameter h usually takes a real value in the interval between 1 and 5. The purpose of using this parameter h is to increase the iteration step size and make the algorithm converge faster. If the parameter h is chosen in the interval between 0 and 1, it reduces the iteration step size. Does this new algorithm satisfy the property of total count conservation as studied in Worked Problem 8 in this chapter? If that property is not satisfied any more, you can always scale the newly updated image with a factor. Find this scaling factor so that the total count is conserved for each iteration.
Problem 6.3The modified algorithm discussed in Problem 6.2 can only be used in emission imaging applications, because the linear equations are weighted by Poisson variance of the emission measurements. One can develop a similar algorithm for the transmission measurements to find the attenuation map of the object as
where the measurements are modeled as Ni = N0ej aij,j. Here, we do not take the logarithm and convert these non-linear equations into linear equations. Instead, we go ahead and solve this system of nonlinear equations Ni = N0ej aij,j directly. Use the Taylor expansion to convert this algorithm to its corresponding additive updating form. Discuss how the parameter h controls the iteration step size, how the nonlinear equations are weighted, and what the weighting quantity is.
Problem 6.4We have learned that in an iterative image reconstruction algorithm the projector should model the imaging system as accurately as possible. For a set of practical data acquired from an actual imaging system, there is a simple way to verify whether the modeling in the projector is accurate enough. This method is described as follows. Run an iterative algorithm to reconstruct the image. After the algorithm is converged, calculate and display the data discrepancy images at every view. A discrepancy image is the difference between the projection of the reconstructed image and the measured projection data, or is the ratio of the projection of the reconstructed image to the measured projection data. If the projector models the imaging system accurately, you do not see the shadow of the object in the discrepancy images and you only see the random noise in the discrepancy images. Verify this method with a computer simulation.
Problem 6.5In Example 7, a bad Bayesian constraint β(x1x2)2 in eq. (6.124) was chosen. Redo Example 7 with a different Bayesian constraint of your choice. For example, you could choose a minimum norm constraint.


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