Appendix A. Design Patterns

In this appendix, we will cover additional design patterns:

  • Auxiliary classes and functions
  • Action patterns
  • Runtime data patterns

Auxiliary classes and functions

The following are auxiliary classes and functions' design patterns that provide additional functionality (not included within the main chapters):

  • AssertResult: This design pattern checks whether the result triggers a predefined action:
    Function ASSERT_RESULT(ByVal iResult)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    ASSERT_RESULT
        ' Purpose    :    Checks if the result triggers a predefined action
        ' Args        :    ByVal iResult
        ' Returns    :    The value of iResult (unless the run session is 
        '                terminated)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ASSERT_RESULT = CLng(iResult)
        If CLng(iResult) <> CLng(micPass) Then
            Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "ASSERT_RESULT", "The action stopped by ASSERT_RESULT"
            Execute(Environment("ON_FAILURE") & "(" & CStr(CLng(iResult)) & ")")
        End If    
    End Function
  • InfoClassInstance: This design pattern prints a log message relating to the instance of an object:
    Function InfoClassInstance(ByVal p, ByVal msg)    
        'Description:    Prints a log message relating to an object
        'Arguments    :
        '                p - a reference to the instance
        '                msg - a string
        'Usage        :    For example, in a Sub Class_Initialize within a Class
        '                InfoClassInstance(me, "Loaded successfully")
        'Changes Log:
        Print C_OBJ_OF_CLASS_MSG & typename(p) & msg & " at " & Timestamp()
    End Function
  • GetClassInstance: The following design pattern returns an instance of a specific class:
    Function GetClassInstance(oInst, ByVal sClass)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    GetClassInstance
        ' Purpose    :    Returns an instance of the specified Class
        ' Args        :    byRef oInst (output variable to return the instance)
        '                ByVal sClass (name of requested Class)
        ' Returns    :    0 (success), 1 (failure)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        GetClassInstance = 0
        On Error Resume Next
        Execute "Set oInst = new " & sClass
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            Set oInst = Nothing
            GetClassInstance = 1
            reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "GetClassInstance", "Failed to create an instance of '" & sClass & "'"    
        End If
    End Function
  • GetIterations: This design pattern returns with a list of iterations for an array:
    Function GetIterations(ByVal sIterations)
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    GetIterations
        ' Purpose    :    Get array with list of iterations
        ' Args        :     ByVal sIterations - A comma and hyphen separated 
        '                    string list with numbers of iterations to be run
        ' Returns    :     A System.Collections.ArrayList
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Usage        :    Set DotNetArray = GetIterations("1,3,7-9,15-22")
        '                Print DotNetArray.Count
        '                For each item in DotNetArray
        '                    Print item
        '                Next
        ' ------------------------------------------------------------------
        Dim arrRange, min, max, i, j        
        Dim arrIterations    : Set arrIterations = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
        Dim arrTmp            : arrTmp = Split(sIterations, ",")
        'Parse array with iterations
        For i = 0 To Ubound(arrTmp)
            arrRange = Split(arrTmp(i), "-")        
            If UBound(arrRange) = 1 Then '--- If is a Range
                min = arrRange(0)
                max = arrRange(1)    
                If min > max Then
                    Call SwapArgs(min, max)
                End If
                For j = min To max                
                    arrIterations.Add j
            Else '--- A single numeric value
                arrIterations.Add arrTmp(i)
            End If
            '--- Dispose of temporary range array
            Erase arrRange
        '--- Dispose of temporary array
        Erase arrTmp
        '--- Return DotNet array
        Set GetIterations = arrIterations
    End Function
    ' --------------------------------------------------
  • PadNumber: This design pattern pads a number string with zeros:
    Function PadNumber(iNum, ByVal iMax)
        ' --------------------------------------------------------    
        ' Function    :    PadNumber
        ' Purpose    :    Pad a number with zeroes
        ' Args        :    ByRef iNum (the number to be padded)
        '                ByVal iMax (the max value of the range)
        ' Usage        :    PadNumber(3, 100) will return the string "003"
        ' Returns    :    String
        ' --------------------------------------------------------    
        'Validates the arguments - If invalid Then it returns the value as is               
        If (Not IsNumeric(iNum) or Not IsNumeric(iMax)) Then         
            PadNumber = iNum                              
            Exit Function               
        End If                
        If (Abs(iNum) >= Abs(iMax)) Then                              
            PadNumber = iNum                              
            Exit Function               
        End If                
        PadNumber = String(Len(CStr(Abs(iMax)))-Len(CStr(Abs(iNum))), "0") & CStr(Abs(iNum))
    End Function
  • Timestamp: This design pattern returns a time stamped string:
    Function Timestamp()
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        ' Function    :    Timestamp
        ' Purpose    :    Build a timestamp string
        ' Args        :    N/A
        ' Returns    :    String
        ' --------------------------------------------------------
        dim sDate, sTime    
        Timestamp = Year(sDate) & _              
                        PadNumber(Month(sDate), 12) & _      
                        PadNumber(Day(sDate), 31) & "_" & _     
                        PadNumber(Hour(sTime),24) & _           
                        PadNumber(Minute(sTime), 60) & _        
                        PadNumber(Second(sTime), 60)
    End Function
  • CNum: This design pattern returns values based on coalescing operators:
    Class CNum
        Private m_value
        Public Function [=](n)
            value = n
        End Function
        Public Function [++]()
            value = value+1
            [++] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [--]()
            value = value-1
            [--] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [+=](n)
            value = value+n
            [+=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [-=](n)
            value = value-n
            [-=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [*=](n)
            value = value*n
            [*=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [/=](n)
            value = value/n
            [/=] = value
        End Function
        Public Function [=](n)
            value = value
            [=] = value
        End Function
        public default Property Get Value()
            Value = m_value
        End Property
        public Property Let Value(n)
            m_value = n
        End Property
        sub class_initialize()
            value = 0
        End sub
    End Class
  • [As Num]: This design pattern returns a string as a number:
    Function [As Num](n)
        Set [As Num] = new CNum
        If isnumeric(n) Then [As Num].Value = n
    End Function
  • [++]: This design pattern returns an incremented string number value:
    Function [++](n)
        Dim i
        Set i = [As Num](n)
        i.value = n
        [++] = i
    End Function
  • [--]: This design pattern returns a decremented string number value:
        Dim i
        Set i = [As Num](n)
        i.value = n
        [--] = i
    End Function
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