Registering a method to all classes

In some cases, we may need to customize a method that is common to all TO classes, or at least to all references to a particular environment, such as the Web or Java. For example, suppose we need to customize the Click method and register all Web TO classes. To write a statement for each class is quite tedious, and it may be an error-prone practice. For example:

RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Click", "AQTP_Click"
RegisterUserFunc "WebButton", "Click", "AQTP_Click"
RegisterUserFunc "WebRadiobutton", "Click", "AQTP_Click"

If the new implemented method needs to be registered to all classes of all environments, then it becomes impractical and undesirable to maintain this via code. We can manage such custom function registrations better by using a data-driven approach.

Getting ready

You can use the FR_RegFunc.vbs function library as in the Overriding a Test Object method recipe.

How to do it...

Perform the following steps:

  1. In the function library, we will write the following code:
    Function LoadTOEnvironments()        
            Set QTP_TO_ENVS = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")        
            QTP_TO_ENVS("Java") =     Array(    "JavaButton", _
                                            "JavaCalendar", _
                                            "JavaCheckBox", _
                                            "JavaDialog", _
                                            "JavaEdit", _
                                            "JavaExpandBar", _
                                            "JavaInternalFrame", _
                                            "JavaLink", _
                                            "JavaList", _
                                            "JavaMenu", _
                                            "JavaObject", _
                                            "JavaRadioButton", _
                                            "JavaSlider", _
                                            "JavaSpin", _
                                            "JavaStaticText", _
                                            "JavaTab", _
                                            "JavaTable", _
                                            "JavaToolbar", _
                                            "JavaTree", _
            QTP_TO_ENVS("Web") =     Array(  "Browser", _
                                            "Frame", _
                                            "Image", _
                                            "Link", _
                                            "Page", _
                                            "ViewLink", _
                                            "WebArea", _
                                            "WebButton", _
                                            "WebCheckBox", _
                                            "WebEdit", _
                                            "WebElement", _
                                            "WebFile", _
                                            "WebList", _
                                            "WebRadioGroup", _
                                            "WebTable", _
            QTP_TO_ENVS("StdWin") =     Array(  "Desktop", _
                                                "Dialog", _
                                                "Static", _
                                                "SystemUtil", _
                                                "WinButton", _
                                                "WinCheckBox", _
                                                "WinComboBox", _
                                                "Window", _
                                                "WinEdit", _
                                                "WinEditor", _
                                                "WinList", _
                                                "WinListView", _
                                                "WinMenu", _
                                                "WinObject", _
                                                "WinRadioButton", _
                                                "WinScrollBar", _
                                                "WinSpin", _
                                                "WinStatusBar", _
                                                "WinTab", _
                                                "WinToolbar", _
    End function
    Public Function ValidateTOClasses(ByVal strAddIn, ByRef arrTOClasses)
        If IsArray(arrTOClasses) Then
            If UBound(arrTOClasses) = -1 Then
                'Empty Array, so assign default (all)
                arrTOClasses = QTP_TO_ENVS(strAddIn)
            End If
            'Not an Array, so assign default (all)
            arrTOClasses = QTP_TO_ENVS(strAddIn)
        End If
    End Function
    Function RegisterUserFuncEx(ByVal strAddIn, ByVal arrTOClasses, ByVal strOverriddenMethod, ByVal strNewMethod)
            Dim ix
            Call ValidateTOClasses(strAddIn, arrTOClasses)
            If IsEmpty(strOverriddenMethod) Or Trim(strOverriddenMethod) = "" Then strOverriddenMethod = strNewMethod
            For ix = 0 To UBound(arrTOClasses)
                If Left(arrTOClasses(ix), 1) <> "-" Then
                    Call RegisterUserFunction(arrTOClasses(ix), strOverriddenMethod, strNewMethod)
                    Print "Char '-' found at left position 1. Skipped registration of function" & strNewMethod & " to method " & strOverriddenMethod & " in class " & strTOClass
                End If
    End Function
    Function UnregisterUserFuncEx(ByVal strAddIn, ByVal arrTOClasses, ByVal strOverriddenMethod)
        Dim ix
        Call ValidateTOClasses(strAddIn, arrTOClasses)    
        If IsEmpty(strOverriddenMethod) Or Trim(strOverriddenMethod) = "" Then strOverriddenMethod = strNewMethod
        For ix = 0 To UBound(arrTOClasses)
            If Left(arrTOClasses(ix), 1) <> "-" Then
                Call UnregisterUserFunc(arrTOClasses(ix), strOverriddenMethod)
                Print "Char '-' found at left position 1. Skipped unregistering method " & strOverriddenMethod & " in class " & strTOClass
            End If
    End function

    We will also add a custom function to override the Click method:

    Function FR_Click(obj)
        Print "This is my custom Click function"
    End Function
  2. In Action, write the following code:
    'Load the global dictionary with each environment’s classes
    call LoadTOEnvironments()
    'Register the overriding method to all classes in StdWin env
    call RegisterUserFuncEx("StdWin", array(), "click", "FR_Click")
    'Register the overriding method to the WinEdit class
    RegisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "Set", "FR_WinEdit_Set"
    'Try to set the Agent Name field in the FR Login dialog
    Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name").Set "mercury"
    'Unregister the overriding method
    UnregisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "Set"
    call UnregisterUserFuncEx("StdWin", array(), "click")

In the output pane, you will notice that the printed script is This is my custom Click function, which is a line we added in our custom version of the Click method.

How it works...

Here, we will skip the parts of the code already explained in the Overriding a Test Object method recipe.

First, we call the LoadTOEnvironments function to get a dictionary object assigned to our QTP_TO_ENVS global variable, which will store for us a key for each environment we defined, each pointing to an array with a list of all the classes within that environment.

Then, we call the RegisterUserFuncEx function (our custom version of RegisterUserFunc) seeking to register the FR_Click function in the Click method for all classes (hence the empty array is passed) within the StdWin environment.

The ValidateTOClasses function checks whether the argument passed to the RegisterUserFuncEx function is an array or an empty array. In such a case, the function registers the custom method to all classes listed in the QTP_TO_ENVS(strAddIn) array. If a hyphen (-) is added to the left of the class name, then the method will not be registered to that particular class (and eventually, of course, will not be unregistered at all).

The flow is otherwise the same as in the previous recipe, but when the OK button of the pop-up dialog is clicked, UFT reroutes the call to our registered FR_Click function, and hence, the custom output (as mentioned in the previous section). In a way, we can say that our custom function is actually a delegate of the native method.

At the end of the script, we unregister the custom function from all classes in the environment (in this case, StdWin).

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