Uploading a file using FTP

In a previous recipe, we have seen how to download a file using XMLHttp. Here we will see how to upload a file to a web server using the FTP protocol.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library FTP.vbs. Make sure the library is associated to the test. In order to use the code given in this recipe, you must have an FTP user account on a server. To understand this recipe, you should be familiar with FTP protocol and the command line.

How to do it...

In the function library, we will put the following code.

  1. First we will define the following constants for better readability and reusability:
    const C_FSO="Scripting.FileSystemObject"
    const C_SHELL="WScript.Shell"
    const C_ASCII="ascii", C_BIN="binary"
    const C_FTP_CMD="%comspec% /c FTP -n -s:"
    const C_SYNC_TIME=5000
    const C_TEMP="%TEMP%"
    const C_OPENASDEFAULT=-2
    const C_FAIL_IFNOT_EXIST=0
    const C_FORREADING=1
    const C_FORWRITING=2
    const C_QUIT="quit"
    const C_PROMPT="prompt n"
    const C_PUT_OP="put "
    const C_CD_OP="cd "
    const C_FILE_TRANSFER_OK="226-File successfully transferred"
    const C_FILE_NOT_FOUND="File not found"
    const C_CANNOT_LOGIN="Cannot log in"
    const C_UNKNOWN_ERROR="Unknown error"
    const C_USER="USER "
    const C_REDIRECT=" > "
    const C_ERR_STR="Error: "
  2. Next, we will define our FTP class with the following fields, which will be used to store the data needed for the FTP operation:
    class FTP
         private m_oFSO
         private m_oScriptShell
        private m_sLocalFile
        private m_sPassword
        private m_sRemotePath
        private m_sResultsTmpFilename
        private m_sScriptTmpFilename
        private m_sSite
        private m_sTType
        private m_sUsername
  3. We will then initialize our class upon instantiation with a FileSystemObject to handle files and a WScript.Shell object to handle commands:
    private sub class_initialize
              'default transfer type - binary
        end sub
  4. We will take care of disposing of the same objects at the time the object is destroyed:
    private sub class_terminate
        end sub
  5. Then we will initialize the object with our FTP account connection and login information:
    function init(sSite, sUsername, sPassword)
            Username=C_USER & sUsername
        end function
  6. Next, upload the local file with the following method:
    function uploadFile(sLocalFile, sRemotePath, sTType)
            LocalFile=C_PUT_OP & sLocalFile
             RemotePath=C_CD_OP & sRemotePath
    'Run the FTP command through the command line
    'we use the WScript.Shell object to run the FTP command
    'through the command line, in which the –n switch
    'suppresses auto-login upon initial connection and the –s:
    'switch takes the path of the temporary script file we 
    'created as parameter. The commands contained in such a 
    'file run automatically after FTP starts. The > operator
    'redirects the FTP verbose output to our temporary results 
    'file. The last parameter is set to TRUE and it indicates 
    'whether to wait until the FTP program finishes.
    ScriptShell.Run C_FTP_CMD & ScriptTmpFilename & " " & Site & C_REDIRECT & ResultsTmpFilename, 0, TRUE
            Wait 0, C_SYNC_TIME
            if FSO.FileExists(ScriptTmpFilename) then
            end if
        end function
  7. Check the results of the transfer, which are stored in ResultsTmpFile with the following method:
    function checkResults()
            dim fFTPResults, sResults
            'Check results of transfer.
            Set fFTPResults = FSO.OpenTextFile(ResultsTmpFilename, C_FORREADING, C_FAIL_IFNOT_EXIST, C_OPENASDEFAULT)
            if not fFTPResults.AtEndOfStream then
                sResults = fFTPResults.ReadAll
            end if
            if FSO.FileExists(ResultsTmpFilename) then
            end if
            If InStr(sResults, C_FILE_TRANSFER_OK) > 0 Then
              checkResults = micPass
            ElseIf InStr(sResults, C_FILE_NOT_FOUND) > 0 Then
              checkResults = micFail 
            ElseIf InStr(sResults, C_CANNOT_LOGIN) > 0 Then
              checkResults = micFail
              checkResults = micFail '"Error: Unknown."
            End If
            reporter.ReportEvent checkResults, typename(me) & ".uploadFile", sResults
        end function
  8. The CreateFTPScript() function creates the FTP script from the input file fFTPScript:
    function createFTPScript()
            dim fFTPScript        'As file
            dim sFTPScript        'As string
            dim sFTPTempPath    'As string
            dim sFTPTempFile    'As string
            'Input file for ftp command
            sFTPScript=join(array(Username, Password, RemotePath, TType, C_PROMPT, LocalFile, C_QUIT, C_QUIT, C_QUIT), vbNewLine)
            sFTPTempPath = ScriptShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(C_TEMP)
            ScriptTmpFilename = sFTPTempPath & "" & FSO.GetTempName
            ResultsTmpFilename = sFTPTempPath & "" & FSO.GetTempName
            'Write the input file for the ftp command to a temporary file.
            Set fFTPScript = FSO.CreateTextFile(ScriptTmpFilename, True)
            Set fFTPScript = Nothing
        end function
  9. Add the following properties as accessors to the fields:
    public property get FSO()
            set FSO=m_oFSO
        end property
        public property let FSO(oFSO)
            set m_oFSO=oFSO
        end property
        public property get LocalFile()
        end property
        public property let LocalFile(sLocalFile)
        end property
        public property get Password()
        end property
        public property let Password(sPassword)
        end property
        public property get RemotePath()
        end property
        public property let RemotePath(sRemotePath)
        end property
        public property get ResultsTmpFilename()
        end property
        public property let ResultsTmpFilename(sResultsTmpFilename)
        end property
        public property get ScriptTmpFilename()
        end property
        public property let ScriptTmpFilename(sScriptTmpFilename)
        end property
        public property get ScriptShell()
            set ScriptShell=m_oScriptShell
        end property
        public property let ScriptShell(oScriptShell)
            set m_oScriptShell=oScriptShell
        end property
        public property get Site()
        end property
        public property let Site(sSite)
        end property
        public property get TType()
        end property
        public property let TType(sTType)        
            select case lcase(sTType)
                 case C_ASCII, C_BIN
                 case else
            end select
        end property
        public property get Username()
        end property
        public property let Username(sUsername)
        end property
    end class

    The GetFTP method is used as a constructor for the FTP object:

    function getFTP(sSite, sUsername, sPassword)
        dim oFTP
        on error resume next
        set oFTP=new FTP
         call oFTP.init(sSite, sUsername, sPassword)
         if err.number<>0 then set oFTP=nothing
         set getFTP=oFTP
    end function
  10. Finally, in Action1, we will invoke the FTP upload function with the following code, which creates an FTP custom object (based on our class) and uploads the file.
    dim sSite, sUsername, sPassword, sLocalFile, sRemotePath
    sLocalFile="mylocalpathname" & "mylocalfile.txt"
    set oFTP=getFTP(sSite, sUsername, sPassword)
    if not oFTP is nothing then
        call oFTP.uploadFile(sLocalFile, sRemotePath, "")
        set OFTP=nothing
        reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "FTP.uploadFile", "Could not create FTP object."
    end if

How it works...

First, we define the five variables required by the FTP protocol:

  • strSite: This is the URL of our FTP server
  • strUsername: This is the name of our FTP account
  • strPassword: This is the password for our FTP account
  • strLocalFile: This is the file to be uploaded
  • strRemotePath: This is the path on our FTP account in which we put our file

We then retrieve an instance of our FTP class by calling the getFTP method with three arguments, namely, strSite, strUsername, and strPassword. A check is performed to verify that a valid object was returned, and then the uploadFile method is called with two arguments, strLocalFile and strRemotePath.

In the uploadFile method, we use these arguments to build a string with the FTP commands required to perform the upload operation. The transfer type is validated (ASCII or binary) in the TType property, with binary as the default type. A call to createFTPScript writes this string to a temporary file, which then serves as input script for the FTP command. We also create a temporary filename to store the results of the upload operation.

Next, we use the WScript.Shell object to run the FTP command through the command line, in which the –n switch suppresses auto login upon initial connection, and the –s switch takes the path of the temporary script file that we created as parameter. The commands contained in such a file run automatically after FTP starts. The > operator redirects the FTP verbose output to our temporary results file. The last parameter is set to TRUE, and it indicates whether to wait until the FTP program finishes or not. After it does, we call checkResults() to read the contents of the output file and return whether our upload was successful or not according to the status returned by FTP, which is written to the file.

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