Using a global dictionary for recovery

A powerful technique to implement the direct invocation of a recovery procedure makes an ingenious use of a global (public) Dictionary object. The method involves the use of command wrappers, function pointers, and callback functions. If you are not familiar with such object-oriented design patterns and concepts, then it is recommended that you first read Chapter 7, Using Classes, where some basic concepts are outlined.

The idea of using a dictionary to implement function pointers was first raised in an article published on back in 2007. A Dictionary object is capable of storing data of any type, including objects and even other Dictionary objects, thus serving as a tree-like structure. It occurred to us that we might exploit this idea to store executable objects, which would run their code upon accessing their associated (hashed) keys. An executable object in VBScript can be built using the command wrapper design pattern, which encapsulates a process (function or subroutine) using a class. Another less elegant, yet effective way of building this feature is by means of storing references to functions using the GetRef method. So, in the event of an unexpected error, we may take advantage of such a data structure by means of mapping handling procedures to error numbers. The result is a hash table that stores the instructions of what to do in every case. It is also possible to store by the same method, procedures associated with unexpected events, which are not errors, such as the detection of a pop-up dialog. The advantages of this solution are obvious:

  • It reduces the amount of code dedicated to reroute the test flow in case an error or any other unexpected event occurs.
  • It provides a highly maintainable and clear way of handling exceptions and flow branching.
  • It provides direct access to the event handler, instead of having to recur to ordinary function calls. All you have to do is retrieve the value associated with a key (the error or event), and the code is automatically executed.

The performance of such a mechanism outplays the ordinary recovery scenario procedures, as it is invoked Just-in-Time (JIT) without putting any burden on the machine's resources.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library…, or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library GlobalDic_Func.vbs.

How to do it...

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. In the function library, we will write the following code to implement the EventHandlerManager class, which will be loaded at the start of a run session:
    Dim oEventHandlerManager
    Function createEventHandlerManager()
        If not lcase(typename(oEventHandlerManager)) = "eventHandlerManager" Then
            Set oEventHandlerManager=new EventHandlerManager
        End If    
    End Function
    Function disposeEventHandlerManager()
        Set oEventHandlerManager=nothing
    End Function
    Class EventHandlerManager
        Public m_DicEvents
        Function Run(sEvent)        
        End Function
        Function mapHandlerToEvent(sEvent, sHandler)
            Events.Add sEvent, getHandler(sHandler)
        End Function
        Function getHandler(sHandler)
            Dim oHandler
            On error resume next
            Execute "set oHandler=new " & sHandler
            If err.number <> 0 Then
                Set oHandler=nothing
                reporter.ReportEvent micFail, typename(me) & ".getHandler", "Failed to load handler " & sHandler
            End If
            Set getHandler=oHandler
        End Function
        Property get Events()
            set Events=m_DicEvents
        End Property
        Property let Events(oHandlerManager)
            Set m_DicEvents=oHandlerManager
        End Property
        Sub class_initialize
        End Sub
        Sub class_terminate
        End Sub
    End Class
  2. Now, add the following code (it can be in the same function library or a separate one) to implement a specific event handler:
    Class MyHandler
        Public default Function Exec(sEvent)
            reporter.ReportEvent micDone, typename(me), "Handling event " & sEvent
            reporter.ReportEvent micDone, typename(me), "Handled event " & sEvent
        End Function
    End Class

    The event handler MyHandler reports the results and clears the error. For each specific error or event, we will implement such a class and map it using the oEventHandlerManager global object.

  3. Now, we will see how to map our event handler to an event. As an example, we will use error number 9, which is division by zero:
    call oEventHandlerManager.mapHandlerToEvent("9", "MyHandler")
    On error resume next
    err.raise 9

How it works...

We first create a global instance of EventHandlerManager in the global variable oEventHandlerManager. We then use the mapHandlerToEvent method to indicate that we wish to execute the code encapsulated in the Exec method of the MyHandler class. Then we raise an error, and finally, call the Run method of EventHandlerManager with the error number as an argument. Please notice that no if-then-else structure is used, so it actually can work as a kind of implicit try-catch mechanism. You are invited to try it with different errors and EventHandler implementations. For example, such a handler may halt the entire run session, or skip to the next Action iteration or test iteration. At last, we dispose off our EventHandlerManager class (this will be done only at the end of the test run).

The EventHandlerManager class is actually a wrapper to the dictionary. The member field m_DicEvents holds a reference to the dictionary, which stores key-value pairs (in this case, the keys being the error codes or other user-defined events), with the values being references to instances of the corresponding EventHandler classes.

As the Exec method of EventHandler (MyHandler in our example) is defined as the default, we do not need to write Events.item(cstr(sEvent)).Exec(sEvent) in the Run method of EventHandlerManager. It is sufficient to access the key by means of Events.item(cstr(sEvent))(sEvent), and this triggers the default method. In this sense, it works like a function pointer, as mentioned earlier in this chapter.

It is, of course, important to note that in order to make this mechanism work infallibly, all EventHandler classes must follow the same basic structure as exemplified in the previous code with MyHandler. This means, any such class must contain a public default function named Exec.

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