Building a test reporter

We have seen in the previous recipe that Action can accumulate data by adding information to its Details field. The Status field of Action is set from within the code, generally the Run method. Our reporting mechanism leverages the fact that the Actions are objects, and that they will use the native UFT reporter as their target output.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library, or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Save the file as C:AutomationLiblib.Reporter.vbs.

How to do it...

Write the following code in the function library you created:

Function ReportActionStatus(ByRef p)
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    ' Function    :    ReportActionStatus
    ' Purpose    :    Reports an event to the UFT reporter with the data of the referenced Action
    ' Args        :    ByRef p
    ' Returns    :    N/A
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    Reporter.ReportEvent GetNormalizedStatus(p.Status.Value), TypeName(p), p.Details & GetStatusText(p.Status.Value)
End Function

Function GetStatusText(ByVal iStatus)
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    ' Function    :    GetStatusText
    ' Purpose    :    Returns the text associated with a status
    ' Args        :    ByVal iStatus
    ' Returns    :    "success", "failure"
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    Dim sStatus
    Select Case CInt(iStatus)
        Case 0, 2, 4 'micPass, micDone, micInfo
            sStatus = "success"
        Case Else 'micFail, micWarning
            sStatus = "failure"            
    End Select
    GetStatusText = sStatus
End Function

Function GetNormalizedStatus(ByVal iStatus)
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    ' Function    :    GetNormalizedStatus
    ' Purpose    :    Returns the status as 0 or 1
    ' Args        :    ByVal iStatus
    ' Returns    :    0 or 1
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    GetNormalizedStatus = micPass
    If CLng(iStatus) <> CLng(micPass) Then
        GetNormalizedStatus = micFail
    End If
End Function

The main function here is ReportActionStatus, which accepts the reference to an object that is built with the action design pattern and has both Status and Details as public fields.

The GetStatusText function is used to standardize the report message according to the status. The GetNormalizedStatus function limits the status to 0 (success) and 1 (failure), and it is used to standardize the accumulated statuses that can be sent from an Action or other function.

Finally, the PrintReportInfo function is just used to log messages to the UFT Reporter without affecting the results, as shown:

Function PrintReportInfo(ByVal sSender, ByVal sMessage)
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    ' Function    :    PrintReportInfo
    ' Purpose    :    Reports an info event to the UFT reporter and log
    ' Args        :    ByVal sSender
    '                ByVal sMessage
    ' Returns    :    N/A
    ' --------------------------------------------------
    Print sSender & ": " & sMessage
    Reporter.ReportEvent micInfo, sSender, sMessage
End Function

How it works...

The ReportActionStatus function accepts the reference to an Action type object, which implements the design pattern as defined. With this reference, it has access to the public fields of Action, and so it retrieves and formats the data before sending it to the UFT reporter. This way, we make the reporting easier, as Action can just accumulate what it finds and the actual reporting in a single step.

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