Building a test controller

In this recipe, we will see how to build a controller for our test automation framework. As outlined in the previous recipe, the controller will load the list of actions, and for each Action, it will import the corresponding datasheet. For each data-driven iteration, it will initialize the Action and invoke its Run method.

Most often, a controller is implemented as a function. Here, we will implement it as a class. The reason is that, this way, we can instantiate a controller during runtime to support dynamic branching of the test flow.

Getting ready

Create a folder structure, as follows:

  • C:Automation
  • C:AutomationData
  • C:AutomationLib
  • C:AutomationTests
  • C:AutomationConfig
  • C:AutomationResults
  • C:AutomationSolutions

Create a new test and save it as Framework_MasterDriver under the subfolder C:AutomationTests. You can also save the solution under the Solutions subfolder. Under the Data subfolder, create a subfolder named Framework_MasterDriver and create an Excel file named TestScenario.xls.

Create a new function library. From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library…, or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Save the file as cls.Controller.vbs.

An Excel file named TestScenario.xls with a datasheet named Steps is required to be able to use the controller, as shown in the following example:














































For each step that is data driven, the Excel file should include a specific datasheet named by the Action name (the name of the class that implements the action. Refer to the Building a reusable component (action) recipe). If the ITERATIONS parameter is left empty, then the controller will run only one iteration.

For example, for the AddToCart action, a datasheet named AddToCart is required, and we wish to run it three times as shown in the following datasheet example:


My Book 1

My Book 2

My Book 3

It is possible to share datasheets with different actions, by specifying a DATASHEET value that is different from the Action name. If the Action is not data driven, then N/A should be entered.

How to do it...

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. Add the following Environment variables to the test (of course, it would be most efficient to export these to an XML file to allow for reusability for all the tests):
    • DATA_FOLDER with the root path value of the folder in which the automation input data is stored. In our case it will be C:AutomationData.
    • ON_FAILURE with the value of the action to be taken if a problem is found. It is used by the ASSERT_RESULT function. It's possible that the values are ExitTest and ExitAction.
  2. In the controller function library, cls.Controller.vbs, write the following code:
    Const C_STR_TEST_SCENARIO_XLS = "TestScenario.xls"
    Const C_OBJ_OF_CLASS_MSG = "--- Object of Class "
    Const C_OBJ_LOADED_MSG = " was loaded ---"
    Const C_OBJ_UNLOADED_MSG = " was unloaded ---"

    These constants are auxiliary, and they are used to log/report:

    Class Controller
        Public Status
        Public Details
        Function Run(ByVal strTestSetsPathName)    
            ' -------------------------------------------------
            ' Function    :    Run
            ' Purpose    :    Runs the steps (procedures implemented as Command Wrappers)
            ' Args        :     ByVal strTestSetsPathName
            ' Returns    :     0 on success; 1 on failure
            ' -------------------------------------------------
            ' Usage        :    Run("C:AutomationTest_Sets")
            ' Notes        :    1) Uses a Local DataSheet to control the steps flow
            '                2) Uses GetClassInstance
            '                3) Uses CNum
            '                4) Uses ASSERT_RESULT
            '                5) Uses GetIterations
            '                6) Uses PrintReportInfo
            '                7) Uses GetNormalizedStatus
            '                8) Uses Timestamp
            ' -------------------------------------------------
            Const C_STEPS_DATASHEET = "Steps"
            Dim iTestStatus, iStepStatus, iIterationStatus 'Statuses at all levels of flow control
            Dim dt, rowcount 'Datasheet with the steps list
            Dim bExitAction, bExitTest, bRun, iStep, iter, oAction, sActionName 'For the steps and iterations flow control
            Dim arrIterations 'To support iterations
            Dim sFolder, sDatasheet 'For datasheet import
            ' ------------------------------------------------
            ' -------------------------------------------------
            '--- Get the name of the folder from which to import datasheets (same as test)
            sFolder = Environment("TestName")
            '--- Add sheet
            '--- Import steps datasheet
            Call DataTable.ImportSheet(strTestSetsPathName & "" & sFolder &"" & C_STR_TEST_DATA_XLS, C_STEPS_DATASHEET, C_STEPS_DATASHEET)
            Set iTestStatus    = [As Num](0)
            Set dt             = DataTable.GetSheet(C_STEPS_DATASHEET)    
            rowcount        = dt.GetRowCount
            bExitTest        = False
            PrintReportInfo "Test " & Environment("TestName"), "Started at " & Timestamp()

    Until this point we had some initialization commands. Now, comes the main For loop that manages the run session:

    '--- Loop on all steps defined in the datasheet
            For iStep = 1 To rowcount
                bExitAction = False
                sActionName = dt.GetParameter("ACTION_NAME").Value  
                bRun = dt.GetParameter("RUN").Value

    Within the loop, we initialize the flag bExitAction, set the row in the Steps datasheet, and retrieve the name of the current action. We also get the value of the RUN parameter, which is used to check if the current Action is planned for execution.

    '--- Check if the step is planned to be executed
                If CStr(bRun) = "TRUE" Then
                  '--- Get an instance of the sActionName class
                    ASSERT_RESULT(GetClassInstance(oAction, "[" & sActionName & "]"))
                    '--- Reset Step status
                    Set iStepStatus    = [As Num](0)
                    '--- Assign Step id
                    oAction.StepNum = dt.GetParameter("STEP_ID").Value
                    '--- Get datasheet name to import (for data-driven actions)
                    sDatasheet = dt.GetParameter("DATASHEET").Value
                    If Trim(sDatasheet) = "" Then
                        sDatasheet = sActionName
                    End If
                    '--- Check if the Action is data-driven
                    If sDatasheet <> "N/A" Then
                        '--- Import datasheet to local
                        Call DataTable.ImportSheet(strTestSetsPathName & "" & sFolder &"" & C_STR_TEST_DATA_XLS, sDatasheet, Environment("ActionName"))
                        '--- Assign the new sheet to the step
                        Set oAction.dt = DataTable.LocalSheet
                    End If

    This code uses the ASSERT_RESULT function to ensure that the requested Action is valid (that is, the returned object by GetClassInstance is not equal to Nothing). The iStepStatus variable is initialized as a CNum object (a custom class that enables object-oriented operations such as ++, and --), using the [As Num] method, which acts as the CNum constructor. We then assign the current Action its number (or ID) from the STEP_NUM parameter, and if it is a data-driven action, we assign the Action its corresponding datasheet as well.

    '--- Get list of iterations (e.g., "1-3,7,13-17") as System.Collections.ArrayList and sort
                    Set arrIterations = GetIterations(dt.GetParameter
                    '--- Reset iterations status
                    Set iIterationStatus = [As Num](0)
                    '--- Send start Step to the log
                    PrintReportInfo "Step " & oAction.StepNum & " - Action '" & sActionName & "'", "Started at " & Timestamp()

    We then get the list of rows from which the Action will retrieve its input data. The number of items in the list determines the number of iterations in the Action. Take note that the list of rows can include a mix of single rows and ranges separated by commas. Next, we reach the inner For loop that controls the iterations flow for each action.

    This will check if the Action is data driven, and if so, it sets the datasheet row for the current iteration and the Action's Iteration field. Then, it simply invokes the Run method of the Action and gets the status of the iteration.

    Note that we use the On Error Resume Next directive just before invoking the action's Run method, in order to catch any exception and redirect it to ErrorHandler (refer to the Building an event handler recipe):

    '--- Loop for each iteration
                    For Each iter In arrIterations
                        PrintReportInfo "Step " & oAction.StepNum & " – Action '" & sActionName & "’", "Started iteration " & iter & " at " & Timestamp()
                        '--- Check if the Action is data-driven
                        If sDatasheet <> "N/A" Then
                            '--- Set the row that corresponds to the current iteration
                        End If
                        '--- Set the Iteration field of the Action
                        oAction.Iteration = iter
                        ' -------------------------------------              
                          '--- Execute the Action
                        ' -------------------------------------
                        On Error Resume Next '--- Try
                        ' -------------------------------------
                        If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Catch
                        End If
                        On Error Goto 0
                        ' -------------------------------------
                        '--- Get the Action status

    Next, we send the result to the log. The GetNormalizedStatus function accepts an integer and checks if it represents success or failure. It is possible to customize such a function, depending on the requirements of the test automation framework. If the status is a failure, then we check with the Eval statement as to what we should do, as defined in the ON_FAILURE parameter.

    For example, if ExitAction was set, then the next iteration of the Action will not be run, and the controller will attempt to execute the next Action (of course, one must ensure beforehand that the actions are independent). If the test flow cannot be continued, we can set the value of the ON_FAILURE parameter in the datasheet to ExitTest.

      '--- Send iteration result to the log
                        PrintReportInfo "Step " & oAction.StepNum & " - Action '" & sActionName & "'", "Ended iteration " & iter & " at " & Timestamp() & " with status " & GetNormalizedStatus(iIterationStatus)
              '--- Check the status of the iteration
                        If GetNormalizedStatus(iIterationStatus) > 0 Then
                '--- Evaluate if a failure condition occurred
                            Eval("b" & dt.GetParameter("ON_FAILURE") & "=TRUE")
                            '--- Check the Exit flags
                            If bExitAction Then Exit For
                            If bExitTest Then Exit For
                        End If
                    Next '--- Iteration
            '--- Update the Step status with the iteration status
            '--- Send Action result (end) to the log
                    PrintReportInfo "Step " & oAction.StepNum & " - Action '" & sActionName & "'", "Ended at " & Timestamp() & " with status " & GetNormalizedStatus(iStepStatus)
                    '--- Dispose of the oAction object
                    Set oAction = Nothing   

    If the Action is not planned to be executed, it is reported to the results so that the person analyzing them will be aware of this fact. If the Action RUN parameter is empty, then the controller will report that it was undefined.

                ElseIf CStr(bRun) = "FALSE" Then    
                        '--- Send skip Step to the log
                        PrintReportInfo "Step " & dt.GetParameter("STEP_ID").Value & " - Action '" & sActionName & "'", "Not planned to run"                
                    '--- Send no directive for Step to the log
                    PrintReportInfo "Step " & dt.GetParameter("STEP_ID").Value & " - Action '" & sActionName & "'", "Undefined"                
                End If     

    Next, the iTestStatus variable will be updated with the status of the step (Action), which, as previously indicated, stores the accrued status of its iterations.

    The ExitTest flag is checked, and if set, then the main For loop is terminated. The result is sent to the log again and returned by the Run function.

    '--- Update the Test status with the iteration status
                '--- Check the Exit flag
                If bExitTest Then Exit For
            Next '--- Step (Action)    
            '--- Send Test result (end) to the log
            PrintReportInfo "Test " & Environment("TestName"), "Ended at " & Timestamp() & " with status " & GetNormalizedStatus(iTestStatus)
            '--- Return status
            Run = GetNormalizedStatus(iTestStatus)    
        End Function
        ' -----------------------------------------------------
        ' End: Run
        ' -----------------------------------------------------
    End Class
  3. To use the controller, add the following function in the same library:
    Function RunTest()
        Dim oTestRunner
        ASSERT_RESULT(GetClassInstance(oTestRunner, "Controller"))
        RunTest = oController.Run(Environment("DATA_FOLDER"))
    End Function
  4. The RunTest function uses the GetClassInstance function to get an instance of the controller. To use it, just write the following line of code in your test (Action):

    When the RunTest function is invoked, the controller will roll the Actions as described, and its Run method will return the status of the test. Finally, the test will exit and the status will be returned.

How it works...

It is quite evident that a test automation framework implementing such a design for the controller module covers most of the requirements for flow control, error handling, reporting, and data loading.

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