Implementing a generic Iterator

This recipe will describe how to implement a mechanism that is able to execute any operation for objects of any class repeatedly, until a condition is met or until the whole queue of objects is processed. The condition can be any expression that results in a Boolean value.

Getting ready

Create a new function library (for instance, cls.Iterator.vbs), and associate it with your test. In this recipe, we shall use the code from the previous recipe, Implementing function pointers.

How to do it...

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. In the function library, write the following code:
    Class Iterator
        Public Default Function Run(ByRef oCollection, _
                    ByRef ptrFunction, _
                    ByVal dicArgs, _
                    ByVal sExitCondition)
            Dim count, items, ix, str, dicResults
            'Create a Dictionary to store the results for each iteration
            Set dicResults = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            'Get the collection count
            count = oCollection.Count
            'Get the object collection items
            items = oCollection.Items
            'Get the object collection keys
            keys = oCollection.Keys
            ix =  0
            Do While ix < count
                'Check if the exit condition holds true
                If Eval(sExitCondition) Then
                    dicResults(keys(ix)) = "Iteration " & ix+1 & " not performed on object " & keys(ix) & "." & _
                            vbNewLine & "Exit condition '" & sExitCondition & "' holds true. Exiting iterator."
                    Exit Do
                End If
                'This statement performs the process/operation on the current item
                dicResults(keys(ix)) = ptrFunction(items(ix), dicArgs(keys(ix)))
                'Increment the counter
                ix = ix + 1
            'Return Dictionary with the results
            Set Run = dicResults    
        End Function 
     End Class
  2. In Action, write the following code:
    Dim dicObjects
    Dim dicArgs
    Dim pFunc
    Dim iter
    Dim sExitCond
    Dim key, keys
    'Set the instances of the required objects 
    Set iter = New Iterator
    Set dicObjects = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dicArgs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set pFunc = New WebEditSet
    'Assign the string with the end condition 
    sExitCond = "Err.Number <> 0"
    'Add the Test Objects to Dictionary dicObjects  
    dicObjects.Add "MyFirstObject", _ Browser("MyBrowser").Page("MyPage").WebEdit("Edit1")
    dicObjects.Add "MySecondObject", _ Browser("MyBrowser").Page("MyPage").WebEdit("Edit2")
    dicObjects.Add "MyThirdObject", _ Browser("MyBrowser").Page("MyPage").WebEdit("Edit3")
    'Add the strings to be passed as arguments to Dictionary dicArgs 
    dicArgs.Add "MyFirstObject", "One"
    dicArgs.Add "MySecondObject", "Two"
    dicArgs.Add "MyThirdObject", "Three" 
    'Call the iterator default function (as a function pointer) with its arguments
    Call iter(dicObjects, pFunc, dicArgs, sExitCond)
    'Dispose of the objects
    Set dicArgs = Nothing
    Set dicObjects = Nothing
    Set pFunc = Nothing
    Set iter = Nothing


    In our example, we do not store the value returned by the Run method (a dictionary) of Iterator. However, this can be done by assigning it to a variable using Set.

How it works...

The Iterator class has a default Run method, similar to what we have seen in the previous recipes. This method implements a loop that performs the operation defined by pFunctiontion for all objects in the collection defined by dicObjects, or until the exit condition defined by sExitCondition is reached. For each function call, it passes the corresponding argument, as defined in dicArguments (To handle functions accepting multiple arguments, one may simply send an array of values, instead of a single one as done here, and handle them within the target Run method of our custom command wrapper.).

The command wrapper WebEditSet (refer to the previous recipe) accepts as arguments a reference to the Test Object for which we wish to invoke the Set method and a string to be entered to the WebEdit object. So, what is actually going on here? The Iterator class passes to the Run method of WebEditSet the arguments it needs to perform the Set operation. The Iterator class is agnostic of the internals of the called method, except that it expects a return value. In this sense, it is absolutely generic.

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