Implementing a generic Login class

In this recipe, we will see how to implement a generic Login class. The class captures both, the GUI structure and the processes that are common to all applications with regard to their user access module. It is agnostic to the particular object classes, their technologies, and other identification properties. The class shown here implements the command wrapper design pattern, as it encapsulates a process (Login) with the main default method (Run).

Getting ready

You can use the same function library cls.Google.vbs as in the previous recipe Implementing a simple search class, or create a new one (for instance, cls.Login.vbs) and associate it with your test.

How to do it...

  1. In the function library, we will write the following code to define the class Login:
    Class Login
      Private m_wndContainer  'Such as a Browser, Window, SwfWindow
      Private m_wndLoginForm  'Such as a Page, Dialog, SwfWindow
      Private m_txtUsername  'Such as a WebEdit, WinEdit, SwfEdit
      Private m_txtIdField  'Such as a WebEdit, WinEdit, SwfEdit
      Private m_txtPassword  'Such as a WebEdit, WinEdit, SwfEdit
      Private m_chkRemember  'Such as a WebCheckbox, WinCheckbox, SwfCheckbox
      Private m_btnLogin    'Such as a WebEdit, WinEdit, SwfEdit
    End Class

    These fields define the test objects, which are required for any Login class, and the following fields are used to keep runtime data for the report:

      Public  Status  'As Integer
      Public  Info  'As String

    The Run function is defined as a Default method that accepts a Dictionary as argument. This way, we can pass a set of named arguments, some of which are optional, such as timeout.

    Public Default Function Run(ByVal ArgsDic)
        'Check if the timeout parameter was passed, if not assign it 10 seconds
        If Not ArgsDic.Exists("timeout") Then ArgsDic.Add "timeout", 10
        'Check if the client window exists
        If Not me.Container.Exist(ArgsDic("timeout")) Then
          me.Status  = micFail
          me.Info    = "Failed to detect login browser/dialog/window."
          Exit Function
        End If
        'Set the Username
        me.Username.Set ArgsDic("Username")
        'If the login form has an additional mandatory field
        If me.IdField.Exist(ArgsDic("timeout")) And ArgsDic.Exists("IdField") Then 
          me.IdField.Set ArgsDic("IdField")
        End If
        'Set the password
        me.Password.SetSecure ArgsDic("Password")
        'It is a common practice that Login forms have a checkbox to keep the user logged-in if set ON
        If me.Remember.Exist(ArgsDic("timeout")) And ArgsDic.Exists("Remember") Then
          me.Remember.Set ArgsDic("Remember")
        End If
      End Function

    The Run method actually performs the login procedure, setting the username and password, as well as checking or unchecking the Remember Me or Keep me Logged In checkbox according to the argument passed with the ArgsDic dictionary.

    The Initialize method accepts Dictionary just like the Run method. However, in this case, we pass the actual TOs with which we wish to perform the login procedure. This way, we can actually utilize the class for any Login form, whatever the technology used to develop it. We can say that the class is technology agnostic. The parent client dialog/browser/window of the objects is retrieved using the GetTOProperty("parent") statement:

    Function Initialize(ByVal ArgsDic)
        Set m_txtUsername  = ArgsDic("Username")
        Set m_txtIdField  = ArgsDic("IdField")
        Set m_txtPassword  = ArgsDic("Password")
        Set m_btnLogin    = ArgsDic("LoginButton")
        Set m_chkRemember  = ArgsDic("Remember")
        'Get Parents
        Set m_wndLoginForm = me.Username.GetTOProperty("parent")
        Set m_wndContainer = me.LoginForm.GetTOProperty("parent")
      End Function

    In addition, here you can see the following properties used in the class for better readability:

    Property Get Container()
        Set Container = m_wndContainer
      End Property
      Property Get LoginForm()
        Set LoginForm = m_wndLoginForm
      End Property
      Property Get Username()
        Set Username = m_txtUsername
      End Property
      Property Get IdField()
        Set IdField = m_txtIdField
      End Property
      Property Get Password()
        Set Password = m_txtPassword
      End Property  
      Property Get Remember()
        Set Remember = m_chkRemember
      End Property
      Property Get LoginButton()
        Set LoginButton = m_btnLogin
      End Property  
      Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        'TODO: Additional initialization code here
      End Sub
      Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        'TODO: Additional finalization code here
      End Sub

    We will also add a custom function to override the WinEdit and WinEditor Type methods:

    Function WinEditSet(ByRef obj, ByVal str)
      obj.Type str
    End Function

    This way, no matter which technology the textbox belongs to, the Set method will work seamlessly.

  2. To actually test the Login class, write the following code in the Test Action (this time we assume that the Login form was already opened by another procedure):
    Dim ArgsDic, oLogin
    'Register the set method for the WinEdit and WinEditor
    RegisterUserFunc "WinEdit", "WinEditSet", "Set"
    RegisterUserFunc "WinEditor", "WinEditSet", "Set"
    'Create a Dictionary object
    Set ArgsDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'Create a Login object
    Set oLogin = New Login
    'Add the test objects to the Dictionary
    With ArgsDic
      .Add "Username", Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("txtUsername")
      .Add "Password", Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("txtPassword")
      .Add "Remember", Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebCheckbox("chkRemember")
      .Add "LoginButton", Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebButton("btnLogin")
    End With
    'Initialize the Login class
    'Initialize the dictionary to pass the arguments to the login
    With ArgsDic
      .Add "Username", "myuser"
      .Add "Password", "myencriptedpassword"
      .Add "Remember", "OFF"
    End With
    oLogin.Run(ArgsDic) 'or: oLogin(ArgsDic)
    'Report result
    Reporter.ReportEvent oLogin.Status, "Login", "Ended with " & GetStatusText(oLogin.Status) & "." & vbNewLine & oStatus.Info 
    'Dispose of the objects
    Set oLogin = Nothing
    Set ArgsDic = Nothing

How it works...

Here, we will not delve into the parts of the code already explained in the Implementing a simple search class recipe. Let's see what we did in this recipe:

  • We registered the custom function WinEditSet to the WinEdit and WinEditor TO classes using RegisterUserFunc. As discussed previously, this will make every call to the method set to be rerouted to our custom function, resulting in applying the correct method to the Standard Windows text fields.
  • Next, we created the objects we need, a Dictionary object and a Login object.
  • Then, we added the required test objects to Dictionary, and then invoked its Initialize method, passing the Dictionary as the argument.
  • We cleared Dictionary and then added to it the values needed for actually executing the login (Username, Password, and the whether to remember the user or keep logged in checkboxes usually used in Login forms).
  • We called the Run method for the Login class with the newly populated Dictionary.
  • Later, we reported the result by taking the Status and Info public fields from the oLogin object.
  • At the end of the script, we unregistered the custom function from all classes in the environment (StdWin in this case).
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