Implementing a class

In this recipe, you will learn the following:

  • The basic concepts and the syntax required by VBScript to implement a class
  • The different components of a class and interoperation
  • How to implement a type of generic constructor function for VBScript classes
  • How to use a class during runtime

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library…, or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library cls.MyFirstClass.vbs and associate it with your test.

How to do it...

We will build our MyFirstClass class from the ground up. There are several steps one must follow to implement a class; they are follows:

  1. Define the class as follows:
    Class MyFirstClass
  2. Next, we define the class fields. Fields are like regular variables, but encapsulated within the namespace defined by the class. The fields can be private or public. A private field can be accessed only by class members. A public field can be accessed from any block of code. The code is as follows:
    Class MyFirstClass
      Private m_sMyPrivateString
      Private m_oMyPrivateObject
      Public m_iMyPublicInteger
    End Class


    It is a matter of convention to use the prefix m_ for class member fields; and str for string, int for integer, obj for Object, flt for Float, bln for Boolean, chr for Character, lng for Long, and dbl for Double, to distinguish between fields of different data types. For examples of other prefixes to represent additional data types, please refer to sites such as

    Hence, the private fields' m_sMyPrivateString and m_oMyPrivateObject will be accessible only from within the class methods, properties, and subroutines. The public field m_iMyPublicInteger will be accessible from any part of the code that will have a reference to an instance of the MyFirstClass class; and it can also allow partial or full access to private fields, by implementing public properties.


    By default, within a script file, VBScript treats as public identifiers such as function and subroutines and any constant or variable defined with Const and Dim respectively, even if not explicitly defined. When associating function libraries to UFT, one can limit access to specific globally defined identifiers, by preceding them with the keyword Private.

    The same applies to members of a class, function, sub, and property. Class fields must be preceded either by Public or Private; the public scope is not assumed by VBScript, and failing to precede a field identifier with its access scope will result in a syntax error. Remember that, by default, VBScript creates a new variable if the explicit option is used at the script level to force explicit declaration of all variables in that script level.

  3. Next, we define the class properties. A property is a code structure used to selectively provide access to a class' private member fields. Hence, a property is often referred to as a getter (to allow for data retrieval) or setter (to allow for data change).

    A property is a special case in VBScript; it is the only code structure that allows for a duplicate identifier. That is, one can have a Property Get and a Property Let procedure (or Property Set, to be used when the member field actually is meant to store a reference to an instance of another class) with the same identifier. Note that Property Let and Property Set accept a mandatory argument. For example:

    Class MyFirstClass
      Private m_sMyPrivateString
      Private m_oMyPrivateObject
       Public m_iMyPublicInteger
      Property Get MyPrivateString()
        MyPrivateString = m_sMyPrivateString
      End Property
      Property Let MyPrivateString(ByVal str)
        m_sMyPrivateString = str
      End Property
      Property Get MyPrivateObject()
        Set MyPrivateObject = m_oMyPrivateObject
      End Property
      Private Property Set MyPrivateObject(ByRef obj)
        Set m_oMyPrivateObject = obj
      End Property
    End Class

    The public field m_iMyPublicInteger can be accessed from any code block, so defining a getter and setter (as properties are often referred to) for such a field is optional. However, it is a good practice to define fields as private and explicitly provide access through public properties. For fields that are for exclusive use of the class members, one can define the properties as private. In such a case, usually, the setter (Property Let or Property Set) would be defined as private, while the getter (Property Get) would be defined as public. This way, one can prevent other code components from making changes to the internal fields of the class to ensure data integrity and validity.

  4. Define the class methods and subroutines. A method is a function, which is a member of a class. Like fields and properties, methods (as well as subroutines) can be Private or Public. For example:
    Class MyFirstClass
      '… Continued
      Private Function MyPrivateFunction(ByVal str)
        MsgBox TypeName(me) & " – Private Func: " & str
        MyPrivateFunction = 0
      End Function
      Function MyPublicFunction(ByVal str)
        MsgBox TypeName(me) & " – Public Func: " & str
        MyPublicFunction = 0
      End Function
      Sub MyPublicSub(ByVal str)
        MsgBox TypeName(me) & " – Public Sub: " & str
      End Sub
    End Class


    Keep in mind that subroutines do not return a value. Functions by design should not return a value, but they can be implemented as a subroutine. A better way is to, in any case, have a function return a value that tells the caller if it executed properly or not (usually zero (0) for no errors and one (1) for any fault). Recall that a function that is not explicitly assigned a value function and is not explicitly assigned a value, will return empty, which may cause problems if the caller attempts to evaluate the returned value.

  5. Now, we define how to initialize the class when a VBScript object is instantiated:
    Set obj = New MyFirstClass

    The Initialize event takes place at the time the object is created. It is possible to add code that we wish to execute every time an object is created. So, now define the standard private subroutine Class_Initialize, sometimes referred to (albeit only by analogy) as the constructor of the class. If implemented, the code will automatically be executed during the Initialize event. For example, if we add the following code to our class:

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
      MsgBox TypeName(me) & " started"
    End Sub

    Now, every time the Set obj = New MyFirstClass statement is executed, the following message will be displayed:

    How to do it...
  6. Define how to finalize the class. We finalize a class when a VBScript object is disposed of (as follows), or when the script exits the current scope (such as when a local object is disposed when a function returns control to the caller), or a global object is disposed (when UFT ends its run session):
    Set obj = Nothing

    The Finalize event takes place at the time when the object is removed from memory. It is possible to add code that we wish to execute, every time an object is disposed of. If so, then define the standard private subroutine Class_Terminate, sometimes referred to (albeit only by analogy) as the destructor of the class. If implemented, the code will automatically be executed during the Finalize event. For example, if we add the following code to our class:

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
      MsgBox TypeName(me) & " ended"
    End Sub

    Now, every time the Set obj = Nothing statement is executed, the following message will be displayed:

    How to do it...
  7. Invoking (calling) a class method or property is done as follows:
    'Declare variables
    Dim obj, var
    'Calling MyPublicFunction
    'Retrieving the value of m_sMyPrivateString
    var = obj.MyPrivateString
    'Setting the value of m_sMyPrivateString
    obj.MyPrivateString = "My String"

    Note that the usage of the public members is done by using the syntax obj.<method or property name>, where obj is the variable holding the reference to the object of class. The dot operator (.) after the variable identifier provides access to the public members of the class. Private members can be called only by other members of the class, and this is done like any other regular function call.

  8. VBScript supports classes with a default behavior. To utilize this feature, we need to define a single default method or property that will be invoked every time an object of the class is referred to, without specifying which method or property to call. For example, if we define the public method MyPublicFunction as default:
    Public Default Function MyPublicFunction(ByVal str)
      MsgBox TypeName(me) & " – Public Func: " & str
      MyPublicFunction = 0
    End Function

    Now, the following statements would invoke the MyPublicFunction method implicitly:

    Set obj = New MyFirstClass

    This is exactly the same as if we called the MyPublicFunction method explicitly:

    Set obj = New MyFirstClass


    Contrary to the usual standard for such functions, a default method or property must be explicitly defined as public.

  9. Now, we will see how to add a constructor-like function. When using classes stored in function libraries, UFT (know as QTP in previous versions), cannot create an object using the New operator inside a test Action.

    In general, the reason is linked to the fact that UFT uses a wrapper on top of WSH, which actually executes the VBScript (VBS 5.6) code. Therefore, in order to create instances of such a custom class, we need to use a kind of constructor function that will perform the New operation from the proper memory namespace. Add the following generic constructor to your function library:

    Function Constructor(ByVal sClass)
      Dim obj
      On Error Resume Next  
      'Get instance of sClass
      Execute "Set obj = New [" & sClass & "]"
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Set obj = Nothing    
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Constructor", "Failed to create an instance of class '" & sClass & "'."
      End If
      Set Constructor = obj
    End Function

    We will then instantiate the object from the UFT Action, as follows:

    Set obj = Constructor("MyFirstClass")

    Consequently, use the object reference in the same fashion as seen in the previous line of code:


How it works...

As mentioned earlier, using the internal public fields, methods, subroutines, and properties is done using a variable followed by the dot operator and the relevant identifier (for example, the function name).

As to the constructor, it accepts a string with the name of a class as an argument, and attempts to create an instance of the given class. By using the Execute command (which performs any string containing valid VBScript syntax), it tries to set the variable obj with a new reference to an instance of sClass. Hence, we can handle any custom class with this function. If the class cannot be instantiated (for instance, because the string passed to the function is faulty, the function library is not associated to the test, or there is a syntax error in the function library), then an error would arise, which is gracefully handled by using the error-handling mechanism (as described in Chapter 6, Event and Exception Handling), leading to the function returning nothing. Otherwise, the function will return a valid reference to the newly created object.

See also

The following articles at are part of a wider collection, which also discuss classes and code design in depth:

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